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Cole Evans

Conspiracy theorist or informed revolutionary?

0 · 1,012 views · located in Arsenal Cove

a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by DCH/NBW-14


Name: Cole Evans
-Grind City Revolution-

Theme Song: Improvise – Jurassic 5


Age: 20

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic Good


Physical Description: 5’10, slim build, dark-skinned African-American, brown eyes, black hair in braids. Wears dark purple flat-billed baseball cap with "GC" on the front, black and purple baseball jersey worn open with “Pharaohs” written in stylized purple lettering on the front and “Carson 37” on the back”, white t-shirt under jersey, dark grey cargo pants, and black and white basketball shoes.

Personality: Cole is generally a calm individual who tries to keep his cool in most situations so that he can think clearly. When in chaotic situations, he can get frustrated and lose focus. He can also be cynical and can even be seen as negative, quick to note how badly a situation can turn out. He is an analytic person who tries to look at every angle when figuring out a mystery and wants to do what he can to right social injustices.

History: Cole Evans is a resident of Grind City, Michigan and an assistant to a cynical anthropologist that is distrustful of government figures, an attitude he has since adopted. While the city has been in bad shape for years, Cole has noticed its condition worsening since the election of Texas businessman S.K. Duggan as mayor. With Duggan’s crazy rules and hired goons threatening the way of life of him, his mentor, and countless others, Cole has decided to go up against him and shut him down.


-Flame Sword- A ninjato with a small flamethrower rigged to the handle. When triggered, it can light the sword’s blade on fire, shoot fire, and can even be used for a fiery slash attack.
-Rifle- A compact, folding rifle. It is normally loaded with rubber bullets for disabling, but nonlethal attacks, but he carries a few regular rounds ‘just in case’.
-Mini Grenade Launcher- Looks like an oversized handgun, fires small but powerful dart shaped grenades.
-Taser Gloves- Can discharge large amounts of electricity with one punch or, when used with the sword, can electrify the blade
-Shield- A folding circular shield that can protect against attacks and reflective to bounce back energy-based projectiles. Can also be used as a melee weapon.
-Knockout Grenade- A grenade that releases knockout gas seconds after activation, rendering anyone caught in it unconscious. Cole has a gas mask to make sure he doesn't breath it in.
-Remote Mines- Can be set on any flat surface and be detonated remotely
-Matrix Watch- An experimental piece of technology stolen from one of Duggan’s mercenaries. When activated, it greatly accelerates the movements of the wearer for a short period of time. It needs to recharge after every use, so it can’t be used constantly.

Abilities: Cole is a trained martial artist, with a focus in karate and sword combat. He is also resourceful in using the environment around him to his advantage.

Other: N/A

So begins...

Cole Evans's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton
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"Here it is guys." Cole said to his two nearby companions as they approached the town of Desmos. This town would be the first stop on their investigation. Cole had been trying keep up with what was going on in Haven and with what he had heard was going on recently, something just didn't seem right. Something just seemed off to him. So he decided he would get on the next boat to Haven to do some digging. While he would feel more at home in Fantasma, if his hunch was correct, he and the two people with him would be able to do more good here.

"They were right about this place. I already feel like I'm steppin' into a sci-fi movie." Tempo said, looking out at the port town of the technologically advanced region. When Cole told him and Rita that he wanted to go to Haven but wanted back up when he went, the two of them were the first ones that he could think of for the job. Rita wanted to check out all the high-tech machines there while Tempo was just game for whatever cool thing came up.

"Oh yeah. I'm gonna have some fun here." Rita said rubbing her hands together. Being used to making gadgets out of hardware store items or scrap parts from junkyards, she couldn't wait to see what she could get a hold of here.

The boat pulled up to the dock and the three of them gathered up their things to disembark.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane
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Passing by the three are several Haven officers talking to one dressed like a cowboy in a long trench coat. They can catch only a little bit of the conversation, which looks to have been in progress for some time.

"... so you see, Cap, we need better equipment if we're gonna take them out of the Temple," said one officer.

"Equipment you shouldn't need if you tried taking them in QUIETLY," chided the cowboy officer.

"R-right," said another. "But... that's not really an option anymore. Seeing as how they're probably on alert against us."

The cowboy officer sighs.

"Fine," said the cowboy. "I'll see if I can get it into the budget. If it works you'll have your new equipment by tomorrow at the earliest. Don't get your hopes up."

"But we need it now, sir, if we're ever going to-" began one officer.

"I've got more on my plate than troublesome teenagers in Taiyomashi Temple," interrupted the cowboy. "I've been called to lead an arrest attempt at the Techno Dome, and I have to be in Ingenium in an hour so I can redouble search efforts for the fugitive Platoon members, if they're even still in Haven. Now get back to your stations."

The cowboy officer heads off while the others grumble to themselves.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton
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It didn't look like Rita or Tempo were paying much attention to what the guy passing by them was saying, but Cole was able to catch what he guessed was the tail end of their conversation.

"Did either of you guys hear that?" Cole whispered.

"Hear what?" Tempo asked.

"Shhh. Keep your voice down." Cole warned. Before they were able to get off the boat, the man Cole saw in the black trench coat had walked a long way off, but he still wanted to stay quiet in case anyone else might be listening to them. "That guy back there said something about stuff happening in a bunch of places around Haven.

"Okay. What kind of stuff?" Rita asked.

"Something about a big arrest attempt and looking for members of that Platoon group." Cole answered.

"Those guys they said caused a whole bunch o' trouble here?" Tempo asked.

"Allegedly. I already said something didn't look right to me about this."

"And what? You think tall, dark, and creepy has something to do with it?" Rita asked.

"At the very least, we have more clues on where to look." Cole said. He took a moment to think then continued. "Okay, here's the plan. Rita, you try to cut that guy off in this Ingenium place. Tempo, see if you can find this Techno Dome and find out what's going on there. I know Sanctuary was the place where the big fight with the White Platoon happened, so I'll see if I can find some clues there. When we're done, I'll let you know where we'll meet up, so keep your phones handy. If you run into any trouble, let us know. Sound good?"

Both of them responded positively and the three of them went off to their destinations.

The setting changes from Desmos to Sanctuary


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel
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Meanwhile, from a different alleyway, Cole had set up his video camera and, finding a hiding place with a good vantage point, began recording what was happening. He had arrived in Sanctuary not long ago and came across what seemed to be the police assaulting a young, though odd-looking girl. He would have jumped in to help if some other person hadn't beaten him to it and now she seemed to be trying to talk them down. So for now, he was staying out of this and observing, his camera picking up what was being said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel
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"Well...let's just say I wanted to know how pawns of the system like you would react to the truth..." the lady said. She then gave them the name of the true power over Haven:


The setting changes from Sanctuary to Desmos


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton
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0.00 INK

The bus from Big Cha-Ching arrived at Desmos's dock. Nankoro hopped out, getting a good vantage of the area. Her target was the Techno Dome...

The setting changes from Desmos to Sanctuary


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel
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"... That thing the crazies in the White Platoon insist existed, and yet had, and still have, no proof?" asked the officer. "The same Majestic they claimed that numerous businessmen and office workers worked for, thinking that would justify murdering them? That Majestic? Hate to break it to you, lady, but there were a whole bunch of investigations into every single person the White Platoon claimed was part of Majestic, seeing if such an organization existed. Nothing was found."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel
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0.00 INK

"Then you haven't tried hard enough," the lady replied, venom in her words. "Have you thought to even look in every conceivable place for them? Like the ruins of the previous capitol? ...Apparently not. {to self} Just like a quick to jump to a conclusion... {out loud} Well, it's too late to find them now - their actions, which you people have allowed, has sped up the end of days!"

Through with these mere peons, the lady vanished in a four-toned blur (red, cyan, yellow, pink) with prismatic leaves drifting to the ground before withering to a deep umber.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel
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0.00 INK

"... Well, that was..." began one officer.

"... Certainly something," said the other. "Should we report this?"

"You kidding?" laughed the first. "If a lady comes up to two officers, calling them nothing but pawns, and chastises them for not doing anything while saying that they are far too late to do anything, then she's obviously crazy. Nothing to worry about."

The officers go back on patrol.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
Amsel and Hopscotch also walk off, somewhat confused by what they just witnessed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus
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0.00 INK

With the altercation seemingly over, Cole turned off his camera, thinking over what he just witnessed.

Majestic, huh? He thought. A secret organization doesn't sound that far off given what we're trying to look into.

Cole would make sure to be on the look out for anything that might provide more info about Majestic, but first things first. Putting his camera up, he exited the alley and started walking toward where the battle took place with the White Platoon. If he was right, it wouldn't be that far from where he was now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Evans
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Cole eventually got to his destination, the area where the battle with the White Platoon took place. They had already made some progress with cleaning the place up, but hopefully, there would be something here that was left behind, something that he could get a lead from. After looking around and seeing the site currently empty and no one paying attention to him, Cole started looking around.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Cole Evans
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0.00 INK

Nankoro arrived from Desmos, looking for the Techno Dome.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Cole Evans
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Cole spent a few minutes looking around the battle site, but so far wasn't able to find anything.

"Dang, man. These guys cleaned up fast," Cole remarked, frustrated. "Hope the others are havin' better luck."

As he looked up, he saw what looked like a half-dragon girl walking by. Remembering what happened with the scorpion-looking girl earlier, he could guess that if the cops ran across her, something similar would happen.

"Uh oh. Walking police brutality case at 9 o' clock," he said. Taking a break from his search, he decided to go after her, taking out his camcorder as he was walking and working to turn it on. If something did happen, he wanted to make sure that A) this girl stayed safe and B) that he could catch what happened.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Cole Evans
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0.00 INK

Sure enough, one of Haven's officers quickly took notice to Nankoro, almost spurting his drink in the process. (Good thing he kept his mouth clenched shut and swallowed) In any case, he approached her.

"Uh, excuse me!" he said to her, getting her attention.

"Hu - ? Oh, this is about registering, right?" Nankoro responded. "Where do I go for that?"

"Well..." This officer was mildly nervous, after hearing about what went on with Khorshid and Persephone. "W...We have a registration point just around here. Over there."

"Ah. Okay, thanks~" So, Nankoro went to the registration booth, filling out whatever paperwork she was given. Took a bit, including some prodding about her mask (talk which she shrugged off), but she finished all the necessary papers. Receiving her card, she proceeded to the Techno Dome.

"Phew...I really gotta trust our new riot armor better..." the officer said. He and the other officers of Haven have received state-of-the-art armor and other such equipment to keep up with everybody, but he's still quite nervous. Does he have a reason to be anymore? Haven should be safer now...right?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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0.00 INK

Quintus von Koopa, fresh from an escape from Ingenium, runs into Sanctuary, panting in a back alley. He looks up to see a rather lanky man in a bloodstained lab coat, with a twisted smile running across his face (though his eyes look more perplexed than happy).

"Hello," said the man. "My name's Riley MacCreedy. What's yours?"

Quintus laughed - a deep, threatening laugh.

"Quintus von Koopa," answered Quintus.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," said Riley.

"... Seriously?" asked Quintus. "Normally people either try to fight me or run when they hear who I am."

"Well I've never heard of you, personally," said Riley with a shrug.

"Oh, you'll get to know me pretty well!" shouted Quintus.

Quintus grabbed Riley's right arm and pulled, hard, with enough force to yank it out of its socket... but strangely enough the arm stayed attached. It made a loud "crunch", sure, but it's still there.

"What on earth are you doing?" asked Riley. "Please stop."

Meanwhile, several airships from Coronach approach Sanctuary airspace...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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0.00 INK

Cole looked to his phone to see that he got a text message from Tempo and a couple of video messages from Rita. Opening the text first, it read Got nothing here. 5-O incoming. Watch out.

"Damn. The police coming might make lookin' around here a bit harder," Cole said as he looked over the message. He opened the video from Rita next.

"What in the world did she just send me?" Cole asked, confused as to why she sent him a video of a robot fighting some big turtle monster.

"Hey, the stuff in the video. This fight that's going on. It's happening right now. Crazy, right?" Rita said in the video. "Tempo, tell me that turtle guy doesn't look a little like Godzilla." This was followed up by another video. This one was of the police arriving on the scene, including that guy in the black trenchcoat from Desmos. Then, a crowd was seen running away from something and Rita turned the camera to show an airship falling to the streets, Rita started to run but then she turned back when something pulled the ship away.

Cole whistled then said, "Rita got a lot o' stuff ta work with. Glad someone's makin' progress."

That was when he looked up and saw a bunch of airships approaching the city. "I don't think those are from around here," he said. He started getting his camcorder ready. He had a feeling he was going to need it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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0.00 INK

The airships start playing "Ride of the Valkyries" as they release mysterious payloads...


At the Sanctuary bus station, the same guard that held up Mordred earlier is on break, taking a smoke outside. He looks up when he hears the sound of "Ride of the Valkyries," just in time to see a large capsule burst above him, releasing several nanites that cover him (and anyone in a 100-yard radius) and burrow under his skin. At first wincing in pain, the guard begins screaming, falling to the ground as he bursts into flames. Jets of flame rocket all around him as others nearby similarly scream in pain. One's body stretches to incredible lengths, one's body starts glowing with necrotic energy, and one phases straight through the ground.


Similar nanite-filled capsules burst and cover the area around various police patrols and Superhuman Registration offices, everyone affected suddenly developing a superpower without the ability to control it.


As screaming and "Ride of the Valkyries" fills the air, Quintus and Riley look up.

"Oh, this day keeps getting better and better," spat Quintus.

"My day's only just begun," said Riley. "I'd hate to start it out screaming in pain. What say we make tracks?"

Quintus runs out of the alley... only to see nanites burrowing under a police officer's skin down the street. As this officer rolls down the street, he knocks down several fire hydrants, cars, light poles, and other things that a human body generally shouldn't knock down. Quintus runs back into the alley.

"I'm not going out there without cover!" said Quintus.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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0.00 INK

At one apartment, a young man with auburn hair takes note of the situation from his window. Shocked by the sudden arrival of Coronach airships and people suddenly developing magic powers, he stumbled back from the window.

"W...What in Unitas...??" he stuttered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adel Torrez Character Portrait: Quintus von Koopa (V2) Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Riley MacCreedy (V2)
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0.00 INK

The nanite bombs keep getting dropped over Sanctuary. Many people try fleeing indoors and staying away from windows or other openings. The key word here is "many people". It's a traffic jam out there, which leads to more people getting exposed to nanites.

Meanwhile, Riley takes two nearby trash cans and pushes them over before picking up the lids, tossing one to Quintus and putting the other one over his head.

"Are you serious?" asked Quintus.

"It may not look it, but yes," said Riley. "Now do you want to get out of here or not?"

"... What do you even want?" asked Quintus, part to himself.

"The same thing as you, I imagine," said Riley, running out from the alleyway. "I want to not be here if and when something worse happens!"