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Nymeris Targaryen

0 · 202 views · located in Cellrin

a character in “Hex vs Mages 2”, originally authored by GirlOfLightning, as played by RolePlayGateway


Nymeris grew up in the Hex nation. She has dark skin and dark curly hair, and is about 5'8" tall. She has a scar under her right eye going diagonally across her cheek, and metal grey eyes.

Nymeris believes that she is superior to everyone else. Indifferent with a cool demeanor, she doesn't let much bother her. No conscience to speak of whatsoever.

Her powers include (and are pretty much limited to) controlling metal and magnetic fields. At the time this story starts, she has made an army of robots (known as 'Cybers') and a second-in-command robotic human (to be explained) named Vabri, with the not-so-affectionate nickname of Freak. Nymeris can also, using the city mostly made of metal, can levitate and, using magnetic fields, fly.

Nymeris has taken over the Hex Nation from Hexadecimal by damaging the memory chips in all of the computers one at a time, over a period of years. Once all the computers in the Hex Nation no longer remembered Hexadecimal and could no longer protect her, she stormed the palace and confronted the royal family. After a brief fight, Nymeris overpowered them and instated herself as ruler of the Hex. The former royal family was allowed to continue living in the palace, but were trapped in a lavish prison that was formerly their home. All the mages and elementals were called into the capitol city and trapped there as well. The nobles of the Hex continued their places in the new government, also trapped within the walls of the city.

Nymeris was born at the very end of the war, and didn't really have parents. She was raised in the palace as a servant, quickly learning the ins and outs of the nooks and crannies and secret passages. When she was 4, she discovered her powers by trying to take apart a computer and, before she could even touch it, it was in pieces on the floor. This resulted in getting her cheek cut open for not doing as she was told. she carries that scar still. When she was 10, she ran away and set off on a quest to wipe all traces of Hexadecimal from every computer in the Hex Nation. When she was 14, she took the palace over and has been living there as ruler ever since.

So begins...

Nymeris Targaryen's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reneé Character Portrait: Valentino Waters Character Portrait: Nymeris Targaryen
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"Code Red. Code Red. Take proper security measures. A threat to our royal family has been detected."
I stare at my friend Le-a and raise my eyebrows as the bus goes into lock-down mode. We've stopped in the middle of the road, but nothing's moving anymore. They must have all heard the command. Metal plating slides out from a compartment on the side of the bus and covers the sides, blocking out all light except that from our glowing phones and arm-bands. I can only remember one lock-down drill, and everyone knew about it before it happened. This must be the real thing.
"Keep your hands and feet at your sides, please," the robotic voice of Hexadecimal comes over the loudspeakers. We hold still as metal plating slides out from the back of each seat and encases us each in separate pods.
I take out my phone and face-time Le-a. "Y'know whats goin on?" She says. I shake my head. "Lemme look it up real quick," I say. I pull up HNN ((Hex Nation Network)) to see if they have something on what's happening. "It says here that Hexadecimal is going to go on and tell us what happened in two minutes."
I start playing a game on my phone.
The newscast opens itself automatically. Hexadecimal's robot form ((Yes Ashley, she has more than one)) is on. I listen closely.
"The royal family has been attacked and the palace has been infiltrated. Prince Fernando Waters has been killed by the attacker."
A picture comes up on the screen. "Our database has identified her as Nymeris Targaryenn, a Hex builder and servant. She is on our most-wanted list. If you come in contact with her, hide immediately. She appears to have a type of metal controlling technology. Do not attempt to use weapons on her. The queen Adelaida has been rescued, and the royal children are safe. The Hex government has this all under control. She holds no position of power, let me assure you. In the meantime, before this is resolved, stay away from the palace."
"So if dey got it all under control, why we gotta go into lock-down mode doe?" I complain to Le-a.
"Isn't yo bae one o' them royal people?" Le-a asks.
I forgot about Valentino. I send him a text to make sure he's OK. "Yeah, I think he OK doe. I mean, he was at school today so I mean I know he didn't get attacked or nothin'."
Valentino responds to the text. "No, my dad was killed. What do you think?"
I've never known him to be rude before. "Sorry," I text back.
"It's OK. We're staying in a hotel with Adelaida. I don't know where my mom is."
The bus goes out of lock-down mode. People start talking loudly, relieved that it wasn't something serious.
"That bitch stupid," I say to Le-a. "What she gon go take over the royal family for? She know they aint do nothing really, its all Hexadecimal."
"They gonna catch her real easy," Another girl on the bus says.