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BioShock: The Great Chain That Binds Us

BioShock: The Great Chain That Binds Us


Andrew Ryan reminds us that we all make choices, but in the end our choices makes us. But the question is, what choices will you make?

1,843 readers have visited BioShock: The Great Chain That Binds Us since JimmyKnoles created it.


"I am Andrew Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question..."
"Is a man not entitled to the sweat on his brow?"
"'No,' says the man in Washington, 'it belongs to the poor.'"
"'No,' says the man in the Vatican, 'it belongs to God.'"
"'No,' says the man in Moscow, 'it belongs to everyone."
"I rejected those ideals...I chose something different......I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture. A city where the artist would not fear the censor. Where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality. Where the great would not be constrained by the small. And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well."

―Andrew Ryan

The time is early September 1958. Rapture is within its prime, the plasmid business is in full swing, and the newly comissioned Big Daddies that were created to escort the Little Sisters through the city's corridors keep them safe while they gather ADAM, the genetic material that makes up most of Rapture. However there are rumors and civil unrest happening in the streets and that riots and wars could happen soon if the unrest continues. Andrew Ryan continues to hold his iron firsted ideology all over the city, while Frank Fontaine is making a name for himself in plasmamid business, but rumors go of that Fontaine is planning something bigger that could bring Rapture under his control. So what about the citizens caught up in all the unrest, what do they do? Do they follow Ryan and his ideals, or do they follow Fontaine and face the almost certainty that they'll be hanged by a hook in Ryan's private art collection. Humans, Splicers, Big Daddies, Little Sisters all make up Rapture, the idea is for what do you choose to do, and what the outcomes will be

The actual story starts that of one Adrian Turner arriving in Rapture, searching for his family gone missing, specifically his mother and sisters. However since he is one man alone in the underwater city he can't hope to do this alone in finding them. Will the citizens of Rapture help or hinder Turner in his search, and what will come out of it with the threat of civil war almost booming to leak through.

What you can play as in the world of Rapture:
Humans: Simple enough, might indulge in the addicting properties of ADAM to give themselves plasmid powers to protect themselves or carry around a pistol or machine gun for protection as well.

Image Splicers: Splicers were normal citizens of Rapture, before they got spliced up on ADAM. Now to them ADAM is all that matters and they will do anything for their next fix, such as killer hits on other people or doing dirty work in general as long as they satisfy their addiction. Splicers usually are themselves with whatever they can find such as wrenches, pipes, pistols, grenades, and hooks.

The Big Daddies
Image Bouncers: Bouncers are big hulking Big Daddies with an almost ball shape in their bodily appearence, they are equipped with a drill which they use to disembowel the innards of anything that dares harm their Little Sisters. They can also pound the ground with the drill to throw others off balance and they have a nasty charge ram attack as well. Bouncers are very vulnerable to electric attacks and ammo.

Image Rosies: Rosies are more of a long distance attacking Big Daddy then the Bouncers, they are armed with rivet guns that can go right through a human's body. Rosies also use grenades on foes that hide behind cover. Unlike Bouncers electrical attacks and ammos do not stun them as much.

Image Rumblers*: Due to the ineffectiveness of Rosie and especially Bouncer Big Daddies due to increased Splicer attacks on Little Sisters, the Rumblers were comissioned for more heavier firepower, Rumblers utilize a rocket launcher and throw out mini turrets to take out their foes.
Image Alphas: The Alpha Series Big Daddies are considered the first Big Daddies to be created. They utilize both a drill and a rivet gun, however one defect exists within their conditioning. Whenever an Alpha loses a Little Sister, they will go into a coma and eventually die.

The Sisters
Image Little Sisters: Little Sisters are the somwhat creepy glowing yellow eyed girls wandering around Rapture's halls. Their main purpose is to collect ADAM from the corpses(Angels) that often found just lying in the streets. Whenever they extract ADAM they become an easy target for Splicers which Big Daddies are needed to protect them.
Image Big Sisters*: Rumors have been going on that another program is being conducted on girls when they grow older. However it wouldn't be pleasant to encounter one as that big needle doesn't look nice nor the fact they may have the ability to use plasmids.

*: I know Rumblers and Big Sister didn't exist til after BioShock, but I decided to put them in for people if they wanted to use them

For anything you need to know of Rapture, or BioShock in general go to this link

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No godmodding
No killing other characters without permission
Please use realistic pictures for characters or use written descriptions for appearences, please refrain from using anime pictures
Have fun

When creating a character:
Type (If (s)he is a human, splicer, big daddy, etc)
Plasmids (If they have any)
History: (Pretty much how did you come to Rapture, did you arrive into the city or born within it?)
Occupation In Rapture: What do you do basically

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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Tau clutched his abdomen, as copious amounts of blood seeped continuously out of his wounds. His eyes, and vision flickered mutiple times before actually becoming stable. Tau gave a low moan as he touched his visor, leaving a few bloody finger smudges on it. He felt terrible, which was strange, because he hadn't been able to distinguish pain for a very long time. Pain was simply a factor that didn't get included with his every day life now. His muscles screamed with pain. His heart beat raced, it was desprately trying to comphensate for the blood he was losing. Tau managed to stay laying on his side, still trying to stem the blood flowing out of his first stab wound while the second had free reign to bleed.

Tau was slightly disheartened when another train stopped, unloading no one that could help Tau. However when the doors swung open He was aware of a faint red glow on his porthole by another source. With little strength left he managed to glimpse the Big sister standing over him once more. His hopes for death dropped again, once she grabbed his hand, and began to drag him into the train. If one were to look at Tau his face would've looked deathly pale. He made a feeble attempt to ignite a fire-ball in his hand. His genetic mapping screamed 'Fight back!' , but Tau simply had no more left in him.

Tau made a half heartened roar, trying to bring the wrath of the big sister on him. He wanted to die, he didn't want to serve his attacker in any way shape or form. Even if the alternative was death. Soon the train came to a dead stop, they had arrived. The big sister, hauled him out of the train car. Tau's visor color flickered from red to yellow over and over again. He couldn't see much, because blood loss started to result in his vision being shut down, but Tau hoped that his little one had gotten away. He didn't want her in the hands of the big sister.

Though the ultimate question presented itself. Why hasn't that damned thing killed me yet? Tau's inner self managed to whisper in the far reaches of his mind.

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Anyways, Tau and the sisters caught a new train that for some reason was scheduled to go here)

Tyler heard another noise. The power flickered a bit. Tyler went and took out his wrench, fixing the dam camera. Then he heard something in The south Garden. "Ummmm, guys, we have a problem" Tyler said as they saw this huge...splicer...thing, it looked somewhat diffrent then the 1st one. And it just took out 4 other big sisters as well, although it was low on health clearly and was somewht tired. A flamming barrel (filled with what he guessed was wine) flew up to the tunnel behind them all, and sealed the entrance. They were trapped in the Garden with this thing. It looked at them, smelling the ADAM. Tyler took out my shotgun and tools, seeing a broken RPG turret.

Tyler sent my elite RPG bots (WOOT) at it while i went to the RPG turret. There was a second exit behind the thing, but it was in the way. Tyler got the RPG turret working. "We need to kill that thing" Tyler said as he got out a shotgun to shoot at the thing, inserting a very special ammo round...His Excalibur Rounds, a specialized round that releases an electric, flame, and highly explosive on contact rounds that even also allows for a longer range use.

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Julia let a terrible noise fled her mouth "no, no!" she slammed her hands onto the doors she watched her big daddy go away "no!" she cried for what seemed forever then climbed onto a seat and cried some more "big sister hurt him." she cried when she herd a strange noise she looked up there it was her big sister her nightmare. Julia hopped off the seat and ran down the car leaping into another and shutting the car door the big sister pushed it open. "get away from me!" she yelled as she ran to the door and it stopped the train stopped and the doors opened Julia jumped out and ran. The big sister wasn't far behind her she noticed to men up ahead and dove into a bush don't find me don't find me. she looked up there she was again the big sister grabbed Julia's arm and lifted her into the air. She let out a terrible noise that could cause you some ear damage "no! let go I don't want you!" she kicked and screamed and hit the big sister "let go, let go, let go!" Julia wouldn't give in to the big sister. "help! help!" the two men were just around the corner, but they would die wouldn't they this was the big sister, the big sister of all nightmares. julia stabbed her needle into the big sister "let go!" she cried.

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Adrian watched as T-Rex called the RPG security bots as they fired at the giant splicer thing, it didn't seem like the bots weren't having much of an effect on the splcier thing even with how much rpgs the bots fired. Adrian's eyes widened as he saw the splicer thing easily swat T-Rex to the side since the young boy's shotgun wasn't having much of a effect either. He looked to the side and saw a machine gun on the ground, he rolled over on the ground to pick it up as he pointed it at the splicer as it advanced on T-Rex.

Bullets impacted into the back of the giant splicer, it did little more then irritate the monster as it picked up a slab of concrete and threw it at Adrian. He dodged in the nick of time as the concrete slab impacted into an El Ammo Bandito vending machine, breaking the front of it. The contents of the vending machine spilled out onto the floor, one of which was labeled Antipersonnel Auto Rounds. Adrian pulled out the case of normal Auto Rounds and put in the Antipersonnel rounds in and fired at the giant splicer, it seemed to have a little bit more prominent effect.

The giant splicer grabbed another slab of concrete and threw it at Adrian which he jumped out of the way again, but saw the concrete go by and plow into one of T-Rex's RPG bots and destroy it. It turned its attention and charged at the other bot, it grabbed in its hands and and slammed it multiple times in the wall destroying T-Rex's other RPG bot.

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(Writers Block, plz, continue guys)

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T-Rex got back up. He shot at it over and over again. It looked like it had started taking damage from the ammo. He charged up electrobolt, and hit it, but so far, not to much good. He was then hit against the wall. He got up, feeling a little weak. Then he used his invisibility plasmid, and shot at it some more. This time, it couldn't find him.

He saw his bots go down. They were awesome bots too. Then he looked at Tau, seeing if he was holding together....

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Tau slammed an armored glove onto the ground, and managed to get his broken body up slowly. The big sister had his little one, he couldn't watch as another was taken by these counter parts of the big daddies. Mike let loose a ground shaking roar when he rose to his full height. His porthole was blood red, and he was oblivious to the commotion coming from the other two humans, and the unknown entity. His only objective was to thwart the big sister. Tau charged at the sister, he rammed into her with such force she dropped the little one. Tau continued to follow through the ramm by ramming the bigsister into a window overlooking the vast sea. Water poured in as Tau was thrown out of the window, taking the big sister with him.

He had mustered up the last of his strength to do this, now he simply let the hold of the sea take him to the ocean floor. Laying in the sand on his back Tau watched as the big sister shreiked trying to swim back up to rapture. Tau closed his eyes happy his actions would prevent the big sister of her goal. He had fufilled his purpose, he had protected, and now he would finally sleep.

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Character Portrait: Tyler Rex (AKA T-Rex)
0 sightings Tyler Rex (AKA T-Rex) played by Mr. Baneling Squishy
A human with massive engineer skills, he has an unusual gene code that makes him unable to become a splicer. He is a child prrodogy in enginnering and made the whole security system, even the parts you have never seen before.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Julia Takawashi
Character Portrait: Adrian Turner


Character Portrait: Adrian Turner
Adrian Turner

A young man who has come to Rapture to find his family.

Character Portrait: Julia Takawashi
Julia Takawashi

a little sister


Character Portrait: Julia Takawashi
Julia Takawashi

a little sister

Character Portrait: Adrian Turner
Adrian Turner

A young man who has come to Rapture to find his family.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Julia Takawashi
Julia Takawashi

a little sister

Character Portrait: Adrian Turner
Adrian Turner

A young man who has come to Rapture to find his family.

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Re: [OOC] BioShock: The Great Chain That Binds Us

Um Jimmy, you there partner?

lol at my sc2 reference XD

anyways, still waiting for your post

Re: [OOC] BioShock: The Great Chain That Binds Us

WOO HOO, my next post is up, and i jsut got a run in with Dr. Lamb, and had all 4 of us in one spot of rapture at once if you think about it (and yes, the Bathysphere messed up, the station locked down from the outside so that someone would come to repair it. Anyways, what Adrian saw was Tau and his little sister (sorry cant remember name right now) and then i ran into him at the train station. Hey, you think we could get some of the sections of rapture as locations, like Orion Mall, and Mercury Suites, and Sullivan's Security, as well as The Garden of Eden, and Havens Garden (which was where i was setting up the security system on my 1st post). Anyways, now im headed to Twilight Plaza (a place in Orion mall), so that would be where the next section of the RP takes us :D (feel free to have Tau board the train too Guardian, so that we could all continue together)

Re: [OOC] BioShock: The Great Chain That Binds Us

I agree, it looks good, ima post now as well, see ya in the RP

Re: [OOC] BioShock: The Great Chain That Binds Us

@ Guardian Angel, yep your post was just fine.

Re: [OOC] BioShock: The Great Chain That Binds Us

Posted :P

I hope that was alright for an opener. Sorry it's a little on the short side. >.>

Re: [OOC] BioShock: The Great Chain That Binds Us

Alrighty, lil kawaii and Guardian Angel, you're free to start posting whenever you want

Re: [OOC] BioShock: The Great Chain That Binds Us

I've never played Bioshock but it actually looks AWESOME! I dont think i get the concept enough to play your Rp though T_T damn it! *goes out and buys game*

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