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Beauty From Pain

Beauty From Pain


Eight strangers brought together through there own issues. Their issues range from addiction, self-harm, mental instability etc. Through there troubles being faced together it showes that through pain can come beauty.

1,642 readers have visited Beauty From Pain since ShadowedxLove created it.


Everyone has their issues but this group of people have several. They each deal with their own internal turmoil. Sometimes the anger cause by that is directed at themselves or others. These strangers all have something common which is that they differ from what is known as "normal." Some of them are able to seek and get help while others suffer in silence. Then there are those who don't participate in self-harming behavior and direct their aggression at others or other things. Self-harming behavior is not just that of one cutting themselves to this group of friends. They take risks in heavy drinking, drug intake, cutting, anorexia, bulimia, burning, taking higher risks with their lives without regard for their life. This group of friends each suffer from one or even more than one of these or other things. Even so through all their pain and suffering come beauty and hope.


ShadowedxLove|Katherine Preston
Mindfang|Aalina English
Hallowed777|Charlottee Ward

CrownTheEmpire|Xavier Smith
William Brion|Henry Isanus

Toggle Rules

1: Reservations only last 24 hours.
2: Be respectful to each other in OOC.
3: Please try to interact with everyone at some point.
4: This rp is meant to be dark so please be respectul and please do not make humor of it. Humor is allowed in regular posting but no in OOC.
5: If you're not able to post for a while let me know!
6: Have fun!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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Katherine awoke as the rays of sunlight seeped through the cutains on to her face. She sighed as she stood up. She saw the time and she had a bit of time before school started. She grabbed her towel and headed into the bathroom. She had showered and brushed her teeth then walked out with her towel wrapped around her. Katherine walked into her room then picket out and put on her outfit for the day. She put her hair in curls and added a tiny bit of lip gloss. She grabbed her school bag also making sure to grab her phone and put it in her pocket before heading out the door. She made it to school in fifteen minutes tops.

She walked into the building ignoring the disgusted looks she got as she walked. Kat walked towards her locker but was purposefully bumped into by one of the 'popular jocks' making her bag fall out. Some people walked over it making it open and let things fall out. She sighed and rolled her eyes as she bent and gathered her things together. She became more frustrated when some of her things were kicked by those walking making it slide farther from her. Katherine sighed once again trying to continue gather her things.


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Character Portrait: Katherine Preston Character Portrait: Henry Insanus
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Henry saw the jocks pushing that one girl again and was about to leave as he did everyday, but today she dropped her bag. Then people kicked her stuff around. The bag opened up and her stuff spread out on the floor. One pencil rolled across the floor.

For Henry it felt like time slowed to a small silent crawl as the pencil slid towards him. A million ideas popped into his head: bringing her the pencil, running away, walking away, or maybe just stand and she wouldn't notice him. Nobody noticed him anyway unless it was to bug him.

Henry wanted to ignore, to not move, but his ADHD got the better of him, he just couldn't stay in one place for more than a few seconds. He picked up the pencil awkwardly moved toward the girl. He towered above above her feeling uncomfortable. He spread his lips to speak "Y-y-y-yo-yo-you-you" Henry was panting at this point increasingly worried by the second
"Y-ou-re p-p-p-p-p-pen-cil!" his voice had slightly risen, but not to a shout. "HERE!" This time he did shout, but he managed to say the whole word at once.
Henry quickly placed, nearly shoved it, onto her bag. Then Henry ran off.


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Character Portrait: Katherine Preston Character Portrait: Henry Insanus
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Katherine took the pencil gratefully and was about to say her thanks to him when he ran off. She gathered the rest of her things. She adjusted her bag before finally making it to her locker. She noticed the post-its with names on it mainly saying 'Freak' in big letters. All of this was because she forgot to cover up her arms and others saw the scars and new cuts the other day. Now she had to ignore the relentless whispers and snickers about her. Katherine grabbed the things she needed as the late bell rang. She sighed before getting the things she needed and slamming her locker shut causing the post-its to fall off. Katherine walked to her class which took her a few minutes as it was on the other side of the building. She walked into the classroom awkwardly keeping her head down. She knew she was a few minutes late so when the teacher handed her a pink slip she wasn't surprised. Kat took her usual seat in the back of the classroom, away from everyone else.


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Xavier Smith

Xavier swallowed another pain pill, the throbbing in his head slowly dissipating. He couldn’t deal with pain at school, it killed him. After he changed, Xavier grabbed his belongings and trudged towards school. Sometimes he didn’t even know why he bothered with school; after all he was an adult. He made a dramatic raspberry as he entered the building, the noise causing his head to hurt more. Wincing, Xavier made his way to his class. The tardy bell rang before he had a chance to even remotely reach his class, causing the teen to let out a very colorful amount of cussing.

A teacher looked at him, “Get to class, Mr. Smith.”

“Or what, you’ll send me to detention?” He snapped back, rubbing his temple as he entered his classroom. The teacher looked at him with a withering glare of disapproval.

“Xavier, I except better from-” The teacher stopped short, walking over to him, “Are you high?” She asked, searching his face.
All- the time, Ma’am.” He said, drawling out the ‘And’ while giving her a smile. She looked at him.

“Was that a joke?” She demanded.

“No, it was sarcasm,” He huffed, sitting down. The teacher went to her desk, returning to his with a detention slip. Xavier groaned, setting his head on the desk.


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Character Portrait: Charlottee Ward
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Charlottee hummed to herself as she prepared herself for the day, she still had yet to go to school and she knew that there was a possibility that she would be late once again because she was busy playing with her kittens. There was no doubt in her mind that she didn't want to go to school that day. Mostly the reasons were because people were so judgmental and because she wasn't feeling too good. Still her mother insisted that she went to school that day mostly because she couldn't run away from her problems all the time. Her mother came into her room at one point and time just so she could tell her to go and to calm her down when she flipped out about it.

After their usual arguments about not going to and going to school Charlottee finally finished getting dressed, put her messenger bag on and stormed out of her house with a slam of the front door. She hated driving or having someone drive her to school because she didn't live to far away from the school also because it was just easier to walk. So here she was walking to school just to get some exercise and to blow off some steam before she got to school.

Once she arrived at school she hurried into the front door then to her locker, brushing a strand of her brown hair behind her ear she sighed as she took out a large binder. Her eyes darted around the hallway, ignoring the few odd glances that she got from a few popular group of kids. Stepping back from her locker she slammed it shut then went for her class as she ignored the few people the way she use to do when her doctor didn't think of her as a crazy person.

Finally when she got to class she sat down, put her binder on her desk and then tugged on her long sleeves just to cover up the few scars that were on her arms from a while ago. Once she thought no one was looking at her she listened to the teacher and put her elbows on the desk just so she could put her face in the palm of her hands. A soft annoyed sigh escaped her lips, and her usual routine of the day began once again. Same old, same old and nothing was really different.


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Character Portrait: Charlottee Ward Character Portrait: Jace Stridecaster
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Jace blew a puff a smoke from his lips. He was smoking pot with a couple of his friends as he walked to school. He finished smoking as he approached the front. High high started kicking in full gear when he made it to class. Instead of walking in normally he slammed the door open making a loud 'bang'. The teacher along with several other students jumped a bit in surprise and stared at him. He smirked and walked in ignoring the teacher. "You have detention Mr.Stridecaster." the teacher stated to him. He shrugged not caring. He sat down next to a girl he recognized as Charlotte Ward. The teacher continued teaching again when Jace leaned over to her and whispered, "Hey do you know what we're taking notes on?" He asked her not caring about the odd looks his classmates gave him. He had his notebook out and open with a pan but the page blank due to him missing some of class.


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Henry tried to concentrate on class, but today was especially hard because of all the late people. Henry tapped his pencil quickly on his desk bothering everyone around him as usual. Sometimes he felt it would be better if he just faded away to nothingness.


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Character Portrait: Katherine Preston Character Portrait: Jace Stridecaster
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Katherine was attempting to focus on class when the door busted open. She shook her head as she recognized the persoh who walked in as none other than Jace Stridecaster. She knew him around and heard rumors about him but she hasn't ever really talked to him. She sighed and totally forgot about his disturbance under thirty seconds. In her time here she didn't have any friends and she wanted that to change soon at least.


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Character Portrait: Charlottee Ward Character Portrait: Jace Stridecaster
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Charlottee sat there with her face in the palm of her hands until Jace had suddenly walked into the classroom. He made it quite obvious that he didn't care that he had just came into the classroom late and that he now had detention. Personally she didn't care what he did, though, when he sat down next to her she had nothing else to do but to care about what he did because now he was sitting next her and there was a chance that he could keep her from her work. When he began to speak to her she glanced over at him and gently bit her cheek. She had never been too good talking to people because she had a problem with being rejected and didn't want anyone to judge her. "Hey do you know what we're taking notes on?" Pushing some of her dark brown hair over her shoulder she glanced down at her paper in front of her which had a few notes about some kind of science topic that had to do with atom bonds or something like that. She cleared her throat, running a hand nervously through her hair.

Finally she slowly pushed her paper to the edge of the desk for him to see. Leaning a little bit closer to him, "Maybe you should have gotten here earlier because I am not too sure what we are doing." She answered. Her voice was soft, mostly because she didn't want the teacher to her, but it was also because she had never been a real loud talker. "I am pretty sure we are learning something about like Atom bonds or something along those lines. I took a few notes if you want to copy them." She offered with a slight nonchalant shrug. She has never really had a problem giving someone notes to copy as long as it didn't become to much of a habit. That's when she would try to put her foot down.


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Character Portrait: Charlottee Ward Character Portrait: Jace Stridecaster
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Jace smiled at Charlotte when she slid the notes over. "Thanks and I would but I was busy with well...getting high." He chuckled lightly at the last part of his statement. Jace had no problem with admitting the truth about his actions. He wasn't the friendliest of types but from what he's seen and heard of Charlotte Ward she didn't seem like the type to him that would have a problem with what he did or judge him for what he did either. The was what he hated most about people that they could so easily judge a person fot their actions and not for who they really were.


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Character Portrait: Charlottee Ward Character Portrait: Jace Stridecaster
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Charlotte nodded when he thanked her for letting him use her notes. She was about to look away from him when he mentioned that he was too busy getting high. Her head jerked in his direction, surprised that he would tell her something like that. The surprised look on her face quickly turned into a small smile. She would have never guessed that Jace would be the one to use drugs so all she could really think up to ask is, "Really?" By now the teacher kept looking over at them but it seemed as if Charlotte didn't care too much about the teacher looking at them. She mentally kicked herself for asking if he was serious. "I mean- I just didn't think- You don't seem like the person who would get high." Suddenly slightly embarrassed she looked away and bit her lip. Oh gosh she really hoped he didn't think she was judging him, the problem was that sometimes she didn't know when to keep her mouth shut. She wanted to say sorry about her acting like an idiot but she didn't want to seem more like an idiot. Slowly she glanced over at him, hiding her face behind her brown hair a little.


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Character Portrait: Charlottee Ward Character Portrait: Jace Stridecaster
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Jace chuckled lightly as he saw the girls reaction. "Yes really and I actually get that a lot but I do in fact get high and I am high as of right now." He snickered at the end of his sentence. Jace knew he'd probably get high again off of either pills or pot again. It'd be a way to make his detention go faster. "And don't worry its fine what you said I'd be mad if you were judging me." he added truthfully. He hated others looking down upon him because of what he does and how he acts. Jace does not take that ightly and whether he'd be high or not could dictatae whether he'd be violent with the person. "So I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Jace Stridecaster." e lifted his hand to her in a hand shake like manner.


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Xavier wasn’t paying attention to the class; actually he didn’t care at all. Smirking, he looked up, the teacher writing away on the white board. He felt his phone vibrate and began to read the text. A smile slipped on his face as he put his phone away. He looked over to see Jace and Charlotte talking. Both he knew had issues, Jace open about being a drug addict and Charlotte, well Xavier could care less. Having brought nothing but a pencil to school, Xavier leaned back in his desk, tapping away in boredom. A few people tried to shush him, but he just snapped at them and they remained quiet.

The boy stood up, the teacher casting him a glance, “Xavier, please sit down. You already have detention as it is, try not to be any more of a nuisance.”

“Okay,” He said, walking out of the classroom. The pain medication was slowly ebbing away, replaced with a severe migraine. Gritting his teeth, he walked down the hall.

The teacher walked out of the classroom, angry, “Xavier, get back in here right now or I will call Mr. Soots!” Mr. Soots was the schools disciplinary officer, a big, burly bear of a man that enjoyed the fact he could toss children around like a rag doll during fights or other things.

Xavier sighed, looking at the teacher, “Gonna bully an orphan?” He snapped, glaring at the teacher as she hesitated and then walked over to him, enraged.

“I don’t know what the Hell is your problem, Xavier, but you better fix it.” She growled, shoving him back into the classroom. “Sit down and do your work.

“I could sue you,” Xavier warned, although he wanted no interference of law enforcement.

“And I doubt you will, sit down.” She said in a degrading tone, making him feel like a small child. He slunk back into his seat, his eyes shooting anyone that tried to talk to him a withering glare.

“Rot in Hell.” He hissed on the teacher, but she made no notice to his statement.

[[Lets make Xavier annoying! :D]]


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Character Portrait: Charlottee Ward Character Portrait: Jace Stridecaster Character Portrait: Xavier Smith
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Charlotte wasn't too fond of getting high and personally didn't like the idea of people getting high but she refused to judge him just because he gets high. A small smile came to her face, "I don't like to judge people since I have my own problems." She shrugged, glancing around the room then back at him. When he introduced himself she slowly took his hand, shaking it then moving her hand quickly back to her side. "I'm Charlotte Ward, you can call me Carol if you want to though. I mean it's easier." Her voice was soft still.

Her eyes darted up to a boy who was being quite rude when he just decided to stand up and interrupt the class. She watched as it folded out, the boy soon ended up storming out of the class and threatened to sue the teacher. With a soft giggle she rolled her eyes at him, was it even possible for him to sue the teacher? Was he really old enough for that? It shouldn't matter to her though because she could be annoying too some times. When he told the teacher to rot in hell she flinched then sighed. "You don't have to be so rude to her." She commented a bit louder than she usually would even say something. She often wouldn't say anything about what a person said to another but this case was different. At some point and time she would often stick up for someone if she thought it was necessary.


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Character Portrait: Henry Insanus Character Portrait: Xavier Smith
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Henry was sitting right beside Xavier when he had made a spectacle of himself, and now another girl was probably makeing things a little worse. "D-d-d-" was all Henry was able to say.
Panicking Henry got up and started to leave class. "Henry sit down or it's detention for you too!" Yelled out the teacher.
"I-I-...-c-c-ca-CAN'T!" Henry was about to run out the door when suddenly he bumped into a large figure.
Henry was pretty tall, but he was nothing compared to Mr. Soots. Mr. Soots stood at about 6 feet, 6 inches with massive shoulders filling up the door way.
"Trying to skip?" said Mr. Soots with a grin on his face. "I-I-I-I" Henry went right back to his seat tapping his fingure on his desk at a mile a minuet.
"That's detention for Henry. Would anyone else like to join him?" said Mr. Soots looking over the class.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Preston Character Portrait: Henry Insanus Character Portrait: Jace Stridecaster
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Jace watched as the whole situation went down. Suddenly something Mr.Soots said made him snicker. He raised his hand without hesitance. "I would like to Mr.Soots. I was late today so I already have it might as well make it known." Jace chuckled at the end of his sentence. Katherine rolled her eyes at Jace's ridiculous statement. An idea came to mind when she recognized Henry as the one that helped her. She stood up and went over to Henry. "You alright?" She asked as she attempted to help him up. He helped her today so the least she could do was help him. Katherine had detention for being late now she knew she wouldn't be alone at least.


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Character Portrait: Katherine Preston Character Portrait: Henry Insanus Character Portrait: Jace Stridecaster
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Henry flinched a little when Katherine helped him up, but he relaxed a little. "T-th-than-thank-y--y-you," he said. He was slightly less nervous now. He gave her a small smile. "You-y-you're... a-g-g-g-good person," he said to Katherine
"Well then," Mr. Soots continued "I'll see you all in detention for a whole week then." He left that grin still on his face.
"H-h-he's a b-bad p-p-p-person," said Henry.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Preston Character Portrait: Henry Insanus Character Portrait: Jace Stridecaster
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Katherine smiled at him. "Yeah he is and thanks but I think its you who's the good person for helping me." Katherine went back to her seat. Jace chuckled more at Mr.Soots' statement. Jace was content with himself for now but when he would come down from his high he'd feel pretty crappy only to probably get high again. Katherine sighed as she stared out the window wishing for the day to go by faster. The period was almost over and only a few more until lunch but lunch would only be hell.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlottee Ward Character Portrait: Jace Stridecaster
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Charlotte shrugged, looking away and back at her desk when the principle walked into the room. She nibbled on her bottom lip until he asked if anyone wanted detention. Raising her hand slowly she said, "Can I leave the room and skip a next few periods if you give me detention." It was a stupid question, she knew that much by the look Mr.Soots gave her. Standing up slowly she glanced over at Jace, smiling a little before she went to the front of the room. "Take a seat Charlotte," The teacher instructed her gently.

She treated Charlotte like a child and she hated that, "I'm not a child. I can do what I want." She said simply then flinched when the teacher said more firmly for her to sit down. Charlotte looked hurt deeply by this but she then looked at Mr. Soots. She waved a hand, then her hands moved other each other nervously, tugging on her fingers a few times she went to go sit down. She rocked back and forth, looking as though she could just cry right now. There was another thing that was obvious, she was stressing out. She stayed in her seat, getting a sympathetic look from both the principle and the teacher. She hated that so she tugged her knees up to her chest and stared down at her desk. There was nothing she wanted more than to just go home for the day or to run away.


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Character Portrait: Katherine Preston Character Portrait: Henry Insanus
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Henry was extremely happy when the bell to end class rang. He bolted right through the doors. This was stating out as a very full day. First off the girl and her pencil, now detention he wasn't eager for the rest of the day.
Henry got to his locker retrieved his math books, dumped his books from last class then hurried off to math. He was the first to get in class he sat in a desk at the back of the class to the far right.
Henry wondered if the people he got detention with were in his math class he couldn't remember. However he didn't know if he wanted them in this class or not.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Preston Character Portrait: Henry Insanus
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Katherine had sighed for the umpteenth time that day when class ended and she was purposelly bumped into her as they left. She gathered her things from where she sat. Katherine walked into her math class and saw the boy that gave her the pencil that came out of her bag. She also helped him up in her last class. Katherine smiled lightly at him and went to her usual seat in the back. Kat was about to sit when she saw a few stick notes stuck to her desk each saying things like 'ugly freak' and 'cutter. She sighed once again and set her bag down. Kat grabbed the notes quickly as students piled into the classroom and through them away. When she walked away they whispered about her and snickered a bit but she ignored them and sat down.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Preston Character Portrait: Henry Insanus
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Henry saw as everyone was mean to Katherine as usual, snickering and whispering rumours. Henry lifted from his seat trembling he walked to Katherine's desk took one of the notes. He pulled a pencil from his pocket took a deep breath erased the old not on the paper, then wrote. It took him a little bit due to his dyslexia, and it was in capital letters, but he did it all the same. Henry placed the not on the middle of Katherine's desk. He went to sit back down at his desk.
The now read "I DONT THINK SO" in crude letters. Henry felt several stares and a moment of silence before murmuring spread through the whole class.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Preston Character Portrait: Henry Insanus Character Portrait: Charlottee Ward Character Portrait: Jace Stridecaster
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Katherine sat but saw ne sticky note still on her desk. At first she thought she had left one by accident but when she read it she couldn't help but smile. She looked around to try and figure out who wrote it when she saw every staring at Henry. She looked over to him and smiled wider and mouthed a thank you to him. For once someone actually thought of her as more than a freak and this made her happy.

Jace had left the classroom snickering and stood beside Charlotte. "What's your next class?" He asked her. He thought of the possibility of them having the same class together. It had been a while since he had associated with anyone else besides the ones he got high with. It had been even longer since a female had kept his interest this long.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Preston Character Portrait: Henry Insanus
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Henry saw Katherine smile his way. Henry gave a small smile back at her then faced the front of the class to what the teacher was explaining, there was a slightly timid/embarrassed expression on his face. This was the first time in a long time anyone was happy about him being around. Henry decided this was a good day.


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Character Portrait: Charlottee Ward Character Portrait: Jace Stridecaster
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Charlotte thought about his question, they were standing outside of the last period they were in. It took her a few moments to remember what class she was going to next. "Gym," She answered as she looked over at him. "What's your next class?" She asked curiously. She held her books against her chest, wondering if they could possibly have the same class together by some lucky chance. In her next period she didn't talk to people to much and to be honest not one time has she really noticed him in her class, but there was a chance that he was in her next class. The thing was that she rarely ever paid attention to people in her class because they weren't always the nicest to her.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aalina English
Character Portrait: Henry Insanus
Character Portrait: Charlottee Ward
Character Portrait: Ky Narukami


Character Portrait: Ky Narukami
Ky Narukami

Let me be your Hero.

Character Portrait: Charlottee Ward
Charlottee Ward

"Stop! Just stop! You can't help me! What's the point in trying to help me?!"

Character Portrait: Henry Insanus
Henry Insanus

Hi, hi, hi. I-I-I'm Hen-hen-ry

Character Portrait: Aalina English
Aalina English

"You will tell me the truth or I will bash your head into this wall."


Character Portrait: Charlottee Ward
Charlottee Ward

"Stop! Just stop! You can't help me! What's the point in trying to help me?!"

Character Portrait: Aalina English
Aalina English

"You will tell me the truth or I will bash your head into this wall."

Character Portrait: Ky Narukami
Ky Narukami

Let me be your Hero.

Character Portrait: Henry Insanus
Henry Insanus

Hi, hi, hi. I-I-I'm Hen-hen-ry

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Charlottee Ward
Charlottee Ward

"Stop! Just stop! You can't help me! What's the point in trying to help me?!"

Character Portrait: Aalina English
Aalina English

"You will tell me the truth or I will bash your head into this wall."

Character Portrait: Ky Narukami
Ky Narukami

Let me be your Hero.

Character Portrait: Henry Insanus
Henry Insanus

Hi, hi, hi. I-I-I'm Hen-hen-ry

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Most recent OOC posts in Beauty From Pain

Re: Beauty From Pain

Sorry I have been a bit busy. I am working on a post right now.

Re: Beauty From Pain

Hallowed please write something so we can move on.

Re: Beauty From Pain

Should we end class?

Re: Beauty From Pain

Last character is up and I play him but I'd love it if two people can play more than one character. One male one female but if you want to play more than two go right ahead so long as you can handle it.

Re: Beauty From Pain

We need one more male character to start but I'd like to have eight in all even thought thats not needed to start.

Re: Beauty From Pain

Of course you can Hallowed.

Re: Beauty From Pain

Can I reserve a female? Possibly? :D

Re: Beauty From Pain

Of course you can but reservations last only 24 hours.

Re: Beauty From Pain

May I reserve a spot for a female character?

Beauty From Pain

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Beauty From Pain"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.