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Alexander von Koopa (v2)

Don't bother him. Seriously, he's had enough of your crap.

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a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by Alexander von Koopa


Theme: Beatrix and Steiner Battle


Age: (Physically) 14; (Actually) 220+ Billion

Gender: Male

Race: Koopa

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Physical Description: Alex is a short (4'3'') Koopa with a black shell and a short tuft of purple hair. His shell has small spikes but they're more for appearances than anything. He wears a scarf, half black and half white, which blends together with a checkerboard pattern, but is otherwise naked (his shell covers up all it needs to).

Personality: Despite looking young Alex is actually "too old for this", always ready with a sarcastic comment about whatever the situation is but unwilling to take sass from anyone else. He's also lazy and doesn't really enjoy going out and doing hero business, but this is more due to his track record than lethargy.

History: Alexander von Koopa proper hails from the kingdom of Valhalla Star, which was an otherworldly empire from long before recorded time. As their chief gladiator and warrior, he enjoyed the fame and fortune of the masses, but his refusal to kill Lord Morbul, a fellow citizen (albeit a traitor), got them both banished from Valhalla Star until one can kill the other. They have reincarnated in different bodies across space and time, and this particular one happened to be in the body of a teenage Koopa, who was conscripted into Bowser's army at a young age and got out while the getting was good. Unable to find shelter with the Koopas or almost anyone else, Alex took to relying on his skill with a blade to carry him by until he was recruited by Dr. Y to join the White Platoon, a group of heroes... Well, former group of heroes. After they defeated Majestic, a group of businessmen, they were labeled as terrorists and ordered to shut down. Alex, having gone on many adventures and slain many villains by this point, welcomed retirement, but still had to deal with Morbul. Sealing Morbul deep under the Black Cathedral, Alex is currently trying to settle down into a normal, peaceful life...

Equipment: Alex used to have four swords, each with a mystical glow - Bane, which glowed yellow and worked wonders against the undead, Doomsday, which held dark power, glowed purple, and was used to seal away Morbul, Wrath, which amplified Alex's anger and glowed red, and Entropy, which held chaotic magic and glowed green. As mentioned he threw Doomsday into Morbul's chest to keep him sealed, and Wrath and Entropy got scattered all over the world by a prankster devil. Bane is the only sword Alex still has, and he holds little interest in going after his other swords.

Abilities: Alex is a master swordsman, the skill of billions of years amassed inside his body, and can unleash the hidden powers of his swords if he has them in his hands. He's also one of very, very few people who can fight using four swords at a time (and only two hands). He's also quasi-immortal - lethal force will cause him to "shut down" for a few hours, but unless the body is destroyed he will get right back up.

Other: Alex's long history of fighting bad guys (he was on other forums before this) means he's "seen it all", so to speak, and is unlikely to be impressed with any hero or villain that comes his way. While still Chaotic Good, he would absolutely prefer not to get involved in conflict, doing so only if he absolutely has to and no one else can. However, for a fee he would be more than willing to train other people so they can do his job for him.

So begins...

Alexander von Koopa (v2)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Ramses (v2)
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OOC: I don't receive notifications unless there's a V2 at the end of the tagged character. Also there wasn't really a need to make two filler posts.


Alex waited patiently. It was silent, the only sound being the ripples in the water. Perfect conditions for catching fish. All he had to do was not rush...

There was a nibble on his line. Then another. Then a fish bit down on the hook. Perfect timing. He grabbed the line, reeling in the fish, before yanking back, sending a large mackerel flying out of the water...


Ramses arrived in the quiet town of Thalassa. It was silent, the only sound being the rippling water. Perfect conditions for bagging a bounty quickly and quietly. All he had to do was spot his target...

Which he did quickly. Alex was the only one really out and about, sitting at the edge of a dock, fishing rod in hand, yanking on the line. Perfect timing. He drew his Hawkeye Rifle, lining up the shot, before firing out a whirling snare...

Alex heard the bang but couldn't dodge in time. He could only turn his head as the snare wrapped around him, completely entangling him. Ramses took another shot, this snare tying his arms and legs together and preventing Alex from ducking into his shell. He then walked over to the Koopa.

"Gotta say," said Ramses. "I didn't expect it would be this easy."

He looked down at the mackerel, which dropped from Alex's hands and lay flopping on the docks.

"Nice catch," said Ramses, almost mockingly friendly.

"Go to hell," spat Alex.

"One day," said Ramses. "Right now, though, there's a pretty price on your head. Double if you're alive. Hold on tight, Koopa. We're goin' for a ride."

Ramses called over his UFO, which beamed him and his latest catch aboard, before flying off toward Haven.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Ramses (v2)
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OOC: Whoopsy daisy! Double post!

The setting changes from Thalassa to Sanctuary Prison

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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As the nanite bombs stop, a prison bus arrives to pick up Perrault and drive him away to parts unknown. Meanwhile, a UFO parks outside and Ramses, dragging along a snared and struggling Alex, exits into prisoner processing, where Torgue and Moxxi are being... well, processed. Inspector Crane enters, leading Andy, Kaia, Nankoro, Adel, and Riley past prisoner processing, since they aren't under arrest for anything, and straight to an open interrogation room. Guards follow them, dragging Quintus' unconscious body into prisoner processing. Crane doesn't even look twice at the prisoner processing room but anyone else can look through the window and in if they so desire.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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Andy's too busy trying to keep calm to even look to his side. Kaia did get a glance, noticing Alex. Though somewhat alarmed by this, she'd rather not raise a ruckus over it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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Ramses gets paid for turning in Alex and turns to the Koopa.

"Cheer up," said Ramses. "I'm gonna get your friends to join you real soon."

With that, Ramses goes back to his UFO and flies away from Sanctuary Prison.


Several chairs have been set up in the interrogation room, most on one side of the table. Crane sits in the only chair on the other side.

"Let's get one thing clear here," said Crane. "No one is 'in trouble', or under arrest, or anything like that."

He pauses, looking over Andy and Kaia.

"Well, the senator did put out a call for you two," admitted Crane. "But considering you helped us out with two airship attacks today, I think he'll let that slide. What we're going to do now is talk about what exactly happened. Anything you can remember will help us figure out exactly what was going on with the airships."

"Well, that's the thing," said Riley. "I... I don't remember much of anything, let alone about those flying machines."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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#, as written by Karasz
"This is humiliating. This isn't as fun as being somebody else's slave." Moxxi commented in her moment, "Torgue, this is all your fault! If you haven't crashed your goddamn pod into my stadium, none of this would've happened. The stadium was left out of business for too long due to bureaucratic reasons."


"Shut up!"



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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"Uh, Kaia and I really have no idea why those airships came," Andy said. "We really only came here when we heard that Dr. Y was attacking Ingenium and...thought he'd cause more problems for everyone in the world...And then they showed up."

"Um, detective?" Kaia spoke up. "I did find these assailants' artillery questionable. I mean, I've never known Coronach's military to ever use firearms!"

"Oh yeah! Got the recording right here." Andy showed his phone and opened the video of the events on the deck. There was soon the view of the "knights" bringing out the toxin guns and assaulting Kaia.

"I think the use of nanites by Coronach soldiers was odd, too..." Adel said, crossing his arms on the table. "They've always stuck to the weaponry forged in their own continent, even way back when trades first opened worldwide."

Nankoro really had no idea what the incident was all about, so she had nothing to say yet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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Crane looks over the video on the phone, then pulls out a flash drive and connects it to the phone. The file transfer process should be able to send anything Andy has recorded on his phone (texts, calls, videos, etc.) to the police database.

"Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, to be sure," said Crane.

Crane pulls out two Superhuman Registration Act forms and hands them over to Andy and Kaia.

"Fill these out, please," said Crane. "While we're waiting for evidence transfer."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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So Andy and Kaia fill out the forms. Andy got help from Kaia, Adel, and Nankoro with any questions on the form.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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Cameras come down from the ceiling and take pictures of Andy and Kaia. Another officer comes in and Crane hands him the forms. A few minutes later (after some more questions, none of which get Crane any new information), the officer comes back in with Superhuman Registration cards, which Crane hands to Andy and Kaia.

"Well, I believe that's all we can do for now," said Crane. "You're free to go."

"Pardon me," interjected Riley. "But I was with a Koopa during most of my time in Sanctuary. Is it possible that..."

"Sorry," sighed Crane. "We can't exactly let him go. He's guilty of terrorism, not to mention more counts of murder than I can remember off the top of my head. He's going to be executed in the morning. Same for the other Koopa we brought in, unless he agrees to a plea deal."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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"(!) B-But Alex didn't even - !"

Andy quickly grabbed Kaia's arm, sitting her back down. "Kaia, does it even matter?? You remember what Alex said after those Majestic guys came and took out Morbul with his powers and swords, and before he got killed temporarily by that weird bombing - he doesn't want anyone bothering him!"

"...Wait, what??" Nankoro reacted. "Are you talking about that unexplained explosion on his house in Solum City? {to Adel} That was BIG news back in Fantasma~"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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"... Wait, what?" asked Crane.

Crane pulls out a walkie-talkie, standing up out of the chair.

"I'm going to need a few minutes with Alexander von Koopa," said Crane.

"He's not being cooperative," came a voice on the other end. "We just need more time to break him-"

"This isn't about the attacks on Haven," said Crane. "It's about... that other case."

"Sir, didn't you hear that he didn't want to be bothered?" asked Riley.

"He's being held in prison and is about to be executed," shot back Crane. "I think it's a bit late to not bother him."

Crane storms out of the interrogation room, heading for the maximum security wing, leaving everyone else in the room unsupervised.


Torgue and Moxxi, meanwhile, are being escorted to a cell in the minimum-security wing. Because reasons.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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#, as written by Karasz
"HEY! THAT'S MY LINE, SH*TMUNCHER!!" Torgue screamed at the narrator.

"Well, you better get used to it, Torgue," Moxxi said, "I'm sure you'll be friends with other criminals in the wing."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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"JA!" shouted an inmate with an obnoxious German accent at Moxxi and Torgue. "Ve vill make ze best strudel togezzer!"


Crane arrives at Alex's cell, moving the guards previously interrogating the Koopa aside.

"Hello, Alexander," said Crane. "Can I call you that?"

Alex is distracted with a TV behind Crane. Crane turns to see Adriel Killian on the news, delivering a speech about superpower-granting nanites. Alex smirks.

"So that's what he's up to," said Alex.

Crane turns to Alex and clears his throat.

"I'm Captain David Crane," said Crane. "I'd like to ask you a few questions."

"You know, sending in guys with higher rank to ask me the same questions doesn't magically make me know the answers," said Alex. "I don't know who attacked Sanctuary this morning, and I don't know what Doc was doing in Ingenium. I'm on the outs with the White Platoon these days."

"I'm not here to ask you about the White Platoon," explained Crane. "What do you know about Majestic?"

A brief pause. Alex chuckles and leans back in his chair.

"Enough to know you shouldn't be asking that question," said Alex.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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#, as written by Karasz

"Urggh.... This is the worst day of my life..." Moxxi facepalmed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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Not sure if Andy and the others have any view of Crane and Alex's interrogation room. For now, they just sit around, cooling their heels (impatiently, in Nankoro's case).

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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They do not, in fact, have a view of Alex's interrogation room. In fact, they're free to go. Crane said so himself.


"What do you mean?" asked Crane.

"They've got a nasty habit of finding anyone who looks too closely into their affairs," said Alex. "And making them suffer. While I'm sure you've got something coming to you, being a police officer in Haven and all, I feel it would be remiss of me not to at least warn you."

"I appreciate your concern," said Crane, incredibly sarcastically.

"Now is that all?" asked Alex.

"... You know, I don't get you," said Crane. "You're going to be executed in the morning. You've got a few hours left to live. We're offering you the chance to help..."

"You're demanding that I give you information I don't have," said Alex. "Besides, I've died more times than I care to count. Knowing this planet someone's going to bring me back."


"Ja!" shouted the German guy, giving off some unfortunate implications.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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"...Uh, you realize that they've finished asking us all they need, right?" Adel said to the others. "We can go now."

"Hu - ? Oh! Right, of course, heh..." Andy said, having almost fallen asleep from waiting around.

So, Andy, Kaia, Nankoro, and Adel left the station.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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#, as written by Karasz
"You realize that german nitwit doesn't mean that literally, right?" Moxxi asked Torgue.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2) Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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-drip drop filler flop in the interrogation room-