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Jewel Gem (Felicity Ono)

The Pink Angel of Johto

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a character in “Pokemon: Legacies”, as played by Robinwing



Name- Felicity Ono
Nickname/Epithet- Jewel Gem (Stage name) - The Pink Angel of Johto - Pink Ambition (among other coordinators) - Sailor Jewel - The Pink Devastator (among other coordinators)
Gender- Female
Age- 20

Personality- Felicity demands to be the best. She's intensely ambitious, and completely devoted to achieving her goals, no matter what she has to do or abandon along the way. As long as the world knows who she is, that she is a young lady of quality, Felicity is appeased. However, that isn't all there is to Felicity. She doesn't want fame for fame's sake. She wants to be remembered, immortalised in a way she feels her parents were not after the train crash. She's somewhat ashamed of her humble beginnings, and makes a point not to tell her public about them. As far as anyone outside of professional coordination circles knows, Jewel Gem was born aboard her father's yacht, and raised on the finer things in life. This attitude did lead to Felicity distancing herself from her family a lot, even asking her twin to help her hide their background in high school. Felicity does feel some regret over that, but she feels that she shouldn't chain herself to her station, to the mediocrity her family are so comfortable with. Still, she sometimes sends the youngest Onos souvenirs from whatever exotic place she's travelled to now. She tends to contrast in her actions, trying to act refined and somewhat aloof while simultaneously being very excitable over what should be rather pedestrian things to her. She gets extremely offended if someone even implies that she hasn't got class, and her biggest fear is that being proven true.

Description of Appearance- Felicity goes to great pains to maintain her image. She dyes her hair pink, paints her nails and has a beauty regime as long as your arm. Frankly, the only remaining resemblance between her and her family are her eyes, still the same amber brown as Ruth's. She's very grateful that she doesn't have her sisters height, though she is somewhat tall, she only stands to 5'7". She makes a point of dressing in nautically themed fashion, to remind people of her supposed background in sailing. However, she also makes sure her clothes are fashionable and cute-looking.

Region of Origin- Johto
Current Location- Unova

History- Though Jewel might claim a childhood spent in luxury, Felicity Ono was born to humbler origins. Born one half of a set of twins, to a family that never had a lot of money. Felicity came to the attitude that her status was something to be ashamed of from a young age. She felt so strongly about it that she convinced her twin, Ruth, to help keep their home life a secret in high school. That was, until their parents died. Felicity was alarmed when, at their funeral, there weren't a whole lot of people there. They didn't have much family, and mostly kept to themselves, despite being kind people. Fearing that such anonymity could happen to her, Felicity left to chase her dream of being a great coordinator.

Instead of competing under her own name, Felicity took on the name Jewel Gem, in the hopes of getting a fresh start, of being who she wished she could have been. She quickly became well known, in the public for her appealing looks and personality, and among other coordinators for her cutthroat contest style. She developed something of two faces, the cute, friendly idol she showed her public, and the ruthless "Devastator" that the other coordinators saw. With that, she found it easy to lie to the press about her background, to come up with this fantasy life that would appeal to her audience and strengthen her branding.

This way, she made her way through a number of contest circuits, most notably becoming the best coordinator in Johto, earning the epithet of "The Pink Angel of Johto". She's also been in the Kalos, Hoenn and currently Unova contest circuits, placing high in Kalos and Unove, and winning in Hoenn. Along the way, she's come to enjoy a good amount of fame and idol status, something she enjoys greatly. Her name, or at least her stage name, will be remembered for a long, long time.


Pearl (Aurorus) Pearl is one of Jewel's '"devastators", named for her general coordination style of focussing on ruining the competition as much as showing off her own pokemon. Pearl is a very regal pokemon, though she can be kind of haughty. She is strategic, and never rushes into anything. She's usually Felicity's "Face" pokemon, the one seen during interviews and when Felicity's just out walking, due to her classy, sophisticated manner. It helps back up Felicity's self-branding.
(♀) - Snow Warning -
~ Blizzard
~ Icy Wind
~ Hail
~ Powder Snow
~ Aurora Beam
~ Ice Beam
~ Freeze-Dry

Quartz (Froslass) Quartz is a very quiet and reserved. She will perform well on stage, but she rarely shows her true heart to anyone on or off stage. She has a rather cool relationship with the other pokemon, and even Felicity herself. She's more professional, working with her coordinator and the other pokemon on her team not because she's particularly close with them, but because that is the best way for her to compete and win.
(♀) - Snow Cloak -
~ Destiny bond
~ Powder Snow
~ Icy Wind
~ Hail
~ Ice Shard
~ Blizzard
~ Confuse Ray

Topaz (Altaria) Topaz is possibly one of the most dreaded of Felicity's Devastators. Nobody likes getting hit with a Perish song. He's energetic and friendly. Since Pearl is usually used to interact with others, Topaz can be quite over-enthusiastic about interacting with other trainers and pokemon. He has a tendency to burst out of his pokeball by himself if he gets bored, which is often.
(♂) - Cloud Nine -
~ Sing
~ Perish Song
~ Refresh
~ Echoed Voice
~ Moonblast
~ Mist
~ Dragon Pulse

Tigereye (Flareon) Tigereye is the longest serving of Felicity's team. He was one of her first pokemon, and has been with her since he was an eevee. He has a noble, calm personality, and he tries to encourage Felicity towards a less cruel version of her contest style. Even so, he and Sapphire are some of the only creatures in her life that can actually make Felicity feel bad about the people she's stepped on as she climbed to the top.
(♂) - Flash Fire -
~ Sunny Day
~ Will-O-Wisp
~ Fire Spin
~ Flamethrower
~ Overheat
~ Ember
~ Fire Blast

Sapphire (Lapras) This pokemon rarely, if ever, sees contest. Felicity received Sapphire from a trade with another coordinator who was frustrated with the Lapras' too-kind-to-seriously-compete personality. Felicity couldn't help feeling a little upset, an uncomfortable kinship with Sapphire. To save her from the beration of her trainer, Felicity offered one of her better discoveries, a truly ruthless Sableye, in exhange. Sapphire is a kind, gentle, forgiving soul. She mothers all the other pokemon in Felicity's team. However, she's not afraid to let Felicity know when she's gone too far. To Felicity, Sapphire shares an uncomfortable amount of similarities with Ruth. But, even if Felicity won't admit it, that's just what she likes about Sapphire.
(♀) - Hydration -
~ Surf
~ Waterfall
~ Dive
~ Water Pulse
~ Mist
~ Water Gun
~ Sing


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So begins...

Jewel Gem (Felicity Ono)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neve Bennett Character Portrait: Keiko Haruna Character Portrait: Nanami Sadamatsu Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine
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Ruth Ono

Ruth had tried to shrink further when the Hoenn champion started shouting at her. Really, why did people always think it was okay to yell any and all of their complaints at people who were just trying to do their jobs? But, she sighed in relief as her rescue came in the form of Miss Blackwell, and an order to lead the rest of King Threshield's guests inside. Leaving the Hoenn champion to her, thank heaven. She deposited Dug back onto the ground with a quiet warning not to jump, stood up straight again, and dusted herself off.
"Yes, Miss Blackwell." She replied with a bow, and turned to the other guests. "If you'd all follow me please. I'm Ruth Ono, I work here."

Vivian struggled her way back to the ground, and charged her way to the front of the crowd. She huffed, and started leading the way with her bill in the air. Felicity tried to hold back her fond giggle at her friend's antics. Dug, for his part, was still rushing about the feet of the guests, trying to greet everyone, but Ruth gave him a stern look which kept him from getting too close to the girl with the azumaril. And lastly, Clover brought up the rear, subtly herding the group and watching for any stragglers. Ruth lead them through the now-open gates, through the immaculately manicured gardens, and into the manor itself.

She only had half an ear on what conversation there was behind her. Out of the corner of her eye, Ruth noticed some of the other staff, backing up when they spotted what group Ruth was leading through. This should probably have been one of the maid's jobs, if these guests hadn't arrived so early, and Dug hadn't decided to introduce himself. Derek just barely backed up before he was seen. And had to grab onto his absol before she went over to Ruth too. a friend she'd made since working here, and King Threshield's personal ranger, hired to protect the islands pokemon reserve, Derek gave Ruth a raised eyebrow as she passed. She could only answer with a helpless shrug. She briefly turned to the Hoenn champion's assistant.
"I'm, uhh, I'm really sorry if Dug scared her." She nodded to the azumaril in her arms. "He's excitable."

That apology taken care of, Ruth led them off to one side of the gleaming, lavish foyer, and down a purple carpeted hallway to a specific door. She glanced back briefly. Then she opened the door to show more purple carpet, with matching curtains pulled away from the large windows running along one wall, contrasted against white walls and a white tablecloth on the long table that occupied the room. On the wall opposite the widow hung a painting as long as the room, depicting a scene of countryside tranquility with both people and pokemon. Underneath it sat a couple of purple upholstered sofas, in an old Kalosian style. She entered and stood beside the door to gesture everyone in. Clover stayed in the foyer, since she couldn't fit.
"This is the meeting room. Please make yourselves comfortable, and somebody will be with you shortly." She said with another bow. She stood by as they filed in, before a shiny aurorus abruptly stretched it's neck up to get close to her face. It squinted it's eyes. Ruth had the strangest feeling she was being judged and found wanting. Vivian turned around and quacked indignantly. She got between Ruth and the aurorus and stood to her full, if unimpressive, height, hands on her hips and puffed up in offence. The aurorus gave Ruth a final look up and down, before sniffing, turning it's nose up, and walking back to the pink girl with the bag. Which reminded Ruth.
"Umm, I'd offer to take your luggage, but I don't actually know exactly where you'll be staying." The girl stared at Ruth. Ruth's shoulders slowly climbed to her ears.
"There'll probably be a porter to take them though, when you get told which apartment you're in." She finished with a mumble. She cleared her throat and turned back to the door.
"I'm sure King Threshield will come to greet you before too long, please just wait here patiently." She said, and finally left the room and shut the door behind, once Vivian and Dug had scampered out too.

She walked back to the foyer before flopping against the wall with a sigh.

Jewel Gem (Felicity Ono)

Felicity strode down the gangplank from the ship, pulling a wheeled suitcase behind her. Pearl trotted on her heels, chin held as high as her coordinator's. She'd came on a ferry, luxurious enough to fit her status, but simple enough that her relative lack of actual seafaring experience wasn't noticeable. As she disembarked, the wind caught her, in such a way that she wished the press could get to the island. It would have made such an appealing front cover, Jewel Gem in big sunglasses, sailor styled dress and a sunhat, all caught in a sea breeze. Plus her Aurorus just behind her. She stepped onto the path that led to the mansion, and briefly lowered her sunglasses to get a good look around. She nodded to herself in satisfaction, pushed her sunglasses back up, and started power walking up the path. However, she held back slightly as she approached, looking over the group.

She recognised the Kanto champion, mostly for the fact that the tabloids constantly mistook them for each other if they strayed into each other's colours, and the allegations of them having the same stylist. As if either of them used a stylist. Felicity had never really needed one. The Hoenn champion stood out, obviously, with his attitude. And his strangely familiar assistant. Hmm. A retired Unova champion. She frowned slightly when she found she couldn't really see any other coordinators...

There was a rustle, then something grey burst from the treeline, closely chased by something else green. A lairon darted into the middle of the trainers, jumping excitedly at the pokemon they brought with them. And...

No. No it couldn't be. The world wasn't that small.

That couldn't be Dug?

But then, Felicity's fears were confirmed, as a giant of a woman emerged from the treeline to catch and contain her lairon. It was one thing to see a familiar looking lairon, but to add to that a female trainer who's at least six feet tall? It could only be Ruth and Dug. Ruth dragged Dug up, to keep him from jumping on anyone, and apologised for his behavior, and Felicity could have sworn she was thirteen again, standing back as her sister learned to handle the energetic, newly oversized, lairon.
"I suppose it is in fact a small world, after all." She muttered to herself. Pearl blinked briefly at her, before schooling her own expression once again. Felicity didn't recognise the other two pokemon Ruth seemed to be in charge of, a tropius and a golduck, but her sister had always found it easy to make friends with pokemon. Her sister had also grown her hair out. It looked alright. Felicity pushed her sunglasses back up, and strode up to the group with a confidence she didn't truly feel.

Thankfully, she was saved from having to announce her presence, and possibly alert Ruth, by the timely arrival of Riza Blackwell. She gave the order for Ruth to lead them to the meeting room, and Ruth explained as she started leading the way that she worked here. Felicity looked around at the mansion, now interested in it as the place her sister worked, as well as a king's abode. Then she shook herself. She and Ruth hadn't spoken for five years, and they lived in totally different worlds now.

Instead, she forced herself to turn her attention to the other guests. And finally realised where she recognised Everett's assistant from, as Ruth turned away from a brief conversation with her. A previous competitor in her home region's contests. Sarah, Sharon, Sophia...?
"Oh, Sophie!" She greeted the younger girl with false cheer. She removed her sunglasses and grabbed one of Sophie's hands to shake. "It's been so long! I didn't know you'd be here! Things must be going well for you back on the home circuit?" Felicity knew Sophie had quit the contests. This was Felicity in her element, establishing social dominance on anything resembling a competitor. She could almost see her own apparent "sharpedo eyes" that her competitors had so often shuddered at.

Soon enough Ruth had brought them to the meeting room, and gestured them all inside. Felicity occupied herself looking around at the lavish decor, not paying attention to Pearl until she heard her sniff derisively, and turned to realise she'd been examining Ruth. She frowned silently at her aurorus, but thanked her lucky stars that she'd gotten Pearl long after leaving home. No way for Ruth to recognise her.
"Umm, I'd offer to take your luggage, but I don't actually know exactly where you'll be staying." Felicity just barely stopped herself from jumping out of her skin as Ruth came and talked directly to her. She was searching her brain for a response, as her sister looked more and more uncomfortable.
"There'll probably be a porter to take them though, when you get told which apartment you're in." Ruth mumbled, before backing off posthaste. Felicity let out a breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding. Did... Did Ruth really not recognise her at all? Or was she just trying to honour Felicity's decision to cut ties? Could you ever tell with Ruth? Speaking of, her sister finally escaped the room, with an assurance that they'd be received by his majesty soon. As gracefully as possible, hoping to disguise her turmoil, Felicity sank onto one of the sofas.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neve Bennett Character Portrait: Keiko Haruna Character Portrait: Nanami Sadamatsu Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine
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"Still talking down to people like you are the king of the world Lock?"
Nanami's train of thought was quickly interrupted by yet another voice coming into the scene. She looked over at the newcomer- and literally felt her jaw drop. This wasn't just any beauty, not just any diamond in the rough- she would have easily reinvented the hourglass! Ayato seemed almost concerned for his- seemingly- hyperventilating Trainer- a traditional reaction to any girl that caught the Dual Champion's fancy. The blonde continued on- "I especially don't appreciate that you talked down to someone I actually respect as a trainer. Long time no see, Nanami." "Oh my Arceus, she knows me-- Wait." Nanami stopped her drooling for a moment and straightened herself up- the stray strand of hair seemingly standing along with her whole figure.

It seemed that the blonde had personal matters with the Hoenn Champion, and while she talked, the name Riza Blackwell finally entered the Dual Champion's mind. "Oh, it's Miss Blackwell--!" Ayato clamped a big claw over his Trainer's mouth and flashed a little grin at her. Annoyed, she pushed his claw off. It wasn't long until the blonde told the earlier woman with the Lairon to accompany them into the mansion, and without further ado, she grabbed Ayato's hand and quickly tugged him in. During the trek there, Nanami managed to get a good look at the girl who had trash-talked the Hoenn Champion from earlier. Now that most of the excitement had gone from her heart- no thanks to the hostile aura-, memories were flooding in.

"Miss Mysterious over there is...Keiko Haruna- right? The criminal profiler in Unova. Seems very in-character for her to be calling Mr. Rabid Feraligatr Man out for his cockiness." As she was busy observing the white-haired girl, she didn't notice the black-haired boy from earlier walking alongside her until she focused on the carpeted path ahead of her. When she heard a low growl emanate from Ayato's throat, she saw his tongue dart out and lick slightly at his sharp teeth, eyes narrowed to a predatory stare at an Alakazam who was walking next to the black-haired boy. Alex Rhodes.

"I don't know what's worse the fact that you're here or that you don't seem to know who I am." Ayato bared his teeth at the boy's tone, and Nanami reached nonchalantly into her coat's pocket and produced a small bag of sweets- popping one into Ayato's mouth seemed to placate the Feraligatr's desire to Crunch the Psychic-type walking alongside them, though his predatory glare never left. With a gesture to his Alakazam, Alex continued on. "Are we really so forgettable? Alex Rhodes? The Terror? Quickly retired champion of Unova? We've met before." Though his voice was calm, Nanami could feel the hostility- almost. With a sigh she popped a sweet into her mouth before talking.

"Rhodes, huh? Now that Mr. Rabid Feraligatr had just established that none of us like each other here, my excitement has just pretty much curled up and died and I'd really like to bring it back." She sighed. "Now while you certainly aren't forgettable- Unovians I know kept talking about you, you know, talking about how young you achieved Unova's Champion title. And for you thinking I've forgotten you, I take full responsibility- excitement can dull the senses and memory and I've been traveling for some time already."

She pulled her scarf up, let out a deep breath, and turned slightly to face the boy. "Look- this might not be the first time we've met, but we just got here. Let's all try to get along, yeah? We all came here for the sake of having a vacation, relaxing, taking our minds off any past rivalries and just enjoying life here on Mr. Threshield's islands as much as we possibly can before heading back to the world outside of vacation time." She paused, then extended a hand. She was prepared for it to be slapped away, but it was worth the risk. "If it placates you, I'll be willing to fight you anytime. So for now...just try to relax. All of us are tired from our journeys, we all have our blood boiling with Mr. Everett's ranting, and we are all in dire need of rest." With that settled, she turned back to Ayato and popped another sweet in the Feraligatr's mouth. The Feraligatr grunted, then bumped his fist with hers. She grinned a bit in reply and patted his bicep before continuing onto the meeting place.

Nanami could barely care about how lavish and fancy the meeting area was- the first thing she saw was a sofa, and she collapsed on it. Ayato himself was content with just perching himself at her feet, lying down and putting his heavy head onto her lap. She hummed a bit- Kalosian styled sofas. Magenta would have loved to be here. And now to see if anyone was brave enough- or didn't hate her- to try and sit beside the Dual Champ.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neve Bennett Character Portrait: Keiko Haruna Character Portrait: Nanami Sadamatsu Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine
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#4E277F || #875BBF
'Dear Julian.' Just those two words were all Neve managed to get down on paper before a small amount of chaos seemed to unfold. It would have perhaps been the start of a letter to her brother, but with a Lairon now trying to greet everyone and the Pokémon's trainer trying to rein them in it didn't seem as if she would get the chance to write anymore for now. Not that was necessarily a bad thing, however, she could always finish it off before she settled in for the night.

The blue haired trainer 'Lock Everett, if I'm remembering correctly' seemed to have turned to insulting everyone again, only to be interrupted by a pink Heracross and the blonde lady who was clearly its trainer. As the woman directed the Lairon's trainer to lead the group inside, Neve trailed behind the group, followed closely by a Tropius who seemed to be making sure that she didn't wander off anywhere. She didn't want to have to talk to the others quite yet and staying toward the back of the group would allow Neve to observe them and how they interacted with each other for a bit longer.

The Lairon seemed to still be trying to meet everyone and when it wandered over to Neve, the purple haired lady bent down for a second to give him a gentle pat on the head before he moved on to his next target.

As the group entered the building, Neve took a moment to quietly admire it. It was certainly impressive, she hadn't seen anything so lavish in a while. Still, the lady leading them didn't stop there, instead they continued to walk until they reached a room. "This is the meeting room. Please make yourselves comfortable, and somebody will be with you shortly."

Neve entered the room last, nodding politely in thanks before sitting down on one of the sofas, next to a girl with pink hair and eyes. She tilted her head slightly trying to place where she recognised her from before suddenly recalling her name. 'Nanami Sadamatsu, the Dual Champion.' Neve stayed silent for a few minutes, silently contemplating whether to carry on with that letter now that things seemed to have quieted down some, she was honestly surprised that Nyx seemed to have stayed asleep through the commotion, but knowing her Pokémon as well as she did Neve figured that the Zorua would probably wake up soon, she had been asleep for a few hours now anyway.

Finally deciding that it would be rude to remain quiet for too long, Neve held out a gloved hand to Nanami, a soft smile tugging at her lips. "Neve Bennett, it's a pleasure to meet you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neve Bennett Character Portrait: Keiko Haruna Character Portrait: Nanami Sadamatsu Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine
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Sophie Valentine

Sophie followed the others into the mansion looking around at all the extravagant pieces of art and such. It reminded her of the pictures of Parfum Palace that Lock had sent her. It was gorgeous, that was when Ruth Ono one of King Threshield's workers seemed to be worried out Aoi. Oh don't worry about it. It was mainly a build up of all the new people and the arguing, she isn't very good with new people or Pokemon. Sophie said with a small smile as she gave Aoi a pat on the head. Sophie looked around at the Pokemon and trainers that surrounded them, Hmm, it seems like returning the Pokemon was unnecessary as many of the trainers and even the workers seem to have them run free. Sophie said quietly to herself as they finally entered the meeting room. The Other trainers all seems to section themselves, tensions still seemed a little high thanks to that idiot Lock. He never knew how to hold his tongue for as long as Sophie knew him. While she was standing in the room looking at the beautiful furniture and artifacts in the room a familiar face showed up. Oh, Sophie!, It's been so long! I didn't know you'd be here! Things must be going well for you back on the home circuit? It was the famous coordinator Jewel Gem, they met a few times during Sophie's time as a coordinator. Oh no, nothing of that sort. I stopped taking part of contests a while back. I am a breeder now for Mr.Everett and help him with his research. Sophie replied with soft smile as she looked at Jewel. Sophie looked at Jewel and then Nanami, who was talking to Alex. Not to be rude Ms.Gem, but you and Ms. Sadamatsu look awfully alike. You two wouldn't happen to be related, would you? Sophie asked Jewel as she kept her eye on the door. That battle was taking some time, how could it be going?

Soon Sophie could see both Lock and Riza enter the room happily conversing with the shiny Heracross behind them. Lock and Riza walked up to Sophie and Jewel, but before any conversations could start, the doors at the back of the room opened up. A small Elekid and shiny Pachirisu ran into the room playing with each as a rather young looking man entered the room. Hello my honored guests, I am King Threshield. To get a common misconception out of the way, my name is King it is not a title as most seem to think. Though I am not adverse to be treated like one. King Threshield said with a smile on his face. His extravagant suit stood out with his dark blond hair and amethyst eyes staring calmly at the guest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neve Bennett Character Portrait: Keiko Haruna Character Portrait: Nanami Sadamatsu Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine
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Nanami had reclined a bit on the sofa when someone else took a seat beside her. So someone did not dislike her. Inwardly, she let out a sigh of relief- for a moment here she thought that no one here liked her presence. Ayato, whose heavy head was still lying on her lap let out a small rumble, his yellow eyes shifting with curiosity towards the differently colored Zorua in the girl's lap. Nanami could feel the rumble emanating from his throat vibrating on her lap, and she noticed the hand extended to her.

"Neve Bennett, it's a pleasure to meet you." Nanami grinned a little and shook her hand. "Nanami Sadamatsu, same to you." When she let go, she thought for a moment before tilting her head a little. "I heard Karen from Johto's Elite Four mention you during our battle. If I'm remembering correctly, you're her apprentice right?" She struck up some idle talk- after all, it just wasn't her style to not be talking to a pretty girl who willingly sat next to her! No one could escape the Dual Champ's charms!

She idly scratched under Ayato's chin as she waited for the other girl's answer. The Feraligatr let out a happy rumble. "See, Magenta-chan? I'm social!" While waiting, she saw the doors at the back opening, and a blonde-haired man came out. His eyes were of a purple color and he wore a rather...fancy suit. "Hello my honored guests, I am King Threshield. To get a common misconception out of the way, my name is King it is not a title as most seem to think. Though I am not adverse to be treated like one." "Real king or not, this place sure looks like something a king would live in." Nanami thought to herself, but didn't speak up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neve Bennett Character Portrait: Keiko Haruna Character Portrait: Nanami Sadamatsu Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine
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Keiko was gathered in the meeting area along with the rest of the invited Trainers. While waiting for their host to arrive, she observed the other Trainers some more. Nanami Sadamatsu appeared to be a rather popular young Trainer; nearly everybody in the room knew her, Kei included. She seemed to be the happy-go-lucky type as well, given how Kei saw she reacted to people approaching her. Admittedly, the girl doesn't seem too bad. Far from it in fact.

Alex Rhodes was the more familiar Trainer for Kei, coming from the same region. "The Terror", he was called, no thanks to his ruthless battle style. Kei had always thought it was because he wasn't exactly "born" in Unova which is why he was called as such. She recalls that he stepped down from the position though, ruffling quite a few feathers back home. He also seemed to be a loner, given that he opted to stay far away from the others. "Suit yourself then..."

"Oh, Sophie!, It's been so long! I didn't know you'd be here! Things must be going well for you back on the home circuit?"

Aside from the Trainers, there were the Coordinators, those who engage in Contests. Kei wasn't very familiar with them though seeing that showbiz wasn't exactly her field of expertise. Monitoring Trainers was more of her territory. Still, she at least knows some by reputation. The girl Jewel Gem for one. Judging from the name itself, Kei assumed it was an alias of sorts; showbiz ain't exactly the easiest profession to exercise privacy. "Putting her and Nanami together almost makes them look like twins..." Kei observed.

She finally managed to catch a glimpse of the other girl when she approached Nanami. Neve Bennett, a Dark-type specialist. Kei never really saw the wisdom of a monotype team though. But then again, these people wouldn't be here if they weren't all top of their class.

Hoenn Champion Lock and the woman named Riza also walked in afterwards. "Oh right, I nearly forgot about him..." Thankfully, the two seemed to be in a better mood as they were all smiles when they entered. Hopefully, that meant being spared any more outbursts from the man.

Once all had gathered, a rather charismatic man entered the room, heralded by a couple of young Pokemon. He dressed richly, leaving Kei to wonder just how rich was this man. He introduced himself as King Threshield, King being a first name and not an honorary title of sorts. "That's a given, judging by how young he looks..." At his introduction, Kei only managed a small nod. She wondered if anyone else would be willing to break the ice because for one, it wasn't going to be her.

She wasn't "technically" invited after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neve Bennett Character Portrait: Keiko Haruna Character Portrait: Nanami Sadamatsu Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine
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#4E277F || #875BBF
Neve smiled as Nanami shook her hand and introduced herself in return. It was a start at least and Neve would prefer to be on good terms with those she would have to share space with for a while.

"I heard Karen from Johto's Elite Four mention you during our battle. If I'm remembering correctly, you're her apprentice right?" It seemed that Nanami wanted to continue talking and while Neve preferred quiet company, she wasn't at all opposed to conversation.

Tilting her head to the side slightly, she nodded as she pondered her reply. "Indeed. She was a good mentor, I learned much from her." Neve paused here for a moment, smiling softly. "I recall her speaking fondly of your battle, I believe you impressed her."

Nyx stirred on her lap, the fox Pokémon yawning and stretching as she awoke. Then suddenly the Zorua noticed where she was and the people and Pokémon around her. Nyx's head turned this way and that, trying to assess everyone, a glare on her face as she tried to scare everyone away. Neve was her's!

Neve simply held a hand up to her mouth, muffling the laugh that was escaping without permission. Nyx was being so adorable and her glare really wasn't effective in the slightest given her small size. The purple haired lady lightly tapped Nyx, gaining the Pokémon's attention and was about to explain where they were. Of course, Lock and Riza choose that moment to enter the room, followed shortly by a blonde haired man wearing regal clothing.

'So this is the one who invited us all here.' Was her thought after hearing his introduction. He wasn't a titled King apparently, though his home and the way he dressed certainly gave the impression that he was. Neve barely listened to Alex questioning King about why they were there. Instead she picked up Nyx, placing the Zorua onto the seat between herself and Nanami before standing.

Neve herself wasn't about to question the man. To be honest she was grateful for the change of pace this vacation would grant. And so, she swept gracefully into a bow, hair falling in front of her face and hiding her expression from view as she spoke with a calm, steady tone. "Thank you for the invitation, sir. I am looking forward to my stay here."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neve Bennett Character Portrait: Keiko Haruna Character Portrait: Nanami Sadamatsu Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine
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Ruth Ono

Ruth looked up as Clover nudged at her head. She jumped when the tropius turned and looked pointedly at the other workers struggling to move around her.
"Oh! Oh right." Ruth sputtered, as she pulled out her pokeballs and recalled her trio. She put the pokeballs away in a belt pouch with a sigh. She never liked doing it. With how long Pokemon had been her only friends, thanks to that gang leader rumour, standing around with none felt strange. Even so, though, she had to admit a tropius did kind of get in the way occasionally. And Dug was just a calamity waiting to happen.

With Clover out of the way, Ruth could see Derek, behind where the tropius had been.
"Hey, Ru." He greeted. "What was with you leading his majesty's merry parade?" As he spoke, Oracle approached Ruth. Ruth bent to give her a quick scratch on the head and smiled over at Derek.
"We should probably stop calling him that."
"Now why would we ever do that," He said. He leaned to the side to look down the hallway. "These guys are early."
"Yeah, I guess trainers on this level must get really intense about stuff." Ruth replied. She stood up and stretched her arms above her head. Well, there was little use just standing around all day. She stood and started heading for the front door.
"Well, how else do you reach the top, I s'pose." He said, as he and Oracle moved to walk with Ruth. He frowned slightly when he thought Ruth wasn't looking, though. She rolled her eyes fondly.
"You're getting worried over nothing. They're just passionate folks, or excited to get time off or something." She assured her cyclopian friend. He nodded, conceding the point, but huffed a sigh as he looked over his shoulder.
"As much as they're treating it like time off anyway." He said.
"These kinds of people have no off button." Ruth stated. She spoke from experience. People determined to reach the top didn't let anything stand in their way or hold them back. Their only concern was how to get further and do better. Dead weight was shed as soon as possible.

Even if it was family.

And, wow, wasn't she being a Debbie Downer today. What brought that on? That'd been years ago. She shook her head, trying to clear the thought. She noticed Derek frowning up at her, and flashed him a reassuring smile.

Distracted, she hadn't noticed Threshield walk past, despite the greetings of the maids, until she heard his announcement to the trainers about King being his name, not his title. She snickered and looked over at Derek with an amused shrug. Derek grinned back.
"Don't care, still gonna call him it." He said. He shoved Ruth's shoulder playfully, though they both knew that Ruth only moved because she let herself be moved. Between being a good few inches shorter than her, and Ruth's sheer strength, Derek would need a run up to actually knock Ruth down.
"We're only making those mixups worse, y'know." She giggled.

Jewel Gem (Felicity Ono)

Sophie seemed entirely nonplussed over Felicity's intimidation tactic. Hmm. Perhaps it would have been a better idea to remove her sunglasses before trying that? She straightened up and coughed delicately into her hand. On top of that, another reference to her and Sadamatsu looking alike. One of them really needed to do something about it one day, but Jewel was too proud to let it be her. Soon enough, the Hoenn champion and Miss Blackwell returned from their battle.

As she removed her hat and sunglasses, finally, King Threshield emerged. She blinked at his announcement, but quickly looked around. She schooled her face and sniffed dismissively.
"Says something when you need to clarify that upon entering a room." She said. She made no mention of the fact that she herself had fallen for the mixup. That was for her to know, and nobody to find out ever. She straightened in her seat and crossed her legs daintily. There was a few seconds of silence, as the trainers seemed to size up Threshield, unwilling to be the one to speak up. Until the ex-Unova champion spoke up.
"Well It's nice to meet you and all Mr. Threshield," He paused a moment. "But I do have a question. Why exactly did you invite us all here? Not that I don't appreciate the trip, but surely you must have a reason for gathering top coordinators and champions together in one place?"

Hmm. He did have a point. The letter had said Threshield merely wanted to meet them, which wouldn't be the first such letter for Jewel Gem, but it was the first to offer such a nice trip to achieve it. Plus, it wasn't like he was just a fan of one of them, this was quite the smorgasbord of the best. She raised an eyebrow at Threshield, coolly awaiting his response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neve Bennett Character Portrait: Keiko Haruna Character Portrait: Nanami Sadamatsu Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine
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King Threshield

After King's introduction, most of the guests seemed to all stand around as if they were in a tense and dangerous situation until Alex Rhodes spoke up. "Well It's nice to meet you and all Mr. Threshield," Alex took a quick pause between his comment. "But I do have a question. Why exactly did you invite us all here? Not that I don't appreciate the trip, but surely you must have a reason for gathering top coordinators and champions together in one place?" King smirked at the young trainer's question but before he could respond, Neve Bennet became the second to speak up, "Thank you for the invitation, sir. I am looking forward to my stay here.".

King thought it was finally time to explain to his guest his motive for bringing them to his personal island. First, he decided to respond to Ms. Bennet. It is my pleasure, Ms. Bennet, having such acclaimed trainers, coordinators, and such on my island is as much a treat as this vacation will be to some of you. He now focused his attention to the room at large at with a rather big cough to clear his throat. As for your question Mr.Rhodes, that is much more simple for my enjoyment of course. King said with a smile, Traveling across the world so often becomes very tiring so I thought why not invite the elites here to me. Though it seems like a small amount of the invites I sent out were actually answered. King laughed as he looked at all of his guest in front of him. Ellie and Sera still rolling around on the floor in front of him, small shocks sent into the air from the two electric Pokemon.

Once again clearing his throat before speaking, I believe that while the intention of the invitation was to give you all a nice vacation from your travels and training, few of you will actually be able to handle yourselves with such high competition surrounding you. Matches with no titles on the island and only the pride of your skill as a trainer and the strength of your Pokemon. King looked over at Jewel, Sadly for you Ms.On... Ms.Gem it doesn't seem like any of the other coordinators have shown up. Apart from Ms.Valentine but she hasn't appeared in a contest in quite some time. King said singling out the lone coordinator. Now while it seems the interesting character that Mr. Everett is allowed you to meet Ms. Blackwell, I shall give you all the reason she is different from the rest of you. Ms. Blackwell if you would join me over here. King gestured for her to stand behind him. She is one of four people I have handed picked from around the world the have talent equal to the rest of you in your fields, even you Ms. Haruna.

You all know Ms. Blackwell, the Harpy of the Johto region and one of few trainers the infamous ex-champion of Hoenn Lock Everett considers an equal. Idolizing Claire of Blackthorn city her only goal is to become the strongest gym leader so she never challenged the league just the trainers that stood at the top of Johto. Ms.Sadamatsu, I am sure you have battled her before she was under my employment though at the time I can't say she looked the same, being as she has embraced the wealthy life more than the others. Riza smiled behind king with a slight laugh, before King clapped his hand and three others made their entrances. These are the other high-level masters that I have hired to be on the island.

The first was a young girl with a pinkish brown hair and similar looking eyes, she walked in with her head held hi and didn't make eye contact with any of the trainers. This is Hana Anenokoji, a master with a completely unblemished record of success who has passed up many offers to become the Champion of her home region of Kalos, why don't you say hello to them my dear. Hana stared at the crowd in front of her, I am sorry Mr. Threshield, but I can not bring myself to such a low level to talk to trash like them. Hana said as she turned her back to the crowd before her and stood behind King. King laughed slightly. She is a bit of an acquired taste, I'm sorry for that.

The next was a young dark skinned boy with dark hair. This is Jin Ishida, he may not have the credentials that many of you have but he is talented enough to have grabbed my attention in my travels be sure not to take him lightly. I am not sure but some of you may have crossed his path while in Unova. Jin if you would? Jin walked in front of King his Marowak standing beside him. I hope you enjoy yourselves on Mr. Threshields islands, if you have the time I would love the chance to be able to battle any of you while you are here. This is Night, my partner. He is a Marowak from the Alola Region. Night bowed in unison with Jin before walking behind King with the others.

The final member of the group seemed to be a man in his early thirties. He was well dressed in a nice suit and a hat of tilted down to almost completely covering his eyes. This is Kai Kusanagi, he is the head of the vast information network I have control over. He apparently used to work with the International Police, but he refuses to tell me about his time with them sadly. Kai smiled as he bowed to the crowds. It is a pleasure to finally meet all of you who I have learned so much about. You may call me Detective if you'd like many people do. King looked at the crowd as Kai walked behind him.

These are what I like to call my Shadow Elite, and while you stay on the island feel free to challenge them as often as you want. Room assignments will be soon, do any of you request any special lodgings. I know Ms. Valentine and Mr. Everett need a ranch, that will be on Aria a small boat will take you two there. Are there any other special request, I want you all to be comfortable after all. King said as he sat down in an expensive chair with the four trainers standing behind him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neve Bennett Character Portrait: Keiko Haruna Character Portrait: Nanami Sadamatsu Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine
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0.00 INK

Alex Rhodes and Neve Bennett were the first ones to break the silence following their host's arrival. While the girl merely expressed gratitude at having been invited, Alex seemed to be more inquisitive, asking about the man's purpose for gathering all of them in that spot. Kei was actually surprised at this. The man named King merely dismissed the question by assuring them that it was all for the sake of entertainment. He did mention he was a traveler once and has since grown tired of it. Makes sense...

"Yet why would he want to meet these powerful Trainers?" Keiko thought to herself a logical follow-up to Alex's earlier question. He also mentioned the low number of people who have shown up.

He goes on to explain how he already expected the tense atmosphere between the Trainers, given the tough competition around them and as evidenced by Lock's crass behavior outside. " arena? He's gathered them here for one big battle royal?" Kei thought as she listened to King's explanation. Hardly a vacation yes. But if they were to spend their next few days fighting each other, that may just be a blessing in disguise for Kei. She'll be able to enjoy the island in peace and quiet. That is until--

"She is one of four people I have handed picked from around the world the have talent equal to the rest of you in your fields, even you Ms. Haruna."

"Back up...Was somebody expecting me on this island?" Kei found King's mention of her name, even if just in passing, odd. Given that he's named her like that, it meant that he somehow, 'expected' her to come. Normally, this should be expected except--Kei never really got an invitation. The true recipient for the letter she brought with her was Reika Izanagi, Aki's owner and a rather talented Trainer in her own right though she preferred to stay out of the public eye. So the only ones who should've known about the exchange should be her and Reika. It's not as if there was a reply slip they had to turn over prior to their arrival at the island plus, the ship she took to get there was the standard vessel used in carrying shipments. She couldn't exactly be considered a "great" Trainer either. That reputation was for the likes of Lock and Alex. No way would she even be considered among the top profilers of the region. People like her aren't exactly ranked per se; only indication of your performance was how big your paycheck was which in Kei's case, wasn't the biggest. Otherwise, she could've afforded a better ferry and suitcase. As far as the young profiler was concerned, she hasn't done anything that could've alerted anybody of her arrival. " whodunnit?"

Kei's suspicions aside, King continued to introduce the people he's supposedly gathered as the best of the best. There was Riza Blackwell of course; they've just met her a few minutes ago. It seems she knew Nanami as well though Kei wasn't sure if the opposite holds true. Admittedly, Riza looked very pretty. "Her clothes alone would probably eat three months of salary. She smelled nice as well; I wonder what perfume she uses?"

The next Trainer King called over was supposedly named Hana from Kalos. She--didn't exactly leave the best impression in contrast to the host of the island. But hey! Watching she and Lock rile at each other might prove to be a hilarious experience. "Hopefully not in the middle of the night though..."

The third Trainer called look a little young. Kei assumed that he must be around Alex's age. Maybe a little older. In start contrast to the girl named Hana, he seemed to be rather polite though King mentioned about him not having as much credentials as the others. Well, the others with the exception of Kei who, under normal circumstances, wouldn't even get the chance to be in the island. "Hmm...No, doesn't look like it's him either."

And then, the fourth came along. A tall man who looked like the corporate type; a thug in a suit and tie. He was introduced as Kai Kusanagi and was apparently the head of the island's networking system--

And ex-International Police.

If there was to be only one person who might've heard of the name, that person should be Kei. They operate at a higher jurisdiction compared to her unit who only operates around Unova. She's worked with several members of the IP before, during the second Plasma incident. She doesn't recall seeing him around though. Then again, that was a rather extensive campaign throughout the whole region. Chances of being partnered with someone she'll recognize later on were slim.

"Not sure if the IP's been keeping tabs on the station but right now, he's the only one who might've caught wind of my vacation plans." Kei thought. She did file a vacation leave to the office beforehand after all. The only ones who could've accessed that were her colleagues and superiors...and possibly her superior's superiors--which may involve members of the IP.

That aside, the four did seem like tough nuts to crack...somewhat. Kei wasn't particularly interested in finding out right now. There was still the question raised by Alex. To what end? Given that King had taken the time to introduce the "Shadow Elite", as they are called, means he's probably expecting something from this little tropical break.

"Room assignments will be soon, do any of you request any special lodgings. I know Ms. Valentine and Mr. Everett need a ranch, that will be on Aria a small boat will take you two there. Are there any other special request, I want you all to be comfortable after all."

Upon hearing this, Kei raised a hand. "Room with a good connection speed and signal and a PC would be appreciated, thank you. Oh, and can I visit your archives? Unless of course, you don't have one?" Kei laid out her personal requests before their host. Never mind if it seemed a little too upfront; she did ask politely.

There was some things she needed to look into, she realized.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neve Bennett Character Portrait: Keiko Haruna Character Portrait: Nanami Sadamatsu Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine
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0.00 INK

"I recall her speaking fondly of your battle, I believe you impressed her." "Miss Karen of the Elite Four? Impressed by me?" Nanami thought to herself, but allowed herself to grin a bit wider- she couldn't count how many times the Elite Four member's Pokemon had Sucker Punched hers. Sheer force of will, she supposed, was the key to winning that battle. That and Ayato's Superpower. Speaking of Ayato, the Feraligatr seemed surprised at the awakening of the Zorua that belonged to the other girl- he stared at it for a while before relaxing, a puff of hot air escaping his nostrils.

When their host, Mr. Threshield had spoken, to Nanami's surprise the first to break the ice was Alex- the guy that had been talking with her literally some time ago, followed by Neve. As King continued speaking, Nanami idly glanced down at Ayato again- the Feraligatr yawned. "Be courteous, Ayato, that's our host." She wasn't sure that even her deep bond with her Starter was enough for Ayato to understand being courteous- he was, after all, a Feraligatr. A predator. One could tell that just from his reaction to the Alakazam from earlier.

"--Ms.Sadamatsu, I am sure you have battled her before she was under my employment though at the time I can't say she looked the same, being as she has embraced the wealthy life more than the others." It was only until she heard her last name that her head snapped up- Riza was being introduced, though she had already done that earlier. "Oh damn straight she doesn't look the same." She thought again. She wasn't going to change her mind with the whole "reinvented the hourglass figure" thought she had earlier at this point. Three other Trainers made their introductions as King clapped his hands.

Immediately after Riza was a girl who held her head high, avoiding eye contact. Those sharp eyes and posture...Nanami already had a nagging feeling about this one. "This is Hana Anenokoji, a master with a completely unblemished record of success who has passed up many offers to become the Champion of her home region of Kalos..." Threshield's words trailed off in Nanami's ears. Unblemished record? Even she had some losses! How good was this Trainer? She heard a small rumbling coming again and quickly grabbed at Ayato's snout- a record of no losses was definitely something the Feraligatr would like to take a chomp out of. Nanami held Ayato's snout shut for courtesy's sake until she heard the girl refer to them as...trash.
"Oh my god, are Kalosians just naturally born with the belief that they're better than others?" The thought had been brought on as a mechanism to prevent her from doing anything rash. "First Magenta, then Kirigaya and now this..." Nanami may have met a few more decent people in her journey to Kalos, but two of her friends had the same pride and ego. Almost. Magenta technically referred to her as trash, in...fancier words. And the other just straight-up said it.

The next person that came in was a young man with dark skin and dark hair. Nanami would have guessed that he came from Hoenn- he had features that sort of resembled Raito's...sort of- but her eyes locked onto the oddly colored Marowak. That was definitely not a shiny Marowak. The boy informed everyone that it was a Marowak from the Alola region...well, that explains it. She supposed she'd have to do more research on the Alola region later on, if she ever had to challenge this guy.

The last guy to come up was a smartly-dressed, green-haired man. He apparently used to work for the IP- Nanami thought briefly of her encounter with two of the Forces of Nature and the Plasma incidents in Unova. Those were good times, heroic times indeed- though she still had no clue to the mystery of the Incarnate and Therian Formes. These four Trainers were called the Shadow Elite of seemed that they were all bound to challenge or be challenged by these people. No bother- Nanami was up for any battle at any time, though the Feraligatr rumbling on her lap seemed to be too tired to fight right now. Sheesh- they had only gotten here and he was already tired! She bonked him on the snout a bit.

When Threshield brought up special requests, Nanami's travel-weary brain seemed to kick several weird ideas into her mind. Would a harem count as a request? Maybe she could ask for a Krabby in an aquarium in her room, since a Krabby's claws were apparently strong enough to hold Ayato's mouth shut. One got stuck on his snout once, after all. Maybe she could ask for an altar of the Helix Fossil, just to joke around with. Or maybe get herself an actual Omastar.

"A blushing bride solemnly sleeping on the bed when I come in-- oh wait, that's how I wake Magenta-chan everyday." She sighed- she really needed some good sleep. Her hitting her head on the ship's walls thanks to Carrots from earlier this morning was hardly a way to wake up. Finally- "Guess I don't have any special requests for now..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neve Bennett Character Portrait: Keiko Haruna Character Portrait: Nanami Sadamatsu Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine
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Lock Everett & Sophie Valentine

Once Lock had returned to the group with Riza it seemed the party had just started to begin. The host King Threshield had finally showed himself and introduced himself to the group. Both Alex and Neve spoke up, and were quickly responded to by their host, but the important comment was why they were all here this rich man's entertainment. Lock paid little attention to the host as he rambled on and talked about Riza's accomplishments, Lock's interest were falling even after the other trainers join, Riza had told him a little about them but the comments from the second trainer, Hana Anenokoji visually bothered Lock. He gripped his fist as the girl stood behind King Threshield. His stared at the girl and his focus was solely on her, he did not hear the introductions of the other two. Who are you calling trash woman, these kids may only be second rate elites but they are still what most would consider elite trainers. Lock seemed to be a lot angrier than earlier. Hana did not even react to Lock's comment and simply continued to do what she was doing. Some titleless nobody is treating me like this. How about we have a match? I'll knock you off the high horse you sit on. Lock stared at Hana, he is eyes blazing with anger. She continued to ignore him. This just made Lock angrier but before he could spout another angry word at Hana, King decided to direct a comment at him. Bringing up his necessary need for a ranch to house his large group of Pokemon he wanted to bring along on his vacation.

Sophie had stood and watched as all of this began to happen, she didn't want to interfere with what Lock was saying as while she was able to stand Lock attitude and thinking he was better, this Hana didn't respect the champions before her whatsoever. This girl bothered even her who was as easily irked as other people. Sophie decided she would rather not be around the girl any longer. Well then we will get going, Lock please calm down! Someone like her isn't worth your time, I won't allow the Pokemon I take care of to battle someone so disgraceful. Sophie grabbed Lock's arm and left the room. That Hana Anenokoji was someone Sophie couldn't stand. Lock may have a bad attitude but he respects the titles the others have even if he still believes he is better. I don't like that Hana girl, Lock don't battle her, please. I don't know what it is but I have a bad feeling about her. Sophie stopped and looked and Lock, but he looked as if he wasn't listening, the rage in his eyes had still not subsided. I am fine now Sophie, we will try to stay away from that woman and enjoy the vacation. Lock said this but neither him or Sophie was sure about it as he headed toward a boat with one of Kings servants waiting for them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neve Bennett Character Portrait: Keiko Haruna Character Portrait: Nanami Sadamatsu Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine
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#4E277F || #875BBF
After King responded to her, Neve straightened out of her bow and observed the trainers that the man then introduced to the group, his "shadow elite" as he referred to them as. Riza was one of them and thinking about it the name was a little familiar, but honestly Neve couldn't remember where she might have come across it or the lady in question. 'She seems nice enough, I suppose.'

Hana was the next to be introduced and Neve frowned a little at her attitude before shrugging it off. People were entitled to their opinions she supposed, though that didn't mean she had to like it. In comparison, Jin and Kai seemed nicer. The former had an interesting looking Marowak from the Alola region apparently. 'Maybe I'll travel there for a bit after this? Maybe there are more Pokémon who look different from normal there. I wonder if their typing changes any with those forms...'

Neve barely noticed Lock snapping at Hana and his companion half dragging him from the room. Idly she figured it was a good thing, Lock seemed to have a bit of a temper and she would rather not be in the same room as him while he was annoyed.

She snapped out of her thoughts as King mentioned room assignments being soon and asking if anyone had any special requests. Neve didn't need anything in particular, but perhaps... "A desk or a table if it's not to troublesome. Or just somewhere I can write. It would be much appreciated."

Request made, Neve than sat herself next to Nanami again, scooping up Nyx as she did so. The Zorua immediately snuggled closer to her trainer, yawning cutely as she decided whether or not to nap again. Neve ran her fingers through the Pokémon's fur as she settled in to observe what would happen next. 'I think I'll be able to write that letter now.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neve Bennett Character Portrait: Keiko Haruna Character Portrait: Nanami Sadamatsu Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine
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0.00 INK

Once his question was finally answered Alex's mouth turned slightly downward into something of a grimace. Who even was this Thresheild guy? He seems amazingly wealthy and influencntial, yet Alex has never even heard of him. Yet somehow he sees himself as fit to bring in champions as a form of personal entertainment? It didn't sit well with Alex and it was quite obvious that he didn't trust his generous host. Yet the prospect of a vacation after working so hard, and of course after being defeated once more, spending so long after that training to get stronger couldn't be ignored. Especially not when the other guests are such renowned trainers. His Pokemon could relax for a bit and he'd get the chance to battle the best of the best. Not an opportunity he could miss.

It didn't seem King was finished surprising them as he soon brought in four other trainers who apparently were working for. Some of them he had actually heard of, and for a moment Alex was impressed by the collection of Trainers King had brought together.

The first was Riza whom they had already met. Apparently she was one of the few people capable of controlling Lock. A great fear from what little Alex has seen of the ex-Hoenn champion. She was also known as "The Harpy" a name that rang several bells. Of course Alex didn't manage to place the name to the face he has heard of the girl before.

Next was a woman named Hana Anenokoji, a native to Kalos it seemed, and apparently a trainer who has never lost a battle. The prospect of a trainer so skilled, so powerful so as not to be beaten even once both excited, and terrified the young boy. While Alex was skilled enough to be a champion, and many people knew him as an overconfident and arrogant man, but even he had enough sense to realize that his losses furthered his strength. Alex had always thought that his losses has tempered his steel so to speak. To think that she has never lost it was nearly incomprehensible. It seemed however that Hana had an attitude to match her skill. She called him and everyone else trash. He was trash now apparently. it was enough to ball his fists in a rage. Thomas shot him a look of concern and was about to speak to his trainer but Alex boiling in rage and boldness would not listen to his friend.

Alex was only half listening, drifting in and out as two other trainers were introduced. He didn't pay much attention, though through the haze the boy named Jin seemed slightly familier. Apparently he was from Unova. For a moment Alex thought he had met the boy before though no concrete memories had surfaced as of yet. The only thing of interest from the final introduction was the man's name. Kai. He chuckled slightly. Alex was sure he would much prefer his Kai, his Meinshao to this shady looking fellow. These four were his Shadow Elite and Alex could only wonder as to the implications of this. What was the point? At the moment Alex wasn't so sure.

Once everyone was done speaking he directed his attention to teh Hana woman. "First I was forgettable, then I was second rate. Now I am apparently trash. I'm beginning to think I was brought here just so you people could look down on me. Let me tell you Little Miss God Complex, if we had crossed paths during my trek through Kalos you're flawless record would have been a bit more flawed." He was as calm as ever but the fire was deep within him as he spoke.

He would have continued, challenged the woman to a battle right then and there until King had mentioned special requests. He turned his attention away from the irritating woman and looked back at King. "If you don't mind I'd like access to the ranch as well. I have quite a few other pokemon that would enjoy some time here. That should be all though I shouldn't require anything else. That was all he felt the need to say as he waited for the room assignments.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neve Bennett Character Portrait: Keiko Haruna Character Portrait: Nanami Sadamatsu Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine
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0.00 INK

Jewel Gem (Felicity Ono)

Felicity crossed her legs primly, and raised an eyebrow at Threshield. They weren't toys to be played with, but on the other hand, Felicity was willing to play his game. Especially given that she had no actual competitors. No, for the others this was a chance to feel out their possible future opponents, or to see what kind of talent might be following them. All for the titillation of a wealthy loon. For Jewel Gem, this was entirely an exercise in image and networking. A vacation to such an exotic locale, at the exclusive invitation of a fabulously rich eccentric was a perfect story for her branding. With no press present, she could make up whatever she wanted people to believe about her stay, and it'd simply be her word against the other guests and Threshield. Now, Threshield himself may just have been able to--

Hang on. He'd almost called her Ono.

How in the hell did he know her real name? What connections did this man have? She schooled her face and tipped her chin up haughtily.
"Don't fret about it, I'll find... Diversions of my own." Such as finding out where Threshield had learned her real name, without a coordinator in sight. The detective seemed like the likely source, but he just raised more questions. Such as what on Earth did a rich eccentric want an information network for? Especially one so deep it required hiring ex police? And then there was the fact that Ruth worked for him. Did he know Ruth's name? Had he made the connection between them? Maybe he intended them to confront each other somehow. Maybe mend their relationship. But then, why should he care about their relationship, and that all presumed he even knew Ruth worked for him, which seemed unlikely.

"Near a beach and a view, if that's possible." She announced with clipped tones. After all, so much of her image was of a woman of the sea, and she had appearances to preserve.

Ruth Ono

"Hey, Ruth! Come and take these to the hilltop apartments, would you!" A voice called from the side of the steps. Ruth nodded and jogged over to the maintenance workers, a middle aged man whose name escaped her, and what she was pretty sure was his son. Between them, they held up a couple of stone statues of mid-sized water type pokemon, meant to go alongside the paths around and up the hills. A goldeen, a floatzell, a vaporeon and a seadra. Before Ruth could grab one though, Derek reached past her and took the goldeen and the seadra. Oracle sniffed at the stone pokemon curiously.
"I'm headed the same way, I'll walk with you." He explained, though he didn't look her in the eye as he did. Ruth smiled fondly, and gratefully. Honestly, Derek could be too kind sometimes. She grabbed the vaporeon and the floatzell, tucking the vaporeon under one arm.
"Alright, but switch with me, I think you've got the heavy ones." She said. Derek shook his head.
"Nah, these are lighter than they look." Ruth wasn't sure she believed him, but let the subject drop. She'd ask again later, when he'd lost some momentum in his decision.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neve Bennett Character Portrait: Keiko Haruna Character Portrait: Nanami Sadamatsu Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine
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0.00 INK

King Threshield

King listened to the request of his guest, some of them were quite simple and were already standard accommodations, so nothing too special. Alex and Jewel, on the other hand, had special request both of which could be easily done. Well Ms. Bennett and Ms. Haruna those are things standard for me, You can also use any PC on these islands to access any of the Pokemon storage systems if that is what you use. As for you Mr. Rhodes and Ms. Gem, I would go catch up with Ms. Valentine and Mr. Everett as Aria is the best island to fulfill both of your requests. Our beachfront properties are be worked on after a few accidents, but Aria is full of beautiful ranches, some even have nice lakefront houses. The lake should do you well for any pictures you may want to take Ms. Jewel. King smiled at all of his guests as he began to turn around and walk back through the doors he came in from, the shadow elite following behind him. Be sure to enjoy the islands, my dear guest. The fun is just about to begin, understand one thing though that there are areas for battling all over each island, be sure to use them when the challenge each other as those battle should be broadcasted for the rest of us to enjoy. One of the maids will show you to your rooms just wait here, they will be here soon. King said as the doors closed after the shadow elite walked through as well.

The Shadow Elite and King sat in a study surrounded by books and such. I Have more guest soon, I would like that they go unseen by those we all just met. Especially Ms. Haruna she could be a problem if she caught eyes of some of them if that is okay with you Mr. Threshield. Hana will be accompanying me to the meetings, I hope that you two can keep these "elites" company while Hana and I handle the business we need to. Riza and Jin shook their heads in agreement and King smiled. All of them knew that Kai's information network often ran through the underworld sometimes, as it would be the only way to get some of the information they had. Jin you should have no problem getting your challenges I have got the gifts that you had asked for, they are in your room. King said as Jin nodded in agreement again. Kai I will assume as usual your guest will keep their outside business off the islands? Kai responded with a smile and a nod. Good then we will be starting a great and fun event. King said with smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine Character Portrait: Lock Everett Character Portrait: Jewel Gem (Felicity Ono)
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0.00 INK

Lock Everett & Sophie Valentine

Lock and Sophie stood at the dock waiting for the whoever was to bring them to Aria. Lock had finally calmed down, he reached for his belt and grabbed two Pokeballs. Throwing into the air Azure and Aura came out and looked at Lock. I'm sorry Sophie but I am going to challenge that Hana girl. It has nothing to do with what she said though. I sat here and thought about it she may be the challenge I have been looking for. Aura and Azure I am going to be switching you two off the team, I need to bring the best team I can muster if I am going to be the first to end that woman's winning streak. I am going to leave Phanna there as well Sophie. Lock looked at Sophie with a serious look.

She could tell that he was serious and not angry like he was before she had never seen this side of him. It felt strange Lock had quit because of the lack of competition he had, but whoever this girl was has spurred his competitive spirit. You don't need to versus her though, there is an apprentice of an Elite Four member, a past champion of the Unova region, and the current champion of both Kanto and Johto. There are plenty of high-caliber opponents here, and even if you don't consider any of the other guests why not other members of this Shadow Elite. Ms. Blackwell is someone you consider a rival, you the person who think he is the best in the world. I have a bad feeling about her Lock, someone with her credentials should be known to the world but I have never seen her name or her face anywhere. While I believe you trust in Ms. Blackwell's choice in employer we know nothing about who this King Threshield is and if he has any ulterior motives for you all coming here. Sophie was looking at Lock she obviously bothered by the idea of Lock battling Hana, but before she could add more she could see Alex and Jewel were slowly approaching them, It seems like we won't be the only people on the island. Be nice to them, also I don't really get why you seem to dislike people like Mr. Rhodes and Ms. Sadamatsu aren't they exactly like you when you were younger. I mean even if you are better than them I would assume you helping them get better may make them at least competition in the future, not that any of them would want to learn from you after the entrance you had. Sophie said to Lock as she began to walk toward the other guests coming down the road. She waved to the others as they got a little close. Why hello you two, I guess you are heading to the same island as us. Sophie greeted the two with a smile Aura now standing next to her. Hopefully we can all learn to get along. I know my boss can be a little unruly let's not let that ruin this vacation time Sophie said as Aura sat next to her, while Azure flew next to Lock who was not paying attention to the others while sitting at the dock.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Ruth Ono Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine Character Portrait: Lock Everett Character Portrait: Jewel Gem (Felicity Ono)
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0.00 INK

Ruth Ono

Ruth stopped at the top of the hill, and turned to look back. Sure enough, there was Derek, struggling a few steps behind her. She deposited her stautes, and went back to join him.
"You can't say I didn't warn you." She said with a smile. She grabbed the goldeen staue from where he'd momentarily set it aside. Her eyes widened. She gave Derek a side eyed look as she tested the weight of the statue.
"Lighter than they look huh?" She echoed.
"Ahhh wait no..." He said, between breaths. Ruth ignored him. Oracle fidgeted around the pair's legs. She set aside the goldeen for a moment and tested the seadra's weight as well. It too was exactly as heavy as it looked. Even Ruth was dubious about trying to carry both for any length of time.

"I mean, I appreciate the gesture, but you really didn't have to go to this much trouble." Ruth said. His breath returning, Derek waved off her concern.
"Nah, it wasn't a problem, Ru." As he said it, Ruth looked down at the pokeballs on her hip. She could maybe get Dug to help her with one of these. She glanced over at Derek out of the corner of her eye. He'd already come all this way, she didn't want to make him feel bad for not getting the whole way.
"I can't even carry both of these. And mine are already at the top, so... You take one and I'll take one?" She suggested. Derek seemed to brighten up considerably.
"Sure." He nodded and reached for the seadra. Thankfully this time, at least, he'd gone for the lighter option.

Jewel Gem (Felicity Ono)

So, on to the vacation, apparently. Or 'vacation' as the case may be, between the lack of calm from the trainers and Felicity's half-formed plan regarding Ruth. It had been a long time, and while they might never get to be anywhere near close, after everything, Felicity still wanted to at least know a little about how her sister's life was going. Felicity reached down and pulled the long handle out of her wheeled suitcase. As she and Pearl rose to leave, something niggled at her. That Akenokoji girl, and her bad attitude. It was one thing to be known for being ruthless, and act haughty to put those around you off balance. But that Akenokoji clearly bought into her own branding, which was a rookie's mistake if Felicity had ever seen one. Maybe not a combat rookie, but certainly a branding rookie.

She removed her sunglasses.
"Oh, and Mr Threshield, would you mind passing a message for me?" She leaned down to his eye level. "Tell miss Anenokoji that a good battle record only matters if one cares about anything so crass as battles, but a lack of appeal shows no matter who you are." And with a condescending pat on Threshield's shoulder, Felicity strutted out of the room. She straightened and perched her sunglasses back on her nose. She could practically feel Tigereye and Sapphire's judgement, even though they were within their pokeballs, but this was the way of Jewel Gem. The upper hand was a valuable thing worth keeping.

She caught up with the other trainers headed to Aria fairly quickly. She shook off her cold demeanour, and held her head high. Pearl followed her lead, raising her own head up to a proud height. She strode through, until she reached the dock. The breeze picked up again, and she reached up a hand to hold her sunhat on her head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine Character Portrait: Lock Everett Character Portrait: Jewel Gem (Felicity Ono)
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0.00 INK

Lock Everett & Sophie Valentine

Lock sat on the dock looking out to the water, Azure rested beside him drooping his head near the water. I'm sorry old friend but I can't bring you to a battle with that girl. I need to bring a team that will have options, and having both you and Scarlet on my team will be a big mistake. I will make a promise to you now Azure, once we leave these islands I will find Latiosite for you. Lock pet Azure's head and Azure lifted it up from the water You are just as strong as Scarlet is Azure, you may even be stronger that her at sometimes, I won't allow you to mope because I found something to boost your sister's strength. You have always been one of my most loyal and powerful companions, and I will make sure you feel that you are once this vacation ends. As Lock comforted Azure a large yacht with a rather old man pulled up, the old man smiled at the group.

You kids must be Mr. Threshields guests, You all heading to Aria I assume seeing as the other to aren't really suited for fancy guest like yourself. Well, hop on let's get going while we got the chance. These seas like to act weird with all the weird weather stuff on the Islands. Lock got up and Azure flew over to Sophie who was greeting the other guests. Azure nudged Sophie to get her attention to see that their ride had shown up. Oh! It seems like our ride is here, well I hope things can be kept calm on the island. Sophie began to run back with Aura before quickly turning around and running over to Alex and whispering, You know that you and Lock are more similar than you two would agree on. There is no fault in getting help from a much more experienced trainer. He may be rough around the edge but Lock is still one of the best trainers Hoenn and potentially the world has ever seen. Sophie began to run toward Lock, Azure, and Aura. The group of four got on the rather large yacht. Wow! All this for four people and some Pokemon, I can't wait to see what the ranches look like. The old man laughed as he tugged the horn to signal the other guest to get on the boat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Rhodes Character Portrait: Sophie Valentine Character Portrait: Lock Everett Character Portrait: Jewel Gem (Felicity Ono)
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0.00 INK

Jewel Gem (Felicity Ono)

Felicity looked up as a yacht pulled over to the pier she and the trainers stood on. A jovial seeming old man welcomed them aboard, onto the fairly lavish ship. Carpeted floors, a fridge and wide floor to ceiling windows. Felicity just barely stopped herself from gasping, and moved to look out the window with carefully measured steps. She wouldn't admit to it, but yes, she agreed with Sophie on how impressive the yacht was. As she peered, she noticed the captain side eyeing her from the ship's wheel. She turned to face him with a raised eyebrow.
"Any opinions on her, Miss Gem? I hear you're something of a sea dog yourself." He said. Darnit, Felicity really needed to get around to learning more about ships, if people who actually worked with ships were going to ask about it. Reporters she could usually fool, but an actual sailor? Not easily.
"Dog?" She echoed back at the sailor with a slightly sour expression. The sailor back-pedalled awkwardly.
"Ah, apologies, Miss Gem, I meant no insult." He said.
"Don't worry about it, but I'd prefer not to be referred to as a dog in future, thank you." She said in clipped tones. There was a moment of awkward silence.
"You know, my daughter's a fan of yours. D'you think I could get her your autograph, Miss Gem?" Success. Bullet handily dodged, Jewel Gem put on her best winning smile.
"Oh, of course." She replied. She took a scrap of blank paper sitting nearby, and put down the quick scribble and small star that served as her official signature. A fast signature served her well, given the number of times she'd been asked for one like this, on the spot.

A thought occurred to her as she handed the autograph to the captain.
"Say, Captain, do you know a girl who works here called Ruth Ono?" She asked. She lowered her voice slightly, to avoid the notice of the trainers. The captain blinked in confusion at the unexpected question, and scratched at his greying beard.
"Ruth Ono? The tall lass with the lairon? Aye, she works here." He answered.
"Does she only work on the main island?"
"No, no, she has a tropius that carries her between them all. Usually volunteers to be the ranger's taxi service." The captain shrugged. "Derek's absol might be able to smell a storm coming ten miles off, but she can't really get him there on her own."
"Derek Franco, Threshield's hired on ranger. Looks after the reserve." Felicity hummed in acknowledgement. Someone else to ask at least, in regards to her sister's lifestyle. On a whim, she removed her sunhat and perched it on the panel the wheel protruded from.
"For your daughter. I have more." She stated. He thanked her, and she turned away, satisfied with her conversation.