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The "Love" Of Three...

The "Love" Of Three...


A private roleplay between CharlotteV, Gentlemiss, and I.

3,177 readers have visited The "Love" Of Three... since BraceBlaze created it.




It all started with a simple crush.

Two ordinary teens just happened to like the same guy. As fate may have it, the guy liked the two back.

He couldn't choose though.

The small feelings of butterflies and teenage hormones soon transformed into a fire blazing polygamous relationship. One that is bound to leave the three males involved scarred and burned.

With two of them barely able to stand each other, and one willing to make it work with both of the guys. It can only lead to disaster.

Or maybe, just maybe Love...

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver James Character Portrait: Sorath Anael Character Portrait: Jasper Finch
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If there's one thing you have to know about Sora, it's that he's a virgo, and as a virgo, he should not be trusted to make decisions.

Which was ultimately how he ended up where he was now. He'd met Jasper first, a passing acquaintance, pleasant enough to be around but not someone he likely would have remembered if it weren't for how he looked. Sora had a type, oh that could not be denied, and Jasper fit perfectly into it. Tall, long hair, gorgeous eyes, a god in his own respect. And totally, completely not into him, or guys at all, probably. They'd done an assignment together and didn't talk much after that, and he thinks he maybe didn't like him because every now and then he'd catch Jassy giving him an odd look, and he'd glance away quickly when he noticed him looking back.

Then there was Oliver, who'd stolen the first kiss. He had met him by accident after one of his classes, walked out of the room and straight into the blonde, though it was him that ended up on his ass. The first thing that had come out of his mouth ("falling for me already?") was flirty, and everything that followed it only got worse. A sort of war had been struck between the two of them, constantly at battle to find the most inappropriate thing to say to each other. They'd get coffee, make out on a side street between classes, generally be horny college students-- minus the keeping your roommate up with raucous sex part. Sora hadn't quite gotten there yet.

And before he could, a train came out of nowhere and blew him to smithereens. Or well, Jasper asked him out, on a proper date. After a few more of those he knew he was quite properly fucked, and even with two prospects he still hadn't gotten laid. Hard to believe that was even all before he found out they used to be friends, and he had been the thing that drove the two of them apart. It hadn't taken Sora a long time to figure out what he had to do, and he'd called them both up and asked them to meet him here, at the park in the middle of campus. It was a Saturday afternoon and most kids were still sleeping, so other than the few random overachievers scattered here and there, they were mostly alone. He needed to do this in public, the odds on him not crying were tilted in his favor.

A moment of silence, and then a few more, as Sora paces back and forth in front of the two men he'd forced onto the bench together. Finally he comes to a stop and turns to them, leaning almost fully on one leg and bouncing the other nervously. "Bet you guys wanna know why I asked you both to meet me here... haha." Cough, awkward. He rubs the back of his neck and looks down at his shoes. "I think we should break up. Not that we're dating, but I think we should break up as friends as well. I like you so much. I like you more than anyone else I’ve ever met in my entire life. Both of you. You’re so amazing; I don’t know why you waste your time with me." Now he was on a roll and rambling, and as he realises it he starts to blush. It wasn't like he had known either man for a long time, but they were both kind of perfect, in their own respective ways. "I can't choose between you guys but I can't be friends with you either, so you two should just go back to being friends cos hating each other makes me hate myself." There, done, horribly embarrassing but over with. Now he just had to wait for their reactions before he could scurry away to lick his wounds and try to recover.


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3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver James Character Portrait: Sorath Anael Character Portrait: Jasper Finch
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An hour. That's how long it had taken him to get ready. All of the hair brushing, and clothes rummaging just so he could walk out of his dorm and head to the small park. Something usually pointless in his opinion, but today it had been different because he was going to see Sora.

Jasper watched the reason why he had burned his hand with a blow dryer this morning pace in front of him. A nervous expression etched into the crooks of the light headed handsome brunette's model quality features. Jasper bit his lip involuntarily as the weird behavior began to set him on edge. It made him want to get up and comfort the boy.

Everything Sora did made him want to do something or feel some sort of way. It was the very reason why he liked him. The guy brought out things in him. Good things, awkward things, and bad things. Things he didn't know he had. He was boring Jasper Finch after all. Not Jasper with an opinion anyone really cared to hear, or Jasper who could make someone laugh, or even Jasper who had someone interested in him. Then again this was Sora, he had the ability to make people feel important even when they weren't

Jasper shifted on the bench, resting his arm on the back of it as he continued to ignore Ollie. Despite the fact that he could basically feel his breath on his neck and hear his childishly witty remarks itching his ear.

The movement stops and Sora is turning to them with a bouncing leg full of anxiety that had Jasper furrowing his eyebrows. Whatever was coming couldn't be good.

"Bet you guys wanna know why I asked you both to meet me here... haha." Sora ended his sentence with an awkward cough, looking down at his shoes in a shy cute gesture that has a small smile pulling at Jasper's blank face.

The scent of vanilla distracts him as it enters his nose, brought to him by the wind as it gently pushes his long oak brown into his face. He quickly brushes it behind his ear, the strands tickling his face and annoying him. He hated when his hair got into his face, hence the reason why he usually had it up, but Sora seemed to like his hair...and playing in it. So he left it down to please him. Even running to the store at 1am to but vanilla scented shampoo to make it smell better.

He brought his attention back to the speaking boy, just into time to hear it. The words he didn't want to hear. The ones that had loomed in the back of his mind since the first butterfly had landed in his stomach. Sora was done with him. Of course he knew it would happen eventually, but not so soon and he thought it would be over his less than desirable personality. Not over the lost friendship between Ollie and him.

For the first time since he had sat down, Jasper allowed his dark brown eyes to turn to the blonde next to him. His stare traced the length of the British boy's face. He took in his light eyes and even though he hated to admit it good looking features. Sora was going to dump both of them to salvage their friendship.

Wow. That was Sora though.

A silence hangs in the park air as he thought about how exactly Ollie had become his ex-best friend. He had tried to take Sora. Okay, maybe he was being a little dramatic. Techincally Sora could date whoever he wanted they weren't actually a thing, but it still hurt. Especially with knowing how Ollie spent his time with Sora. Jasper's eyes flicker away from the blonde, going up to the slightly cloudy blue sky.

"I don't want to be your friend anymore. I want Sora." His words are quick and straight to the point. They are as blunt as his personality and maybe a bit too harsh. He doesn't apologize though. He knew Ollie was used to his cold blunt statements by now. They had been friends since they both had moved into their dorm and Ollie was just as bad as he was with speaking his mind. They were both a little too honest.

A sigh escapes his lips. Damn. That was it then. Sora had made up his mind. There was nothing he could do. There was no way he would try and compete with Ollie. He was 100% sure he would loose. Jasper was just there after all, while Ollie wasn't. Ollie was there. And now he was here. As flirty as they came and able to put a smile on Sora's face.

Jasper rakes a hand through his hair before dropping his eyes back down to the anxiously standing boy in front of him. The faint smell of vanilla enters his nose as he sweeps his hair off his neck in a single motion. Tying the long strands into a loose bun.

The setting changes from The park to New York


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver James Character Portrait: Sorath Anael Character Portrait: Jasper Finch
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ImageOllie liked college. College had been good for him. Highschool hadn't been bad, by any means. He'd been the youngest one in his 'senior' year, but it'd worked for the most part. No one had made fun of him, at least. Mostly because of the accent, and the fact that his struggles with gripping American ways had apparently been adorable, but whatever. It'd worked in his favor.

His first year of college had made him the new kid again, but Ollie hadn't cared. He liked being new, he liked getting to meet people and getting to start over. It was kind of refreshing, in a way. Moving away from his father had been kind of weird after everything they'd been through in the last year, but also good for them, and honestly...Ollie had been looking forward to living with someone completely new.

That someone had ended up being Jasper Finch. A+ roommate and fantastic best friend. Ollie had latched onto him like a fucking leach. The looser was almost annoyingly laid back, but just as blunt and sarcastic as Ollie himself was, which had proved to be a really nice relief as the year drew to a close. Of course he'd wound up pouncing on his friend the second roommate assignments when up for the next year, demanding they be together again.

Thing was...Ollie actually wasn't good at keeping friends. He hadn't meant to make a move on Jasper's crush. Absolutely not. Even he had his boundaries - for example, despite how fan-fucking-tastic Jasper was in the looks department, Ollie had never, ever, made a move; because they'd lived together and then...because they'd been friends. And it wasn't exactly like Ollie could have sexual relations with a person long term and not screw it up. He was a Grade A slut. He liked sex, he wanted to have a lot of it, in a lot of different positions, with a lot of different people. Jasper didn't seem to be...that kind of laid back, so he figured it'd end up in disaster.

Plus, unless you were marrying someone, you couldn't exactly see a person naked - and do things to them - and then live with them in a completely platonic matter. It just didn't work that way. Most of the time. But that wasn't the point - the point was rules. 1) don't hit on people you plan to stay friends with and, 2) don't hit on your potential friend's crushes. Dick move.

But Jasper...hadn't ever said his name. At that time, Sora had just been "the cute boy" in his class. "So that cute boy said..." "so that cute boy did" "so guess which cute boy I got paired with in a project today." Ollie had listened, offered encouragement, the usual. Even gave up a few of his best pick-up lines!

And then he'd actually met Sora. Completely by accident - they didn't share any lessons, hell Ollie didn't even have any with Jasper, he'd into him. Literally. And Sora had been exactly his type. Attractive, tall, cool hair. Unlike most of his relationships it wasn't a "Wham, Bam, Thanks Man." kind of thing. They'd flirted, gone out a few times, had some seriously awesome make-out sessions, and Ollie...actually liked the man. Like...liked him, liked him. Maybe wanted to date him, liked him. Which, he kind of had been, just not...seriously.

And then Jasper had said his name. "I'm going out. Gotta date with Sora." And just like that...his entire world had come crumbling down. He wasn't ready to let Sora go, Jasper technically had liked him first, and then...they didn't really fight, because Jasper wasn't one for that kind of conflict, but they just...stopped talking to each other. They avoided, glared sometimes, went to their beds without a word. It'd been kind of slow at first and then suddenly they were just...strangers.

Ollie felt awful, honestly. It was just a guy. He wasn't even getting laid yet. Any other time he'd be bouncing off to the next edible thing that walked through the door but...not this time. Not this one. He just...couldn't. Even though he knew he should've. Jasper 'technically' got there first and...Ollie would probably get bored, eventually.

That train of thought, however, proved to be complete and utter bullshit, because by the time Saturday rolled around and he was sitting on a bench with his ex-best-friend watching his maybe-could-be-a-boyfriend pace...he realized he was going to lose him, and he hated that.

Ollie had never actually been broken up least, not with those words. His partners knew he wasn't in it long term and...friends he lost usually just yelled and walked of. But this...this was different, and he was not a fan.

"I don't want to be your friend anymore. I want Sora." Ollie sneered, because of course that would be the first thing Jasper even said in his general direction in...months. "Sharing is caring, Jas," he shot back, which, really. was not one of his better comebacks. It'd work if they actually were still friends, but they weren't, so technically Jasper didn't care. Not about him, at least. Not anymore.

He snorted a little, thinking about it, repeating the phrase under his breath. "Sharing is caring." It was kind of hysterical. "Oh my god Jas. What if we'd just done that from the beginning. Agreed to share? We wouldn't even be here right now. Sora probably would've even been game." It was hysterical, for some reason. Which was probably because Ollie was aggressively shutting down the fact that he actually kind of wanted to cry. It was like when something bad happened and you just...laughed instead of letting any actual feelings in. He'd done the same thing when his mother left. "Sharing is caring," he muttered again, like a bad joke he couldn't get out of his mouth.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver James Character Portrait: Sorath Anael Character Portrait: Jasper Finch
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Sora isn't really any kind of dater. Probably because he had extremely minimal experience with it. It was always more important to him to make friends than boyfriends and girlfriends, though he had gone on a few terrible dates in high school, and he wasn't really the one for one-night stands either, even if he'd had a few of those his first very drunken year of college. Overall he had pretty much no experience in being a boyfriend, which was probably how he'd fucked everything up so badly in the first place. Not that he had any way of knowing they were roommates, or best friends, but he supposes he shouldn't have been leading either of them on in the first place, knowing that eventually he would have had to pick between them and that would have been absolutely impossible, even if they weren't friends.

He just wanted to merge the two of them into one person.

Jasper was, he was perfect in his own aspect. Looks aside, he had an amazing personality. He made Sora laugh, and not the polite chuckle that you forced to be kind, the type that made tears come to his eyes and put his stomach in stitches. Made him feel important, which at first was extremely uncomfortable for him, because his entire world was focused on making other people feel that way. He was romantic, not exactly in the way that made him expect flowers or chocolates, but he felt like.. like he was the only thing that mattered. Jasper made him feel grounded.

And Oliver, well he was beautiful in the same way the eye of a hurricane could be. Being with him felt like being drunk, a pleasant fire burning beneath his skin, his mind spinning and his thoughts swimming as he let go of logic and reasoning and just focused on the physical. He felt alive in a different way, not necessarily better or worse than when he was with Jasper, just... different. He wouldn't feel right choosing between the two of them, because there were aspects about both that he would dearly miss. They didn't deserve to date someone who still had a tiny piece of their heart stuck on someone else.

After beating himself up for an entire week, he'd decided the only option was breaking up with them and letting them get back to being friends. Maybe their mutual hatred of him for wasting their time would make them bond, he thought, but he doesn't expect it to be easy. He badly stifles a whimper when Jasper speaks, and his glare at the ground gets a little blurry. He's an emotional guy, okay? Conflict made his skin crawl, and being the cause of it make him feel sick.

But then Oliver says something, and he might have whiplash from how fast he turned to look at him. For a moment he looks innocently hopeful, then horribly guilty when he realises what his own thoughts are thinking, and finally settles on wide eyes and tries to start in an easy tone, "I'd be okay with that..." He looks anxiously between Jasper and Oliver, and once again guilt starts to seep in. "But I'd still rather you guys be friends. No." It was a ridiculous thought, something Sora would have never even considered on his own. How could he ask two guys to share him? It seemed like a shamefully selfish thing, and he felt bad for realising that was exactly what he wanted. If he couldn't pick just one, what would be the downside to being able to have both?


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver James Character Portrait: Sorath Anael Character Portrait: Jasper Finch
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Jasper's words don't seem to help the situation in the slightest. Earning himself a sneer from Ollie and seeming to cause Sora's mood to worsen even further. "Sharing is caring." The words leave Ollie's mouth in a strangled tone that has Jasper snapping his eyes to the blonde in surprise. The man's voice sounded like he was on the edge of hysteria and as he continued speaking it only seemed to get worst.

Jasper raises an eyebrow, eyeing Ollie wearily. He didn't seem to be taking the news that well, and Jasper was unsure if this information made him feel concerned towards his ex-best friend or worry that he would make Sora feel even worse. Either way he found Ollie's reaction odd.

Ollie was the ultimate player. He broke hearts on a daily bases and was hardly the hand-holding promise ring type. Well, as far as he could tell from the past two years he had known him.

Jasper hadn't asked too much about the man's love life during their friendship, nor he did care or mind who Ollie shared his bed with. The only ground rule was that there was no sex going on in their dorm while he was there and if they did choose to use their place, whoever the guy was wasn't allowed to touch his stuff.

Yet, he knew enough.

He knew enough to be angry with Ollie when he went after Sora. Jasper had thought it was going to be another hit it and quit it situation. That Ollie would just spend one night with the guy he had liked since forever and leave. It pissed him off and hurt him knowing that his best friend would not only go after the guy he liked, but also potentially break his heart. But, he never did. Making Jasper almost wish he had. Because the idea that Oliver James was actually serious about Sora made him even more scared and angry than before. It made him act like a dick towards Ollie when technically the guy didn't deserve it.

Their now non-existent friendship had been his fault. He had allowed his stupid jealousy and insecurities to eat away at their friendship. He had gone on maybe one date with Sora if that when Ollie had met him. Jasper had no claim to him. No, the only reason he had stopped speaking to Ollie was because he was upset that he was going to loose the amazing brunette before he even got him. He had been acting like a child and acting as if Sora was some toy he could claim or prize to be won. At the very least he could have talked to Ollie about it, but no he began ignoring him. Passive aggressively butchering their friendship by buying toilet paper and paper towels, but only taking it out when he was going to use it. Something so petty, childish and unlike him that he wanted to forget about it.

"I'd be okay with that..." Sora said easily. Jasper studied him already knowing his decision. He hadn't missed the adorably cute hope filled expression that had flashed across the brunette's face.

He was pretty sure Ollie hadn't really meant his suggestion of all of them being together. If he did, he was would surely be surprised. Jasper had assumed early on that he wasn't Ollie's type or that the blonde really had any sort of desires for him. If that was the case his suggestion had been entirely thoughtful. He was willingly to share Sora with him, despite the fact that he could have probably taken him if he wanted. It didn't matter if he had been joking or not, because Sora seemed to like the idea so he did.

Honestly, it wouldn't be that bad. He would still get to have Sora and maybe he could fix things with Ollie. He would be lying if he said he didn't miss the man's friendship. The guy had enough personality for both of them and enough energy and witty comebacks to make anyone crack a smile. Even if they couldn't reach their level of friendship from before maybe they could at least be in the same room without glaring at each other.

Not being able to stand Sora's unhappy disposition any longer, Jasper leaned forward grabbing him by the wrist before pulling him down on the bench between them. It was a natural reaction, and he supposed this was how things were going to be from now on. Sora would always be in the middle because that's who he and Ollie were both there for.

Jasper raised Sora's arm, planting a kiss to the soft under side of his wrist. He knew Sora liked the touchy aspect of their relationship and he hoped the distraction of his lips might cheer him up a bit. He knew how hard all of this must have been for him. Those words he said to them that could be potentially made them hate him probably tore poor Sora up.

"I'll do it." Jasper mutters, a soft reassuring smile pulling at his lips. His fingers began to work a small pattern into Sora's wrist as he stared into his hazel eyes. "I will take part in a polygamous relationship...and I'll work on my frienship with Ollie." The sentence had come out slightly awkward and he had added the last part about Ollie as an afterthought for Sora's sake, but he had said it nothing the less. His eyes jump to the blonde, he gives him a shrug. As close to a truce as he could manage. They were both here for Sora now, they would give him a heart attack if they continued on with their relationship the way they had been.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver James Character Portrait: Sorath Anael Character Portrait: Jasper Finch
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ImageThe giggle fit had been subsiding when Sora's head snapped around, puppy dog eyes big and round and...hopeful. Ollie knew that look. He'd seen it one too many times before, after he'd whispered promises in Sora's ear, caught his gaze from across the room, flirted or teased or...anything that Sora wanted and wasn't quite sure he would get.

Ollie had been kidding though. Relationships didn' couldn't share people. If it worked that way, he would have had a boyfriend a long ass time ago., Sora was agreeing with his train of thought. And it's not a tease, the anxiety is clear in his body language, in the way his eyes dance between the two of them on the bench. He looks guilty and a little bit shameful but...there's still that shine in his eyes. That...maybe.

Ollie wasn't honestly surprised by much. He had a really good glow-with-the-flow personality, so he often went with things. But this...this shocked him. Sora's hope was slowly turning glum and it made Ollie's stomach twist a bit, but before he could think to actually do anything, Jasper was pulling the other male down on the bench between them. It was fairly easy, given that they had a considerable gap there.

And then Ollie ended up so fucking surprised his mouth fell open. Jasper agreed. Jasper agreed. He didn't have a witty reply for that, he didn't have a joke, he didn't have anything. He was done. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go straight to jail. Jasper looked at for the first time in a long time, gave him a shrug, and Ollie eventually closed his mouth and shrugged a little in return. So. He'd accidentally asked his ex-best-friend out, started a polygamous relationship, and overruled a break up with one joke...really, he had too much power.

"Okay," he finally said, nodded, and then leaned over to nip at Sora's ear, trace his lips over the shell. "If we're all in then...yeah. Yeah we can do this."


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Character Portrait: Oliver James Character Portrait: Sorath Anael Character Portrait: Jasper Finch
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Sora is processing. Which isn't a totally bad thing, or necessarily good. He was the type that, if left alone long enough to think, he'd probably start to regret his decisions, while at the same time if he wasn't given a moment to contemplate and just dove headfirst into things, it was likely to crash and burn. He's not really sure how he'd gotten them to where they were now, especially since he thinks he had met them here to break up, and somehow he had ended up with two boyfriends instead of none. Two boyfriends. Two absolutely amazing, perfect guys that were his... boyfriends. He would have to take a seat to process that one.

Jasper has already done it for him though, and somehow he finds himself sitting between them with one man touching his wrist and the other speaking his affirmation on their new... relationship. Instinctively he goes to lean into Jasper, a familiar and comforting presence, but then he sways back upright when he thinks of Oliver, and he realises this was going to take more than a day or two to get used to. They were agreeing to share him, which meant they were agreeing to be okay with him kissing both of them, and doing other things, and that was a bit terrifying for him. He's not sure if he's dreaming because he's certainly not done anything that would make him worth all this.

And then Oliver is touching him and he's fairly positive his mind was going to explode. He does good remembering to breathe, surprisingly, and he takes a shaky deep breath before nodding firmly. "Okay, yeah, we can do this." Sora repeats Oliver's words like a small prayer, and he's asking the gods to help them navigate the rough waters bound to be ahead. "And if anyone feels uncomfortable or wants to back out, that's okay too. Communication is gonna be really important guys." And with that they had all the odds stacked against them.

He decides to take the plunge and just go for it. His free hand comes around to touch Jasper's cheek while he turns towards the man, and he leans up to plant a kiss on lips he'd been spoiled with the past few weeks. It'd been incredibly difficult for him to try and figure out who to react to first, not wanting to pick one over the other, but Jasper had reached for him first and Oliver had enough of an ego to hopefully not be offended. Thinking of the blonde, he starts to pull away from Jas and he finds Oliver's hand, squeezing it to gain his attention in time for him to kiss the other man. He slides his wrist away from Jasper so he can twine their fingers together as well, and then with a blush he looks down at his lap, the corners of his mouth turning up in a smile as he holds his boyfriends hands. "So uh, who's paying for lunch, cos I'm starving."


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Character Portrait: Oliver James Character Portrait: Sorath Anael Character Portrait: Jasper Finch
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Now it was for real. They had all agreed to take part in a polygamous relationship. Something so complicated and complex and something they definitely should not have decided on a park bench over a joke and in less than five minutes.

Even each of their agreements had been less than that of a fantasy. They were comprised of random shrugs, yeah's and I guess's that somehow had given birth to their new three way relationship. Jasper's fingers pause mid-pattern at the thought. They were now all officially boyfriends. How weird. He was dating Ollie and Sora...or was he dating Sora with Ollie?

Shit, he had not thought this through. It has been purely instinct when he had agreed, one that was completely and utterly driven by Sora's emotions. He had said yes because it seemed like Sora wanted it. He hadn't even thought of himself or how this would really turn out in the long run. Whatever they had gotten them selves into was going to end up leaving someone hurt, if not all of them.

He wasn't trying to be a pessimist , but he doubted they had solved their problems with just one sentence. With just a couple of words that they had used to create the idea of all three of them kissing. Or two of them...? How was that going to go?

Kissing and other things were involved in a relationship, and they were kind of needed to keep it going. He couldn't even imagine making out or being all lovey dovey with Ollie. Would he and Ollie ever actually kiss or do anything more? He didn't have any feelings for the man so why would he? Would they just take turns kissing Sora? What if one person became a third wheel? Jasper sucked his bottom lip into his mouth gnawing at it as he thought of all the loose ends they hadn't even gave thought to.

Jasper's dark eyes watched as Ollie leaned into Sora creating an awkwardness in Jas's stomach as he watched the blonde lean in and nip at Sora's ear. He felt the need to avert his eyes to the tree a little ways away at their interaction. He felt uncomfortable watching the intimate exchange between the two despite the fact that they were all supposed to be together now.

His fingers twitched on Sora's wrist, maybe he should have thought this through before blindly agreeing to something so big. If he didn't start actually using his brain he was going to end up in trouble.

Sora's hand comes up and brushes his cheek, wiping all thoughts from his mind as their lips touch.

Before he can even get the chance to react to the feeling of his lips, Sora's pulling away and it's Ollie's turn.

Jas quickly averts his eyes again not sure how he felt at calling it Ollie's turn.

The pressure of anxiety melts away as his eyes trace the aide profile of Sora's face. He needed to stop stressing and complaining, technically he could be back in his dorm at this moment instead of kissing Sora. He had something to be happy about, he should be happy. The feeling of Sora's fingers sliding in his confirms the emotion even more drawing a bigger smile on Jasper's face.

"So uh, who's paying for lunch, cos I'm starving."

Jasper bites his lips watching as a blush colored Sora's cheeks and the almost hidden smile as he stares down at his lap. Geez, the guy was too cute for his own good. He quickly catches Sora's chin with his free hand and kisses him in a quick fleeting manner before standing up.

"I guess I will." Jasper shrugs tugging gently on Sora's hand to get him to stand. He can't help but notice how a simple tug from his side of Sora, made the man on the other side of his boyfriend stand also.

It was all a huge crazy metaphor that he was too lazy to think through, so instead he turned and began walking. He didn't know how long they were actually going to walk with all of their hands intertwined, but he wasn't going to let go first.

Taking the quickest route he could think of, Jasper lead them towards a small corner restaurant with a pizza buffet. Passing his car on the way and glancing at it briefly. It had been a "sorry-I-was-never-involved-in-your-life-that-much" present from his mom. It was an ordinary car not too expensive, but not cheap. He had lost the keys somewhere in his dorm leaving him to walk for the past month or so. He had misplaced them the week he began giving Ollie the cold shoulder. Horrible timing to start being a dick on his part because he would usually get the overly hyper blonde to help him due to his own inability to look for things past two minutes.

Now that they were "friends" again he supposed he could ask. He turned his head discretely glancing at the blonde. Assuming that he actually would agree to help him. He had never actually considered the thought of Ollie being angry at him or having any other feelings than that of a home wrecker. Something unfair, but just in Jasper's eyes. Could the male actually have a grudge?

It didn't really seem like an Ollie thing to have, but if he got on the man's bad side he was pretty sure he wouldn't becoming off it for a while.

The smell of fresh baked pizza immediately greets him as he opens the door for the two before following in behind. Entering the homey pizzaria he quickly finds them a small secluded booth. Grabbing a simple slice of cheese pizza Jasper returned to the booth before sitting down.

Glancing at Sora he gave the handsome male a smile before turning his attention to Ollie. Might as well squash any bad communication now. A shrug was nothing compared to the words he should actually say.

"Sorry for being an immature prick Ollie." Jasper sighed brushing a stray hair from his eyes and behind his ear. Picking gingerly at his pizza he began gnawing on his lip before his eyes darted to the ceiling above him. A small sigh escaped his lips before his eyes dropped back down to Ollie.

"I don't own Sora and I never did. I should not have gotten so angry. So....I'm sorry...okay? Are we cool?"


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ImageUnlike the other two boys, Ollie wasn't overthinking anything. He didn't see the point in it, really. They'd made their decision, no reason to go freaking out about it. He was happy. He got to keep Sora, and so did Jasper, and everyone was fine, and there was a smile on Sora's face, so why fuss? Everything was good.

He did wonder briefly if he could handle it. It wasn't exactly a monogamous relationship, but it was a committed one. A promise, to be faithful. That brought an odd stirring into his gut. Ollie didn't do boyfriends for a reason...but Sora's stupid, pretty puppy dog eyes had made him want to.

At the mention of food though, he brushed it all off again, let out a groan as his head lulled back on the bench. "I'm starving," he decided, watching the little kiss Jasper and Sora shared. It didn't make him jealous, didn't give him the need to look away. It was fine. It was what they'd agreed to, after all.

Jasper pulled Sora up, so Ollie went as well, smiling at the fact that all three of them were holding hands. Fuck, someone was going to say shit eventually, but Ollie didn't care. They were walking, the weather was nice, and he had two fucking boyfriends, life could definitely be worse.

He talked animatedly on the way to get food, free hand waving as he went on and on about something that had happened in class. It was undoubtedly a story Jasper would have heard three times already if they were on speaking terms, and didn't seem terribly important, but Ollie was happy to be talking about it.

The moment they were inside the pizzeria, he let go of Sora's hand to attack food instead, happily piling his plate up high. Even though he seemed relatively normal, there was a tenseness to his shoulders, one brought on by the fact that he knew he was about to sit across the table from his ex-best-friend for a whole meal and work on their 'friendship'.

Ollie didn't 'amends' well. He was used to letting people walk out of his life, if that's what they wanted. But they'd both made a promise to Sora so...he knew they were going to have to deliver. Especially after everything they'd agreed on. They very well couldn't be in a relationship if two of them weren't speaking. At least...not a healthy one. Whatever the fuck 'healthy' constituted in this situation.

He made it back to the table in time to roll his eyes at Jasper's one slice of pizza, grab a pepperoni piece himself, and shove half of it in his mouth before the man was speaking. Ah, apologies.

It was a good one, actually, and Ollie nodded a little bit before he wiped his mouth and made sure he didn't look like a complete full before answering. "Yeah...uh, I'm sorry for making a move on the guy you liked. I mean, regardless of 'not owning a person' that was seriously uncool and if I'd known I never would have...but, ya know, I've been kind of a prick too so...not all on you. I'm good if you're good?"


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Character Portrait: Oliver James Character Portrait: Sorath Anael Character Portrait: Jasper Finch
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Sora's heart melts at the words exchanged between Jasper and Oliver in the pizzeria, but that's getting a bit ahead of ourselves.

Jasper's fingers on his chin burn into his skin, lingering there well after he had pulled his lips away. He was the person that Sora relied on for touch, for lazy nights curled up watching a movie, for cute forehead kisses and warm embraces, but that wasn't to say he was incapable of making his stomach flip. Quite the contrary, for such a... laid-back, plain sort of guy, he did things to Sora. With strong and steady hands, a gaze that made him either feel like the most important thing in the world or like he was having the deepest, most secret recesses of his self probed and judged. He felt horribly vulnerable around him, in a way that should have made him incredibly uncomfortable, but instead he found some semblance of safe with Jasper.

It wasn't terribly different with Oliver. The safety wasn't there, not surprising, not even a bad thing, but he made him feel stable in a way that also made him feel like he was falling through thin air. A constant high that had him spinning. He didn't feel jealousy with Oliver, because he didn't have a claim over him. They could flirt and tease each other and everyone else until they were all blue in the face and it was fun. A relationship without all the messy stuff. He got to do whatever he wanted without having to feel nervous or be afraid of messing up, because it was easy to laugh about it and move on. Easy. That's what it was. There was no depth. It was a shallow affair, and he had feelings but he didn't let himself focus on them, not until things had started to get... not easy.

But sitting together at their little table in the pizzeria, he starts to feel like maybe, just maybe, easy isn't that far away anymore. It's an impossible decision for him to pick where he sits, when he gets to the table, and he's half tempted to pull a chair out from one nearby and plop down on the end rather than choosing to either sit beside Oliver or Jasper. But in the end he decides that would be dramatic and ends up squeezing in next to Jasper, if only because Oliver had so much food on his plate he's pretty sure he was going to need the extra room. He's finds himself falling in between the two men once again, like in so many other things, as he looks down at the few pieces of cheese pizza on his plate. Not nearly as much as Oliver, but more than Jas. He has to smile a little bit at that, to himself, because of course.

He tries to look busy eating as the two friends exchange words, but he's pretty sure it's a failed effort and that the pair wouldn't really care anyways if he was listening. Still, some semblance of privacy might have been nice, but he doesn't complain because he got to witness the most adorable thing ever. He also feels a little shitty, because he's reminded of the fact that he was the one they were fighting over, but things seem to be starting to work out and get a little smoother so.. maybe this would be good for them, all of them. "I really really appreciate you guys trying to patch things up for me. For this." He says quietly, sneaking a glance at both of them. He gently nudges Oliver's leg with the side of his shoe, and bumps Jasper's shoulder with his own. "And you guys own me now so you're welcome to be as protective and possessive as you'd like." Sora points out, with a cheeky little grin.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver James Character Portrait: Sorath Anael Character Portrait: Jasper Finch
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A wave of unexpected relief floods through Jasper's veins as Ollie accepts his stutter of an apology and he finds himself taken back by the comforting feeling of them being on good terms. It was a surprise really, he hadn't even realized he had missed the cheeky blonde. His anger and jealousy had kept him from even thinking of his best friend. Much. He hadn't thought of him much.

Okay, maybe he had a few stray thoughts of him here and there. It was hard not to. All of the male's optimism and happiness had suddenly vanished as soon as Jasper began giving him the silent treatment. It was a big shift from Ollie's spunky energetic smiles and jokes to doing productive things like studying or hanging out with "friends" that could have cared less if he lived or died tomorrow. Plus, it was hard to forget about him when every time he returned to his dorm to sleep, Ollie would most likely be there.

Fine, he had acually missed him terribly. As sad as it sounded, Ollie was one of the only true friends he had. He was able to tolerate him and his lack of well...everything. That's what made Ollie one of his closests friend, his ability to hang out with him despite the rough bland stench of his personality. He had missed just sitting around in their dorm talking about nothing, it was no fun with anyone else. They didn't have the same pajazz as Ollie. He just had a knack for making anything fun and any situation better. Even a situation as odd as turning a man breaking up with two dudes that he wasn't technically dating into a relationship between all three.

"I'm good if you're good?"

Jasper took his time answering, a habit he had that both annoyed him and the people he conversated with. Picking up his single slice of pizza, he took a small nibble from it. He gave a shrug, A small smile pulling at his lips. "I still can't find my car keys." He responds answering the question with a reply that he thought was better than 'I'm good'. It was a request he often found himself asking the blonde something that gave them time to bond as they sifted through his harzadrous messy side of his side of the room. Taking another bite he listened to Sora before he set his piece down and picked up a napkin to wipe his hands.

" that so." Jasper hummed slipping an arm around the brunette and pulling him into his side. "Be careful what you say." Jasper said as he poked Sora's grinning cheek. "I might take the word "own" differently than what you mean."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver James Character Portrait: Sorath Anael Character Portrait: Jasper Finch
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ImageOllie feels...a little weird, but mostly because the concept of apologizing and fixing a friendship are pretty new to him. He...likes it, though. He likes knowing that he doesn't have to walk out of Jasper's life. The loss of their friendship had effected him. Their dorm hadn't been comfortable to be in, he hadn't had anyway to tell his stories too, and...Jasper was his best friend. There was no replacing that.

Comparable to that feeling, was Sora saying they actually owned him now. The effect that had on Ollie was interesting...he'd never really considered himself possessive, but the word made something in his stomach flip, made him move his foot and loop it around one of Sora's because it was the best he could do while he was stuffing his face. This was it. They were together.

All three of them.

A silence fell for a moment, like someone needed to say one more seal this all in place. It felt heavy and yet too light all at the same time, and Ollie wondered if that was how their entire relationship was going to be...real, but never quite making sense. It sounded about right, honestly.

Then Jasper speaks and it' fucking normal, that Ollie chokes on his pizza. He recovers quickly, shakes his head a little, and watches Jasper draw Sora towards him, poking at his cheek. And it's...good, it's cute, and he doesn't feel left out, even across the table. He feels like he get's to be apart of this.

"I'm pretty sure your car keys are on the floor in the bathroom," Ollie mutters after awhile. "I think I saw them the other day, looked like they fell. Probably when you tried to run out of the place without remembering to brush your teeth first. I'll help you look when we get home."

That part was a little weird...he got to live with one of his boyfriends. But...where exactly were the lines of his and Jasper's relationship anyway? Ollie's gaze lifted for a moment, going over his friend slowly. Yeah...he'd be into that. Jasper was nice to look at. He had fantastic hair, and those fucking little smiles made his heart skip a beat. He would've gone there a long time ago.

But...would Jasper ever feel the same? Or were they going to constantly put Sora in the middle? "This is...actually going to be a little complicated, isn't it?" he asks finally, pointing vaguely between the three of them.

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Ollie and Jasper's dorm.

Ollie and Jasper's dorm. by BraceBlaze

The dorm Ollie and Jasper share.

Sorath's dorm

Sorath's dorm by BraceBlaze

Sora's dorm

The park

The park by BraceBlaze

A park in New York.

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Character Portrait: Sorath Anael
Character Portrait: Jasper Finch


Character Portrait: Jasper Finch
Jasper Finch

"I couldn't even beat the average Joe in a competition."

Character Portrait: Sorath Anael
Sorath Anael

"I'm a virgo, we shouldn't be trusted to make decisions!"


Character Portrait: Jasper Finch
Jasper Finch

"I couldn't even beat the average Joe in a competition."

Character Portrait: Sorath Anael
Sorath Anael

"I'm a virgo, we shouldn't be trusted to make decisions!"

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Character Portrait: Sorath Anael
Sorath Anael

"I'm a virgo, we shouldn't be trusted to make decisions!"

Character Portrait: Jasper Finch
Jasper Finch

"I couldn't even beat the average Joe in a competition."

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