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"You're so cute! Can I have a taste?"

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a character in “Revenge of the Gods”, as played by FlutteringInsanity



"I'll be turning 48,849 thousand next month!
You should come to my party! I promise not to bite."

"How adorable. I bet you taste lovely~"
You could say bi, but really Nani loves anything that's attractive.

God you are Made to Oppose
"What a sweet face. I just want to rip it off with my teeth."
Goddess of Fire

Titan Ability
"Your screaming is just making me hungrier."
Nani has the ability to manipulate the gravity around her as well as the gravity of anything she can touch. She's known for breaking the bones of other titans whom she dislikes by crushing them under the weight of her power.

"This world will be crushed under the weight of my paws."
To any normal person, Nani may look like a monster out of a terrifying nightmare. Her abnormally huge "paws" may be off-putting, but it's the mask that she wears that makes her look like a real demon. However under the mask Nani looks much like a regular girl, if you don't pay attention to the long grey tale and large ears. Nani stands 5'4" tall and weighs 132lbs with smooth curves and finely toned muscles. She has thick bright blond hair that ties into two long braids with blonde bangs that brush her forehead. She has a dark complexion with large light red eyes, her dark red pupils in slits much like that of a cats. Her teeth are a little sharp, but not to a very noticeable degree and under her large paws are a pair of completely normal hands.

"C'mon! Just a little bite. It won't hurt~ Don't be a baby."

"Would you like to play a little game, darling?"
Many of her titan siblings have a fear of Nani's crude animosity. There is nothing more enjoyable to her than the feel of ripping open the flesh of her enemies. And by enemies, I mean anyone that causes the female titan annoyance. She looks like a harmless little girl, only seeming more adorable with her feline ears and tail, but she is no house kitten. Nani could be compared to a tiger who lashes out at anyone and anything that may be a threat to it. She has a bottomless apatite, but not for any normal food that the titans eat. Nani's favorite snack, practically the only thing she'll eat, is the flesh of a still living creature so she can bask in the sweet sound of agony as she bites into her prey. Just any old being won't satisfy her though and she'll only develop a craving for things she finds to be attractive or cute.

She is a terrifying and vicious girl, but her personality is all around friendly. In fact she's nothing but a ball of bubbly, giggly energy when she's in a good mood. She's very much like a little child who wants to do nothing but play and although she is one of the older titans her maturity level is on the lowest possible setting. She's flirtatious, sadistic and possessive over anything she considers to be hers. Nani has the attitude of a bratty tween, but when she becomes angry her reputation is sure to proceed her. For if you take one wrong step that crosses her tolerance line, you'll find yourself being crushed between her paws.

"I wonder how long you'll last without your limbs, hmm?"

★ Likes Dislikes ★
★ Attractive/Cute things Being ordered around ★
★ The taste/smell of fresh meat Ugly people/things ★
★ Pitch black nights Overly-confident personalities ★
★ The sweet smell of fear Curse words ★

Romantic Interest
"What pretty eyes you have. Should I boil them or eat them raw?"
Nani will instantly fall in love with anyone that she thinks to be cute or attractive, so she doesn't have serious feelings for anyone but claims to have a crush on a multitude of titans, humans and even a handful of gods with a few being the Major Gods.

"Red looks so nice splattered across silver."
The massive paws that Nani wears are not just for show. Behind the cloth are incredibly heavy glows made of a metal only found in the titans territory. She uses her ability to manipulate gravity to swing them around and bash her opponents with a bone-crushing force and then lifts them above her head like they're nothing but pillows. Along with the weights, by pulling a leaver inside of the paws she can unleash long, razor-sharp claws to slice up her prey and then retract them like a cat.

Her mask is another piece of attire that isn't just for show. When she puts it on, it literally becomes a part of her body. The gleaming red eyes will squint and widen while the mouth with move along with her voice. The teeth are much larger and far more deadly than her own pointed teeth and with the mask on she is able to open her jaws a lot wider, making it easier to bite into the meat so heavily craves and enjoys.

"Aww, you're so determined! I can't wait to demolish you."

When Nani was first created she was quite a menace to deal with. She was born fully grown but acted like a child and would c0onstantly run around and chew on things as if she were teething. She was evil, like any other titan, but her animalistic behavior was practically uncontrollable. She couldn't speak nor understand any of the words that her siblings used, as if she was faulty. For years she spent her time firmly locked in a single room where she would scream and claw at the walls and door with her fingernails to the point where they would crack and bleed.

Eventually though she began to develop her communications skills better. For a while no titan would dare to enter the room. It was as if she had never been created and didn't exist, but one of the younger titans decided to start talking to her. First from the other side of the door, then he would stand in the doorway until he was able to stand in the room without her attacking him. Once she was able to speak properly and control her cravings she was allowed to leave the room and existed once again.

However now she was given a purpose. A thought that had been stirring and grinding at her brain from the moment she was created. When she was nothing but a wild animal she couldn't understand the purpose that she was given, but now she knew that her one goal in life, the reason for her creation, was to be rid of the Goddess of Fire.

Nani is just like an animal in many ways. Along with her love of meat, Nani has a strong sense of smell as well as hearing. Her eyes are like that of a cats and allow her to see well in the dark, which is why she prefers the night. It's much easier to hunt your prey when they can't see you.

"That smell is so intoxicating~ I want to eat!"

So begins...

Nani's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raidon, Titan of Storms Character Portrait: Kahn Character Portrait: Nani
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Nani lay on her back in the window seal high up in the tower of the gods in the large room where the Fire Goddess once resided. It had been hours since she rested her head on the stone surface just to watch the clouds move over head. Well it had actually only been about twenty minutes but that was hours to Nani.


She watched the white tip of her tail flick back and forth with her leg hanging over the outside and her other bent. Her "paws' hung over both sides and she slowly rocked them and another cloud moved overhead. It was quiet and beautiful. The weather here was always so perfect here that it was almost disgusting.


That was it. She'd had it with sitting around. She was bored! There was hardly ever anything to do here! How did they expect her to control herself when she had no prey to chase or flesh to eat? It was absolute blasphemy! She jumped down from the window seal, but not into the room. Instead she fell down the side of the tower, her paws and legs spread as she smiled, enjoying the feel of the wind. This seemed to be the only thing remotely fun to do. It was boring without those silly gods.

She was nearing a balcony now, the one that would lead into the kitchen. Just inches from the ceramic floor, Nani's body stopped in mid air for a few seconds before her boots landed silently on the ground. If she didn't find something to do soon she'd have to bully some of the younger titans. She never really thought of any of them as her siblings. Only a select few whom she took a liking to were granted that title. The rest were just meat sack walking around waiting to be sliced into delicious little morsels. Come to think of it she was feeling pretty hungry. That annoying shrimp titaness from the day before just wasn't cutting it. Perhaps she'd walk around and find herself an unsuspecting meal to last her the rest of the day. It really was so inconvenient that she wasn't allowed to eat as much as she pleased. Only one or two per day! How lame...

The doors of the kitchen opened and a few annoying titans came walking in. What perfect timing! She was about to pounce when they noticed her and it was obvious that they were immediately cautious. She didn't even bother to remember any of these one's names. Only her favorites deserved that privilege. Speaking of which, where were Kahn and Raidon? Weren't they usually in the kitchen by now? She made her way in from the balcony, ginning wildly at the other titans. At the moment she wasn't wearing her mask since she only wore that when she was eating or during a fight, but her red eyes and sharp teeth were still quite intimidating to some. "Where are my pretty boys? Ay? Got a clue? I'm very, very bored, you see."

They answered her quickly and after hearing the explanation she grinded her teeth together and the hairs on her tail poofed up in annoyance. "They went to have fun without me!?" She hissed, enraged that they'd leave her behind. The other titans shrunk back at the realization of her anger, however she simply knocked them over with her paw as she passed them and stormed out of the kitchen. She could play with one of them later, but for now she had some annoying siblings to deal with.

After tapping her boot and twirling tugging at her braids for a short amount of time, Nani finally reached the bottom of the elevator and set foot onto the Earth's soil. It was a nice feeling. This place has a much wider variety of smells and sounds. It was absolutely beautiful. If she had the choice she'd take over this place and become it's queen in no time, but the elders had a different idea. It was so very annoying.

In the distance she could hear the sound of fighting, but it was the vibrations in the ground that gave away the exact distance and size of the battle. She let her anger be replaced by excitement and fell onto all fours as she raced through the forest towards the noise. It only took her a minute or two before she came bursting out of the trees and leaped towards her closest friend. She didn't even care what was going on, she was just happy to see them.

"Rai Rai~~!!!"

She leaped and ran into Raidon, wrapping her large paws around him and knocking him the the ground, recklessly interrupting whatever it was that he had just been doing. She continued to sit on top of him as she raised her head. "How dare you and Kahn go and have fun by yourself! Not fair, not fair, noot faiirrr!! You're both big, bad, meanie heads!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahio Alanson Character Portrait: Adam Copper Character Portrait: Anderson Black Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Alena "Eden" Character Portrait: Fire
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Raidon (hope you don't mind but I'm going to say that Anubis spoke before Nani arrived)

Raidon was unfazed by the flying ice, his maneuvers allowing him to dodge it. He smiled as the water wave came at him. "Smart Frost, but after a few thousand years you learn what does and doesn't mix." He then jumped high above the wave and charged himself with electricity, landing near Frost and sending out a shockwave that stirred up more debris. He shock another stream of electricity at Frost, but he soon stopped, hearing Anubis speak. Raidon's eyes started to turn a blood red as his hate for Anubis rose. Letting out another shock stream towards Frost, he faced the body that held Anubis, preparing to strike thunder down upon him, not caring about the plan. Though all of that was interrupted by Nani.

As Nani ran over and knocked him down, his anger faded, in fact, he even smiled. He had a sort of soft spot for Nani, probably because of her childlike behavior and young looks. "Nani, what are you doing here? I"m sory we didn't bring you, two is all it should take to capture Frost and they sent me." He spoke in a kind voice to Nani, not wanting to upset her in any way. He then freed his arms and patted her once on the head before lifting her off of him. Quickly standing up so she wouldn't have time to knock him down again, he faced her and said "Nani, give me time to finish this fight and I'll take you to do whatever you want." He promised before leaping up into the air. Once up there he focused his powers into a lightning bolt, one that if it hit Frost, though it wouldn't be lethal, it could probably hurt her quite a bit and possibly be a knockout. He then called it down from the sky at where Frost was standing and landed again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahio Alanson Character Portrait: Adam Copper Character Portrait: Anderson Black Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Alena "Eden" Character Portrait: Raidon, Titan of Storms
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Raidon watched as the snowball hurtled at him, transforming into a blizzard. Very smart of you Frost. He thought to himself as his vision was obscured by the blizzard. He then began to charge his energy. As it charged, people would begin to notice the blizzard glowing blue. Once he was sufficiently charged, he leaped forward, causing a large shockwave that dissipated the blizzard. Marking Frost's position, he tapped the ground with his foot so that he'd be coming right at her. in one of his arms, Raidon held a large orb of energy that would probably deal a lot of damage if hit by it. Though the dash was only moments, to him, everything seemed as though in slow motion. He looked at Frost and remembered. He remembered her as she had been while she was imprisoned. He remembered her as she had been after she was tortured, and he knew, he couldn't do this, at least not like this. If she was to be taken down, she should at least have time to recover, not fall so soon after her escape. She deserved one more chance. As he came at her, prepared to hit her with his orb of electricity, he let most of the energy out of it, which only Frost from her angle would notice. Now, though it would cause a bit of pain and cause whoever it hit to jolt, it was no longer a threat to the goddess.


As he hit it at her, he spoke in a voice just loud enough for her to hear. "Frost, hit me now, hard, and run. Give me an injury that bad enough to excuse me from chasing you and go. This is the only opening I'm giving you." He gave her a sad smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahio Alanson Character Portrait: Adam Copper Character Portrait: Anderson Black Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Alena "Eden" Character Portrait: Raidon, Titan of Storms
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āš‘ Ahio Alanson āš‘


The way the stranger reacted to the sound of Ahio's phone was weird. It was like he'd never heard such a sound before. It made Ahio think about the way the little girl reacted to Jennora's car, like it was something out of a foreign world that they'd never witnessed until then. Ahio had frozen in his place again, stuck between whether he should take out his phone and answer it or just let it ring to voice mail. If it was his mom then she would just call again, but with the stranger now towering over him he was more worried about making the wrong move than picking up a call from his annoying mother.

When the ringing finally stopped he swallowed nervously, feeling a bit relieved now since the tall red-head stepped back a few inches. Ahio really had no idea who this person was or why the hell he was so interested in him. Why him? Adam looked more threatening than he did and Anders looked the weakest now that the weird girl had grown into a young teen and was now engaged in some crazy magical battle with the other stranger that had appeared. He was just sort of there. Did he really look like the weakest link right now? Anders was being cradled in Adam's arms for Christ's sake.

"I missed my favorite toy."

Suddenly he was shoved up against the van behind him, snapping him out of his frozen state. He clenched his teeth and wrapped his hands around the wrist that held him against the vehicle. "Toy?" He had no idea who this guy was!

"Did you miss me?"

Then there were lips pressed against his. Ahio's eyes widened in shock and he could feel his face turn hot with embarrassment. In fact he felt so flustered that he barely noticed that some kind of liquid had been slipped into his mouth. It had a disgusting taste, but Ahio was so confused and dizzy from the embarrassment that he didn't really think about it. He was about ready to punch the guy in the face when Adam stepped in and began shouting curse words at the stranger. He was relieved to have the other mans lips pull away from his and he made a few quick steps to the side to cough and try to spit out whatever it was that had been slipped into his mouth, however most of it had already moved it's way down to the base of his throat.

After listening to Adam shout out some more curse words, Ahio was starting to feel worried. Sure, he was relieved that Adam spoke up and caused an end to his embarrassing predicament, but he wasn't sure that it was a smart idea to provoke the tall man. By the looks of the Frost's and the darker strangers battle, these people were dangerous and ordinary humans like them didn't stand a chance. "Wait a minute...where did that name come from? Frost?"

He ignored the weird thought that had randomly popped up into his head and turned towards Adam and Anders. They needed to get out of here as soon as possible. He noticed there was now a third stranger in the parking lot, and by the way she leaped onto the darker stranger, it was clear whose side she was on. In that instant he also heard the name of the red-head stranger, but he couldn't remember meeting anyone by the name 'Kahn' before. Whatever. Right now the only thing they needed to focus on was getting out of here and getting to safety. Not just Ahio and the other three, but the little girl as well.

"Go, get in your car and get out of here as fast as you can!"

He turned his head to look in the direction of the voice, seeing that the ice girl had gained the upper hand for a moment. There was no time to waste. His phone had started to ring again, but he wasn't about to answer it. Instead he chucked the ringing cellular device at the tall strangers head. It was the only thing hard that he had on him, plus the ringing was starting to annoy him. "Adam! Grab Anders!", he yelled as he made a few quick steps toward Eden and grabbed her wrist. Now would be there only chance to run and a second of hesitation would likely cost them. Before making any move to run though, he looked over to where the ice girl was and called out to her. "You too, Frost! Let's go!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahio Alanson Character Portrait: Adam Copper Character Portrait: Anderson Black Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Alena "Eden" Character Portrait: Raidon, Titan of Storms
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Frost stepped back at the sound of the ringing, wondering what it could possibly be. She didn't have time to think about that though because Susanowa had called out to her. "You too, Frost! Let's go!" She was surprised at that, Frost thought they would have wanted to get as far away from her as possible considering how much danger she proved to be.

But she didn't question him, "right." She ran towards the vehicle where the others were going to and changed back into a child. It had been an unwilling change, which meant that her abilities had been drained once more. Wait a second, she realized as she reached the vehicle; I didn't tell him my name. Hope trickled its way down her spine, a cold pleasant tingle that spread from the base of her back to the tips of her fingers.

"Shit!" Kahn yelled from behind them. Frost didn't turn around to see what could be the cause of the yell, she had a pretty good guess as to what it was. She waited for Anubis or Oboro to take out the little plastic device that would open the car and hoped that he had been lying when he said that it could eat her.


Kahn screamed like a little girl when the ringing device was thrown at him. He caught it and threw it to the ground, stomping on the thing multiple times; making sure it was crushed beyond repair before he finally calmed down. Then he caught site of his brother and cursed, "shit!" Kahn ran over to the orb of water, poking at it with his sword. It didn't break, it didn't even give a little. "Nani come here and try to pop this thing!" He turned to his kitten sister, hoping that her claws would be sharp enough to burst the bubble before their brother drowned.

Kahn didn't care if they got away, right now he needed to get Raidon out of the orb. Oh man, the other Titan's were going to kill him for this. They'd be the laughing stock of the Tower no doubt. Raidon of Storms and Kahn of Pain weren't able to take down a Goddess who was so weak she could hardly stand on her own. He turned a bit, seeing that they were all crowding into another metal device. He had seen one of these before, one of his brothers had messed around in a car and had nearly gotten killed because of his stupidity.

Kahn paced back and forth; nervous. He thought back to his interaction with Susanowa and smiled. That stupid God had, had such a stupid look on his face when Kahn kissed him. It brought joy to the Titan's face to think that he had gotten such a rise out of his enemy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahio Alanson Character Portrait: Adam Copper Character Portrait: Anderson Black Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Alena "Eden" Character Portrait: Katarina "Jennora"
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"Nani, what are you doing here? I"m sorry we didn't bring you, two is all it should take to capture Frost and they sent me."

Nani pouted at this, the ears under her hood flattening. She didn't care how many titans it would take to bring Frost back. That stupid annoying girl shouldn't of come before her! She felt a little betrayed. How could her own brothers leave her behind in that boring tower with absolutely nothing to do while they went and had fun without even telling her?

"You....You should've told me anyway!", she said as she puffed out her cheeks in frustration. Raidon patted her on the head but she continued to give him a pouty expression until he sat up and moved her off of him. She lifted her paws and placed them together in front her her chest as he turned to say something.

"Nani, give me time to finish this fight and I'll take you to do whatever you want."

Her expression changed and her mouth parted in a wide smile to reveal her slightly pointed teeth. Her eyes seemed to twinkle with excitement just before she closed her mouth and gave him a quick nod before her sibling left her side to continue the battle she had interrupted. In the meantime she decided to search for her own goddess, but unfortunately she seemed to be absent from the group of children. How boring.

There wasn't much the titaness could do but watch her older brother fight the annoying water goddess while her younger sibling went on having his fun with windy boy. It was kind of destroying the reason as to why she came down to Earth in the first place, to be honest, and she wasn't very happy about. However she held back from making a meal out of one of the other stupid gods that were there by the promise that Raidon would take her to do what she wanted. What would they go do? Maybe some hunting? She wouldn't mind going for monster meat. She preferred human but she did have her favorite creatures too.

The fight had suddenly come to an abrupt end. Surprisingly enough, Frosty girl managed to get Raidon trapped in a water bubble. The fur on Nani's tail prickled as she showed her teeth. She was ready to release her claws and leap at the water goddess but was distracting by a voice yelling at her enemy to run. Her younger brother had also made an interesting yelping sound which would've made her burst out in obnoxious laughter had she not been so angry at the time.

Too late now. The little kids had all jumped into a weird metallic machine and screeched away. She was prepared to run after them. Nani would be able to catch up to even something like that if she ran on all fours. They wouldn't escape.

"Nani come here and try to pop this thing!"

Her ears pricked up and she blinked curiously at the sound of Kahn calling her name. Raidon was still trapped in the bubble, even with Frost's absence. That was troublesome..she must be gaining her strength back. "Ay, Captain!", she said cheerfully before unsheathing her claws and leaping into the air. She spun as she began to fall towards Raidon. To another person it probably look like she was about to slice up her own brother, but Nani was sharp and precise with her claws as they slashed through the thick water and caused the bubble to fall apart. She landed gracefully with her boots making a small splashing noise as she stepped into the puddle. She then turned to face the two of them with a big smile. "Mission accomplished!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahio Alanson Character Portrait: Adam Copper Character Portrait: Anderson Black Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Alena "Eden" Character Portrait: Raidon, Titan of Storms
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Raidon was heavily shocked by Frost's next move. As he got trapped in the bubble of water, he didn't even get time to pull in more air and held his breath as fast as he could. Giving her a bit of time to start getting away, he started to slice at the edge of the bubble, but couldn't really get any force behind his slashes as he floated slightly inside the water. Eventually he let go of his breath, and began to feel himself losing consciousness. Darkness was pulling at the edge of his vision as his siblings noticed his situation, but shortly before he lost consciousness, Nani sliced the bubble open. As soon as he was released, he fell to his knees and started to cough out water. As soon as he was able to start drawing air back in again, he shakily stood up. He sort of whispered to himself, "I should've put more power into that attack." When he looked at Nani, he gave her a smile "Thanks for freeing me." Looking over to where the gods were by the machine he sighed, though inside he was smiling. "Well damn, they'll get in that car before any of us can reach that thing and I'm not having us chase that thing." He turned back to the other two. "Well, we'll have to go inform the others, I don't expect they'll be pleased. Though I think you'll have to handle that Kahn, I promised Nani that I'd take her to do whatever she wanted."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahio Alanson Character Portrait: Adam Copper Character Portrait: Anderson Black Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Alena "Eden" Character Portrait: Raidon, Titan of Storms
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Kahn breathed a sigh of relief when Raidon landed on the pavement. "I should've put more power into that attack." He heard his brother whisper and Kahn nearly exploded. "What were you thinking! You could have drowned! You should have been able to knock that stupid Goddess out with one blast!"

Something wasn't right, but Kahn couldn't quite put his finger on it. Had Raidon let them get away? Why would he do that? Kahn shook his head and sighed at Raidon's words. "Well, we'll have to go inform the others, I don't expect they'll be pleased. Though I think you'll have to handle that Kahn, I promised Nani that I'd take her to do whatever she wanted."

"Yeah, whatever," Kahn sighed and started back towards the elevator. It would be hard breaking the news to his siblings that they had failed, how was he going to explain this without getting laughed at? Surely the other Titans wouldn't believe that Raidon had been defeated so easily.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahio Alanson Character Portrait: Adam Copper Character Portrait: Anderson Black Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Alena "Eden" Character Portrait: Raidon, Titan of Storms
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Adam Copper

Adam growled as he was told what to do. This guy was still pissing him off, but whatever. He turned away from the dick and ran to grab Anders, literally throwing him over he shoulder. He threw him into the car (not literally!), flashing a very pissed off expression over at the others. "Either get in the damn car, or we're leaving your asses." He growled, knowing that they should probably move their asses. Frost seriously had some fucking explaining to do or he was going to drown her in her own water.

He glanced back at the other three, wondering where the hell these people were coming from. He found it amusing they were scared of technology though. But he looked at Frost and realized that she had that fear too. God dammit... Did h have to to do everything!? Adam pushed the girl into the car as well as the rest of their friend, having Ahio get in the damn passenger seat and him the driver's seat.

Not caring if everyone was buckled or even technically in the damn metal moving box, he sped off. As long as the doors were shut, he was driving. Adam glared at Frost from the mirror. "Frost. You have a lot of fucking explaining to do or I'm ripping out your spine and using it for a damn cane." He growled, not even realizing he called her by that name.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raidon, Titan of Storms Character Portrait: Kahn Character Portrait: Nani
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Raidon (this will probably be a bit short, I'll make a longer post after Nani/Insanity's next post)

In response to Kahn's first words, Raidon calmly said "I wanted to see how strong she actually was, I did not expect her to use the type of move that she did." As Kahn started away, he thought about how the other titans might react to what happened here. He then yelled to Kahn in a cold voice "Oh yeah, and if any of them call me weak or laugh about what happened here, tell them they can come and tell what they have to say about it to me in person!" Turning back to Nani, he gave her a warm smile. "So Nani, do you have any ideas about what you want to do?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahio Alanson Character Portrait: Adam Copper Character Portrait: Anderson Black Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Alena "Eden" Character Portrait: Raidon, Titan of Storms
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Frost wanted to laugh with relief when she looked back to see that they weren't following; thank Gods. She didn't even care that she was trapped in a five year old's body until her abilities came back, she was too relieved to care at this point. Frost turned to face the growling Oboro and sat down between Alena and Susanowa.

He was right, she had to tell them. No more waiting. "Well, a long, long time ago. The first God, Life, was born. You guys know him as Zeus, the God of thunder. Really, he's the God of Life, but he carries a knife shaped like a lightning bolt with him; which is where the stories came from. Anyways, before Life, there was nothing. Only empty planets and endless sky. So he set out to find the next God, named Earth, but we all just call him Anubis; you guys know him as Anders." Or at least that's what she had heard Oboro call him.

"Anubis created the Earth and Life placed people and animals on it. Other Gods began to pop up from there, Light A.K.A Alena, who you guys call Eden," she glanced at the girl sitting beside her. "Darkness, or Oboro. Or as you know him, Adam," she met his glare in the little mirror hanging on the roof of the car. "Fire, your friend that left," she hadn't quite caught that girls name. "And Wind," she looked at the boy sitting beside her. "Susanowa, which is you."

"Then the Titan's were born. They were made to rival the Gods and for every God, there was one Titan. Kahn is the Titan of Pain, he can make the air toxic and choose poisons to inflict on people with a simple touch. Raidon is the Titan of Storms, he's Anubis's enemy. Raidon can make crazy lightning storms and can conduct electricity and energy from his body. Nani," Frost shivered, that beast was scary. "Is the rival of Fire, I'm not sure what she does but she's definitely one of the worst. You don't wanna go up against her unless you carry a pound of catnip with you."

"Despite all the fun Life was having, Life thought something was missing. So he went down to Earth to figure out what it was, it was his first time encountering a snow storm and Life realized there was no water God, so he created me. You guys all hated me at first, I'm pretty sure you still do. We were doing what Gods do best, fighting, when the Titan's stormed the Tower of the Gods and I thought they killed you." She paused to take a breath and maybe because she wanted a bit of a dramatic affect.

"They tried to get information out of me, but you guys never told me anything because I was the youngest Goddess and had[have] a tendency to screw things up." Frost left out the part about the torturing, they didn't need to know about that. "I think I was trapped for about a year, but I'm not sure; I escaped this morning and fell from the Tower to the Earth. Then I found you guys and realized you weren't dead, your memories were just erased and now you all think you're mortals."

"Wow you're right Adam that was a lot," Frost sighed and leaned back against the seat, glad she had gotten that over with. Then she realized he had said her name as well; she still hadn't told them what it was. "My name is Frost, but I think you all already know that."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahio Alanson Character Portrait: Adam Copper Character Portrait: Anderson Black Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Alena "Eden" Character Portrait: Raidon, Titan of Storms
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Jennora tried her best to make it home without getting into a car accident. Though her head was killing her and she craved a bath more then anything. She felt like something bad was about to take place and had to calm herself down as soon as she made it home. Jennora lived alone, in a small little house, big enough for three or four people. It had a living room, kitchen, small dinning room, four bedrooms, three and a half bathrooms and a big front and back yard. The house it's self had a brown roof with a deck that you could go on from the second floor, the doors were in her room, the master bedroom. Her house was painted red, she had always loved the color, for as long as she could remember her hair had always been red. One year she dyed it red and it had stayed. She never thought anything of it, though thinking back at it now, she supposed it was a bit strange.

Jennora undressed herself as the bath water ran, taking her time and not worrying about the others. They were all old enough to take care of themselves, however Ahio was still in school so probably not him. Well... Then again he had the nerves to try and control her. Though she could not be controlled, no matter how hard somebody wanted too, she wouldn't allow it. She stared at herself in the mirror, looking down at herself. She wasn't the prettiest girl in their little room, hell even that child they found was a lot more prettier then she was.

She turned to the size to look over herself more and fell to the floor in depression. She hated herself, and she didn't know why. She had a average body, maybe it was her personality? She couldn't exactly change that. She had tried so many times before, she was just too subborn to change. And as much as others liked to think that she was selfish, she really wasn't. Only when she was sick, like she is now. She knew she was a horrible friend and person all together. Why did those idiots even keep her around? She does nothing but bitch and complain.

Jennora felt tears start to run down her face, making her head throb more. Crying? Crying got her nowhere, yet she could still manage to put on a smile and act like nothing was wrong with her. All those nightmares of someone else's memories she had were making her think she was crazy. There was a girl named Frost, and her name was always Fire. Crazy.... yes she was crazy..

Jennora quickly took a bath, washing her face and then draining the water after washing her body. Normally she wouldn't have taken a bath to wash her body, she hated the idea that she was sitting in her own dirt though she was too dizzy to stand. Even getting out of the bathtub was hard, still she managed, just like always. She could really do anything she set her mind too, if she wasn't so god damn stubborn maybe she could actually show somebody she cared.

Sometimes, Jennora didn't see a point of going through with life, what was she on Earth for? Who was she living for and what was she living for? She couldn't answer these simple questions. Everyone else had a reason, and here she was losing her mind. There was nobody out there that really gave a damn if she died the next day so what was the point?

Jennora shook the feeling off and opened her pill bottle, popping two in and trying to shake the feeling away. In her mind, everything was falling apart, she could feel that she was losing herself, to what she couldn't even find an answer too. She fell on her bed and stared at the ceiling until she could feel the pills kicking in. After that, she finally forced herself to get dressed and find a Dr. Pepper in the fridge. She took it with her as she headed to the car. She drove as quickly as she could without getting pulled over. All the way to Ahio's house, she pulled up just as a few other cars did. Her "friends" inside the cars looked pretty shaken up about something. She turned her car off and got out, grabbing her can of soda as she did. Closing the door and locking it she walked up to Alena's car and waited for the girl to get out. "What exciting information do you have for me? I always seem to miss the important stuff." She asked out of sarcasm not expecting what she had to say.


Aphrodite did not like hearing that the two siblings that were sent to Earth failed their simple task. Bringing back the only God that they had prisoned up. Of course if Aphrodite had everything her way she would bring peace between the Titans and the Gods. No more fighting, no more trying to rip each others throats out. In the end the good would always win over evil, and she feared that the Gods were the "good" ones.

Aphrodite was in her office, in the highest tower working on paperwork on all the Gods, filling out what they appeared like as humans and noting that they were still immortal. She wondered where Life and Death were in all of this, she feared that they would come for her siblings. After all, she can only save their asses from so much.

Aphrodite fingered one of the roses from the vase of flowers she had gotten from her little sister this morning. The note attached to them read Happy Birthday . She smiled to herself and wondered if Nani was alright down on Earth. Hoping that she was not getting herself into any trouble, she was with Raidon so there could be a possibity that the two were creating chaos down on Earth. Which was not what the humans needed right now, nor did the titans. They had one simple task that she and the eldest male Titan had given, and yet it was not completed. If she really had to step in and take part in the capture of Frost she would be furious with her siblings.

It was, after all her 100,000th birthday, she did not want to play tag with the Gods. Of course she knew she could get Frost back, the Goddess had never met the oldest Titaness. Though Aphrodite was positive that Frost had heard of the Titaness of Love, she was after all a legend.

Aphrodite received a letter that she was summoned to the main hall and decided to accept it. As she walked in she winked at Kahn and took her seat. "I think we should make some changes, such as instead of capturing and bringing back just Frost. I think we should go ahead and bring all of the Gods back. We can split up into teams of two, whoever you think works best with the other. Also, I have been thinking a lot lately... We are going about the capturing of Frost the wrong way. We must earn her trust. As well as the other gods, make them believe that coming home is a good thing, that we want to work with them and not against them. Patience and Kindness is the best way to go about this. Frost has never met me, she has no idea what I appear like. That being said, I might be able to earn her trust. Make her believe I am a new goddess. The goddess of Spring, perhaps? If you do not agree with me, perhaps the rest of you need to look past war, and make yourself believe that we can be at peace with them. If you do not believe they will not, then you will never have control."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raidon, Titan of Storms Character Portrait: Kahn Character Portrait: Nani Character Portrait: Aphrodite
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Nani watched her sibling with concern as he coughed up some water. At least he'd gotten out of that dumb bubble before he passed out. She clenched her teeth behind her lips. That little goddess wouldn't get away with hurting her brother.

"Thanks for freeing me."

Nani perked up a little after Raidon stood up and thanked her with a smile. She nodded and gave him a happy smile in return, somewhat forgetting the anger she had just felt. Her other brother spoke up quickly though, and Nani's ears flattened at Kahn's tone towards Raidon. She wasn't mad, but she didn't like seeing her brothers fighting. She watched the brief exchange between the two of them on what they would have to do, her brows furrowed a small frown forming on her lips.

"Oh yeah, and if any of them call me weak or laugh about what happened here, tell them they can come and tell what they have to say about it to me in person!"

Nani smiled once again as her older sibling called out to Kahn as he walked away. She let out a small giggle and threw one of her paws up in the air. "Yaaaa! Rai Rai's strong!"

"So Nani, do you have any ideas about what you want to do?"

Nani gave him a crooked grin, showing her slightly pointed teeth as she did so. Lowering her paw and placing them on her hips she raised her chin in an attempt to take on a sophisticated pose. "You have much to learn, young Raidon. What else would a tiger do when a forest is all theirs for the taking?" Her ruby eyes sparkled with pure childish excitement and she began to skip towards the trees, but spun around on one foot to look back at her older brother, her piggy tails twirling around her. "I'm hungry! Let's go hunting! We can catch some tasty meat for Kahn and Big Sister!" She spun back around and continued to skip towards the forest. "But I call dibs on the biggest one! Dibs, dibs, dibs!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raidon, Titan of Storms Character Portrait: Kahn Character Portrait: Nani Character Portrait: Aphrodite
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Raidon's smile grew wider, Nani always seemed to find a way to make him happier. He walked after Nani as she went skipping towards the trees. "Okay, you can have the bigger one." As they walked into the forest, Raidon began to whistle a calm tune. Unknown to Nani, it was something he learned from a pet of his, it was a tune to attract griffons. A while after he began, and a good way into the forest, two shapes appeared and landed a small distance in from of them in a clearing ahead.

Raidon instantly stopped whistling to stop the griffons from knowing exactly where they were. Once they came into view of the clearing they would see a male and female griffon, the male being the larger of the two. He stuck out his hand, his palm facing Nani to get her to stop as he began to charge energy in his feet. After a second he whispered. "Andddd... now." As he said that he leaped out at the smaller griffon. Dodging it's claws, he slashed at it. Charging on of his swords, he stabbed into it, Sending a huge electric shock into it and frying it's insides. He then looked over to see what Nani was doing with her prey. After she killed it, He whistled a shorter and much different tune. He then said "we are going to take a much more fun way up, okay Nani? Just don't attack it or try to eat it, it's my friend."

They didn't have to wait long before a giant bird appeared in the sky. The bird, called a rook, landed and crushed a couple of trees. Suddenly wrapping an arm around Nani's waist, he charged and leaped onto the bird. Landing near the head, he whispered something into it's ear. The rook then grabbed the dead griffons and flew upwards. It twirled up and up along the elevator until dropping off Raidon and Nani at the base of the god tower before flying off to drop the griffons off at an area closer to the kitchen. Raidon then walked to the main hall, where he arrived in time to hear Kahn's sentences referring to Aphrodite's plans. He then walked into the middle of the hall and just stood there thinking for a while about what must have been said before Kahn spoke, and soon came to conclusion of what actually was said and that Aphrodite must have came up with the plan. He just stood there and slightly smiled at the other titans, seeing if they'd react to his entering. "Well, from what I can assume the plan is, it sounds good so far." he said loudly.