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Evelyn Lorry

"I just want to be able to say; I Was Here."

0 · 712 views · located in Club Zero

a character in “Club Zero”, originally authored by ali_rox96, as played by RolePlayGateway


Evelyn Lorry
Nicknames: Eve
Age: 17
Height: 5’3
Weight: 120 pounds
Likes: Eve loves the her family, weather, no matter the season, fresh air, talking to people, learning and being free.
Dislikes: Hospitals, being sick, people controlling her or being constricted, a wasted moment and judgmental people.
Sexual preference: Bi
I can’t live without: Her pills, literally, human interaction and her dreams
Piercings/Tattoos/Scars: Eve has her ears pierced and a nose ring.
Addictions: Any type of drug or whatnot would most likely kill her, so that would be a no.
Sickness: An Immune Deficiency
Your backpack full of belongings: Eve has a varied selection of clothes, a stuffed teddy from her parents, a family picture, a bracelet her brother gave her, her ipod, a hairbrush and a large selection of pills she took with her from the hospital for her health.
Reason for coming to Club Zero: She decided quite quickly that even if it killed her she’d rather actually live, even if just for a moment. Eve knows living out her life wasn’t an option but she at least wants to live what part of her life she has left fully. She wants to leave a mark on this world, even if it’s only on one single person, she just wants to be able to say she was here, she made a difference.
Personality: Eve has to be free to do her own thing, she cannot stand to be constricted in anyway. She acts without thinking and believes it important to laugh at life. Eve is always changing, growing and expanding her horizons and chooses not to waste even a moment of her life. She tries to avoid the safe option in life and thrives on not knowing what’s around the corner. She tends to be quite happy-go-lucky as she strives on doing things her own way. Eve has no desire to lead or follow anyone she is on her own solo journey, she also doesn’t judge people based on their looks but rather their ideas, passions and beliefs. Though Eve can be easily misinterpreted.
History: Eve was born to two doting parents and a jealous older brother. She was a sick child though and so her parents were never able to bring her home to sleep in the room they had painted pink for her. She was raised in a hospital seeing all the friends she made get better and leave her. Eve was metaphorically wrapped in cotton wool by her parents and her doctors. She was poked and prodded and went through many painful treatments that never worked, she was never the one who got better and left the hospital. She learnt about the outside world through books and stories from everyone else never having the chance to experience it for herself. She was rarely allowed to leave the hospital due to dangerously low immune system. The chances of her ever getting better were slim and they only ever got worse as time went on, everyone had accepted the fact that she would die before her twentieth birthday. Her parents loved her dearly though and so in pursuit of lengthening her short life they kept her in the hospital far away from germs. She also went through many more painful treatments that were never expected to cure her, only keep her alive longer. The more this went on though the more she dreamed of living like everyone else, even if it was only for the short amount of time her immune system would allow. One day a boy who had tried to commit suicide was brought into the hospital and it was from him Eve learnt about Club Zero. It didn’t take long for her to decide to runaway to this ‘Club Zero.’
Other: Eve’s favorite color is pink, the same color her parents painted what was supposed to be her room. Theme song. Eve also refuses to tell anyone at Club Zero that she is dying or in any way sick.

So begins...

Evelyn Lorry's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Lorry Character Portrait: Ophelia Brookshire
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It was winter and the storm outside was making it nearly impossible to sleep. Ophelia though could sleep, though at the moment all she wanted to do was wake up and she just couldn’t her body wouldn’t allow it, she might as well be in a comma. She had the same nightmare practically every night, you think one would be used to it by now.

She would see her sister running and then she stopped and when she turned around the whole front side of her body was mutilated. She shot straight up breathing heavily, sweat beads dripped from her forehead.

“Amery.” She whispered her sister’s name softly, she had never been the same after her sister died.

She glanced out the wind, the rain poured from the sky angrily and lightning cracked lighting up the room for a second before it went dark again. She hoped she hadn’t waken her roommate Evelyn, but she honestly didn’t know how she was asleep with the weather the way it was. She decided to head down stairs, it was a hot chocolate kind of night, she thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Lorry Character Portrait: Ophelia Brookshire Character Portrait: Mika Lee
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Evelyn Lorry

Eve awoke to her roommate, Orphelia having a night mare in the bed opposite hers. She felt bad for the redhead but there was nothing she could do for the girl. Ophelia had these nightmares so often it had become pretty much a regular occurrence. Softly closing her eyes Eve let herself drift into that place where your not quite asleep but it definitely can't be counted as being awake. Somewhere in the back of her mind she heard her roomie get up and she heard the door close gently. After a few more moment that felt like hours Eve rolled herself out of her warm, comfy bed. Looking out the window she caught a few glimpses of lightning as it lit up the sky. It seemed like forever away from where she was.

Eve stood and watched the rain a lighting a little longer. That was just one of the things she had never experienced for herself before she came here, rain. Her parents were much too afraid of her getting sick to let her go and play in the rain. She still remembered the first time she experienced rain, everyone at Club Zero had looked at her like a complete nutter. Laughing lightly Eve found a baggy jumper of hers on the ground and putting it on she left her room in search of Orphelia. It wasn't like she was going to be able to get back to sleep with the weather the way it was.

While she was looking for Orphelia though she saw Mika. He was crumpled on the floor next to a window. He just look like such a mess, Eve just wanted to ran up to him and hug him. Though she knew that would only make thing worse, she knew him well enough to know he hated any kind of physical contact. So slowly walking up to him she tried to make walk loud enough for him to hear her so ho wouldn't be surprised by her presence. Smiling sweetly, though albeit, kind of awkwardly she sat herself down next to Mika. She didn't say anything though, she didn't know what to say anyway. She just hoped her presence was comforting enough without the actual words part. Seeing the boy like this broke her heart in two and the worst part was she didn't know how to fix it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Lorry Character Portrait: Mika Lee
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Mika tried to take slow deep breaths to calm himself down and to ignore the voices that seemed to be getting louder with each passing second. He glanced up as he heard someone approaching and squinted his eyes to make out who the approaching figure was, muscles tense and on guard. He relaxed and shook his head to get rid of the offending voices when he recognized the form as that of Evelyn. His hands slowly detached from his hair and dropped to his side as her simple presence helped to get rid of the voices that were telling him that he was useless and worthless. That he should have never been born and was a mistake. That no body cared about him and no one ever would.

Mika finally calmed down and closed his eyes as he leaned against the wall, a small serene smile surfacing on his lips as his breathing evened out and his head fell to the side lightly in his sleep. A couple of minutes later, Mika slipped from his perch against the wall and his head landed on Evelyn's shoulder. Mika didn't wake up at the contact as he would have normally, but continued to sleep as his panic attack/voices had worn him out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Lorry Character Portrait: Mika Lee
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Evelyn Lorry

Evelyn saw from the corner of her eye that Mika uncurled himself and seemed to calm down; judging from the way his breathing evened out. She released her breathe that she was unaware of holding. Eve hated when people were sad or upset, and she hated it even more when there was nothing she could do about it. She didn't say anything to Mika though; still not knowing what to say and knowing that if he wanted to talk, he would say something. After a few more minutes his breathing evened out and when she looked over at him his eyes and fallen closed and he looked to be sleeping. Smiling softly to herself Evelyn leaned back against the wall, closing her own eyes gently. Another few minutes went past though and her eyes flung open by the slight weight on her shoulder.

Looking over at Mika, Eve was surprised by how peaceful he looked in his sleep. Without thinking she reached out a hand to move a few stray locks out of his face. She stopped herself though when her hand was almost touching him though, remembering how it was. She had already made that mistake before, besides she couldn't bare to be the one who woke him. Bringing her down back to her side she sifted a little and watched how the light from the window behind her reflected on the wall.

Evelyn sat with him for a good couple of minutes but she began to wonder what she should do. She couldn't lift him or move him by herself and if she left he would definitely wake up. Looking over at how peaceful he looked sleeping, she knew she could wake him, not compared with how panicked he had looked before. So Eve decided she had no choice but to join him in sleep. Leaning down further to make herself more comfortable she closed her eyes and let a deep sleep tale her away. Though she was regretting the fact that she would have a terrible aches tomorrow, that was in the future.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Lorry Character Portrait: Mika Lee
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Mika shifted in his sleep and opened his eyes slowly twenty minutes later. His eyes wandered around the hall, landing on Evelyn who was slumped against him. Mika slowly and carefully moved away from her, shifting her so she was laying on the ground. Mika knew that he had probably slumped against her in his sleep first and was particularly surprised that he hadn't jolted awake from the action. He sat against the wall, a couple feet from Evelyn, shaking as he fought against another panic attack. This was was smaller but still there. He looked around the hallway, wanting to leave but not because he didn't want to leave Evelyn there in the hallway alone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Lorry Character Portrait: Mika Lee Character Portrait: Kira Aqaia
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#, as written by Cinto
Kira sighed. He'd slept over 10 minutes, but who cares, his roommate might be a little off but he wouldn't be able to hurt himself in just twenty minutes. He shuffled out of bed, oversized maroon pajamas dragging slightly on the floor. As usual, he carried with him a battered wolf plushie missing an eye- his one memento from before Club Zero. He checked various hallways and places first, and eventually found Mika with a sleeping girl, he was pretty sure was Eve. It was hard to mistake her blue-dyed hair, an even crazier color than his own reddish chestnut.

"Hey, don't you know it's kinda early to be up and about?" Kira looked over to the other boy. His wording might sound off, but that's just how he was. And there was more or less, care in the question. It was getting kind of cold again, Kira didn't like to be out of bed even if he wasn't sleeping. He flicked his hair out of his face, the usual braid gone at this time in the morning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Lorry Character Portrait: Mika Lee Character Portrait: Kira Aqaia
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Mika looked up at the sound of Kira's voice and gave a small smile. "I had a nightmare about home and came out for a walk," he said quietly. "Eve stayed with me through my panic attack until I calmed down and then we fell asleep. I couldn't leave her here alone and I couldn't take her back to her room, unless I wanted another panic attack," he said with a small pout. "Why are you up? You were still asleep when I left," he asked, yawning slightly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Lorry Character Portrait: Mika Lee Character Portrait: Kira Aqaia
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Mika blushed lightly and looked down. "Do I really make that much noise when I sleep?" he asked, suddenly self-conscious about that fact. "I don't mean to worry you at all," he added. He brought a hand up to his lips as he thought, not wanting Evelyn to get a cold, but also not wanting to wake her up. He debated for a few more minutes before he gave a small nod. "I don't want her to get sick. Could you wake her up please?" he asked as his head tilted to the side slightly - his bangs falling into his face. Knowing that if he tried to wake her up, it may result in a panic attack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Lorry Character Portrait: Mika Lee Character Portrait: Kira Aqaia
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#, as written by Cinto
Kira gave a slight nod, rubbing his eyes with one hand, then brushing away the long red hair that fell into his face. It took a long time to braid, usually, but it was worth not having it fall into his eyes every other second. He didn't want to cut it, though, because...well, he didn't really know. Just...because. "Ah, sometimes. Some nights more than others. And sure, yeah..." Mika sure was interesting, worrying about everyone like that. Kinda cute, in a way. Walking over to Evelyn, Kira nudged her with his foot. "Hey...hey, wake up."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Lorry Character Portrait: Mika Lee Character Portrait: Kira Aqaia
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Eve groaned as she blinked rapidly, unsuccessfully getting over the shock of the sudden light. She smiled weakly at the red head standing over her. "Good Morning I believe," She groaned out to Kira before she slowly and painfully. She rolled onto her side and eventually pulled herself up to a standing postion. She realized the extent of her muscle soreness as she stretched out her arms giving a large yawn.

"Sorry Mika, I think I kind of fell asleep, my bad." Eve said sheepishly as she gave him a small apologetic, if not cheeky, smile. She did feel bad though, she probably put him in an awkward spot when he woke up. "And you Kira, you need a serious hair cut." She continued turning towards the redhead and playfully giving a lock of his hair a sharp tug.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Lorry Character Portrait: Mika Lee Character Portrait: Kira Aqaia
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"Good morning, Evelyn," he said quietly. Mika smiled softly and shook his head lightly. "Its fine really. I just didn't want you to be left alone in the hallway, so I stayed with you. I guess I worried Kira a bit though," he said softly. He stood up quietly and frowned lightly when she told Kira that he needed a haircut. "I don't think he does. I think he looks good with his long hair," he said, a light blush appearing on his cheeks. He would never admit it out loud, but he had a small crush on Kira. He bit his lip and looked out the window, hoping that with the darkness covering the hallway, minus the light from the moon, they wouldn't be able to tell that he was blushing.