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Alexis Hades

"Peace is a hard to achieve but obtainable"

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a character in “Clash of Clans”, as played by xNocturnax




"Have you any idea what it's like to keep the Hades in check?"


Alexis Rhianna Hades


September 13th





Second of Zylm | Married to Damian | Mother of Cato & Abilene

Alexis tries not to be the total warhead of Zylm yet she does carry the feisty flare. She tries to keep her people leveled and her husband's judgement fair. It's not that she lacks faith in her people but someone has to be mediator and unofficial adviser that can provide a different perspective, as most tend not to abject to her husband's words.
Alexis has many sides to her; she is a warrior who can fight (though not as skillfully as others), a protector and guardian of Zylm, a mother, a ruler (in Damian's absence) and a lady, all of which are roles she can play into and handle when the time comes.
Contrast to her dear husband however, she is highly family orientated and makes room for her children first even when they have blossomed into independence. It's important for Alexis to still be there for them and be the motherly figure. And she tries to keep them clear of drama and war but they are Damian's children too.

Sex Celebrations Loyalty Being Second in Command Control Animals

xGetting Jealous: She likes to think herself above it but she's easily prone to it and hates the feeling.
xThe cold:It is far more difficult to warm up than cool down and the cold is an unpleasant sensation
xWondering/Being misinformed: As a woman who loves control of situations and has some dictatorship, she simply dislikes being left in the dark. She also interprets it as a sign of people taking her for weak when she can handle herself.
xAnxiety: She has a family with the tendency to roam and get into mischief. With Zylms and Atkana's renewed enemy status, she worries of their whereabouts and well being.
xDefeat of herself or the family: (Even in training duels) She's in a family that can not handle losing. They're all quite proud and persistent and god forbid if the men lose. All the raving about it to follow...

~Disappearance or death of family
~Abilene being directly involved in the conflict

Damian Hades | Husband | Alive
Abel Hughdale | Mother | Deceased
Rogery Hughdale | Father | Alive
Xavier Hughdale | Brother | Alive
Cato Hades |Son | Alive
Abilene Hades | Daughter | Alive

She always thought her and her parents had a good relationship until they sorted an arranged marriage for her behind her back. A choice that she did not at all take kindly to but they required it for peace and unity between Zylm and Riseton.
Being married to a man at 15 who is 9 years older than you was needless to say a distressing situation and task. When she looked at it like a task to overcome however,and spend more time with him, she found herself slowly growing to genuinely fall for the man.
The pressure was reapplied when she was expected to birth his children for more heirs.


Sheet made by aurban16.

So begins...

Alexis Hades's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Hades Character Portrait: Abilene Elise Hades Character Portrait: Diana Shrike Character Portrait: Damian Hades Character Portrait: Cato Hades
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“Time and time again they claim war. They kill our troops as if wiping out farmers which we are left to train as soldiers due to these circumstances!” Damian should’ve remained composed but he was pacing the room back and forth. Those that were present were those that he trusted with his life conveniently, but his children were not invited to this meeting that Damian mistook for a venting opportunity. Usually they were free to attend, observe, contribute as born Hades to see how the Kingdom was ruled but Damian advised against it firmly this time. He did not trust himself to make exemplary behaviour and so far he was right in that judgement yet still could not bring himself to calm down.

Zylm was in an incredibly vulnerable state and susceptible to attack as well as newly low on supplies. That burden had no other place to fall but his shoulders. It wouldn’t be long until the citizens of Zylm recognised this and turned to their ruler; and what comforting response could he offer his people?

The recent march had ended with countless fatalities on what was meant to be a simple journey whereby there was no calculation of death. And yet the enemy had taken them by surprise and wiped several good men and women out. Few had the chance to fall back and report of the devastating battle.

Damian, if not so unachievable at the point in time, would have liked to of marched out and attacked Atkana’s walls and ruin their victorious feast filled with the spoils that belonged to Zylm. They were probably loving life somewhere in the comfort of their own walls over indulging in their triumph. Which would have made a spectacular opportunity for an opening to strike if he only had the numbers.

“Commander!” he addressed without looking to her. “What’s your verdict?” There was much he expected from her. Her own review of the recent blood bath for one and her thoughts, though she wasn’t the type to complain, about training farmers. Or perhaps she could offer a whole new approach and strategy that he would be open to.
Diana was more than capable and reliable despite her age and as some would question...gender.That was never an issue for Damian though, for time and time again she proved herself as incredibly worthy. And even the arrogant of Zylm came to know it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Hades Character Portrait: Abilene Elise Hades Character Portrait: Diana Shrike Character Portrait: Damian Hades Character Portrait: Cato Hades
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Diana watched in silence as her leader raved and vented. She understood where he was coming from, and the attack on the caravan had cost the lives of several soldiers Diana had come to respect. For them to fall in an unfair battle insulted all the effort they'd given into becoming stronger. Learning of their cruel fate had caused anger to bubble up inside her. And she knew her rage was nothing compared to what her ruler felt at the moment. She saw it in his face and in his actions. His rage fedhers, but she knew she had to maintain composure. At least one of them had to be thinking clearly, or else more would fall in an anger-fueled attack.

Her head snapped up when he addressed her. He was asking her for her professional opinion, and her respect for him grew. He was a good ruler, and she knew he trusted her enough. "They have the numbers, but skill is on our side," she stated, her teeth clenching. A big part of her wished that it was enough. Military training-wise, she was confident in their abilities, but they had lost plenty of good people and the soldiers' morale was low. It wasn't enough. "There is a chance that we might find ourselves successful should we choose to launch an attack now, but that chance is slim. We would lose more men than we can afford."

A part of her, the more ruthless side, hoped that he would launch an attack. The soldiers were angry, and the possibility that the people of Atkana were still celebrating was high. There would be sacrifices to be made, but in the end, she was certain they could secure victory. Her eyes slipped shut and she took a deep breath before continuing. "I would not recommend it." Her hand found the hilt of her sword. "All we can do for now is to gather more soldiers. I will gladly train them myself."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Hades Character Portrait: Abilene Elise Hades Character Portrait: Diana Shrike Character Portrait: Damian Hades Character Portrait: Cato Hades
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Alexis watched her husband pace restlessly and it was borderline contagious to watch at the table. He looked moments away from breaking the closest object to him. She had two of those men who threw tempers like a tempest in the family. How fortunate of her. Her eyes flickered to the commander nervously, not sure how to tend to Damian’s mood that did not reflect well on his common leadership skills.

It was until the commander finished speaking that she could not see it anymore. She rose to her feet and caught Damian’s shoulders redirecting him to his seat. She had seen him in many conditions before but never so agitated. “Sit down and calm yourself,” she told him pushing down on his broad figure to guide him to his seat then massaged his shoulders lightly. “You have full support right here in this room. This whole kingdom loves you and we can only begin to imagine the stress you carry. But you must gather your thoughts and control your emotions in order to make the best judgement,” she said softly into his ear even when she was half scolding him.
Once she trusted he was still, she left him to return to her own seat and hopefully allow them to resume the meeting in a calmer state.

She understood his rage. Dealing with loss was not easy and Zylm did appear to be at a disadvantage but only internally. “Foes do not cross our lands to count our forces My King,” she added formally. “The best we can do is return to our normal routines and wait for our soldier count to rise.” She gestured to the commander whom she was agreeing with completely.

Her blue eyes shifted to the door expecting to see the shadows of moving figures outside. Not just any figures but those of her gorgeous trouble makers that couldn't help themselves. When suspecting the meeting to come to an end, Alexis still excused herself courteously and stepped outside.

She paced the halls in search for her kids and managed to catch sight of Cato seeming to have his arms reserved to his chest. "Cato," she called sweetly at first for him but her face slowly dropped. Alexis sighed out gently. Another orphan animal no doubt that he thought he could sneak in inconspicuously. "For Zylm's sake whatever it is, don't let your father know. He's having a bad enough day." He was lucky she had a soft spot for the oddity of Cato's to adopt every stray creature with innocent eyes he came across. "Do you know where your sister is?" she continued.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Hades Character Portrait: Damian Hades Character Portrait: Cato Hades
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Cato Hades


"Cato," he heard his mother call him sweetly, and he glad it was her that spotted him eavesdropping on his father's dilemma, because he would believe Damian not finding pleasure with his son spying on him, when it obvious that the king didn't want him to hear the conversation. "For Zylm's sake whatever it is, don't let your father know. He's having a bad enough day." Yes, Cato was aware of that, but he did not like the fact that his father did not involve him. Wasn't Cato going to be king once Damian passes from the earth. Cato feared maybe his father thought he was too soft because of Cato's obsession to adopt abandoned strays. Cato did not believe he could only be a good leader by fiercely waging his blade through the blood red sky as he rode off on a proud noble stallion, charging into the battlefield. No, if Cato wanted to revolve his life with combat and war, then he would be climbing the martial ranks. Cato did however, support all of his father's decision when it came to what was best for the kingdom, but when it came done to Damian determining what was best for his son, Cato could disagree.

"Do you know where your sister is?"

"Since when was it my job to know where Abilene is?" he muttered against his breath, however Alexis was earshot close enough to hear her son's sassy comment. But it was like he was not even paying attention to the words coming out of his mouth, instead was worried and concerned about what lied through the room before him. In fact is eyes were drawn on the keyhole to the door. Cato loved his parents to death, and for the most part he was an amicable young man, but since he was a child Cato was guilty for muttering a smart remark here and there. Cato set the puppy down next to his feet, allowing the creature have space to stretch and move. However the dog did not run off hyper, in fact, the pup seemed rather frightened on its new surroundings.

"Do you know how long they are going to continue?" he spouted the question like his rude comment spoken just a couple seconds ago did not happen. But Cato wanted to know when his father would be out, so that Cato could be gone by then and not found to be eavesdropping like a gossiping young maiden.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Hades Character Portrait: Abilene Elise Hades Character Portrait: Diana Shrike Character Portrait: Damian Hades Character Portrait: Cato Hades
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Abilene had been awake for a few hours at most, and instead of alerting one of her handmaidens, the young woman had curled up under her feather blankets with one of the various books that her parents had collected for her. Her nose had been buried in the pages for longer than she was even aware.

A sharp knock on her bedroom door startled her, and the voice of her handmaiden Mary rung out from behind the mahogany. "Lady Abilene, you aren't still in bed, are you?" The young woman's face turned up from the pages of the book just in time to catch sight of the thick wooden door creak open, Mary standing on the other side with raised eyebrows.

Abilene shrugged, caught in the sights of Mary, whose eyebrow was raised at the sight of the youngest child of Damien Hades curled up under her blankets, hair a mess from the nights sleep before. "You haven't been in bed this whole time, have you?" She knew that the answer to that question was affirmative, but she watched Abilene with a calculating eye as she moved into the room, keeping silent as she waited for the girls response.

Abilene's grin was sheepish as she spoke. "Well, I have but... oh, Mary, this story is simply amazing. There's a dragon, and a warrior princess!" Abilene had made her way out of the tangle of sheets and over to Mary, who pushed the young woman behind the changing screen. Abilene continued to ramble on about the new story she was reading as Mary helped her into her dress. Abilene's story was going along just fine, up until the ties of the corset were pulled.

"M-Mary! T-Too tight!" She sucked in a breath of air, hands pressed firmly against her stomach. Mary was quick to let out the ties a bit, laughing slightly.

Finally dressed, the young woman let Mary fix her hair and brush out the knots. Turning some back from her face, Abilene was quick to thank the woman who took care of her needs most mornings, and rushed off to her lessons for the day. She'd started with her etiquette lessons, but had quickly grown bored. After an hour of tutoring, she'd disappeared from the room, a grin on her face as she snuck away. She was supposed to be going to her horseback lessons after, but instead she had decided to wander through the halls of her home. She knew her instructor would come looking for her eventually - knew she would probably be questioned by her mother as to why she was late for her lessons later - but she couldn't bring herself to care very much in that moment.

She made her way through the halls of her home, her imagination running wild with thoughts of how the book she was reading might end. She soon found herself near the reception hall; she could hear her fathers voice booming inside as she approached. Cato was outside the hall, clearly listening in on the conversation within. As she moved towards her brother, her mother exited the hall. Finally close enough to be noticed, she heard her mother's question aimed towards her brother, and her brothers answer.

"I'm here, mother..." She knew her mother might question her later as to why she wasn't at her lessons, but as it stood, she wasn't as concerned with that at the moment. Her eyes turned towards her brother, then finally fell to the floor, noticing the small fuzzy creature huddled so close to his leg. Her face instantly lit up with a smile. "Oh, he is so very cute, Cato!" She'd hushed her voice, so that she wouldn't be heard through the doors and in the meeting within. The last thing she wanted was to disturb her father when he was in a meeting, and she knew that this one was particularly important - they had lost many good men recently, and that thought alone saddened her heart.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Hades Character Portrait: Abilene Elise Hades Character Portrait: Diana Shrike Character Portrait: Damian Hades Character Portrait: Cato Hades
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Damian sat with his hands slowly coming to clasp a tight fist, being still as Alexis wished but not bothering to hide his entire furious state.

He thought briefly on the advice of the commander. There weren’t many realistic options that guaranteed a high success presently and he would not be so reckless to launch an attack after the recent loss only to lose more. Instead he only nodded once.
“You can tend to your day,” he dismissed the commander officially and watched Alexis practically flee to the door. He released a sigh at the odd motion and family he had. They were each their own and all handfuls in their own ways.

In the absence of the mother though, he had a spark. “Commander.” He added heading to the door with her, actually feeling good about an additional feature to Diana’s willingness to train soldiers. “How would you feel about Cato helping the training process?” he smirked a little. That way it would keep Cato away from those boring chores he always had something to say about. He’d get to parade around his talents and be particularly productive for the Kingdom. Still, he would value the commander’s own opinion if she were against the idea.

Damian swung open the door expecting for the hall to be cleared and be able to walk with the commander and discuss Cato’s position, yet saw the three of his family members outside. Plus a pup. He looked between the three giving each a warning a look. The commander present shouldn’t have had to experience their family issues so he stepped aside for her to proceed to her duties.

He offered a mocking gentle smile as he entered father mode. “So. Who would like to start explaining…everything?” he finished glancing back down to the puppy who was a new addition. The real question was, which child was the better liar or which child would confront Damian of what was overheard and the truth?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Hades Character Portrait: Abilene Elise Hades Character Portrait: Diana Shrike Character Portrait: Damian Hades Character Portrait: Cato Hades
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Diana nodded at the dismissal, giving a low bow. Her mind was already running, thoughts about how she would go about making soldiers out of farmers. Most of them had the incentive to join the cause and had the fire necessary to learning, but the skills... They greatly lacked the skill and finesse of a fighter, not like the men they'd lost. Training an entire troop on her own would prove challenging, but she knew it was necessary. She would just explain to her mother that she wouldn't be coming home for the next couple of weeks. She was certain her mother would understand.

She did pause however when her king brought up the possibility of having Cato help her. Cato was a wonderful warrior, and she'd watched him spar with the other soldiers before. "His help would be greatly appreciated, my King." She smiled softly as they left the hall. She certainly hadn't been expecting to see the rest of the royal family awaiting outside. She gave a low bow. "Your Highnesses," she greeted before nodding and taking her leave. She briefly heard Damian ask for an explanation and she couldn't help the smile that crept up her face.

Family. It truly was the most important thing in the world.

She wiped the smile off her lips as soon as she reached the training grounds. There were already a few farmers that stood in attendance at her arrival. They were scrawny and weak, but she would make them strong if it was the last thing she did. "Prepare yourselves," she announced as soon as her soldiers joined the rest and they all stood in front of her. "The odds are against us, but we will push forth. For Zylm!" She raised her blade to the air and the men and women mimicked her actions, shouting their agreement. "Let the training commence."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Hades Character Portrait: Abilene Elise Hades Character Portrait: Diana Shrike Character Portrait: Damian Hades Character Portrait: Cato Hades
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Abilene was relatively surprised at the sound of her father's footfalls against the marble floors approaching the door the three had been crowded around. Her face betrayed her emotions - a hint of panic flashed across her eyes - as the door to the hall was opened. Her father seemed relatively surprised to see his wife and two children outside, at least. And so Abilene was quick to mask her own panic, already thinking of perfectly valid reasons as to why he would find them all in such a state.

Or at least her.

Her mother, she rationalized, had been at the meeting herself. So there was no explanation to be had there. Her brother... well, he had actually been eavesdropping when she had happened upon him. But she knew as well as anyone that Cato could not lie. No, her father would know immediately.

Her brother opted to answer before she had the chance to even part her lips in explanation. Cato chose the route of averted truth - smart, she thought. He definitely had the makings of a leader in his future, and it was evident in the way that he told the truth without really telling the truth flat out.

The commander had flitted out of the room a while ago, and Cato was soon dismissing himself to join her in his admittance of knowing what his father had discussed. And then that left her mother, who had a natural reason to be outside the hall after her father had his meeting...

...and herself, who... well, didn't.

Abilene was a cunning liar, that much was true. She didn't naturally take delight in her ability to pull the wool over anyone's eyes, but for whatever reason, she'd been able to hide the truth skillfully away behind a smile, sparkling eyes, kind words, a clever diversion or the like for as long as she could remember.

"Father," she began with a smile pulling at the side of her lips. "I am not certain of this... 'everything' you speak of, though Cato does appear to know better than I. I, myself, have only reached the hall just a moment before you, you see. I was on the way to my horseback lessons."

The entirety of it wasn't a lie - she had really only just reached the hall, but it wasn't like it was only a moment before. She knew very well what her father had been discussing in the hall. But the biggest lie of all was the last part - she had in fact not been on the way, having escaped her etiquette lessons. Instead, she had been planning on finding her way to the gardens to daydream some more. She was sure now that those daydreams would have to wait for later, as her father would see that she made it to her lessons - as it was where she was going, apparently. The words had come from her own mouth. She cursed herself at not coming up with a better destination. But at least that was truly believable.

She smiled at her mother, before turning the look back to her father. Her eyes practically twinkled with hidden mischief that might otherwise be read as merriment. She knew how well her own father knew her - both of her parents were probably the only two that would question a single word that came from her perfectly rehearsed lips. But even sometimes for the two of them, it wasn't so easy to tell when she was just being polite and well-mannered, and when she was lying through her teeth.

She would have laughed if that wouldn't have given her away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Hades Character Portrait: Abilene Elise Hades Character Portrait: Damian Hades
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Damian watched Cato head off for his new duty which was admittedly a sly escape but for being clever enough, Damian let his son go and do something he would possibly enjoy and help train the soldiers that needed the skills in combat. He had no doubt that they were loyal, ambitious, willing individuals but they needed all the help they could to evolve to talented soldiers and become a unit rather than target practice for Atkana. He would be sure to check on the progress later but for now, his son had certainly left his sister alone stuck with the explaining.“Abile…” he prompted but she was already explaining her side.

Damian found they could be too gentle on Abilene and acted as if she were fragile. She was a lady in the making but tough in her own ways. Like her will to rebel and knowledge of how her mother would feel about that. Oh, yes. He knew. As a King and Father the word travelled very quickly to him when fellow royalty did not attend their classes. Personally, he did not care much for it as long as she had the practical skills to look after herself but he was interested to hear what she was doing as a substitute. Hopefully combat training. But that was less than likely.

The mother could lecture her later, for now, Damian offered his arm to his daughter to oversee the training. “Small detour before your class.” He did not wish to encourage her skipping classes as it showed lack of discipline but he wanted to draw on the emphasis of Zylm’s standing and how each played a crucial role, small or big. He wasn’t going to make it a lecture of his own but he wanted his daughter to have some deeper understanding. She was however, free to attend to her horseback riding instead if she insisted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Hades Character Portrait: Abilene Elise Hades Character Portrait: Diana Shrike Character Portrait: Damian Hades Character Portrait: Cato Hades
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The family merged together and Alexis rose her brows expectantly intrigued to hear the answers her children would offer and silently hoped they would be satisfactory to the King’s mind though she knew they were intelligent and sly offsprings and more than capable of providing a good response. Alexis did not wish for family tension to be present in a corridor however, but she was quite willing to defend her children if Damian got unreasonable with their presence.

Thankfully she detected his fatherly side blooming rather than formal King, which she liked seeing him express but she did not comment on it as if afraid to ruin it like a delicate facade. Her blue eyes couldn’t help but flicker to him nervously as Cato and Abilene gave their reasons then lower her eyes feeling responsible for not dealing with them immediately herself. Her husband could communicate a shocking amount with just a look.

She had much to discuss with Abilene about the rumours of skipping her classes but Damian had presented her with an opportunity of temporary escape and been the unlikely saviour. Alexis released a gentle sigh, preferring to have it over and done with but again kept her comments to herself for there were larger problems and her issue would seem petty next to them particularly in front of Damian. Besides, she couldn't help to love the idea of potential bonding between Damian and Abilene. They weren't distant that she knew of, and she was sure all of her family loved each other unconditionally but with such foes and hatred directed at Zylm, Damian had a target and high price on him. What would be his last breath was disputably unpredictable. For him to spend quality time as a dedicated father was beautiful.

She swallowed the lump in her throat pushing thoughts aside of Damian's passing. Alexis moved on to the next concern. Out of wonder she headed pass the training grounds to see the beginning of the resolution to Zylm's problems, in time to see Cato demonstrate his passion for Zylm’s comeback and motivating speech. Alexis covered her mouth smiling, taking much pride in Cato but also amused by the innocence of childhood that lurked, speaking of dragons. Alexis herself had found them to be the most fascinating of creatures in books. But Cato’s speech was also able to embed a surge of confidence and faith in her of Zylm’s fate. Perhaps the rivalry between Atkana would be laid to rest once and for all or at the very least, claim vengeance to the fallen.