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Cascade Falls

Cascade Falls


Cascade Falls is the point at which a parallel universe is colliding with our own. The fate of the little town and perhaps the whole world, lays on the backs of eight local teenagers.

1,475 readers have visited Cascade Falls since Tom Ice created it.


if all is lost, let me be lost, too

There have been warnings. People who insist that there are alternate universes. Near copies of our own. None have been well headed. No master of paradox has been truly appreciated the way they should have been. In a little town in the mountains of Colorado, where everyone knows everyone else, and where the town is entirely centered around tourists, people passing through to go camping, and the occasional summer lodger in the local budget inn, the art of balancing this reality with a closely resembling opposite one is quickly becoming dire.
The first disappearance was a young summer lodger no one knew. She did not, to anyone's knowledge return. No one really missed her. Her husband went home, the missing persons reports went dead. That was nearly four years ago.
Two disappeared the year after that. A local pre-teen who had run off into the forest never returned. People looked for him. He also didn't return. The first to return was an old man, one Dean Atwood, the inn keeper. He returned fourteen days after he left, and told no one what he had seen. Where he'd been.
A year ago, the disappearances bunched. A person would disappear every few days, and then the disappearances stopped once more. Only one returned from this group, a local mother of four who told the news where she'd supposedly been. She spoke about walking along a forest road on the edge of town, down to the reservoir that the town was perched around, and then feeling as though the world tilted around her. She lost consciousness and woke in a murky forest filled with a dark grey fog. She wandered for a while, and found a dark lake, and an empty town which eerily resembled Cascade Falls, the mountain town that everyone had been disappearing from. There were only a few people present in the town, and all seemed disoriented, but continued on life as they had before. All the people there were former residents of Cascade Falls. Things appeared and disappeared intermitently in the woman's stay. When she returned, she returned across the reservoir from where she had disappeared a few weeks after she had disappeared. She had no clue how she had left the odd shadow town.
This year, disappearances continue. They seem much farther spread apart, but it seems a trend that the disappearances slow in all seasons except for the fall, and are extremely common then.
However, the shadow world, the alternate reality seems to be pushing further into our world. And it has had some strange effects on eight local teenagers. These teenagers have been endowed with the subtlest abilities in the past few days. Eight different abilities. It's as if they have been chosen by the other universe for some task, and are only now growing into their abilities. As the story continues on, perhaps the purpose of these abilities will become evident. Perhaps the shadow universe will swallow all of our little mountain town, and continue further, deeper into the world.

The air is thick with a buzzing of the electricity before a storm. Cascade Falls is uneasy as summer is drawing quickly to a close, and even though it's not talked about much, the disappearances will soon quicken. The fate of our little mountain down relies on the growing powers of eight very different teenagers. Perhaps, even, the fate of our world. And another, very similar

Spots (by elemental power they will recieve);
Air: Claus Myers as played by Lufia
Light: Todd Carlyle as played by Tom Ice [[GM]]
Life: Zoe Wakeman as played by ToccoaClark
Water: Mimi Harkens as played by Belladonna Dawn
Shadow: Blair Garner as played by Fallo
Fire: Harry Donoghue as played by ReaperGirl4
Death: Lucian Creed as played by ReaperGirl4
Earth: Reserved

Character Sheet:
Code: Select all
[b]Face Claim:[/b] ((Optional))

Normal rules, you know. Respect and all that.
Adult themes are fine.
Each character may not have powers exceeding the stage that all of them are in. The stages of each element's power will be posted in the OOC thread.
Reserve the element you'd like before you send me a sheet.
I'd like at least a few sentences, say... fifty words minimum on posts. This is a fairly easygoing roleplay, but I still do want a little more than "___ nodded." as responses.
Faceclaims/pictures should be anime.
Reservations will remain for three days.
Rules subject to change as the roleplay goes on.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

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Character Portrait: Todd Carlyle
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#, as written by Tom Ice
every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end

Cascade Falls, August First, 2012. Wednesday.
High;; 84 Degrees Fahrenheit
Low;; 60 Degrees Fahrenheit
Elemental Powers::
Three days after gifting of powers.
No disappearances yet today.
12:03 PM, Sunny
Tonight will be Cascade Falls' Waterfire festival, a tradition which celebrates the town's founding. Lanterns will be lit and sent out to the reservoir on small boats, which are meant to burn. Endings creating new beginnings or some symbolistic type nonsense like that. This is a community event, and a large amount of the community will attend. Last year, however, a man disappeared right from the festival lighting. Maybe less people will attend this year as a result. It will begin at 8:30 PM [[game time]], the weather report says that it shall be clear.

A thick cloud of humidity hung over Cascade Falls. Not used to this kind of weather, most of the residents chose to stay inside, windows open and trying to catch a breeze off of the reservoir while old ceiling fans dragged from piles of unused junk in attics made feeble attempts to cool the budget inn's few remaining residents of the summer. Cascade Falls was in total meltdown, in the most quiet way possible.
There was a slight buzz in the air. In conversations picked up from phone line to phone line because it was too hot outside to meet friends for lunch or picnics on the slope facing the reservoir. The day was going well, though, despite the heat. Tourists stopped at the gas station to pick up sodas and tempers around town were rather mild, at least on the most part, perhaps for the tiredness that the heat drew in.

Todd Carlyle had spent the last three years of his life in Cascade Falls and had become something of a regular, checking up on different families that needed it during extreme weather. After finishing his paper rounds and checking up on an elderly lesbian couple in Elk's Lodge south of Mainstreet, Todd found himself sitting on a bench next to a patch of cattails on the edge of Cascade Reservoir.
Cascade Reservoir was a large, bean shaped body of water which, at one end, drained into East Cascade River, and which, at the other end, was fed by West Cascade River. Around the reservoir there were benches, viewing platforms, sidewalks, informational plaques on the flora and fauna of the area, and patches of cattails and other semi-aquatic plants. To the west and north, lay the mountains, which cradled Cascade Falls against the reservoir, to the south, thick pine forest, and to the east, a meadow valley leading down toward Colorado Springs.
Todd knew the geography of the area well, although he didn’t know many people therein except for the ones he’d met taking his family’s dog to the old folks’ home for therapy sessions. He never made many friends in Cascade High, most just called him a dork or a fop. Which he kind of was, but all the same. It ostracized him to a certain extent. He was okay with that, though. His parents loved him and a few people did truly care. He knew they did. Otherwise they wouldn’t put so much effort into tormenting him. The lake was surprisingly not calm. The surface trembled slightly without wind, and just under the surface the water was murky, dark. Something with an almost iridescent quality had invaded the water, let it shimmer with the midday sun. Todd sighed, relaxing against the back of the bench, running a hand through golden-blonde hair and closing his eyes. He felt the strangeness in the air. The inevitability of weird things happening.
Tonight would be weird. He knew it. Tonight would be wonderfully, terrifyingly, amazingly interestingly weird. Todd beamed, eyes still closed, face warmed by the sun.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
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From the edge of the sparkling waters was a beach where you'd often find teens sunbathing at during the summer. From the sandy shores ran a dirt road that was shaded by lush green trees. Walking down this road was a girl with strawberry hair. She was a rather simple looking girl, but pretty, you could say.
As she kicked a stone, Mimi wasn't thinking about what she looked like or the dirt road that would have been very dangerous to drive on or even the beach that was her destination. She was thinking about the fact there were no clouds. She didn't mind the humidity, though. It was the heat that irked her.
Finally, reaching her destination, she took her shoes and socks of and left up by the sign which warned against bring dogs onto the beach (a rule many people broke). She was disappointed that no one was there and a frown came across her face. She continued to the edge of the water, though. She knew it wouldn't be long before someone came either from the dirt road behind her, out from the forest to her left or down the narrow rocky path that connected this beach to the larger beach and the place where tonight's festival would take place. All she had to do was wait.
She could be patient if she tried.
She sat down on the cool sand. She collected it in her hand and let it fall in a steady stream out of her palm. She thought of how disgusting this sand was. It wasn't like the sand by the ocean from the town she used to live in all the way back on the east coast. It was darker. If you dug down deeper, you would find pure dirt. This was sand mixed with dirt. At least on the major beach it was a little nicer.
Mimi sighed and laid back. She closed her eyes and waited for a breeze that never came.
Suddenly, she got a strange sense of a presence; that she was being watched or that someone was coming. She sat straight up and looked.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens Character Portrait: Harry Donoghue
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0.00 INK

He stood on the small concrete balcony, hands on the intricate rail, eyes scanning the town in the distance. If he looked close enough, he could make out people hurrying to and fro all about the reservoir in preparations for the Waterfire Festival. It was supposed to be symbolic, but despite the fact that Lucian had lived in Cascade Falls his entire life, he still had no idea what exactly it was supposed to symbolize, although Matthias was constantly trying to tell him. 

As he thought of his uncle, he heard a tap on the door leading to Lucian's room. Matthias stood there, holding in his hand a potted rose. He came and stood next to his nephew, holding it out to him wordlessly. Lucian took the potted plant in his right hand. With his left, he touched the flower, his fingertips barely grazing the velvety red petals. At once, the rose drooped slightly, and it's green stem was tinted with a hint of brown. It's vibrant red petals lost some of their color and one even fell off the plant all together. It was still alive, just slightly sickened. Matthias took the flower back and observed it through spectacled eyes. He ran a hand through his thinning salt-and-pepper hair and said to his nephew, eyes locked on the ill plant, "Extraordinary... simply extraordinary... How long did you say have you been able to do this?"

Lucian shrugged, eyes darting back to the horizon. "A few days I believe? I'm not completely sure, but it feels like it's been that long." He smiled as his uncle furrowed his brows as he always did when solving a puzzle or some such thing. 

"Matthias," he began. It was a habit of his to call his uncle by his first name. As a child, he figured that since everyone else did it, why couldn't he? "I know it's very fascinating, but don't stress yourself out over it. Gosh, you look like your head's about to explode." With that, he strolled back inside. He walked through his room, into the hallway, down a flight of rickety wooden stairs, and out the front door, into the sunlight. Time to take a little walk on the town. 

Now, Lucian's uncle's house was built atop a wooded hill just outside Cascade Falls. All in all it took him about five or six minutes on average to get from his house to the town. In these minutes, he often found himself... contemplating. It was almost a hobby of his, rooting from his childhood. Today, Luce found himself thinking of his life so far. Memories flooded back to him. He remembered one evening when he was around eight years old and he lost himself in the woods by the hill. Since then, he'd learned them like the back of his hand. He remembered a day when he was twelve and he found an injured chickadee by his bedroom window. It was a strange feeling, having the life of another creature in your hands. He flashed back to the event that had transpired not five minutes before, when he'd inflicted illness on the rose. It reminded him of the bird, except he had no way of repairing the damage to the plant, for the damage had been internal. He wasn't a plant person. How was he to know how to heal it? He smiled, glad Matthias was more interested in Lucian's odd ability than the welfare of that rose. 

Soon, he found that the dirt road gradually morphed into a paved one, and moments later he found himself walking through the scenic town of Cascade Falls. Shops and homes lined the street, and people milled about, some of them Lucian knew, some of them he didn't. He barely acknowledged the greetings he received, as, like always, his head was in the clouds. He was thinking about the festival. He had a... feeling. This year would be different. Somehow. 

For the next ten or fifteen minutes, time seemed to pass in a blur. He turned down streets, avoided bumping into people, stopping when necessary, until he found himself at a place he hadn't really been thinking of: the beach. 

His mind caught up to his body, and he looked around, blinking, and saw a girl on the sand. He drew closer on a whim, and she sat up and looked around. When her eyes landed on him, he gave a little wave, revealed his ivory teeth in a friendly smile, and said, "Hello there."

"HAROLD SCOTT DONOGHUE! WHERE ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING YOUNG MAN?!?" His mother's strained voice rang throughout the house as his hand clutched the worn brass doorknob. He scowled inwardly. He knew this would happen. 

Turning to face his mother, Harry answered, "Going to hang with some friends before the festival, Mother." Although it was only a few minutes past noon, he and his friends always spent the day together on the festival day. Boy, did she look angry. Lilith Donoghue wrung her hands together, her lips pressed into a thin line. A vein in her temple was protruding and her grating blonde hair was in semi-disarray. 

"You're not going to the festival this year," she replied simply, as though it were the most unimportant thing in the world. Her voice had calmed, hiding how upset she was. 

Harry looked at her, mouth agape. He was stunned. "What? What do you mean?"

"I mean what I said. Your father and I have decided that it's too dangerous. You could... disappear. Like that man last year."

"Mother! That's ridiculous! I-"

"You're not going out with your friends either. Call them and tell them you can't make it."

Harry scowled, visibly this time. "You guys always do this! Ever since those disappearances started, you've both been paranoid! For the love of God, what is wrong with you two?!?" He stormed past his mother and up the stairs, even after he heard his father call his name. Harry went into his room, closing and locking the door behind him, and sat on his bed. He took out his phone and stared at it for a few minutes. Then, he tossed it into his dresser and lay down on his bed, hands behind his head. When in doubt, go the fuck to sleep.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlus Tesla
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Claus walked through the woods near the lake for the umpteenth time, it never got old to him. He noticed a branch hanging lower than usual and grabbed on to it and slowly climbed the tree, he got to a place he could sit and relax and pulled out the small book that he had in the pocket of his coat. He noticed how weird he looked in the heat with his heavy coat on, it was rather suspicious, He gazed over the lake seeing random people he didn't really know or care to know, he saw a blonde haired kid sitting at the one side staring at the beach on the other side where a young woman and two guys were he looked at the both wondering if they know each other, and unknowingly he caused a breeze pass by noticing as it passed through his long silver hair. He sat there in the shade of the tree gazing out to the others.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
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Mimi smiled back. "Hello," she said as she stood up and brushed herself off. It only took a second for her to recognize who it was. She was great with faces and names, but her reason for remembering Lucian were so much more. She sat behind him in class when she first moved to the town. She doubted that he would recognize her, though. Mostly because she did her best to avoid him in school. It wasn't because she was afraid of him. Quite the opposite, actually. You could say that she had a crush on him, but it was only because she found him unusual. No, not unusual...More interesting. But she really hated to have crushes on people whom she thought would never love her back. Seeing as she doubted he would remember her, she kindly said, "I'm Mimi."
Suddenly, a slight breeze blew through the trees. It was refreshing as it blew her light pinkish-blondish hair and allowed tiny pieces of sand to blow over her bare feet. She smiled wider as it died down.
"So what brings you here?" she asked.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
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He knew the girl, upon further inspection of her facial features. He knew her from school. She used to sit behind him in class. They never really spoke much to each other, just the odd greeting here and there. He didn't see much of her outside of class. He couldn't quite place her name. Lucky for him, she introduced herself. "I'm Mimi," That was it. Mimi. He decided it was only fair to share his name, in case she didn't know. "Lucian Creed. Call me Luce if you wish." In answer to her question, he shrugged and said, running a hand through his unruly jet black hair, "I'm not sure. I was just taking a walk, thinking about stuff, and I happened to end up here. How about you?" 

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
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"I was just bored. I thought it would be nice to just find someone or some people who might want to do something today. Like, oh, I don't know, get lunch or go to the festival tonight. I really just hate going places alone," she said all the time wondering if it sounded like she was asking him out. It was all in her head, though. She always felt a little uneasy around guys. She tried to brush it off at the moment. "I was actually planning on taking a walk through the woods to just be in the shade." She walked over and pulled on her socks and shoes. "You're welcome to come with me--I mean if you want to."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Todd Carlyle Character Portrait: Blair Garner
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For the slightest fraction of a moment the heat hanging thick in the air was quenched, and the trees around the area trembled as the ghost of a breeze passed through. The momentary relief from the heat would have welcomed by most residents of Cascade Falls, but not Blair. The pale haired boy was too focused on the task before him to even acknowlegde the light breath of wind; not that he would ever appreciate an unlabelable medium. Permanent marker in fist, he scrawled over the bark of a tree in crisp handwriting. He released a long breath and snapped the cap back onto the marker, taking a step backward to admire his handywork.

'Tree' was stamped clearly across the middle of the trunk. The slightest hint of a smile traced his lips and he gave an approving nod, turning on his heel to scavenge the area for more objects to label. As he scanned his surrondings his eyes picked out a boy slumped into a bench. Immediately he set course for the stranger, approaching the bench he took residence in from behind. As he came to a halt directly behind him he flicked the cap back off of the marker, weilding it as he gave the boy a light tap on the shoulder.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
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Luce blinked twice. Mimi seemed a tad bit flustered. He wondered why she sounded that way. It probably wasn't anything super important. Besides, a walk sounded nice. He smiled that friendly smile of his and said, "Sure. A walk in the woods sounds lovely. I like the woods. I mean, I grew up around them; it's a little hard not to. I find that they're great places to just... think things out, you know?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
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"I know exactly what you mean," Mimi said seriously. And she did. A forest to her was the best place to go when you're upset or stress.
Lucian surprised her. She never really talked to him before, but she felt as though he were...a real person. Before, it sort of felt like he was a cold, emotionless person. But she thought that everyone was like that. It was nice to know that he seemed kind.
She began walking to the woods with him. There was a little path she had discovered that was perfect for a quiet walk.
Eventually, she asked, "You grew up around the woods? Where did you used to live?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
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Lucian let out a small laugh. It had completely slipped his mind that Mimi just moved to Cascade Falls recently and therefore had no idea where he lived. "Well, I've lived here my whole life, just on the outskirts. I used to run through these woods all the time when I was a kid. In fact we're not too far from my house, actually." He thought about Matthias and wondered what he was doing. Most likely still studying the rose. 

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Todd Carlyle Character Portrait: Blair Garner
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#, as written by Tom Ice
Todd jumped, startled for only a moment before he beamed, and turned around, a vaguely familiar face greeting his. School? Maybe. Todd didn't care. He was just excited to have someone to talk to.
"Hi there," Todd yipped, grin staying level on his face. He turned, knees finding purchase on the bench, hands on the top of the backrest. "You're from school, right? Hi!"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
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Mimi laughed a little, but it was a nervous, embarrassed laugh. She looked down and felt her face become hot. That mental defense came up again that she often had arround men. She took a breath and tried to relax again. "I used to live in Florida. I moved here after I was emancipated from my father. A friend took me in for a while and then I ended up here. My apartment's downtown. I'm not sure if you know where Helena Street is...?" She thought of the street and wished she hadn't said that. It was in the poorer part of town. Every town has that poorer, dirtier area, and that's where she lived. She smiled though. Luckily, she had a talent for making everything seem alright. Like nothing was wrong...even when it was.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
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He looked up, pondering. Helena Street... yes. He knew of it. He'd travelled down it accidentally on occasion, lost in thought as usual. Sort of like how he ended up at the beach to begin with. But now that he was walking with Mimi, he considered the concept of fate. It had been an accident that he'd ended up at the beach... he was sure. Maybe the meeting had been simply a coincidence. Yes. A coincidence, was all. He looked back to the ground in front of him and nudged a rock with his shoe as he walked by. "Yes, I've been down the street occasionally. It's rather different from the rest of the town." He hoped he didn't offend her, for he was just making an observation. Lucian was like that sometimes, rather oblivious to the effects of his words. He just hoped she didn't take it the wrong way.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
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"Well, I guess it's right for me. We're both outsiders, the street and I," she laughed a little, "But I'm not there often. I like to be around people." She leaned against a tree. "Plants are nice and all, but..." she smiled now, "The problem with us is that we're always afraid to speak our minds; give our opinions; express our own ideas. We always think that others will judge us because we're different. We're afraid that what we say will be seen as not socially acceptable or just weird. But you know, sometime we have to just not give a shit about anything else. People should like us for who we are," she said. Her smile slowly faded. "I'm sorry, I don't really know what that was. I tend to just think outloud sometimes."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
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He paused and listened to Mimi speak. He was quiet the whole time. Even after she stopped speaking, Lucian remained speechless for a few moments; his eyes seemed clouded a bit. Then, his shoulders began to shake. He started laughing; hearty, happy laughter. He laughed for about ten seconds, then wiped his finger across the corner of his eye. When he recovered, he leaned against the tree opposite Mimi’s. A soft smile was set on his rather pale face. “That was beautiful, Mimi. Just… beautiful. Couldn’t have said it better myself. In fact, that’s exactly what I was thinking not too long ago. I’ve never been too popular, and you probably know that, but what you said reminded me of just how judgemental society is.”

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlus Tesla
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Claus watched as the people talked and decided to climb back down and walk up to them and actually be social he thought as he went back down the tree. It was a surprise that he wanted to be social after he moved in maybe a few months ago he knew the landscape but nobody in the town. He was about 8 feet from the ground when Claus slipped off the branch he was using as support he helped a bit as he hit the ground. Feeling the pain he just lay there trying not to yelp again he got up and started to walk to the others.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
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Mimi was a little surprised at first. She couldn't understand why he was laughing. When he was done though, she realized he actually didn't think she was crazy, weird, or stupid. She smiled at him. "You don't want to be popular, trust me. The best thing that ever happened to me was moving here and suddenly being the 'new girl.' It's much better to have a few friends than a bunch of 'people.' People don't listen. Friends do." she laughed at herself now. A real laugh. "But it sounds like I'm preaching to the choir."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
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His smile widened as she spoke. Her words meant something to him. He'd never had such a rich conversation with anyone but Matthias before. "Something like that. It's refreshing to know that the world isn't made up of just douchebags, you know? It's nice to have a good conversation with someone who knows what they're talking about. I swear, it's amazing how dense some people are. I tried talking to this one guy once, I think i was in sixth grade maybe, so I was talking to him about the shocking effects of coincidences or some such thing, and you know what he says? He looks at me real funny and says, 'What?' like I was speaking a different language or something. I tell you, some people..." he shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair once more, not unlike the way his uncle does, as a small breeze disrupted the silence and ruffled the countless leaves on the trees.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
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She laughed. "I remember when I was in eighth grade. I tried talking to a girl whom I thought was my friend. I told her a theory I had about my dead mother. She seemed to agree with me at the time, but I later learned that she told the whole school about it and they all basically thought I was a witch." She laughed at the memory, "When I found out I punched her...and I broke her nose." She smiled. It was horrible, but she was proud of it.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
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He let out another amused laugh. How could he have not known how entertaining Mimi was? "Very good, Mimi! I probably would have done the same. I used to make a game out of wondering who my parents were or what they were doing at a particular moment when I was a child. I never missed them, but the game sure as hell entertained me. Of course, I never knew anyone well enough to share the game with. But incidents like the one with that boy from the sixth grade remind me just how lucky I am to be a solitary person. I don't think I'd be able to deal with conversing with idiots all the time. It'd drive me insane." He let out another laugh.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens Character Portrait: Atlus Tesla
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Claus finally reaching the lake sighs and walks to the group talking by the beach quickly putting his hood up for the fact of his shyness. He stands about 5 feet away from them, "hi..." he muttered as he unknowingly causes yet another breeze to pass through he gazes at them through his hood hoping they don't see his eyes. And hopes that these people are a bit nicer than the others that he's met.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens Character Portrait: Atlus Tesla
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"The world is full of idiots!" she said, "Sometimes, you just can't avoid them. I've never really had a true friend before. Just people who ended up being phony and jerks. It's strange that I still choose to hang out with people. Sometimes I--" she turned when she heard a voice. A person wearing a hood was standing there. Mimi found this strange to suddenly encounter someone in the middle of the forest like this, but she pushed herself off the tree she was leaning against and slipped over to where Luce was. This person slightly scared her and she found it a bit strange that they would be wearing a jacket and a hood this heat.
"Hello!" she said in her usual friendly way.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens Character Portrait: Atlus Tesla
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0.00 INK

Claus was surprised by the fact that someone was actually friendly to him other than the people he lives with, he was treated like an outsider for quite some time until now he actually felt like people saw him as a human being he put his hands in his pockets still nervous as all hell but felt better about these people that he can get along with them. He took a step back making sure he doesn't crowd the others.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens Character Portrait: Atlus Tesla
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0.00 INK

He looked the new kid up and down. A hood covered his eyes, something Lucian found rather strange, despite the fact that he himself was wearing a long black t-shirt and ragged dark jeans. He tilted his head as he analyzed the boy, one whom he recognized from school, passing him every so often in the halls and in class and such. C-something. A breeze passed over them as Lucian greeted C-somethng. “Hello there. Have you come to enjoy the shade as well?”

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed
Character Portrait: Zoe Wakeman
Character Portrait: Todd Carlyle
Character Portrait: Harry Donoghue
Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens


Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
Mimi Harkens

"It's alright. Can we all just calm down?"

Character Portrait: Todd Carlyle
Todd Carlyle

Cascade Falls' Boy Next Door

Character Portrait: Zoe Wakeman
Zoe Wakeman

"My life, though thoroughly ironic, generally contradictory, and often sad, has never seen a day void of wonder."

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed
Lucian Creed

"Death... isn't it just fascinating?"


Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
Mimi Harkens

"It's alright. Can we all just calm down?"

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed
Lucian Creed

"Death... isn't it just fascinating?"

Character Portrait: Todd Carlyle
Todd Carlyle

Cascade Falls' Boy Next Door

Character Portrait: Zoe Wakeman
Zoe Wakeman

"My life, though thoroughly ironic, generally contradictory, and often sad, has never seen a day void of wonder."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Lucian Creed
Lucian Creed

"Death... isn't it just fascinating?"

Character Portrait: Todd Carlyle
Todd Carlyle

Cascade Falls' Boy Next Door

Character Portrait: Mimi Harkens
Mimi Harkens

"It's alright. Can we all just calm down?"

Character Portrait: Zoe Wakeman
Zoe Wakeman

"My life, though thoroughly ironic, generally contradictory, and often sad, has never seen a day void of wonder."

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Cascade Falls: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Cascade Falls

Re: Cascade Falls

More internal conflict with Claus! Character development begin!!

Re: Cascade Falls

Hmm, I liked the Life/Death idea, and I already cleared it with ReaperGirl4, but I suppose... well, also there's the fact that Zoe hates jealousy and conflict and avoids it if at all possible, even if it means sacrificing her happiness... could the three of us talk it over and work out some sort of "plan"? (I'm open to it.)

Re: Cascade Falls

GAH!!! Every time I think of Claus' hair being silver I keep thinking Xeanort~! NUUUU!

Re: Cascade Falls

ToccoaClark- since our characters both like Luce, can they have an epic rivalry? I mean, I think it should end in them being best friends, but a rivalry could be really fun! Your decision though! Just throwing it out there!

Re: Cascade Falls

Harry could... Well it depends on where she is, but he's a loner at the moment.

Re: Cascade Falls

Alright! Been on a road trip, and camping means extremely limited Internet access, but I'm back and currently working up my first post!

(If someone's char could respond to my post once I'm done, that'd be great. She'll need some interaction sometime!)

Re: Cascade Falls

All right. Guys. Guys. Slow the fuck down on the OOC. If you want to do the "Character: djaf;dja" please take it to PM. The OOC should be reserved for actual discussion of the roleplay.

Also, goodness, be a little kinder to a potential roleplayer!

Shaodow, I apologize. Yes! The Earth element is still open. I had it reserved because someone said they'd be interested in taking it, but sadly their deadline has passed. If you would like to take the Earth element, feel free! I'll PM this, too, in case our slightly aggressive members scared you off. Thank you for showing interest! Although, they did have a point, and ReaperGirl has a second character because we didn't think we'd fill all the slots by the time things started picking up. Still. I need to spend more time in OOC, obviously.

I apologize about being absent today. I actually won't be too present until Monday. I have Comic Con, Pridefest, and another date-ish thing tomorrow through the weekend. I'll try to be on as much as possible, though. Yeah?

Re: Cascade Falls

As a heads up I won't be iffy on my posting from tomorrow until about next Sunday for vacation



Re: Cascade Falls

And very entertaining

Re: Cascade Falls

Eh... Define excruciatingly painful.

Re: Cascade Falls

Mimi- What, I don't get it--OW! MY EYES!

Me- oh...hmmm *Eating wontons*

Re: Cascade Falls

Excruciating painful to watch

Re: Cascade Falls

Horrible... movies? Horrible how?????

Re: Cascade Falls

Fine! Horrible movies on DVD!! *plays horrible DVDs*

Re: Cascade Falls

Me: One does not simply underestimate Lucian Creed *noms on noodles*

Luce: Torture... isn't do bad after all XD Fuck the documentaries

Re: Cascade Falls

Mimi: *Giggles and sits next to him with googoo eyes*

Me: What's amazing is that he managed to wink with his eyes taped open...oh well. *Eats Chinese food*

Re: Cascade Falls

Luce: ;)

Me: O.o *shudders* Yeah. That sounds good.

Re: Cascade Falls

Mimi: Ooh, he's so smart!! <3

Me: *rolls eyes* I donno. Wanna go get chinese food?

Re: Cascade Falls

Luce: I find these documentaries quite interesting, to be factual.

Me: oh god, you've released his inner nerd

Re: Cascade Falls

Luce I'll teach you to insult Claus! History of toothpicks! *plays that documentary* and *tapes Luce's eyelids open* so you can't fall asleep like the last time!