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"Oh wow... What is this place?"

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a character in “The Gods Rebirth”, as played by littleblueclover


Name- Gaia (I know. Cliche name... I'm sorry (;_;))

Age Appearance- 8

Appearance- Image
She has her hair cut shoulder length because it would get in the way if it was long (not that she picked it) but because it's short, she likes to have some sort of girly thing in her hair: A hair clip, a head-band, etc, but she especially likes to have it in a small side-ponytail.
She likes to wear green. (I don't know if she should be wearing a school uniform. I don't mind whichever.)

Role- Earth Goddess

Goddess of Earth


[animal lover] She can communicate with animals and understand their thoughts

[Geokinesis] The ability to move rocks and dirt with her mind. (the amount of energy it takes depends on the size of the rock)

[plant growth] Able to control plants, and their growth.

[camouflage] She can blend and hide within nature (only with nature)

[healing] She can heal minor injuries cuts/ bruises)

Personality- She's a calm, polite girl. She likes making new friends. She cares for others more than herself (although there are limits to an 8 year old.) She can be quite curious about things and hates not being able to see things (eg: "don't open that door" etc) her curiosity can get the most of her. She can sometimes be a scardy-cat, although it's mostly worry of others.

Bio- She used to be a calm, responsible, trustworthy goddess, who loved to help whether the one she was helping was a god, a human, an animal, or even a plant.
Although now, being 8, she is curious, not as calm, whines when unhappy and less helpful as she was as an adult. She is a little afraid of heights and She likes the colors green and brown. Maybe that's because of her life as an Earth Goddess, or maybe just her personality. Who knows?

Other- My favorite number is 3, but I also like 12! :D

So begins...

Gaia's Story


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Character Portrait: Gaia
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Gaia curled up further in her crib and whined a little. She wished she could sleep longer but she was already awake. Rubbing her eyes, she got up from her bird nest-like bed. The girl took a quick look around. The room looks like a garden... She smiled, it was beautiful. Climbing out, she walked around the greenery, she sat down and admired the flowers. They seemed to remind her of something. The red flowers, the blue flowers and the cream colored flowers. Did any of these have any connection with her? Gaia picked a couple of each and stood up, now facing a door. She couldn't recognize this place. What was behind the door? She pushed on the heavy door, leaving the room. "Hello? Helloooo~?" She called, wandering the hallways.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alphios Character Portrait: Gaia
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#, as written by ceh12
Alphios stopped dead when he heard something in the hallway behind the door. He was scared but he wanted to know what it was. He paced towards the door with the bird in his arms like it was a baby. He looked out at the door and opened it up to see a girl about his age walking with flowers in her arms. He walked over to her and smiled. "Hello." he said cheerily. She looked alot like him so maybe she was a god too. Probably something to ask Aeya for now but he didn't care there was someone like him near him now. He was excited about that.


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Character Portrait: Alphios Character Portrait: Gaia
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Gaia grinned at the boy holding a bird.
"Hello" Said the boy, equally happy as her. They were about the same height... Was he the same age as her? Who is he?
"Hi. What's you name?" She asked, looking at the flowers in her arms. "Here, I found these flowers. You can have one." Gaia handed a blue flower to the boy, there was something about him which made her give the blue flower in specific. She didn't know why, though. Still holding the flower, she realized the boy would have trouble taking the flower when he was holding a bird.
"Sorry, it would be hard to hold this too, right?" Gaia put the flower in his jacket's chest pocket. "There. It looks pretty!" She giggled, happy to make a friend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alphios Character Portrait: Gaia Character Portrait: Aeya
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Aeya smiled as she watched the two kids interact, the God of Water and the God of Earth, meant to get along. And luckily they were. It made the minor wind goddess happy. Nerves were creeping up her spine, and it made Aeya nervous. She wondered where all the other minors were, taking care of kids while she was still a kid herself made her nervous.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alphios Character Portrait: Gaia Character Portrait: Aeya
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor smiled as the girl put the flower in his shirt pocket. "Thank you." he said as he went back to Aeya. "Here can you hold birdie?" he said then put the bird in her arms and ran back to the girl. "My name is Alphios and that is Aeya." he smiled pointing to the goddess behind him. "Maybe she knows you." he said smiling at the girl. " I like your flowers they're really pretty." he said then pulled then one of the cream flowers from her and put it in her hair. "That looks really pretty." he said then laughed a little. "So whats your name?" he said sweetly


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alphios Character Portrait: Gaia Character Portrait: Aeya
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Gaia watched as the boy went over to a teenage girl. She hadn't noticed her there.
"My name is Alphios and that is Aeya, maybe she knows you." Alphios explained. Gaia smiled, now she knows the name of her new friend, and she'd love to talk to the other girl too.
"I like your flowers they're really pretty." complimented the boy, putting one of her flowers in her hair. "That looks really pretty." Gaia grinned and laughed along with the boy.
When the laughing died down, Alphios asked.
"So what's your name?"
Gaia stopped to think... She couldn't remember.
"My... my name?" She paused and looked down. "It's.. uhh..." She whined a little, not knowing what to say.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alphios Character Portrait: Gaia Character Portrait: Aeya
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#, as written by ceh12
Alphios was confused as why to the girl was so ashamed of herself. "Hey it's okay. I didn't know my name until Aeya told me here come with me." he grabbed her hand and drug her to Aeya. "Aeya, Aeya who is this and what's her name. She doesn't know her name either." he said enthusiastically. The girl seemed familiar but he couldn't quite but his finger on it who she was. Maybe another goddess or maybe just a girl who wandered into this place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alphios Character Portrait: Gaia Character Portrait: Aeya
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Aeya smiled and crouched down to the two kids. "Yes, I know her name. You're name," she tapped her forefinger into the girl's forehead, "is Gaia. Gaia, you got that?" She grinned and ruffled the kid's hair gently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alphios Character Portrait: Gaia Character Portrait: Aeya
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While walking towards Aeya, Gaia laughed when she found out she wasn't the only one who forgot their name. She just made a fuss about nothing, she thought.
"Aeya, Aeya who is this and what's her name. She doesn't know her name either."
"Yes, I know her name. You're name, is Gaia. Gaia, you got that?"
Gaia smiled at the two for helping her.
"Uh huh," She nodded. "thank you!" Gaia gave Aeya a cream colored flower as thanks. Who knew how long it would have taken for her to find out on her own? She was happy to have friends like these.
Then she thought for a moment. What did Alphios mean by "Who she was"? She was a girl and her name is Gaia, what else was there? If so, how does Aeya know?
"Um, Aeya? How did you know my name?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alphios Character Portrait: Gaia Character Portrait: Aeya
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With another grin, Aeya tucked the cream flower into her hair, "I know your name because I'm here to help take care of you. You, Alphios and I all work together, but you're more like him than me. You like flowers a lot, right? And other plants?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alphios Character Portrait: Gaia Character Portrait: Aeya
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#, as written by ceh12
Alphios went listen to both girls and he jumped up and down happily. "So me and Gaia are alike, awesome!" he was giddy and wanted to know more about the girl. Aeya said she was similar so Alphios decided he would just ask ahead. " Aeya is she a god too?" he asked dying to know the answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alphios Character Portrait: Gaia Character Portrait: Aeya
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"I know your name because I'm here to help take care of you. You, Alphios and I all work together, but you're more like him than me. You like flowers a lot, right? And other plants?" Asked Aeya.
Gaia giggled. "Uh huh! I like all sorts of plants!" She exclaimed enthusiastically, but Gaia didn't understand what exactly the three of them "worked" in.
"So me and Gaia are alike, awesome! Aeya is she a god too?" Asked Alphios excitedly.
Wait... Me? A god? Work? She was puzzled. She felt like she should know, and she felt that she did. But she couldn't remember. Again.
Alphios said he couldn't remember his name either and he asked Aeya. If Gaia couldn't remember, Aeya probably knows, right?
"I'm a god?" Gaia muttered to herself, looking at the flowers in her hands, then looking at the older girl as if the question was directed to her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alphios Character Portrait: Gaia Character Portrait: Aeya
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Aeya nodded, and pushed her hair back and out of the way. "You're the Goddess of Earth, yeah. Alphi is the Water God, and I'm a minor wind goddess. Right now, you guys are still young, so I'm gonna help raise you so you grow up strong and aware of your powers."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alphios Character Portrait: Gaia Character Portrait: Aeya
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Gaia nodded.
Being eight, Gaia felt absolutely no need to question the girl, nor ask for more information. She was an earth god? Cool. Gaia directed her gaze at her flowers. So that's why the room she woke up in was like a garden, then? Things were really starting to make sense to her now.
She sat down. She was bored. Wait, Aeya said she had powers, right? Earth stuff? Gaia looked at the floor. There were some pebbles, and they were starting to tremble and shake, a couple wobbling towards the goddess. She wasn't exactly sure what she was doing, it seemed to come to her naturally.
"Fly." She subconsciously whispered to the little stones as they all floated up and circled her. Gaia blinked, how did she do that? She blinked at the sight and giggled. But soon they started to fall back down, making Gaia whine. Her powers were pretty weak. She didn't know what she was comparing to, but she felt like her powers should have been much stronger...