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Logan Jackson

"Why am I supposed to wait as life runs on by!"

0 · 507 views · located in The Brinkly House

a character in “Now I Lay Me”, as played by tatteredbutterfly236


Logan Jackson


If I had to be kidnapped, Why did my sister have to be taken as well?

Birthdate:October 31



Hair color:Dark Brown
Eye color:Brown, almost black
Body Shape:Fit, toned.
Clothing:White tanktop undershirt, blue plaid button up shit (Never buttoned), blue jeans, and a pair of black converse sneakers.

Personality: Unlike his sister he mostly keeps to himself. He played football for the towns highschool team, he dated a lot of girls but never really found one he really liked. He has a 'air' about him that makes a lot of people smile. He jokes around a lot and does his best to not die. He doesn't care about leaving, he just wants to keep the ones closest to him safe.
Special Skills:(No guns)He observes, he is really fast, he knows a lot about how most buildings are made
Weaknesses: He is very impatient, he isn't one to listen to logic.

History: He is the son of a very important politician and a brother to a pain in the ass.. er Elizabeth. He has been in many sports and had a very 'comfy' life. He got what he wanted and needed, he always donated to charity and worked with the humanitarian society. He was kidnapped going to school from an early job shift. He was surprised to hear and see his sister there as well, he was alwas a very liked guy and most girls dated him for his money.[/center]

So begins...

Logan Jackson's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle Martin Character Portrait: Elizabeth Mariee Jackson Character Portrait: Alex Mortinson Character Portrait: Logan Jackson Character Portrait: Felix James Character Portrait: Ashley Stokes
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Elizabeth Jackson

Sitting in the cold basement huddle up to my brother staring at the other girls and boys here makes me realize there is not a big difference between us all. I shiver and my brother holds me tighter, we are all just cold, beaten, starving, scared children that are exceptionally gifted. I look at everyone some of us have made friends while others have not. Its really not all that bad here actually, besides the beatings and well who am I kidding this place is the equivalency of hell. I give my slight, fake, smile "So I heard that maybe we will actually get food for once." I frown "But there shall be extra tests...So is anyone else getting tested today besides me?" My brother grunts a little and keeps his eyes focused to the wall. We have had very few talks about breaking out because we all know we lose our souls if we fail. There are still many reasons thought to keep a hope up though. I am just not very sure of anything today actually, my usual clean and clear brain has been clouded. I don't like it, not at all.

Logan Jackson

Its early morning, its cold, everyone is in one cell I know that for sister is huddle up to me to keep herself warm she shivers and I pull her closer. I look at the red head who's name I often forget because I call her red. "Hey Red can you make us warm or something?" I mutter although I am sure she did not hear me. My sister asks if experiments are going to happen to anyone else today and I grunt meaning a mumbled yes. I hate it here. I want to go home

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle Martin Character Portrait: Elizabeth Mariee Jackson Character Portrait: Alex Mortinson Character Portrait: Logan Jackson Character Portrait: Felix James Character Portrait: Ashley Stokes
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#, as written by Loona
Alex Mortinson

Alex leans his head against the cold stone wall and sighs. How long he has been in this hole, he doesn't know, but it has been way too long for his liking. He was cold, hungry and, although he would never admit it, scared. The first few days he had been hoping that they would be rescued soon, that the police would break down the doors in no time and they would all be savely home by the end of the day.
Well ... obviously that hadn't happened and here he was, still locked in with several other people. Damn it! Damn it all to hell! "Who is this guy anyway ... keeping us here like some creepy experiment!" he started ranting under his breath, his eyes blazing with barely suppressed anger. "We need to get out of here, the sooner the better. The police will obviously not be finding us any time soon and it is decidedly improbable that we will be released by that guy. So we can only rely on ourselves. We MUST get out of here!" Alex jumped to his feet and started pacing, "we just must!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Mortinson Character Portrait: Logan Jackson Character Portrait: Ashley Stokes
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#, as written by merthur
Ashley Stokes
Ashley had lost track as to how long they had been down there. She doesn't say much, never really did. When she did speak it was important, or she was angry. Words laced with poison. It was obvious that she had a short temper, and she presumed that was why people tended to keep their distance and not say much to her. Though she did notice the one boy, the brother- Logan something, she thinks -, he sometimes speaks to her. She rarely acknowledges him though, she didn't really want to make friends in this place. Besides, he reminded her of her ex too much.

Maybe if he would call her something other than Red for once, because that was incredibly annoying. Though she hadn't really offered a name up to any of them. She made no sigh of hearing him other than raising her hand slightly, fingers stretched out then slowly closed in on themselves, making a fist. It grew noticeably warmer in the room, like there was a fireplace warming it. The dark bags under her eyes seemed to grow darker at the use of her power, and she dropped her hand back to her lap and leaned back against the wall, closing her eyes. She didn't pay attention to the guy who was now telling them they needed to get out, sounding like he was pacing. As if they didn't all know that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Mariee Jackson Character Portrait: Alex Mortinson Character Portrait: Logan Jackson Character Portrait: Ashley Stokes
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I watch and observe them, no one answering her question. I ball my fists and huff out a breath 'pigs..' I think to myself, Alex was mad she could tell he would began to rant in
"Who is this guy anyway ... keeping us here like some creepy experiment!" Alex started ranting under his breath, his eyes barely suppressed anger. "We need to get out of here, the sooner the better. The police will obviously not be finding us any time soon and it is decidedly improbable that we will be released by that guy. So we can only rely on ourselves. We MUST get out of here!" Alex jumped to his feet and started pacing, "we just must!"
"Alex, we know Nobody in here wants to stay in here. But the man has improved us in ways. It's not really all that bad Alex." I said staring at him my arms crossed. I stood up and walked over to him "So what's a few beatings, and some chemicals laced into our blood streams, if we become amazing super humans?" They just don't understand the point do they?


I listen to Alex talk about how e need to get out of here but, of course, Elizabeth has to make a comment or statement. I love her and all but I would just love to slap the sh- crap out of her. Red starts to make the room warmer but she starts to drain of energy. I smile to myself 'At least she tries.' I think.
"Alex you are right, Elizabeth shut up. It isn't worth staying here." Elizabeth sticks her tongue out at me and I smile a bit, she says she is grown up but she is still childish. I stand and walk to a corner.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle Martin Character Portrait: Elizabeth Mariee Jackson Character Portrait: Alex Mortinson Character Portrait: Logan Jackson Character Portrait: Felix James Character Portrait: Ashley Stokes
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#, as written by Loona
Alex Mortinson

Alex stopped his pacing for a while to throw a confused look at Elizabeth. How could she even say such a thing? It wasn't that bad? Was she kidding? Or was she actually trying to delude herself. He couldn't believe it. here he was almost going mad being locked away for such a long time and that girl actually had the nerve to tell him that is wasn't that bad?
He shook his head in frustration. "How can you even think such nonsense, Elizabeth?" Alex asked, sharper than he had intended but his nerves were on the edge at the moment. "We got kidnapped, beaten, starved ... and for what? Do you really think these ... abilities!" he spat the word with venom. "...are actually worth it? You can't be serious. He's using us! For whatever his sick mind has thought up."
Alex nodded at Logan in thanks, at least someone was opening his eyes to the truth. There had to be a way out. They couldn't be locked in here forever, right? At least that was what he hoped. And he couldn't lose hope now, it was all he had left.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Mariee Jackson Character Portrait: Alex Mortinson Character Portrait: Logan Jackson Character Portrait: Ashley Stokes
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#, as written by merthur
Ashley Stokes[center]Ashley manages to open her eyes after she hears them all go quiet, watching as Logan-something stand and move over towards her. She thinks for a moment he might be actually coming to sit by her, then he goes to the corner near her and she decides it was a silly thought. All of her concentration goes to making the room warmer for them then, and miraculously it does heat up. Actually, she isn't cold at all anymore. Though she does feel faint, like on the brink of passing out, but she tries not to show it.

They all look like they're about to drop though, that's what happens when you're barely fed and only given enough water to survive- dirty water at that. Her own jeans and used-to-be cute white v-neck are hanging off of her now, from the weight she had lost. They're torn in places and you could hardly call her shirt white anymore. At four foot eleven inches, she was the shortest there, and now only ninety two pounds she and the other girls were probably the lightest. "It isn't worth arguing." The group has only ever heard her speak a handful of times, that's how quiet she is. "It doesn't matter if you want to get out or you want to stay. It isn't our choice. It's his."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Mariee Jackson Character Portrait: Alex Mortinson Character Portrait: Logan Jackson Character Portrait: Ashley Stokes
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She puts a finger to Alex's lips, and I give you a look then glance to the side before standing on my tip toes to whisper in your ear "SH! the cell is bugged, he hears what we say and honestly I agree to escape but seriously lets be quiet I want to keep my soul alex." she taps Alex's head "Brain working today?"


I watch Elizabeth go to alex and whisper in his ear, I walk over to Ashley and put a hand on her shoulder "You doing okay red? You look pretty bad." I will admit it now. she is my crush. like how I think alex is liz's crush but you cant really tell with her and her deceiving mind.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Mariee Jackson Character Portrait: Alex Mortinson Character Portrait: Logan Jackson Character Portrait: Ashley Stokes
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#, as written by merthur
Ashley StokesAshley had realized awhile ago that the cell was bugged, but certainly not before Elizabeth. She seemed to certainly be one of the smart ones in the group, and Ashes respected her for that. Actually, she respected anyone who showed intelligence. It was just one of those things, some people liked black hair, some liked blue eyes, she liked brains. She flinched when she felt a hand on her shoulder, eyes snapping open and gaze slowly drifting up to Logan. Seeing it was him calmed her down a little, but she still shook her head at his question. "Not really." She admitted, shrugging weakly. "But I'll be alright."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Mariee Jackson Character Portrait: Alex Mortinson Character Portrait: Logan Jackson Character Portrait: Ashley Stokes
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#, as written by Loona
Alex Mortinson

Alex stopped mid-rant, his eyes going wide when suddenly Elizabeth put her finger to his lips. What the..., he thought, completely confused, as she leaned closer. Her words hit him like a flash though. Of course! Me and my stupid mouth, I never think before I open it, he thought angry with himself.

"Ups..." he rubbed his neck and looked at Elizabeth sheepishly. "Sorry..." he mouthed back. Of course she wanted to get out of here as well! She was pretty smart after all. Louder he said, as if answering Ashley's statement "I'm sorry, okay. I know there is nothing we can do. I'm just a bit tense, that's all." Then Alex leaned forward to Elizabeth and whispered "Thank you, sometimes I'm a bit dense."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Mariee Jackson Character Portrait: Alex Mortinson Character Portrait: Logan Jackson Character Portrait: Ashley Stokes
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"Aren't we all?" she shrugged and smiled. "Now," she went back to being a character "All this nonsense talks just needs to stop, I feel a headache approaching and do not want to tire before a daily test, As I wish to preform well." She gave them an incognito wink an went back to the other side of the room "Maybe we should all get some rest. sound good?" She hated this, no wait loathed this she had to act all the time even at home but know with all these things happening her built up shell, her protection was going to crack. and when it does that will be her own true moment of fear.

"oh come on red, maybe talking will make you feel a bit better?" He watched Elizabeth turn back into the role of who she needed to be, he admired her for things like that, but today she cracked the shell. If only a little. "I mean Ash, sorry I like your red hair so I just call you red, plus I know that it bothers you....." he smiled shyly at her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Mariee Jackson Character Portrait: Alex Mortinson Character Portrait: Logan Jackson Character Portrait: Ashley Stokes
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#, as written by merthur
Ashley StokesAshley snorted, rather unladylike but she figured being stuck in a basement and frequently having needles poked into her gave her the right to be. "It's alright, I just haven't been getting much sleep." None of them had been getting much sleep, as far as she knew. That didn't set her apart from anyone. Though she had been continuously trying to make the place warmer for them, which did set her apart. "You can call me Ashes..." She said softly, shrugging weakly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Mariee Jackson Character Portrait: Alex Mortinson Character Portrait: Logan Jackson Character Portrait: Ashley Stokes
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He smiled at her ''okay, but Ashes I think you need to sleep, your drained and tired. Get some rest.'' he said pubbing her back in a soothing attempt. He knew it probably wouldn't work because everyone was sore, and hurting, and tired, and hungry, but they all needed to escape somehow before their souls really are gone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Mariee Jackson Character Portrait: Alex Mortinson Character Portrait: Logan Jackson
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#, as written by Loona
Alex sighed, watching Elizabeth put on her mask again and let himself slide down against the wall. Maybe it was for the best to play along with that sick guy's plan. At least till they would get some chance to escape. "I'm going to be tested today as well." he told the others. He hated these tests and so far he had done his best to fai them, but maybe it would be better to be good at them? Arg... he didn't know what would be the right approach. These mind games really were not his strong fort.
He closed his eyes to rest for a while, with the lack of food he would need every bit of energy he could get.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Mariee Jackson Character Portrait: Alex Mortinson Character Portrait: Logan Jackson Character Portrait: Ashley Stokes
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#, as written by Loona
sorry, posted twice xD

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle Martin Character Portrait: Elizabeth Mariee Jackson Character Portrait: Alex Mortinson Character Portrait: Logan Jackson Character Portrait: Felix James Character Portrait: Ashley Stokes
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#, as written by Sonohra
Gabrielle Martin
Gabrielle rubbed her hands together, listening to the other talk. She was not too much of a talker. Only if she had to talk, would she. What she was really afraid of was the light right now. She felt more comfortable in the dark because of her powers. She knew she was the only one who could see better in the dark while everyone else struggled. Her hair was dirty and not the clean and pristine white it was before. The others seemed to want to stay awake because they were going to get tested again. Gabrielle wished she could sleep. She was too nervous to even close her eyes. She had never been in this situation before, and her body was not built to take any sort of physical activity. She was afraid at one point her body would just give out on her and she would be completely defenseless. He watched as Alex closed his eyes shut to sleep, and Gabrielle sighed softly to herself.