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Kiyomi Kyo

"Bweee! That's a drill noise, 'cause my kagune's a drill!" { WIP }

0 · 1,348 views · located in Fourteenth Ward

a character in “Rise of the Shinku Fang”, as played by cybernekokaito


「I love, love, loooove you all! Really, I do!」
Faceclaim ✧ Clover Field { 999 }
Speech color ✧ #fa7fae
Thought color ✧ #eb4042
Theme Song (instrumental) ✧ Inquiry - Ib OST (yandere) / Bottled Angel - Durarara!! OST (normal)
Theme song (vocal) ✧ Catch Me If You Can - BABYMETAL


「Cuuuute! I'm cute, cute, cute! ✩」

Name ✧
Kiyomi Kyo

Nicknames ✧
✦ Vulture — CCG
✦ Kiyochan — some Shinku Fang members

Gender ✧

Age ✧

Sexuality ✧

Species ✧
Ghoul | Full Ghoul

Role ✧
Shinku Fang Member | average member

「I'm cute on the outside, but I'm nasty on the inside!」


Height & Weight ✧
5'4" / 120 lbs

Hair Color ✧

Eye Color ✧

Appearance ✧
appearance here

Notable / Special Features ✧
special features goes here

Kagune ✧
A pink drill that can extend longer than her arm and wiggles slightly, like a tentacle. She likes to talk to it as if it were living.

Mask ✧
A pink gas mask that is decorated as if it were an ice cream sundae. The straps that cradle her head have horns on the sides that also look like they're covered in sweets.


Likes ✧
Cute Things - She loves everything cute,
__especially teddy bears & girls.
Sharp Things - She likes scissors, knives, and
__all things sharp!
Her 'Oneesan' — She loves her big sister Kazumi!
Sweet Things - Like her big sister, she loves
__all things sweet!

Strengths ✧
Stamina - Her hyperness makes it
__easy for her to keep up
__running & activity for a long time.
Cute Appearance — Her cute appearance makes
__it easy for her to deceive people.

Quirks ✧
Loud - She's rather loud when she speaks.
Fast Speech — A lot of times, she talks fast and almost
Yandere — When hunting or if someone hurts
__someone she cares about, her
__personality changes drastically.
Dislikes ✧
Bitter Things - Like her sister, she hates bitter things.
Feeling Sad — Sadness almost makes her angry.
People Who Think She's Dumb — A lot of people
__think she's dumb.

Weaknesses ✧
Strength - She is not an incredibly strong person.
Yandere — Like Kazumi, she also enters
__a mode that makes it hard to
__control her actions.

Fears ✧
Paralysis - Losing the mobility in her arms or legs
__makes her terrified.
Losing Her Loved Ones — This includes all members
__of the Shinku Fang.

Personality ✧
❤ Excitable | Unstable | Yandere | Cheerful ❤
personality goes here


So begins...

Kiyomi Kyo's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hasekura Kaname Character Portrait: Kimura Shiori Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Tsuda Yuino Character Portrait: Junko
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For years the fourteenth ward has been at peace. Ghouls that roamed the city were now deemed as non-hostile beings, and everyone was at ease. They coexisted for the time being. But then, attacks on both species suddenly skyrocketed. Many were being killed, and everyone was now in a state of panic. Soon, the group of ghouls that led the attacks revealed themselves. Calling themselves the Shinku Fang. The CCG investigated and could find nothing on who the six ghouls were. Their peace had been taken once again.

Currently, the group of agents and ghouls selected to stop them was standing in front of a building over in the fourteenth ward; where all the havoc was happening. Their mission was to simply capture, and turn in the group of terrorist ghouls before they took over the ward, and eventually the CCG in the twentieth. Yes, the leader Mr. Smiley had openly revealed their plans to the authorities; just for a kick of fun. After all, they'd need help anyway, right? A head start was what Shinku gave them, they were lucky the leader was feeling generous at the time.

But of course the group of recruited specimens' mission was proving to be difficult. No attacks had occurred at all since about a month ago long before they arrived, which was only today. Citizens were on edge, anticipating the next news report of a dead human or ghoul, but nothing. Perhaps Shinku was playing a silly little game. It is their nature of course. Aside from all that, it'd be hard to choose roommates for these 'young' fellows. With so many clashing personalities, there were sure to be some interesting moments.

Meanwhile, the Sparrow, said leader's right hand man(woman) was watching this group of people from inside the building's lobby, through the glass front doors. The rest of the group were disguised as various staff, waiting for the right moment to strike. There were many humans in this quaint hotel. Which one would they choose to kill? The first encounter would finally take place.

Let the games begin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hasekura Kaname Character Portrait: Kimura Shiori Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Tsuda Yuino Character Portrait: Junko
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The two siblings, having donned costumes to give the appearance of them being employees in the fancy hotel. The older, Kazumi, has their hair tied up in a fluffy ponytail to keep their long, waist-length fuchsia hair out of the way. Their younger sibling Kiyomi wears her hair in pigtails as per usual. Kiyomi sits on the front counter with her legs swaying back and forth, looking tragically unprofessional. Her older sibling has to gently swat her off of it (to which she pouts).

❝Kazu-nee, Kazu-nee! When are we gonna get to do stuff? I'm so boooored! I wanna do fun stuff! I wanna do stuff that's really fun!❞ The eccentric teenager bounces up and down, looking up at her sibling hopefully. Kazumi does not hold all the answers, but Kiyomi rather acts like they do.

Kazumi sighs and leans against the counter, opening their mouth wide for a yawn. It is rather dull here, having to wait around for the perfect time to strike, and disguising themselves as employees does not do much for the entertainment factor. The two eccentric and bubbly siblings must tone down their usual personalities (though Kiyomi doesn't seem to be doing so too well). The older sibling reaches out and ruffles her hair, to which Kiyomi giggles.

❝Patience, patience, Kiyocchi. Your adooooring Oneesan loves to see you so eager, but we should wait for a sign from Smiley-san.❞ Kazumi boops her nose, which she covers with her hands. ❝Then, we'll find some pretty young boys for me to eat riiiight up, and we'll find cute girls for you to play with~ ❤❞


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Taichi Aoki
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Finally, Taichi had arrived at the hotel, inspecting the premises he caustically walked in. Walking in he was inside a large booking area, where he supposed he had to go into his room. Nearing the counter, Taichi encountered 2 peculiar looking sisters, both with lush hot pink locks. Deciding to ignore socialising with the pair, he reached over the counter and grabbed any key that fitted his palm. Before letting go a brief grunt, he went upstairs mentally noting himself to keep a eye on them.

Taichi had a a brief look at his door key ''Room 302 huh, hopefully it has access to some kind of internet.'' wandering down the hallway he went past the endless rooms Taichi couldn't help but think those two previous women were suspicious at the least. He would brush up on the records of them once he got to his room, until then he had to get to think of them as potential threats. Not that he had any room to speak about appearances, he wasn't the most common looking either tall masked guy with a winter coat he had no he had no room to speak at all.

Eventually he had found the key to his door, a double room on the 3rd lobby. Which meant there was another person coming in with him, hopefully they would not be too much of a interference to his work, The Shinku Fang case required all the attention he could give it. Slowly opening the door, he inspected the place he'd be working in 2 single beds, lamps on the side, fully functioning shower sheesh they could have at least gave this room something out of the ordinary. Taichi finally started to unpack, unloading all his instruments all over the place.

After a while, he had finally set up all his equipment and the place was looking like something out of a hacking show. All the computers were to brush up on who he was dealing with, he had to look into the villains profiles. Not much information was on the CCG's database of The Shinku fang, though there was mention of a fellow by the name of Mr.Smiley who Taichi theorises leads the so called group. The leader, is usually accompanied by 4 other SS and S class ghouls as reported by eye witnesses. This would certainly be no stroll in the park for The CCG. By the time he'd realised the day was slowly fading away, he'd have to set it down for now grab a shower and some rest. Hopefully he would work on the case some more tomorrow, but for now he was waiting to see who his roommate would be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hasekura Kaname Character Portrait: Kimura Shiori Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Tsuda Yuino Character Portrait: Junko
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#, as written by Sigma


Dialogue #5e62b8Thoughts #b55eb8

"Just when i thought I'd finally catch a break, huh?" Dual mutters to herself as she pays for a can of soda from a vending machine right across from the hotel where the members of the CCG that were sortied to the fourteenth were supposed to meet up. Opening the can and taking a sip in between puffs of smoke from her cigarette, Dual observed the building from where she currently was. From the outside of the building, everything looked perfectly fine. proceeding her observation further, she glanced around her surroundings through her peripherals. Nothing seems out of the ordinary around either. She dropped her cigarette and promptly stamped it out while taking a long chug of the soda she held in her hand.

She had arrived some time ago and was observing the meet up location, waiting for the remainder of the group. As the senior investigator in charge of the case, Dual had the duty to arrive her on time and before everyone else. Although, admittedly, she had arrived a bit later than planned, just in time to see one person snag some keys and head into the depths of the building. Based on that alone, she had to assume that the possibility of other people having arrived before her was likely.

To be honest, I really don't wanna head in just yet. But I suppose I might as well see if anyone else checked in before I arrived. She thought to herself as she finished off her drink. Crushing the can in her hands, she turned towards a nearby recycling bin and tossed it. Pulling out another cigarette and lighting it, she quickly jogged across the street towards the hotel, the metallic case fastened to her back making the run more awkward than it should have been. She entered the building and took a glance around the room. It was pretty plain and simple, but it was fashionable in its own right. She turned back towards the main counter, but thought twice before addressing the two managing it. They seemed rather... eccentric and unpleasant to deal with.

With a puff of smoke, she decided she'd just wait in the lobby for now. She'd rather not deal with the pink-themed duo, it felt like work just looking at them. Instead, she chose to walk over and sit down on one of the chairs in the lobby. She unfastened the case on her back and put it down between her legs on the floor. "This would be such a good time for a nap..." Dual said aloud, as she stretched her arms upwards. However, she knew that a nap was something she couldn't take. She had to watch the entrance of the building, just in case another member had entered. For the time being, she'd just sit back and relax with her smokes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Junko Character Portrait: Hayashi Tori Character Portrait: Dual Sumire
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0.00 INK

{Dialogue Color || #AD0303 | Thought Color || #6A7574}


ImageTori swung her bag back and forth cheerfully as she made her way closer to the hotel where everyone was supposed to meet. Looking down at Chu, who happened to be peeking out from said bag, she smiled gently as she noticed the way that the wind was making his ears flow behind him.

Stopping once she was in front of the hotel, Tori looked up at the tall building and watched as the sun peaked out gently from behind it, making the glass in the windows begin to glitter. Smiling to herself, she looked back down and watched as the people around her walked along the sidewalk, rushing to get to the places that they need to be. Technically, Tori should have been heading into the hotel, getting to the place that she needed to be. But, she decided to stand outside for a bit longer and take a breather.

She had never been assigned to such a big case before, so she couldn't help the feeling of nervousness that was seeping inside her stomach. Of course, it was also very exciting, and this would be a great way to help further her career. If she did well on this mission then it would definitely help with getting her promoted to a Rank 1. But there was also the fact that she was the lowest ranked and youngest agent here.

Sure, she was pretty good for someone of her rank, she always pushed herself very hard during practices and had worked up some skills in return. But it really was only natural to worry how she do compared to the senior investigators that were put on this mission as well. Tori just hoped that she could actually offer help on this mission and prove her worth.

Apparently the ghouls that would be helping out were still pretty young, most of them not even being over twenty yet. Most ghouls would be wary of working with the CCG, but seeing as they're young it must be even more frightening. Therefore, the higher-ups thought that it might be a good idea to send somebody who was a bit closer to the ghouls' ages in order to sort of help them adjust better. Tori was a pretty warm person, not to mention that she wasn't very intimidating. So she was seen as a good match to try and help the ghouls ease into working with the agents a bit better, which was likely one of the main reasons that she was added on this mission. She wished that it could have been due to her skills alone, but that would come in due time. For now, she needed to head inside of the hotel before she spent all day lost in her thoughts.

Standing up a bit straighter and smoothing down her dress, she slowly made her way towards the door leading to the hotel's lobby. "Well, here we go!" She said, addressing the stuffed animal that seemed to be watching the door, waiting for it to open. Pulling the door's handle, the room inside was slowly reveled to Tori and her rabbit.

Smiling as she walked inside, Tori looked around the room. The décor was nice, and the familiar hum of people helped to calm her nerves a bit. Nodding to herself silently, Tori decided that she liked this place. It was around this time that her eyes landed on a woman sitting in one of the chairs placed in the lobby. The case sitting next to her leading Tori to assume that she must be an agent.

There was only one other female agent on this case, which lead Tori to assume that the woman must be Senior Investigator Sumire. Walking closer, she looked over the woman once more. She did seem to be the correct age, and she did appear to be waiting for people to enter the hotel. A bright smile now taking over her face, Tori stepped in front of the woman and bowed in greetings.

"Excuse me, but you must be Sumire Dual, correct?" Straightening up from her bow, Tori extended her hand to the woman. "I'm Hayashi Tori, Junior Investigator Rank 2. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Looking around, Tori noticed that nobody else seemed to be with Dual. 'Maybe they're all in their rooms already? Or maybe I'm just early?' Tori hadn't thought that she was very early, but it was a possibility. Speaking of rooms, Tori looked at Dual once more noticed that she didn't seem to have her room key just yet.

"Have you not checked in yet?" Looking over at the lobby's check-in counter, she noticed two workers with starling pink hair and obvious bright personalities. Letting out a quiet noise of understanding, Tori looked back at the older woman. "I have an idea, why don't I get your keys for you? We need roommates anyways, and I can fit the bill nicely enough, I think." Smiling, Tori tilted her head slightly before adding, "This way you can continue to wait for the others, and I can get the room prepared. But, only if you want to of course." A slight chuckle left Tori's throat at the last statement. She understandably hadn't had a roommate in mind, and she was sure that Dual would make a fine one. Hopefully Dual didn't mind her staying with her.

{Dialogue Color || #685C9E | Thought Color || #988AD4}



Junko stared up at the tall building from their position across the street. They weren't quite sure if they were ready to go inside. This case would definitely prove to be interesting, but they hadn't volunteered for this in the first place. They never would have been here had it not been for the scouters. Not that Junko disliked the cause behind this mission, it still boggled their mind that a group of ghouls would do something like this. It's not even just like they were going against the humans, they were eating their own kind as well. Maybe that's why Junko had agreed to help the CCG with this mission, they still hadn't really been sure about the reason.

Crossing their arms, Junko waited for some cars to pass before walking across the street towards the hotel. Walking through the front doors of the building, Junko looked around at all the people milling around the lobby, their ever apparent blank expression spread across their face.

Passing by two workers at the front desk, Junko couldn't help but notice that they were ghouls as well. The familiar scent filling their senses, they spared a side-long glance at the eccentric pair before continuing towards the chairs in the room. They also happened to notice a pair of humans talking by one of the chairs next to them. Junko gathered from their conversation that they were indeed part of the CCG, but they didn't really feel like introducing themselves right now.

They would go ahead and greet everyone later, but they would probably wait until all of the other introductions were over. They didn't want to get stuck in a conversation with multiple people. As for now, Junko decided that they would just read. Pulling a book out from one of their bags, Junko began to attempt to tune everyone out as they concentrated on reading.

As for the whole roommate situation, Junko would probably just wait for everyone to pair up and then bunk up with the last person. They didn't really care who they roomed with, as long as they cleaned up after themselves. They also sort of hoped that they didn't talk too much. But, in the end it didn't really matter, Junko should be able to put up with them anyways. Let's just hope that they put up with them all right.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hasekura Kaname Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Junko Character Portrait: Hayashi Tori Character Portrait: Kuroko Nagashima
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0.00 INK



Being dressed up in a revolting skirt wasn't the best feeling in the world. The wig Kana had to wear was itching her scalp, and the blue contacts she had on irritated her. She was entirely against this, but it was necessary. Why she was the only one with these particular properties? Kana's famous. She couldn't risk a fan seeing her out in public and dragging attention to her. It would ruin some things. She was disguised as a simple customer, who of course had to be a female. She was beginning to think that Kuro was getting a kick out of this. After all, he was watching on the security cameras. The poor guards didn't know what had hit them.

Kana had only been sitting in the lobby, but perked her head up when an odd looking fellow came in. First agent of the day.. Ugh those two idiots are gonna blow their cover. She glanced over at the energetic pair of siblings. She glared hard at them, as if saying, "Act normal or I swear to god I will slit your throats." It was annoying enough sitting in a skirt, but the two siblings just took the cake. But, Kana had to focus on her mission. She watched as the young man checked in. Following after was young woman- another agent. She took a glance at the pink-haired idiots and sat down in a chair across the lobby. Then came another woman, who was also an agent. How many agents did they hire for this? Then finally, came a ghoul. Who was a girl(?)- well Kana couldn't tell. She could care less anyway. Had they been working on the case too? She heard the CCG scouted some ghouls out, but she couldn't be sure. She decided to give a little report. Kana pulled out a phone and put it to her ear, talking lowly so nobody could tell what she was saying.

"It's night, Kuro. When's this gonna start? Also, I think I found a ghoul that's working with them. I'm sure more will be arriving soon."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Tsuda Yuino Character Portrait: Hayashi Tori Character Portrait: Esmé Character Portrait: Dual Sumire
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▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬




It truly was interesting working along with the CCG. Hunting ghouls, he thought it was rather interesting. A sweet smile rested on his feminine features as he stood on the other side of the street from the building where they were to act. His large eyes drifted over to a vending machine and just as Dual left it he made his way over to it. He keyed in the code for the canned coffee he wanted and with a satisfying string of beeps and clicks, finishing with a thud. He had his prize. The air was thick with the remnants of Dual's smoke, Esmé was never really a fan of smoke but Dual was nice enough from what he knew of her.

He held his coffee with both hands as he crossed the street not even bothering to look either way as he walked with confidence. If anything dared to keep driving over a "child" he could maneuver out of the way in time regardless. As he entered the lobby he took a slurping sip from his coffee and looked around the room. He spotted Dual and meandered over to her and sat in a soft lounge chair a few feet behind her. He closed his eyes a moment to take another sip and let out a content sigh. As it stood now, it was a pretty calm and fun mission. Who knew it could be this easy? The CCG had an easy life. Well, he knew that was incorrect but no matter. It was then that he noticed the pink duo. They were bright and loud, an eyesore for sure, on top of that they were ghouls. Yet, it wasn't Esmé's job to judge the hirelings of this establishment, perhaps they were reformed they certainly didn't appear dangerous. So his feet, which couldn't reach the ground from his seat, swung harmlessly as he drank his coffee.

Dual mentioned being tired and Esmé could agree, he too was rather tired, but it was no time to be lazy. In fact there never a time to be lazy. Even though it may have appeared as though he was slacking, it was quite the opposite. His eyes were actively scanning over every entry and exit in this lobby. Listening to what was said, looking for oddities. On guard and ready to spring into action. Once he completed his drink he hopped up and went to the desk.
"Pardon me," He said in his soft voice "I can't seem to find a trash can, could you throw this out for me?" He said addressing one of the pinks. This was to see if they reacted in an odd manner to a normal request, he doubted it but you could never be too careful. Plus his diminutive stature helped him with these types of things without raising too much concern. Often people thought him a child. Which was a good thing, especially for finding out things about other people. They weren't as guarded around children.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hasekura Kaname Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Kuroko Nagashima Character Portrait: Esmé Character Portrait: Dual Sumire
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▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬




Sonja really liked Master Smiley's plans. Plus this one was so much fun! She got to dress as a bellhop and her normally red eyes were brown, thanks to some rad contacts. She pranced about in another room right next to the lobby. It really was so much fun. Then however she spotted an agent come in, along with two ghouls working with them. Her stomach churned with rage just seeing them. She stepped out to see Kana, she sure looked funny dressed like that, Sonja had to hold back her laughter at the obvious anger Kana had. Oh how much she wanted to get up in her face and rub it in. Kana's in a skiiiirt, Kana's in a skirt! However, not to blow her darling master's perfect plans, she only thought it instead. Soft bouncy music box tunes began playing in her mind, her heart raced from anticipation, she wanted to fight. She wanted that pretty agent woman to bleed, her blood would be so pretty so red. She was tired? Sonja could fix her! She held up her hand and bit down on her finger hard to suppress her desires. She had to await the signal. The only reason she wasn't working the floor like the siblings was simply that Smiley knew she wouldn't be able to suppress her desires if she had to interact with anyone. So, she got a costume and orders to remain at a distance. On her life she would obey.

She twirled away from the doorway into the room adjacent to the lobby and jumped around. More agents and ghoul scum poured in one after another. How exciting, how wonderful! She wanted to fight them, she wanted to tear the limb from limb with her Rinkaku, slicing through their flesh like a knife. She could hardly handle all this, she wanted her Master to give the kill order, she wanted it so badly. All this tension was only driving her crazy.

She hurried back to the doorway upon hearing someone address the siblings. A little girl? No, it was a ghoul too! She narrowed her eyes and observed, a more serious emotion taking over her. Before she was having a small tantrum about not being able to fight but now it was as if her energy compressed into a focused utility. Her eyes would not miss a thing now, her big eyes that have seen everything since she was born. Her mind silenced to the thought of a clock ticking, counting down until it was time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hasekura Kaname Character Portrait: Kimura Shiori Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Tsuda Yuino Character Portrait: Junko
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#, as written by Sigma


Dialogue #5e62b8Thoughts #b55eb8

Dual's lazy expression softened ever so slightly at the sight of another member of the CCG walking into the building. The cigarette which she had been holding in between her lips nearly fell to the ground. Though she would not admit it herself, she almost outright shrieked at the sight of the junior investigator headed towards her. What the heck? What dimwit made this adorable kid be a fighter? She's a doll! She shouldn't be on the damn battlefield! At least, that what Dual was thinking. On the exterior, however, she managed to hold herself back by biting hard on the end of her cigarette, although careful enough to not chew right through the paper. However, despite how cute she thought the other to be, she couldn't help but scowl at the introductions made. Her eyes quickly scanned the room to see if any eyes were fixated on their position, but, in her immediate line of sight, there appeared to be none. Granted, scanning your surroundings without being too conspicuous is not too simple of a task, especially if you happen to be able to see out of only one.

"Y'know, we're in enemy territory. You can't just flat out say who we are. You don't know who might be listening," Dual said with an exasperated sigh as she softly rubbed her forehead. "You ain't wrong, but we don't know whose listening in on us. Though chances are they already are aware of our presence. Doesn't take much of a genius to know we would be taking action sooner or later." With a troubled smile she sat up straight and tilted her head forward slightly, as a sort of mock bow, and returned the handshake with Tori. Out of the corner of her eye, Dual noticed another person enter the building. She caught a glimpse of white hair and was about to comment, but was stopped short by Tori's offer.

Dual took a second to let the proposal sink in. Well, as far as the Investigators go, she ain't wrong. It's only us two girls. I personally don't mind bunking with either a guy or girl, but maybe she does. In any case, Dual couldn't resist the offer from such an adorable person. "Well, since you've taken the time to make such a generous offer with me, I don't see why not. Thanks." Dual replied, letting a more peaceful smile spread across her face. "Ah, by the way, Dual's fine, kiddo. I'm not into the whole respect for the seniors thing. Not like I'm much of a senior anyways."

Leaning back into her chair, Dual adjusted her position ever so slightly as to allow the duo at the desk to enter her field of view. Partway through her chat with Tori, Dual noticed the person who had entered previously walk over to them. While she did scan the files given to her prior to sortie, she had only glanced at the files of the ghouls. More specifically, she can match the name to the face and that's about all. She took off one of the ear-like accessories off of her head, and pretended to fiddle around with it as she observed. The one who had previously entered the building before, Esmé or so Dual remembered, looked absolutely adorable as well. Dual was sure that Esmé was fully capable of carrying herself (Dual only skimmed the files, mind you. She honestly believes thus far that Esmé is of the female gender) and would likely not require her assistance if something happened, but ghoul or not, Dual was in charge of the group. She had to be prepared to step in at a moments notice, should push come to shove. After all, she couldn't help but shake the feeling that they were being monitored... from more places than one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hasekura Kaname Character Portrait: Kimura Shiori Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Junko Character Portrait: Hayashi Tori
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∂ιαℓσgυє ¢σℓσυя ✧ #4EEE94
тнσυgнт ¢σℓσυя ✦ #AEB05D


Shiori hummed happily as she skipped towards the hotel where she would meet up with her fellow co-workers. Before she entered, however, she did a little inspection around the building. After all, it wouldn't do to get surrounded all of a sudden. She wasn't exactly bothered to actually make sure properly -- the others were sure to have already checked, right? So after a quick lap around for assurance, Shiori walked straight in the door.

The first thing she noticed was the distinct lack of boys in the lobby, unless the weird pink thing was a guy. All of the staff and all of her co-workers seemed to be female. She wasn't so surprised about her co-workers all being girls -- the CCG was surprisingly female dominated lately -- but all of the hotel staff seemed to be girls, and also ghouls for that matter. 'Oh well. I bet there'll be dudes deeper inside. I'm totally just being paranoid!' She thought, before walking up to the pair of doves conversing at the desk. "Hi! You're my superior officers or something, right? Dual Sumire and Hayashi Tori? Nice to meet you! I'm Kimura Shiori, but you can call me Shiorin!" Shiori held out both of her hands to shake, "You have such pretty names, I'm jealous~" She joked in an attempt to lighten the mood. Everything seemed to frighteningly professional at the moment, and since she was going to be working with them for a while, why not start off with a joke?

Shiori looked around at the other people in the room -- two employees with shocking pink hair, a random visitor who hadn't moved from her spot ('Maybe she's waiting for someone?'), and two little girls, one reading and the other looking to throw away a cup of coffee ('They're both ghouls as well... So many in one room! I suppose they're working with me too?'). 'Well, this day is getting off to a boring start.' She thought in annoyance.

∂ιαℓσgυє ¢σℓσυя ✧ #33A1C9
тнσυgнт ¢σℓσυя ✦ #2C8139

Takeshi panted as he cycled down to the hotel at top speed. He was absolutely late -- he was certain that everyone else must have gotten there before him! The stacks of paper in the basket weighed down the bicycle, slowing it somewhat, and for a moment he wondered whose idea it had been to leave all of the paperwork to him to fill out. But regardless of that, he was late! What kind of example would he be setting as a leader with this?! 'Everyone must be thinking that I'm so irresponsible! Oh, I bet they all think that I'm a terrible worker and that I'm not fit for this mission...' His mind started to jump to conclusions in a panic. This was when he realised, while he was worrying, he had began to head straight for a tree by the hotel. Takeshi pulled on the brakes and the cycle stopped just in time to not hit the tree... But all of his papers flew out onto the ground. 'Ugh, idiot!' He berated himself as he got out to gather them, 'Maybe if you hadn't been so busy freaking out, this wouldn't have happened!'. With a sigh, Takeshi locked his bike to the tree and ran into the hotel.

As soon as he was inside, he realised that everyone else really had arrived. "Um... Sorry to keep you waiting." He said awkwardly to nobody in particular. He looked around for a familiar face, and recognised Dual. Takeshi walked up to her, seeing that she seemed to be talking to some other people working with them. "Ah, sorry to interrupt, but... I have all of the paperwork, so, um, if anything gets damaged in battle or something, we should be fine, so..." He trailed off, "I-I'll just leave this on the desk for now until we, er, get rooms.". Takeshi glanced around, wondering what he should do, now that the matters with the paperwork had been settled. He walked deeper into the building, looking for somewhere to fill his empty, breakfast-less stomach. Needless to say, the morning had left him more than a little strazzled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hasekura Kaname Character Portrait: Kimura Shiori Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Tsuda Yuino Character Portrait: Junko
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And so, the two wait, blissfully ignorant of all of the negative attention they seem to be gaining. Though a glare from Kana humbles the siblings, their gazes lowering to the desk. Kiyomi stops her bouncing, and Kazumi tugs at a few strands of their hair. ❝Scary, scaaaary!❞ say the two of them together, though very much under their breath and to each other.

It isn't long before the two at the front desk receive a visitor in the form of a child—no, not a child, but a very small ghoul. The scent is delectable, and for a moment, the two siblings have to fight over their urges to lose themselves internally. Some higher power muuuuust be testing us for sending such an adooooorably delicious ghoul to us. Before Kiyomi gets the chance to speak up, Kazumi raises their hand, beckoning the 'child' forward.

❝Absolutely, little dove! Are your parents around?❞ They step out from behind the counter and bend toward Esme, as Kazumi seems to tower over Esme in an almost comical display. ❝That is a lovely dress you have on! Where did you get such a dress?❞ They reach out for the empty drink to be discarded, a wide, close-lipped grin on their features. Kiyomi claps her hands together, circling once around the 'child.' She looks absolutely ecstatic, as Esme appears to her as an adorable young girl, and girls of all ages happen to be Kiyomi's favorite thing.

❝Uwaah, did you really lose your parents?❞ Kiyomi's question comes out of left field, as Esme left no indication of this, but it's expected of the slightly dim-witted younger sibling. ❝You can stay with us until you see them again! Kazu-nee's right—you have a really cute dress. I used to wear dresses juuuust like that when I was your age. How old are you?❞

As the two siblings bombard the supposed child with questions, plans unfold along around them. No matter what becomes of this ghoul-child, the two will have their fun, just as everyone else will have theirs, as well. Whether they've been enlightened of Esme's true nature or not would be ambiguous, but one thing the siblings do know for sure—this one smells an awful lot like those CCG bastards.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kimura Shiori Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Esmé Character Portrait: Dual Sumire Character Portrait: Taichi Aoki
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Esme stood with a content smile as the two circled him like hyena's would their prey. They cooed and awed at him and he was used to such condescension. He clasped his hands behind his back in a vulnerable pose and looked up at the tall one. "Wow, you guys are so hospitable, but no I haven't lost my parents at all. I'm actually here with my big sister!" He smiled big indicating Dual, hopefully she wouldn't mind the deception, if they thought him younger itmight take them by surprise later. He then did a small twirl when they mentioned his dress, truly it was quite lovely, he had sewn it himself and was very proud of it. "My mother made it for me last Christmas." He nodded thinking that sounded believable enough. These two ghouls were certainly powerful enough to cause trouble, thankfully Esme relied on speed rather than brute force and was certain he would be able to escape the duo if it came to that.

He looked to the female one, obviously not as savvy as the other. He batted his eyes a bit and ran a hand through his hair. "Oh no! A beautiful lady like you? You'd have much better clothes than me I'm certain." He said trying to throw them off track by complimenting them, he really did appreciate their kind words, he also enjoyed that they thought him to be female. How sweet were they? However the atmosphere changed very quickly. His eyes opened and narrowed and he glanced over his shoulder at Dual who was receiving information from another agent. It's time isn't it? He thought to himself quickly and stood at the ready to fend off these two should they attack him. The hand nearest to his hair began twirling it, anxious, waiting for things to get chaotic in here.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hasekura Kaname Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Kuroko Nagashima Character Portrait: Esmé Character Portrait: Dual Sumire
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It was getting unbearable to contain her excitement! She exited the side room and made her way, her hands twitched from the anticipation. Her mind ran and ran five or six steps ahead of her body. In her hand was a small cane, which hid her sword. He entered the lobby and spotted Kana, stifling a laugh she made her way over there, chipper as could be, yet an underlying build up was forming. Blood. I can smell it, their flesh, their soft bodies are so close to me. If I jumped one of them I'd surely get to slice one up! I want to see them all run red. . . I want to smell the iron in the air. Please hurry Smiley, I can't contain it any longer! She stood in front of Kana and saluted.

"Do ya' want help with yer bags lady?" She said with an over dramatic bow. Oh god she was so excited, she giggled at Kana obviously overjoyed at this whole situation. She then leaned in close and tapped her shoulder. "W when can I let loose Kana-nii..." She whispered fidgeting. Her eyes then shot over to a pair sitting, the boy was tapping something. How obnoxious, why couldn't humans just shut it! So loud so awful. She'd kill him first, tapping man would die first!