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Luna Byrd

Intelligent, eccentric, beautiful, insane - and slightly brilliant.

0 · 289 views · located in Dr Vaughn's Room

a character in “St. Malady's Asylum”, as played by loonybird


Age: Looks about 21, but doctors have no real proof of her age
Gender: Female
Appearance: Beautiful and athletically built, with etremely pale skin - but she doesn't show off her body or beauty. Grey-green eyes and dark brown hair, which is almost always up in a braided, messy ponytail. Of average height, and wears very eccentric clothing. Luna's entire body is covered with horrific scars, which she sees a psychiatrist for. As yet, she has refused to disclose how she got them. The worst of these scars is across the back of her shoulders, where the word 'Loony' has been carved in large letters.


Eccentric and unpredictable, but highly intelligent. Obssessed with knowledge. Does not normally show obvious outwards signs of insanity, but has a dark side to her. Often withdraws into herself for a time as a coping mechanism - this can be triggered by numerous things.
She is generally an open friendly person, and has impeccable manners - most of the time. However, her years in an institution have twisted her perception of reality, and her behaviour can sometimes be odd, and destructive.


Luna has been transferred to St. Malady's after attacking several doctors at her last institution and staging a desperate escape attempt. Her medical history is a turbulent one, but her details are uncertain - she has no known family members still living. Has a history of extreme violence amongst other issues, but has not been officialy diagnosed with any disorder.
Little is really known about her. She hasn't been at St. Malady's very long, and has so far withstood all attempts made by her doctors to get her to open up.

So begins...

Luna Byrd's Story


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Luna paused outside the door, listening to the lyrics and laughter she could hear in the room. The sound sent shivers down her spine - the voice was haunting, and it echoed down the corridor, which was unusually silent. Most patients were elsewhere in the asylum during the day, only returning to the prison cells of their rooms in the evening.
She knocked on the door, seven times in quick succession, and heard the singing cease.


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Character Portrait: Luna Byrd
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Luna raised her eyebrows.
"Luna Byrd. It's a pleasure to meet you." She glanced down at the sheet of paper in her hand. "I've been told you collect you - you have an appointment scheduled with...-with Dr. Moran."


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Character Portrait: Luna Byrd
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"No, I don't suppose you have." Luna said dryly. She studied Rachel for a second. "Would you like me to take you there, or would you like the map?" She inquired.


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Character Portrait: Luna Byrd
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Luna grinned.
"No, I'll take you. It gives me an excuse to get out of my occupational therapy class."
She strode off down the corridor, calling back to Rachel over her shoulder.
"Come on, dear, we're already late!"


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Character Portrait: Luna Byrd
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Luna was silent for almost a minute as she thought about her answer.
"He's...he's astute." She said finally, then grimaced. "He's not- well, you'll find out when you meet him, but he's not like the rest. He won't make any effort to - what's the phrase - sugar-coat things for you."
They had reached the end of the hallway now, and Luna took her petite tourist left, and down a flight of stairs. They came out in another corridor, this one showing more signs of life than the last.


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Character Portrait: Luna Byrd
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"Hmm. You're curiously eager." Luna stated. It wasn't a suspicious comment.
She glanced across at Rachel, and sighed. They'd nearly reached the end of the corridor, and she brought them to a halt outside a door which was very helpfully marked 'Waiting Room'
"Well, we're here. I would go in with you, but I don't want to. Don't be offended, I just hate it in there. Nice necklace, by the way." Luna grinned at Rachel a little maniacally, then turned and started to walk away. "Oh, by the by - my room number's 132, if you ever feel like visiting. I'm there every day." She laughed quietly at her own joke, then gestured to the door. "It's Dr. Moran's Room - go straight in, you're late. Good luck!" She winked, then disappeared down the corridor.

The setting changes from The Asylum to Dr Moran's Room


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr James Moran Character Portrait: Luna Byrd
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The doctor made a vague noise of agreement, but his gaze was drawn away from Rachel as the door opened and Luna Byrd walked into the room. She was wearing overalls covered in paint, splashes of the stuff smeared over her face and arms as well, and she looked more than a little perturbed at being asked to come and collect Miss Devenport. He knew she'd been called out of her recreation time - it was her supervisor he'd contacted on his mobile.


Luna walked a little way into the room and stopped.
"Dr. Moron." She acknowledged him with a nod of her head, and then grinned a little at her own joke, no matter how childish it was. "Couldn't you find anyone else to do this for you?" She said bluntly, and more than a little irritably. She couldn't stand being interrupted in the middle of painting. It was her escape. Luna pressed her lips together for a moment, then caught Rachel's eye, smiling apologetically. After all, it wasn't her fault, and she did like the girl.
Dr. Moran stood up, his face set.
"My, Luna. What a display of rudeness. How unlike you." He said, his expression stony. Luna stiffened as he took a few steps towards her. "I was under the impression that you had befriended Miss Devenport. It's lucky I warned her that most of the inmates here psychopaths, with no idea of manners." The doctor smiled maliciously as Luna's fists clenched slightly by her sides. If there were two things she hated, it was being grouped in with 'the crazies', and people with no manners. The suggestion that she herself was incapable of displaying them would always hit a nerve, and the doctor knew it.
"Did you warn her before or after you introduced yourself?" She retorted. Dr. Moran just looked satisfied, and he wagged a chastising finger.
"Now, now, Luna. You know what happens if you start to get abusive."
Two spots of colour rose high in Luna's cheeks at this insult. She swallowed visibly, trying to relax herself.
"My deepest, most sincere apologies." She said, her jaw stiff.
"That's better." Dr. Moran smiled sweetly, and turned to Rachel. "My apologies. Luna has always been rather...difficult."


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Character Portrait: Luna Byrd
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Luna cocked her head to the side, considering Rachel.
"You look tired. Do you object to me touching you?"


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Character Portrait: Dr James Moran Character Portrait: Luna Byrd
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"Excellent." She grinned, and then reached forwards and picked Rachel up in one swift movement. "Much easier this way; you look like you're too tired to walk anywhere fast." Luna nodded to Dr. Moran. "I wish I could say that it was nice to see you again."
Dr. Moran said nothing, just raised his eyebrows at her, and went to open the door.
Luna strode out and was away down the hall with Rachel before anything else could be said, appearing to carry the girl with the utmost of ease.

The setting changes from Dr Moran's Room to The Asylum


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Character Portrait: Luna Byrd
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Luna grimaced.
"Suffice to say that he has an amazing ability to turn a blind eye when he wants to. Ah, here we are." She kicked the door to Rachel's room open with her foot, and strode right across to her bed, depositing Rachel upon it without ceremony.


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Character Portrait: Luna Byrd
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Luna awoke with a start, and found herself staring at the ceiling. Slowly, she flexed her muscles, then slipped out from underneth her thin covers and stood, rolling her shoulders. She yawned, stretching her arms above her head, and then started as there came a knock on her door. With a reluctant sigh, she walked over and pulled it open.


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Character Portrait: Luna Byrd
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She stared at Rachel for a second.
"Ah. Come in." Luna shut the door behind her, and held up a finger. "Now, the important thing here is not to panic. I'll just- do you want me to call a doctor? Perhaps the Moron?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr James Moran Character Portrait: Luna Byrd Character Portrait: Rachel Kennedy Devenport
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(Good God! I'm so so sorry for the wait, I completely forgot! Ah! Please forgive?!)

Luna looked at Rachel with one eyebrow raised for a moment.
"I'm sure he'll understand if you explain it to him carefully. He's a great listener. Um..." She stepped forwards, guiding Rachel carefully to a chair. "..wait there." She turned and headed for the door, then stopped and looked back. "I feel like I should say something. Hang on.... ah, yes. Don't do anything...stupid... while I'm gone?" Luna flashed her a hopeful grin, and then dashed out of the door. Her loud footsteps receded quickly down the corridor.


Dr. Moran looked up as the door to his office burst open, his brow furrowing as he saw the patient standing in the doorway.
"Miss. Byrd? It's terribly rude of you to come bursting in like this. I don't believe you have an appointment." His tone was cold and his voice sharp. The girl appeared unperturbed, as usual.
"My apologies, but it appears that your new lov- sorry, patient, Miss Devenport, has had an accident, and requires medical assistance." Luna paused here to smirk. "She requested you specifically, although I can't fathom why, Dr. Moron."
He had already retrieved his first aid bag from under his desk, and was halfway across the room to her.
"Miss. Byrd." He said, his voice menacing and low. "I have asked you on several occasions to refrain from calling me that. Do I need to remind you that I am the Doctor, and you the patient? The crazy?" It was his turn to smirk as her face drained of colour, anger flashing in her eyes. Dr. Moran saw her fists clench.
"I'm not-"
"No? Then why are you here? Hmm?" Without waiting for a reply he turned and left the room. "Where is my patient?"
She didn't deign to touch him as she brushed ahead of him, striding down the corridor. Dr. Moran's eyes narrowed as he followed her.
He pushed past her as they reached her room, opening the door and immediately spotting Miss Devenport sitting on a chair, looking much the worse for wear. He crossed the room to her and placed his bag beside the chair. There were numerous cuts and scratches all over her arms and legs, some of them bleeding profusely.
Dr. Moran met her gaze as he began to unpack the disinfectant, and poured some onto cotton pads.
"Rachel." He said softly. "What happened?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr James Moran Character Portrait: Luna Byrd Character Portrait: Rachel Kennedy Devenport
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(I was wondering if perhaps - seeing as it doesn't look like we're getting any more people to join us - you'd like to create a 'doctor' character, too? It might make this more interesting, because I can't really make Luna have a session with Dr. Moran???)

"Ok, it's ok." He said soothingly, beginning to apply the anitiseptic to the girl's arms and legs. His touch was gentle and his fingers were soft as they ran carefully along her skin. "Would you like to tell me what happened in this nightmare?"


Luna had stepped back as soon as she had entered the room, behind Dr. Moran. She stood near the end of the bed now, gazing wistfully at the blank space of wall where she wished there was a window, and resolutely away from the injured girl and the doctor who knelt beside her. Dr Moron, she thought viciously, who wouldn't have helped her even if he could have. Who had chosen to be blind to what was going on. And who, eventually, had ended up treating her the same as the rest of them. He'd sown the first seeds of doubt - what if she did belong here?
It was those thoughts that had driven her to apply back to her old doctor again, the only one who would take her. He caused those thoughts, those doubts, and for that, she hated him. With a passion.

The feeling was entirely mutual.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr James Moran Character Portrait: Luna Byrd Character Portrait: Rachel Kennedy Devenport
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"Ok, Rachel. A lot of the patients here hear voices. No one's going to think you're strange." Dr. Moran said gently, grinning at her. "These dreams, however....did you say that it helped when you had a room mate? Perhaps...." He sighed, glancing at Luna quickly. "...perhaps, if Miss Byrd is willing, I could arrange for the two of you to share a room. What do you think?"


Luna's gaze snapped to Dr. Moran as he suggested that the girl stay with her, her eyes narrowing briefly. She didn't have any objection to Rachel being her room mate - in fact, it would make a welcome change to the solitude - rather, she objected to the fact that Dr. Moran had been the one to suggest it. Luna sighed, pushing the bitter thoughts out of her head. She should welcome this opportunity - wasn't it a sign that the doctors thought she was 'getting better'? She could be trusted with a room mate now, apparently.
Luna smiled genuinely at Rachel, allowing her growing excitement to show on her face.
"That would be delightful!" She exclaimed, grinning at her. "If you're amenable that is, Miss Devenport?"


(You can have your doctor come in whenever you want, or I could come up with a reason for Dr. Moran to call her?)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr James Moran Character Portrait: Luna Byrd Character Portrait: Rachel Kennedy Devenport
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Luna smiled at Rachel.
"No, not at all! I would like it very much; I haven't had a roommate in a very long time. Of course," She said, turning to Dr. Moran, "Dr. Moran will have to clear it with my new doctor."
Luna had recently switched doctors yet again, to Dr. Vaughn, and she hadn't met her yet.


Dr. Moran stood up, having finished attending to Rachel's wounds. His eyes burned into Luna suspiciously, sure that she was playing some game. When she mentioned her doctor, he nodded, unwillingly agreeing with her. He took his phone out of his pocket.
"Yes, I'll call her now and ask her - in fact, you have an appointment with her later, don't you Byrd?" Luna nodded reluctantly, and he smiled. "Well then, I'll call and ask her to come and collect you for the appointment, and we can discuss the roommate situation when she arrives."
Dr. Moran flipped open his phone and made the neccessary call, noting with some pleasure the irritated look on Luna's face. She clearly didn't like being reminded of her position - that of a patient.
Dr. Vaughn said she would come down straight away, so he shut the device again and slipped it back into his pocket, and then turned back to Rachel.
"Dr. Vaughn is on her way here now, and if she agrees, then we can hopefully get you moved in here today. The paperwork won't take long - I'll do it myself." He smiled and winked at her.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr James Moran Character Portrait: Luna Byrd Character Portrait: Dr. Aurora Vaughn
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Dr. Moran interjected before Luna could come out with the most likely scathing remark she had planned. He ignored her irritated growl as he stepped in front of her, shaking hands with Dr. Vaughn.
"It's a pleasure, I'm sure." He smiled at her. "I'm Dr. Moran, this is Miss Byrd, your patient," He nodded his head in Luna's direction, "And this is Miss Devenport, the potential roommate." Dr. Moran gestured towards Rachel, winking at her again as he turned his head, out of the sight of Dr. Vaughn.


Luna stepped forwards herself as soon as Dr. Moron stopped speaking, smiling warmly at her new doctor, sizing her up.
"Good morning, Doctor. I'm Luna Byrd, as he said." She bobbed a quick curtsey. "But you may call me Luna."
She stepped back, returning to her place at the end of the bed, and resumed her blank expression. In reality, her mind was whirring, her heart racing. Dr. Vaughn seemed friendly enough - but then, he had seemed friendly, to begin with. Luna flinched almost imperceptibly. It was too early to tell whether Dr. Vaughn's friendliness was fake or not, but - she looked the woman over again - yes, she could overpower her with just a little difficulty, if the need arose.
She hoped against hope that Dr. Vaughn would turn out be as nice as she appeared. Not that it made any difference for the doctor; Luna wasn't talking either way. Oh, no. She had never talked, not to any of them, and she never would.
There's nothing wrong with me.
Her fists clenched.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr James Moran Character Portrait: Luna Byrd Character Portrait: Dr. Aurora Vaughn Character Portrait: Rachel Kennedy Devenport
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Dr. Moran beamed at Dr. Vaughn.
"Excellent. I'll go and sort the paperwork now." He strode to the door, and then paused, turning round. "Unless...that is, unless you want to come and talk to me, Rachel. About these dreams." He added quickly, smiling at her.
What had possessed him to say that? He didn't know. That had been almost out of character for him. But - he couldn't leave her there, looking so....fragile, and upset, and lost, and really, that perpetual blush was adorable - All right, that's enough, James. She's a patient, and you, as her doctor, will help her through her problems. And that is all. No emotional attachment.
Dr. Moran raised a quizzical eyebrow at the girl, unaware of the internal battle his subconscious was having.


Luna smiled at her new doctor.
"Thank you, doctor." She said, her tone and expression perfectly polite. As of yet, she hadn't come to any conclusion about her, but.....the woman seemed pleasant enough. She hadn't jumped at the chance to deny her permission for the room change, at least.
This doesn't change anything. Don't let her fool you. Don't let any of them fool you. She growled at herself.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr James Moran Character Portrait: Luna Byrd Character Portrait: Dr. Aurora Vaughn Character Portrait: Rachel Kennedy Devenport
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Dr. Moran turned around slowly, chuckling slightly at the girl's enthusiasm.
"Come on, then." He set off down the corridor quickly, glancing back at her with a smile. "I hope you don't mind, but I have to stop off really quickly first to grab those papers for your room change. It won't take long, I'll fill them in when we get to my office. Five minutes at the most." He promised.

(I'm going to create separate offices for Dr. Moran and Dr. Vaughn, so that this doesn't get really confusing. I know it means more complicated posting, but it also makes it easier to separate the different storylines. Hope you don't mind :) )


Luna raised her eyebrow at the doctor, trying to quell the sudden fear that rose in her.
"Of course." She nodded calmly at the door. "Lead the way. It's not as if I have any other arrangements." Luna smiled grimly, and had to fight the sudden urge to giggle at the ridiculousness of it all. She was a patient at a mental asylum - what choice did she have? It was all for show, the doctor asking her opinion as if it was her decision. All the time analysing, analysing, analysing. Was the patient cooperative? Were they withdrawn? Were they regressing?
Luna shook her head and sighed, renewing the smile aimed at the doctor.
"Shall we?" She said, gesturing towards the door.
Just another silent, fruitless therapy session.
Hold on to your sanity, Luna.

The setting changes from The Asylum to Dr Vaughn's Room

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Byrd Character Portrait: Dr. Aurora Vaughn
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Luna paused at the door, before sighing and walking the rest of the way in. She remained standing as Dr. Vaughn seated herself, only moving reluctantly when she gestured for her to sit as well.
She lowered herself gracefully into the chair, sitting with her knees demurely together. Her arms, however, lolled over the sides, giving an impression of negligence and boredom. Luna looked around the room slowly, taking in the books on the case as well as the two statues on the desk, which she thought didn't quite go with the rest of the decor. Gifts, she surmised, as by the look of the woman her taste wouldn't have permitted her to have them in the room otherwise.
Luna didn't miss the doctor's tactics as she seated herself in one of the chairs in front of the desk rather than behind it, but had to give her credit for it.
She's making an effort to connect, Luna thought, amused at the obviousness of the manipulative ploy. A nice try, but I can still see the badge hanging around your neck, Doctor.
She smiled rather grimly at Dr. Vaughn, and crossed her legs, leaning back in her chair.
"Lovely colour scheme, Doctor." Luna commented blandly, "Did you choose it yourself?"