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Francis "Franki" West

"Note the heavy sarcasm in my voice."

0 · 965 views · located in Mecca Mana Academy

a character in “Mecca Mana”, as played by HOLYCRAPAGHOST


Name: Francis "Franki" West

Age: 17

Appearance: Franki is very boyish, she didn't grow into her features until recently. Strong jawline with fuller lips. Deep blue eyes and freckles all along her nose and forehead. Dark brown hair that falls just past her eyes, she has always worn it long, but cut it short after quitting her dancing career. She's fairly skinny, due to being bred for a dancer, but has recently been gaining weight out of spite and is average height. She usually wears torn up black converse with blue duct tape holding them together. Her wardrobe consists of holy jeans and t-shirts. Only a few things she owns are "nice" or have nothing written on them.

Element: Water

Ability Level: 3 (Ever since discovering her powers, Franki has been adamant about learning to control it. She practiced any chance she could, but is still just a beginner. She can control heavy amounts of water, and has even, unknowingly, discovered it's healing properties)


Franki is very sarcastic and witty. "Boy trapped in a girl's body." Often found playing video games or reading. A self-proclaimed "derk" (dork+nerd+geek) Relatively quiet in large crowds, but uses her humor to break the ice and relieve tension. She has long since stopped dancing "professionally", but still enjoys the freedom of the movements. She is very graceful, but only with her body not her words. She uses her sarcasm as a security blanket to make an uncomfortable situation, comfortable. She loves playing video games, even when she was a dancer. She hates being told what to do, especially the "You have to..." phrase. She's stubborn and will follow her own heart and mind, as opposed to someone else's.


Franki is the youngest of six, as well as the only girl. They've always been extremely protective of her. While she was always extremely close to her brothers, and found enjoyment out of the things they did, her mother always had other plans. Ever since she was four, Franki has been in dance classes. When she was 14. she was invited to participate in a show with professionally dancers. Afterwards, she was invited to dance with them all across the world, but declined, much to her mother's disapproval.

Franki has always been aware of her powers over water. She discovered them when she was playing in the pool with her brothers. They were relentlessly splashing her, and, wanting to get them away from her, almost caused a tidal wave in the pool. Her mother and father always denied her control over water, but Franki always knew. She had been practicing her skills ever since, learning to control water and all it's properties.

She had lived with her family in New York her entire life, until the EF got in contact with her recently.

Other: Her favorite color is purple.

So begins...

Francis "Franki" West's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Gina Games Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris Character Portrait: Courtney Knolls Character Portrait: Merry Cinders
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Franki stepped slowly into the auditorium. She and a group of teens around her age, were all ushered inside and told to take seats. No one spoke, all too concerned about why they were brought here. She gripped the strap of her bag tighter, the bulk of it banging against her knee as she walked.

The auditorium was beautiful. Franki found herself staring up at the large chandelier. The bright twinkling crystals caused the lights to bounce off the space, and creating a beautiful effect in the large space. The chairs were plush and red, matching the velvet curtain on the stage. It was then that Franki noticed the four people standing on the stage.

They talked quietly amongst themselves, probably about why the teens were here. Someone knocked into Franki and she quickly caught herself. The person muttered an apology before turning into an aisle to take a seat. Franki rolled her eyes, but began moving with the group again.

She turned into an aisle, and walked down a bit, before finally deciding on a seat. She placed her bag on her lap and waited patiently for the orientation to begin.

The setting changes from Auditorium to Mecca Mana Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Gina Games Character Portrait: Kael Ross Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris Character Portrait: Courtney Knolls Character Portrait: Merry Cinders
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Leilani bounced into the auditorium with a zeal you wouldn't have expected from her, and as she skipped to her seat,, she turned in midair so that she landed perfectly on her hind.
"TEN point landing, the crowd goes wild!" Leilani said with a smile, bringing the same result to most of the people around her, who had probably noticed the scarring right away. She giggled, and went through her sidebar to make sure she had everything before classes(and announcements) started.

The setting changes from Mecca Mana Academy to Auditorium


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Gina Games Character Portrait: Kael Ross Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris Character Portrait: Courtney Knolls Character Portrait: Merry Cinders
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Kael followed the wave of excited and nervous students filing into the Auditorium. More students appeared to be more of the nervous type, with the majority of the sounds coming from the chairs moving or the four adults on the stage. A couple of students spoke in hushed whispers off to one side and he heard a burst from a girl off in one of the seats, "TEN point landing, the crowd goes wild!" Ha, he thought, now that's more like it.

Stopping at an isle, Kael found a hole in the wave of students and sat in the closest seat to the outside. He dropped his bag to the floor between his feet and let out a sigh. Standing almost all day had taken its toll and shuffling between all the nervous students was exhausting. A few seats down a girl sat with her bag on her lap waiting patiently as more students made their way into the auditorium. Watching all of them, Kael felt boredom quickly working its way to his head and pulled out his phone.

"WheeeeEEW POW!" Went the bird as it crushed the evil piggy. Kael hadn't noticed the sound was on and quickly shut the phone off. He could feel more than one set of eyes on him as his fingers found a sudden itch on his chin, letting his gaze fix on the chandelier high in the ceiling. "That was a little loud..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Gina Games Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio Character Portrait: Kael Ross Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris Character Portrait: Courtney Knolls
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Tony wandered in with the others, but keeping mostly to the back. Some were talking excitedly, others seemed nervous like him. As he walked in, he couldn't help but be stand in awe at the auditorium. The chandelier, the seats, the reminded him of Broadway.

A shout from further into the large room knocked Tony back to his senses, and he realized he had been standing still, gaping upwards with his mouth open, for a good five minutes. Embarrassed, he shuffled over to the closest empty seat and sat in it quite unceremoniously. He heard the sounds of Angry Birds erupt behind him before it was quickly shut out. That made him smile, slightly.

He stared at his shoes for a bit before letting his eyes venture upwards, towards the wonderfully carved ceiling, and that fantastic chandelier. Imagine playing in a room like this! A right performance hall...his eyes settled on the stage and the curtains, and he examined the folds, the color, the way the light hit them. He wondered what it would be like if he was the one standing there, flute in hand, performing in front of this auditorium full of people. The thought both emboldened him and saddened him, as he thought about his lost opportunity at Juilliard Prep. Well, his dad wanted him to go here, and after all the yelling they had done at each other (well, his dad did most of the yelling...all right, all of the yelling), it was the least he could do to make his father 'proud' again. And the mountains and countryside was a nice change of scenery from the busy Jersey Shore.

Tony settled deeper into his chair and picked absent-mindedly at the cushion, staring at the marble-tiled floor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio Character Portrait: Kael Ross Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris Character Portrait: Sunan Charoenkul Character Portrait: Leilani Lunalilo
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Sunan Charoenkul

The short, tanned skinned boy walked into the auditorium shortly after he heard screaming. In retrospect, he should of taken that as a sign to just leave regardless of what anyone else thought, said or did. Yet here he was, standing and watching as a blaze of fire shrunk down until it disappeared at where they came from in the first place - an arrogant looking adult. Sunan blinked and rubbed his eyes. Was he seeing correctly? Perhaps this was just a really long, detailed dream. There was gossip that they were gathered at the school because they all had some sort of elemental power, and he couldn't wrap his head around it, even when it was right in front of his face like that. A man that could create flames like that? It had to be some sort of trick, right? Was MTV's Punk'd back on air?

No was the answer, to his dismay, everything was very real. Now he was stuck in some hick town in Montana, not that he actually know what kind of place this was at all, but he was currently too irritated to care. He had been taken from his comfort zone, again, and placed in a boarding school. Sunan wasn't a stranger to living away from home, but he strongly doubted that living and attending school at Mecca Mana would be anything like living with the monks in Thailand. The boy moved towards an aisle to find a seat, clad in a loose orange hoodie and tan cargo shorts. His parents had insist he dress nice for the first day, but he had rebelled, and came wearing beat up sneakers instead of dress shoes.

He took a seat not far from a few other peoples. A boy playing angry birds, a bubbly girl, a lanky boy and a girl with burns over her body. He didn't look their way, and instead put his gaze ahead. The more he thought about it, the more he came to realize that it might not be so bad. At least it was a new place, giving him more areas to explore and discover. Though Sunan really could do without the whole 'This is a boarding school, and not just any boarding school, it's frickin' Hogwarts. You got some crazy elemental ability kid, welcome to the looney bin.' thing. Seriously? Elements? What were they, seventeenth century alchemists? Please. Not that it wasn't an interesting thought, but, really? He remained unsure about this whole situation, and how his supposed 'abilities' were already bringing him grief wasn't helping.

Sunan slid the large headphones off from over his ears until they were resting on his shoulders, around his neck. He followed that up by turning off his ipod, an older model given to him by a friend before he moved back to America, and returned the device back to his hooded sweatshirt's pocket. The boy crossed his arms over his chest, it seemed like the man had gotten what he wanted, the attention of the students. He might as well tune into what they had to say, and put aside what they wanted him to do later.

The setting changes from Auditorium to Mecca Mana Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Gina Games Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio Character Portrait: Kael Ross Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris Character Portrait: Sunan Charoenkul
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Leilani's eyes widened as she saw the pillar of flame, and soon, flashbacks started.

A house burning...

Suffocation by the smoke...

The log as it swung down towards her...

"I'm sorry, Leilani... They're both gone..."

Leilani''s shriek pierced the air, and soon a giant surge of water from every accessible point within the auditorium and anywhere around it for 50 feet, even from the air itself, flooded towards the stage, completely dousing everything there as she screamed, her arms wrapped around her knees in sheer terror from the flames that had tortured her such. She didn't even notice that there were other people getting wet, all she cared about was destroying the fire before it destroyed her again as she rocked back and forth in her chair, shivering with fear. She started crying, and even that went towards the surge, still on stage even as the fire was out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Gina Games Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio Character Portrait: Kael Ross Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris Character Portrait: Sunan Charoenkul
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The shriek shocked Franki out of her daze from the fire. She immediately jumped to her feet, bag falling to the ground, and saw the source of the noise. She hadn't noticed her before, but she could immediately spot the burns on her body. It was then that Franki felt the water.

It wasn't the droplets on her skin, but her connection to the element was strong, she could feel it rushing towards the students. The pipes bursting and every sprinkler system went off. All water, in a near radius, was rushing towards the auditorium, towards the fire.

Quickly, Franki leaped over the chairs in front of her and moved into the main aisle. She held her hands up in front of her, as if pushing an invisible wall. The water, rushing closer and closer, soaking all the teens that couldn't get out of it's path, suddenly stopped. The water came to a halt midair above Franki, and, with a few slow movements, the water began to shrink in size.

Franki made large arm gestures, slowly moving the water towards her and slowly making it smaller. She held it between her hands as she slowly turned to face the four people on the stage. She didn't say anything, but gave the fire man a knowing look, before stepping over to the shrieking girl. Who was still shrieking.

"It's okay," She said as kindly as she could manage. Comfort and compassion wasn't one of her strong suits. "I can help."

Franki split the water, so there was some hovering between both hands. The water engulfed her hands as she placed them on either side of the young girl's head. This was a trick she had learned back when she was a kid. Her mom was always so stressed, and Franki had learned this to help her ease her mother's pain.

Taking a deep breath, she could feel the water cooling around her. Something as simple as cool water could help calm someone down. Hopefully, it would work on this girl.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Leilani Lunalilo
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To make a long story short, it did. Then she saw the fire still going and wrenched all the water around Franki's guard and doused it anyway, back to panicking until was gone.
(Quick note: You can't calm Leilani down as long as there is a fire bigger than one you'd find on a stove around. If she sees fire not meant for cooking, it's going out.)

The setting changes from Mecca Mana Academy to Auditorium


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Kael Ross Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris Character Portrait: Leilani Lunalilo
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The heat of the fire snapped Kael back to reality and out of his lulling boredom just in time to watch every candle among the chandelier spark to life with a tiny dancing flame. Watching those flames dance seemed to slow everything around him down. Everywhere throughout the auditorium were yells and shouts and people frantically moving about out of reaction and instinct, a few stood or sat in stunned silence; none of which seemed to reach Kael.

Out of nowhere, a scream escalated above the rest of the mayhem in the large room and shattered the solace surrounding Kael. He felt, more than anything else, the torrent of water rushing through the auditorium toward the stage and saw the girl a few seats away move out of the corner of his eye. The bag at his feet was kicked into the isle as Kael got to his feet and spun toward the oncoming wall of water and braced himself with the chairs behind. Simulating an awkward dive, he crossed his arms in front of him while ducking his head and inhaling a quick breath, letting the water break around him.

When his head emerged through the back of the torrent, Kael took another breath and shook out his jacket as the remaining water steamed around him due to the heat emanating from his body. Little tendrils of steam hazed around his body as he lent another kid a hand up and glanced around to see where his bag had gotten to. He found it next to the stage along with many other possessions that washed over. Great... Kael thought as he lifted the sopping wet bag and pulled out the soaked phone I must look quite the sight, completely soaked belongings, and not a drop on myself. He chuckled slightly. Hm?

The bag Kael spotted close to his looked familiar as he grabbed it up as well and looked around to find the girl from his row of seats leaning over another girl. Her hands were wrapped in more water and placed to the sides of the shaking girl's head. Kael rolled his eyes at the students still freaking out and running in all directions as he made his way to the two girls. He set the bag down beside them.

"You dropped this."

The setting changes from Auditorium to Mecca Mana Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Gina Games Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio Character Portrait: Kael Ross Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris Character Portrait: Sunan Charoenkul
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As the water tsunami'd over his head, Tony only had two thoughts:

My flute is going to get wet.

I'm going to drown.

He quickly found that his second thought wasn't true, judging by how the water started to subside. But that still left his flute. And if that was wet, well, there'd be hell to pay!

Frantically, he pulled up the hard black case and propped himself higher on the chair in case of another wave as he fumbled with the latches. Finally, he threw open the lid and hesitantly examined the silver instrument.

So far so good. Tony exhaled in relief. The case had done its job and protected it. Quickly, he shut the case for fear of another surge, but didn't know where to put it. He decided to stay with his feet on top of the chair, and shivered slightly as the water droplets rolled off his back. Turning, it wasn't difficult to see which girl had done it. He glared at her with as much conviction as he could muster--which wasn't all too much--and shot limp arrows of displeasure towards her with his eyes. She had nearly ruined his chances at Juilliard with that temper tantrum! His somewhat anger subsided by a lot when he saw the burns on her face, leading him to just sigh and turn around, arms clutched protectively around his case as his body hunched over it, staring dully at the stage from beneath his dripping wet hair.

The setting changes from Mecca Mana Academy to Auditorium


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio Character Portrait: Kael Ross Character Portrait: Sunan Charoenkul Character Portrait: Leilani Lunalilo
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Sunan Charoenkul

One moment he was sitting down peacefully, the next he was soaked with water. It'd happened so quickly, the girl screaming and the rush of water, Sunan didn't have time to react whatsoever. So when the waves of water finally ceased, he was still in his chair as if nothing had happened, only now his clothes were heavy with water. Realizing what had happened, the boy groaned and ran a hand through his hair, pushing his wet fringe back. His fingers pinched the bridge of his nose as his head craned downwards, irritated and trying to prevent any onslaughts of a headache, or bursts of anger. "I really am stuck with a bunch of crazy people." Sunan mumbled, moving his hands so they pressed into his temple momentarily, before they fell to his sides.

The boy grabbed his ipod from out of his hoodie pocket, it certainly hadn't escaped the onslaught of liquid. Next he grabbed his phone from his pants pocket, that hadn't survived either, he hoped some rice would be able to save them. "Are you serious?" His tone was agitated, angry, but not too loud. Not that it would matter much, the people around him were still increasing in volume. He was uncomfortably wet and already frustrated, not a good combination. Soon he was standing and peeling off his hoodie, it really wasn't doing him much good at the moment, leaving him in a black tank top, or wifebeater, whichever term you preferred.

After wringing the article of clothing out, and tossing it to hang on the back of his chair, he took the time to look around. There was the burned girl who was panicking, being comforted by another, and the redheaded boy next to them as well. Sunan actually had no idea what had happened, and he wasn't sure if she was crying because of the fire or the water, but after a moment he decided he didn't really care. Instead he was more interested in where all that water came from, but found no answers, despite it being right in front of him.

There was also a boy checking on a flute not too far away, and the other people around them were talking animatedly as they fussed over the water and their things. He looked back over to the staff members on stage. How were they going to handle this? They hardly seemed like they knew what they were doing, typical adults. Sunan sighed and stretched, his shoulders slumping soon after and he returned to sitting down on his seat. "Lets just get this over with." More murmurs escaped from his lips. He really wanted nothing more, the sooner he could go retrieve his things and get changed into dry clothing, the better.

The setting changes from Auditorium to Mecca Mana Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Kael Ross Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris Character Portrait: Leilani Lunalilo
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Noticing the girl's sudden panic over the fire, Franki quickly shot some water over and doused it. Unfortunately, dousing the man in control of it as well. Oh well, serves him right. Scaring people like that. She couldn't help but think.

"It's okay," She said calmly. "Everything's going to be alright. You can control water, so here..." She removed her hands from the girl's head and took her hands. The water that was around her hands quickly morphed around the girl's. Slowly, she lifted the girl's hands up and placed them on either side of her head. "It's okay now." She managed a smile.

"You dropped this."

Franki jumped at the sudden sound and looked up to find a boy handing her bag to her. He was the boy playing Angry Birds earlier. "Thank you," She said taking the bag. She stood and noticed the other teens trying to dry themselves off, some losing electronic possessions due to the typhoon that had rampaged the space.

Unfortunately, her bag didn't escape the waves either. Hissing, Franki dropped the soaked object on to a chair and quickly fished out her phone. Waterlogged. Placing her hand on the back of the metal item, she closed her eyes and drew the water from it and shot it into the air, evaporating into its gaseous form. She flipped her phone over and turned it back on and, sure enough, all was well.

"If anyone needs their electronics fixed, or their clothes dried, I can help out." She called.

The setting changes from Mecca Mana Academy to Auditorium


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Leilani Lunalilo
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Leilani stared bluntly at her, completely calm now that the fire was gone by Leilani's hand.
"Of course I can control water. Do I look like someone who hasn't survived a house fire because of it?" With that, she sent the water around her into a mist, humidifying the area around her. "Now I'd appreciate you get your hands off my burns before I take the water in your body and boil it." Even as she spoke, Leilani's glare was enough to put three people in the grave if looks could kill. NO ONE touched Leilani without her permission. At least, no one who realized that someone with scars MIGHT feel a tad self-conscious about them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker Character Portrait: Gina Games Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris Character Portrait: Courtney Knolls Character Portrait: Merry Cinders
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Hoga
Atomsk walked into the auditorium to a scene of chaos. His eyes grew wide, seeing a large amount of water being pushed away on either side of the auditorium. Students were giggling, acting as if the water wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Students all around were playing around, with fire, water, as if it was a toy. He felt a little self conscious, but didn't let it show. He took a few steps and then turned and leaned against a wall in the back of the auditorium. An old habit, he always hung around near exits for quick escapes if need be. He put one leg up against the wall, putting all his weight on his left leg, and then crossed his arms.

He looked around bored, but the truth was he was fascinated. The others were all very clearly better at this then him. He'd never seen others like him before. He felt sort of out of place. Sure his power could be incredible, but when he thought about using it he couldn't. He pulled his knife from his pocket and took it out of its sheath. A Winchester Hunting knife, perfectly balanced for throwing. He began flipping it in his right hand, holding it by the blade and flipping it thrice to catch it by the handle. He never screwed up, not even once.

He began sweeping the room, getting a good look at everyone. He saw quite a bit of attention surrounding a girl. They seemed quite excited about it, so he assumed she was the one to cause the mess. No one else really seemed to stand out much, a few people playing with fire in their hands, some shooting pebbles across the room. Their were a number of older individuals at the front of the room, very obviously teachers.

A stone flew quickly in his direction. Atomsk reflexively caught the small pebble in his hand, without missing a beat. He kept flipping his knife, and then angrily glared at the student who shot it at him. The student shuddered at his reflexes and tough look, immediately shying away from Atomsk. He wouldn't have done anything to the kid, but he wanted to make it clear not to mess with him. He caught his knife and stopped flipping it momentarily, pausing to put in his headphones. He put his iPod on shuffle, the first song to come up was Electric Feel by MGMT...

The setting changes from Auditorium to Mecca Mana Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Erin Vines Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker Character Portrait: Gina Games Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris
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Tony couldn't quite believe what he had just heard. Icarus Whim? Magical scars? An attack on a hospital?

For such vocal people, turned out his parents could keep secrets...

Though he was sure that if his parents were here they'd protest loudly, or ask questions loudly, or do something loudly. They were loud people, after all.

Tony, himself, just stayed quiet, crouching even closer into a ball. One guy seemed to be on the same page as his parents. He was asking a lot of questions. Questions Tony had never even thought about. Questions Tony didn't have the balls to ask, nor the confidence. Still. The truth about his was so...outlandish. He had daydreamed of things as fantastic as this, but never expected it to be real! Why had his parents kept this from him? Magical scars...maybe this was the reason he was different from his family? To his knowledge, no one else had any crazy magic battles while they were being born. So this guy, Icarus Whim, was to blame for his quietness? For the disappointment he was?

A gust of wind picked up within the auditorium, swirling around Tony as he clutched his case closer to him, thinking hard. And, as if that wasn't enough, now these people thought it was in his best interest to bring him all the way out to Hicksville? For what? Tony was sure that if Icarus saw him, he wouldn't want anything to do with him.

Why can't people mind their own damn business? he thought bitterly, the wind rushing around him, riffling his hair and scattering any small objects within its vicinity.

The setting changes from Mecca Mana Academy to Auditorium


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Erin Vines Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker Character Portrait: Gina Games Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio Character Portrait: Kael Ross
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#, as written by Hoga
Atomsk looked up at the man, who elbowed Gina slightly in a joking fashion. Defend ourselves? They had a point. It isn't like they could do much if this guy came after any of them. He smiled and flicked his hand in the air, a sign of his reluctant approval.

He turned around, hear the front of the auditorium now, and could still see some unsettled students. He had drawn some attention to himself with his questions. It seemed positive for the most part. He saw his own questions as at least a bit insightful. But some of them still felt uneasy. He could tell. One boy was curled up, holding his possessions close to him. He stood observing for a bit not really sure what to do. He had completely forgotten about his knife, but he was till flipping it. He decided to kick it up to five flips before he caught it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker Character Portrait: Gina Games Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris Character Portrait: Leilani Lunalilo
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Franki was taken a back by the girl's sudden outburst, but her surprise quickly settled back into it's usual scowl. "Whatever," She grumbled snatching up her bag and moving back to her seat on the other side of the auditorium. She was almost to her seat when a boy in the back started asking questions to the four on the stage.

Franki caught sight of the teenager, taking in his appearance. She was good with faces, perhaps not names, but faces. Everyone here she could easily identify as one of her "schoolmates" now, or describe them to anyone for any specific reason.

This one, the boy asking questions, looked dangerous, but it was just a show. Franki had seen it with her brothers, they all went through that phase. The knife he was flipping, was out of habit not intimidation. At least that's what she saw. He talked casually with the four adults, and barely glanced at the knife. Did he even realize he was doing it? Oh, but he had a past, one that probably explained the tattoos...

Franki was zapped out of her daze by one of the adults' explanation of why they were here. Magic? Well, yeah. Clearly, they all had something in them that was connected to a certain element, and Franki always believed it was magic. Even now. There wasn't really any better way to explain it. But this Icarus dude, he seemed a bit shady.

Slumping down into her seat, Franki bit on her thumbnail as she pondered the explanation.

The setting changes from Auditorium to Mecca Mana Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker
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#, as written by Hoga
While sweeping the room, Atomsk noticed a girl just sitting down, moving from where she previously was. She wasn't looking at him with contempt, rather just observing. He decided to approach her and strike up a conversation. She looked friendly enough. He walked over to her and climb over a few rows until he was in the seat in front of her. He got on his knees in the chair in front of her and placed his hands firmly on the back of the seat.

He addressed her fairly casually. "So, whats your feelings on this whole thing beautiful?" He called most girls beautiful, really just something he did, not meaning anything by it.

The setting changes from Mecca Mana Academy to Auditorium


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Erin Vines Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker Character Portrait: Gina Games Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris
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Erin Vines

Hearing the words out loud and spoken by the only sure authority figures she could see, Erin mulled them over quietly. One finger went to her chin as she pondered. The fact was, it made a nonsensical way. Magic. Hm. It did bother her that their explanation was one that she couldn't confirm herself. She had tried. Since receiving her letter and discovering her slight influence over tiny flames, her time on the internet and in the public library verged on unreasonable. Practically living there for most of the last week, she discovered only myths and folklore, nothing concrete.

The adults here spoke of a man, an Icarus Whim, a name she had never heard before. And of conflict. Of human personas. Of self-defense and hospital battles. The color drained from her face with one explanation after another. Since no one sat around her in the very front row, no one saw her tense shoulders hidden by the back of the seat.

And Rodrick, her teacher. She already knew she didn't like him. His accent was intriguing, but his attitude certainly was not. Pranksters never were her kind of people and he was definitely one of them. He was going to teach her self-defense? Puffing out a breath so a few tendrils of red orange hair twisted out of her face, she glared up to him for something to distract her, crossing her arms. If he noticed or not didn't matter. She just didn't want to think about magic. Anything she couldn't understand immediately always unsettled her.

A stammering voice broke through her thoughts though.

"When c-can w-we leave?"

Glancing around, she saw the boy, voice small and face paling in nerves. Nearly orange eyes narrowing, she labeled him immediately as the annoying, timid kind of guy. He probably received just as much bullying as she did at school, but for different reasons.

Again she huffed and faced the teachers, expecting them to order him to sit down for the remainder of the orientation. But no.

Rodrick was the one to answer, a small smile traveling down to the boy. "Soon, lad. We're almost finished. Should we just tell them how Nilrem set things up? He's late. I don't think he deserves the right to lead this thing. We already started."

Gina's blue eyes rolled up as she turned her back on the crowd. "Whatever," she sighed, starting off stage.

Shaking his head of black hair, Rodrick gestured to her and announced, "Give it up for Gina Games everyone! Woo!" he teased, clapping loudly until others joined in. Erin scowled. Such immaturity.

"Now," the fire teacher went on. "We'll be splitting you up into three groups and these will be your bunk mates. And no, its not like Harry Potter. Please, don't make any sort of reference to that infernal fictional boy around me."

Erin took note of that.

"They are Thrull, Micnah and Fayr. Courtney will randomly select your names and announce your dorm location."

Courtney did just that, with a top hat and everything.

She explained that the Thrull rooms were on the top floor of the building in the far east wing. Micnah students slept on the third floor in the west wing. Fayr students had the bottom floor all the way in the back by the kitchens.

"We're only splitting ya'll up 'cuz there's limited beds and this place was designed as a private school to begin with, so everything's all set up already. Just gotta assign you guys a room. Also, I tried to make it fun. We are gonna do a point system," her eyes flicked to Rodrick's, "just like Harry Potter. But it's mostly for a chance to opt out of the final test at the end of our projected term. It more or less an obstacle course, but your abilities will be tested to their limits. So, if your team wins, you can opt out of that if you'd like."

She began calling names. Erin was one of the first chosen, her team Thrull on the top floor. It figured she would have to travel the farthest to reach her bed, but simultaneously she knew the exercise would be nice. There was always need for working leg muscles. Since she stopped playing team sports in middle school, much to her parents' disappointment, she had been slacking in the area of physical health. So, thinking positively, she turned and tried to identify her teammates.

The stammering boy, called out as Tony, was with her. Great. And another girl, Franki. She was talking to that kid with the knife, so Erin immediately disliked her as well. So much for having anyone to study with. Maybe some of the others that were called for Thrull would be inviting, but after that no one seemed to respond to their name so she couldn't identify anyone.

Facing front again, shoulders slumping and arms crossed, a flitting thought made it way briefly into her mind.

Why don't I ever have friends?

But when Courtney finished calling names, she straightened up again, wondering if they could leave now. Part of her was hungry, while another part wanted to find a bed to curl up on with her book. The auditorium suddenly felt hot and crowded.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker Character Portrait: Kael Ross Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris Character Portrait: Sunan Charoenkul Character Portrait: Courtney Knolls
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There's always one in the crowd... Kael thought as the tattooed youth began interrogating the teachers on stage. Although Kael had to hand it to the guy, he was hitting most of the important questions. He was grateful everything had finally gotten under way as they all sat, still stuck in the auditorium after the drying wind that was pointless to him. He was still a bit disappointed the younger blonde wasn't going to be his teacher, but he figured as much after the black-haired brit had set off his fireworks display earlier. Now Kael found himself back in his natural environment as he sat back, listening and observing while taking in everything possible around him.

Magic, Icarus Whim, the hospital scarring, and now this school.

Oddly enough, none of it seemed to surprise him. Hundreds of years ago, what we now call science was considered magic. Maybe this was just the next step in history. His mind was going a million miles a second and he was starting to mix things up in his head, imagining the scene that unfolded at the hospital. Kael's eyes closed and he exhaled slowly to slow down his thoughts and continued to observe the students when his seat jerked a bit. The tattooed youth was climbing chair over chair to get at the girl who had acted quickly earlier to help resolve the water situation. "Dude gains a point and loses two.."

'...not like Harry Potter. Please, don't make any sort of reference to that infernal fictional boy around me."

Aw, and I was looking forward to getting a wand. That brought a smile to Kael's face as the teachers continued and began pulling names out of a hat. "I guess this isn't Hogwarts, that hat doesn't seem to talk..." he said as his name was called for the dorm 'Micnah'.

It didn't seem like any of the students that had a part in the earlier spectacle was called for Micnah. Kael frowned at that. "But who's Sunan?"