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Julissa Eaton

"Yo soy de la Luz, y no puedo cambiar eso."

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a character in “The Elemental's”, as played by WhiteTiger08


Name: "Julissa Margaret Eaton."
Nickname: "I'm not that social as to have received a nickname from anyone besides my parents." Jules, Lissa, Jule


Age: "Seventeen years."

Elemental Type: "I am of the Light."

Personality: Society has not accepted her ability. She ducks her head in public, not willing to meet the angry gazes that stare at her. Because of this, she is not a social person. Oftentimes she will spend her days reading alone at home, tucked into her small bedroom. Other than going to school, or the market for her parents, she does not leave the house. When approached by someone, she may trip on her words, unsure of what to say. She blushed often, and eventually just leaves as to not further embarrass herself.

Though she is shy, Julissa's anger is a force to be reckoned with. At school, often she would be confronted by the kids. They would bully and tease her, and one day Julissa had enough. She dropped her books, pulled back her fist, and punched the school jock square in the nose. Blood covered his face, as she had broken his nose. The teachers gave her no punishment, not believing she had really done it. After that, no one talked to Julissa..



Appearance: "I don't see anything special when I look into the mirror." Julissa's appearance does not reflect her Element at all. Rather than having light hair and bright eyes, her hair is a dark brunette. It spills down to her waist in waves, naturally. It has a middle part, and she often times leaves it down. Her eyes are dark, looking almost black. They are described as "doe's eyes" by her mother. They are framed by thick, dark lashes that graze her cheek bones.

She is petite, standing at only five foot three inches. Her waist is small, going into curved hips. Her legs are toned, sleek from running. Her bust is not large, but not small either. It is, as she sees, "average."


History: She grew up with her mother and father in a small community. After realizing what their daughter was, they vowed not to have any other children, in fear that they, too, would be Elemental. So, her parents indulged all of their time in their daughter, trying to show their love for her, knowing she wouldn't be accepted by others. Knowing that their child would someday have to defend herself and her ability, they enrolled her in boxing and martial arts lessons. Those gave Julissa confidence, and her love for exercising.

She was always a shy girl. At school she would keep her head down, not talking to anyone. She didn't have any friends; she didn't know if any other Elementals went to her school. She would suffer during the day, and go to the gym at night, punching her anger out on the sand bags or running away her troubles on the treadmill. At home, she would lay on her bed and read all of the books in the family library. Her family was wealthy, and she bought almost every book in her town bookstore.

All in all, Julissa has been through a lot in her life.


Motto: "Yo soy de la Luz, y no puedo cambiar eso." I am of the Light, and I cannot change that.

So begins...

Julissa Eaton's Story


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The letter was old; stained from coffee, worn at the edges and folds from her reading over and over again. The script was old, curling. It was beautiful to look at, and ever since she got it, Julissa couldn't stop gazing at it. A call from downstairs snapped her out of her revere. She sighed, slipping the letter into the pocket of her pants.

What to pack for an Elemental meeting? Never had she met another Elemental. There would be plenty of them at the Earth Temple. Should she wear the color of her element; white and yellow? Surely she would pack her glowstone, the bright jewel on a chain that remained around her neck always. Should she dress to impress? She eyed her dresses and skirts that lined her closet, and shook her head. Maybe they would be training; but for what? Wanting to be safe rather than sorry, she folded her gym shorts and Under Armor clothes into her suitcase. She grabbed her sneaker and shoved them in, too. Then, she walked to her door, where her boxing gloves hung by the string over a nail. Would she need them? They were her favorite, not as puffy and regular gloves. They were thin, giving her power and protection. They would go.

After taking the better part of an hour packing her clothes, Julissa sat on her bed. Currently, she was rereading the tale of Romeo and Juliet. It was for a school assignment, and usually she would enjoy rereading the story, but now it was rather dull. She never had a boyfriend of her own, and felt detached from the book. How could she enjoy the story if she didn't understand the feelings? Suddenly, for the first time in her life, she didn't feel like reading. She grabbed her boxing gloves and headed for the gym.

The gym she attended was small, exclusive. Most of the football and other sports players in the school attended it. Julissa’s parents bought her a membership when she was ten, and she attended the nights she didn't have gymnastics. Since then, the gym had added and addition that included a gymnastics corner, and the place had become a favorite spot of hers. She kept a spare change of clean clothes in her locker there, and she quickly changed. She emerged from the locker room, pulling her gloves on when she met a group of jocks. They were all crowded around the front desk, flirting with the receptionist. She was way too old for them, but she flirted back. Julissa scoffed at the situation, and went to the boxing section.

She stood in front of the speed bag, hitting it over and over, quicker and quicker. The bag bobbed up and down, turning into a blur. Sweat began to bead on her forehead, until slowly she was slick from head to toe. Stepping away from the bag, she took deep breaths, trying to slow her heart rate. Picking up her water bottle, Julissa unscrewed the cap, and leaned against the ballet bar to take a drink.

She had downed half the bottle when someone cleared their throat in front of her. Pulling the bottle from her lips, she swallowed and put the cap back on. Looking up, she noticed one of the guys, Easton, at her school standing before her. Due to her small frame, she had to crane her neck to look at his face. He smiled; no one normally looked at her, and now he was looking at her in the eyes. What did he want now?

“Hi. I saw you across the room. To be honest, I was impressed,” he looked into her brown eyes. Julissa was surprised, yet skeptical. This made no sense. He was the quarterback of the school’s football team. No, he wanted something else. Julissa’s suspicions were confirmed when Easton stepped forward, placing a hand on her bare waist. He pressed her against him. “For a freak, you could do a lot more with your time they lighting the candles around the house.” Fuming, Julissa used her power. Her body temperature increased, until Easton gasped and let go. Looking down at his arms, he stared at the pink flesh as if and alien had caressed his arm. He glared at her with wide eyes, blinking. After gaining his bearings, his face turned into an angry stare. “You little – “ he was cut off as Julissa stormed away, cheeks flaming.

Now was not the time. She had to catch a plane


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Julissa woke up with a jolt. Groggily, she opened her eyes, watching the water spray out the window. The plane bobbed over the water, jolting her briefly. She gripped the arm rests, knuckles white. Slowly the plane came to a stop, resting by a small lake. The pilot helped her onto the dock, grabbing her bags as well. The two began walking up a series of stone stairs. From the looks of it, they were old, but seemingly sturdy. Looking up, she mentally groaned, seeing as they had a long way to go.

The pilot passed the time by asking her about the trip. Julissa smiled and answered honestly; it was wonderful. She hadn't been on a plane before in her life, and for her first time, she wasn't at all frightened. During vacations with her parents, she would never go on the roller coasters. One of her biggest fears was heights, though the height of the plane hadn't bothered her at all. In fact, it was exhilarating. They two chatted for a bit, Julissa learning that the pilot had a love of heights, and had first wanted to be a firefighter. Realizing that climbing ladders wasn't high enough, he went to flight school. While the conversation was enjoyable, she couldn't help but be glad they had reached the top of the stairs.

The pilot left, saying he would take her bags to her sleeping quarters. Julissa smiled, and thanked him. Before her, several people stood around. Suddenly self-conscious, she straightened her red plaid shirt tucked into her blue skinny jeans, and took a deep breath. Who to talk to first?