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Everette Thorne

"You only send the hounds to bring back dead birds.

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a character in “The Variant Code”, originally authored by Words of Oz, as played by RolePlayGateway


Everette Emerson Throne
Everette essentially has the powers of a wolf. He has a acute sense of smell and sight and an abnormal amount of strength, however all of these are tripled when he goes into a beast mode. He also has the power of pressure displacement, meaning he could take a bullet or fall off a building, but a stab would kill him.
A crippling phobia of fire.
(Beast Form)

Personality and Alignment:
Everette is your typical smart-ass. He traditionally wants nothing more than to recline on his couch and drink scotch, but his job never lets him. He is not easily anger per say, however he can be triggered. He tends to be blunt and bruttaly honest with tendency to be extremely harsh, yet at times he is rather sweet, although most could not tell he was being sweet.

The government.
Basically a hunter for the government.
Background etc and how/when/where you discovered your powers
Working for the government is all Everette has ever known. Everette's mother, Sara Thorne, was born a variant with the power of pressure displacement, and she found this out when she jumped out of a building, attempting suicide, and she lived. Her power works exactly like kevlar, she does not have armor and can be stabbed, but her body has the ability to spread out and distribute force to where she could be thrown at a wall at over eighty miles per mile and get up fine, so she could survive a bullet unscathed, although still in pain like an extreme punch. Seeing this, the government took her in for an experiment where they wanted to genetically engineer the perfect weapon for tracking down other variants and dealing with them, so they enhanced her pressure displacement even further and spliced wolf dna into an egg, impregnating her. The product was Everette, with the augmented sight, smell, and strength of a wolf, but something was added that they did not plan for. When Everette is threatened more than usual, is extremely angry, or when he can sometimes trigger it on purpose, he can go completely animalistic, what he calls releasing the beast, and this increases all his traits by ten fold. This is caude by a releasing of a massive amount of adrenaline and testosterone and on top of all that his inhibitors are turned off. However, at the end of it he is in an extreme runner's high because a secondary release of a massive amount of endorphin,and because of his bestial extincts he has a mad fear of fire .

So begins...

Everette Thorne's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Guinevere O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Tanya White Character Portrait: William Cassidy Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia Character Portrait: Alexis Dawson
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The Beginning

Night had fallen on the city of Nessmond and the night life was buzzing. It wasn’t a large city like Boston or New York City, but it wasn’t small either. It had plenty of tall buildings in the center of the city and then regular houses and a warehouse district as you got further out all around the town. The very outskirts of town turned into farmland and then into woods. To get to the next town it would take you a good 45 minutes in a car with not much in between besides a few houses here and there. It always amazed people how populated the city was since it seemed to be so isolated. But there it was, the city of Nessmond.

At the moment it was nearing the end of summer and going into fall which many were glad of since the summer seemed to be so hot this year. Winters weren’t pleasant either, however, with lots of snow and cold temperatures. Many looked forward to when both spring and fall came around because that’s when the weather was just right.

So as mentioned before, night had fallen on the city and it was finally cool enough for the people living within the city to go out and have some fun. Many would go to nightclubs, others would just walk around the center of the city just for the fun of it. Others had jobs that they worked at night and some had just gotten off work and didn’t want to do anything except get home and crawl into bed.

This wasn’t the case for Gwenny, however, as she unlocked the doors to the art gallery and dragged her stuff inside. She didn’t own the art gallery, but she was close with the people who did and since she had a few pieces in there and also helped out when they needed it they had given her a key. It wasn’t often she came to the gallery at this time, but she was known to do it every now and then. The reason she was there tonight was because she had needed some inspiration for a new piece and she couldn’t get that at home. Well that and the owners had mentioned that there may be a guy coming that night to fix the computers and asked if she could be there to let him in. So there she was, making use of her time to paint as she waited.

As she set up her art supplies she could hear the loud music coming from the nightclub that was next door. She smiled softly to herself as she knew this would be the perfect inspiration for her. Not the music, but the emotion. The emotion of all the people inside that she could feel. Happiness. Confidence. Desire. These were all things she could feel and so she got to work as she dipped her brush into a color and drug it across the canvas.

As she painted she wondered if there was a night gaurd on duty tonight there at the gallery or not. Sometimes they hired one, but it wasn’t always consistent. She wondered if she would know the night guard and then thought about what she’d do if she didn’t. She knew it would look weird to have a woman sitting there painting. If he started to cause a problem she could always use her power to calm him down. No she’d only use that as a last resort she figured. Well she’d deal with it if the time came.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Guinevere O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Tanya White Character Portrait: William Cassidy Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia Character Portrait: Alexis Dawson
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Melodyn took a deep breath letting the music of the club pour over her readying for their show they booked for tonight. They normally didn't do clubs but tonight was different. Tonight was a special friends birthday and this is what she wanted for her present so she agreed. Being that this was a club she didn't know what kind of set to do as her songs were normally rock. She could always do covers but she wasn't all that sure what to do. Maybe Paramore or Flyleaf, maybe even Fit for Rivals. This set was three songs conferring with her bandmates she decided on "Misery Buisness" by Paramore, "Damage" by Fit for Rivals, and "Make a Move" by Icon for Hire. Soon the lights dimmed and they were called onto stage. "Here we go guys, show time." As they stepped out onto the stage they were greeted by cheers and signs suggesting that they were well known here.
Stepping up to the microphone she smiled and said, "Hey, so it looks like you guys know us, Wolves Bite Back," she paused as cheers erupted. "So as I was saying we are here to perform for you guys on a special request from my dear friend Jordan for her birthday. Jordan, where are ya raise your hand." she waited until she saw her friend raised her hand. "Come on up here girl, you get to sit with the band!" She said and the crowd parted to let her through. Pulling her up onto the stage she addressed the crowd again. "As we were unsure what music you would want we prepared covers. So hope you all like it." she grinned as the band began 'Misery Buisness' The crowd went wild and then it was time to sing. She felt energy flow through her. This is what she lived for, singing and playing her guitar. "I'm in the business of misery,
Let's take it from the top.
She's got a body like an hourglass, it's ticking like a clock.
It's a matter of time before we all run out,
When I thought he was mine she caught him by the mouth." she started singing letting the music flow through her a smile on her face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia
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There was a saying that surrounded Everette, "When all else fails, send in the hounds." This was an obvious jab at Everette for being either a dog to the agency or being literally dog like, but he did not care, ever.

He sat in an ally adjacent to a crowded bar as he solemnly and slowly smoked his cigar, watching the smoke clash against itself in a chaotic, swirling dance, and he was dreading starting up the hunt again, sighing at the thought with an exhale of more smoke. He had been hunting the same person across the state for over two months, but for him, that is a rather short hunt. Heaving another hefty and histrionic sigh and discarded his cigar to the earth, stumping it out with anger, yet as he sniffed the air there was nothing of the scent he had been tacking, it seemed to be masked by the smells of the club so he decided he would just go inside, hopefully get used to the strong myriad of perfume, axe, and puke so he could continue his hunt. Also, he wanted a drink.

As he walked inside, he heard a roar of talking with faint and distant music, and he made his way to the bar to get a scotch. It only took him a minute to scoff down his first, well third, glass, but this only frustrated him more seeing as it was near impossible for him to get even a bit tipsy. So, finally done with the scene he fought the crowd to see who was playing; although he was not much for music, it sounded decent enough and there was nothing to do in the mean time. Suddenly, however, someone did not find Everette that inviting when he shoved past, and decided to speak up.

"Watch where ya headin', bruh!" he screamed, trying to fight the noise and sound intimidating at the same time; an attempt that horribly failed.

In response, Everette simply stared back, his intense glare searing through the man, and the man took a step back in slight fear.

"Pfft, whateva'." He said as he retreated back into the crowd, so Everette walked as rancorously on as before.

Then, like running into a solid wall of aroma, the smell of his target flooded his keen and trained nose, and it was so strong he swore it was tangible. His gaze swiftly snapped upward at the stage, where he knew the smell was coming from, and a slight smirk ran across his face as he realized his target was playing. He would have to wait after the show, but his misssion was basically over, for he would dispose of the target quickly and mercilessly. How ironic it was that their name of the band was Wolves Bite Back; he chuckled at the irony.

For the other and his favorite saying that surrounded him chimed in his head.

You only send the hound to bring back dead birds.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia
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Melodyn smiled as she sang the last few lines of their last song "Somebody make a move Somebody make a move Please somebody make a move We all know We all know what's going on" she sang and bowed breathless as the crowd went wild. "Come on guys lets pack up and leave." she said and put her guitar in it's case letting the others pack up their things she headed outside by herself to open the trunk of the van so they could put their gear inside. Going back to the back door she smiled as their most recent guitarist stepped out. "Good playing with ya, since your heading your own way now." she said and bounded back to the van to help the others pack up. Pulling out a picture she looked at it fondly. "It was a good show momma." she said and kissed it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia
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Everette waited patiently for the selection to play through, watching attentively as his target played through the last of her songs, and when she finished he observed her walking to the back ally. Perfect!

He slowly shadowed the band through the hallways and out to the ally, staying close to the girl, and he stood by, hoping an opportune moment would present itself. Soon enough it did; he watched as his target and another girl had a short conversation until one finally made her way back to the van. He decided the time was right, and with blurring speed came dashing out of the corner. With almost all of his might, he struck the guitarist girl that had just had a conversation with who seemed to be the band's leader, sending the girl off her feet and sailing towards the wall, and when she met it, a loud thud sounded out as she heaped over in a dazed slump. She tossed her head around for a moment before spitting a few drops of blood, and Everette proudly strutted to where she laid.

"A slimy little Variant, now are we not?" and he gave out a slight chuckle.

She lifted her head and her pain ridden face looked back at Everette, and sounding almost triumphant, she weakly said, "There would be a reason they sent you, you little shit!"

Out of nowhere, a chunk of asphalt the size of a van seemingly floated and town free from the nearby road, and the girl laughed as Everette came to realize the girl's powers.

"I really need to start reading reports on who I am chasing," and with the sighing words the massive piece of rock flew towards Everette with incredible speed, and when it hit him, it carried him to a nearby wall, seemingly crushing him between the two with a copious amount of force. The girl, twinging as she rose herself up, let the slab fall, and Everette's body stuck to the wall for a few seconds before falling down with it.

"What a dog!" She said this as well as she could and between winces.

Hearing the word dog, which angered Everette like no other, his eyes shot open and he stood, raising with a menacing and venomous scowl, with various popping sounds as he readjusted himself. He closed the distance between the two of them inconceivably fast, and he tightly put his hands tightly on the girl Variants neck, lifting her high into the air and off her feet.

"Bad idea, I do not squish, and a really bad choice of words." Everette tightened his grip.

He kept tightening, and tightening his grip, hearing the small girl wheez as he steadily increased the pressure; soon she began to pointlessly and violently kick as she gave out muffled and strangled screams, Everette's face never moving. Finally, a crunching sound signaled that her wind pipe was crushed, and within a few more seconds, she stopped kicking and he could see her life force completely gone. As he threw the limp body down, however, he remembered that he was not alone in the ally, and he turned to face the van where the rest of the band watched.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia
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Melodyn watched the battle unfold her eyes widening and before she knew it as if on instinct she copied the wolfman's power using it to transform herself into the female version, the only way she knew how to defend herself against such a thing. She yelped as her ears became sensitive and her smell better. She smelled his anger at the word dog and the girl she hired she smelled her disgust. She heard the word Variant. It confused her she felt overwhelmed by the senses and and shuddered when she heard the snap of the girls neck. She was thankful for the fact that her band had went inside. She pressed up against the wall afraid but ready to fight if she needed. "P-please, d-don't hurt me." she pleaded. She had never seen a power like this one, nor been able to copy it so completely. She marveled at the world around her warily keeping him in her sight at all times. "Please?" she pleaded again tears in her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia
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Everetter counted his blessings that only one of the crew members were actually outside, it seemed he would only have to kill one of the mundane humans before moving on, but as he approached, he suddenly felt something odd. He caught her scent, confusing him and actually causing him to take a step back, for it was different than anything he had ever seen before because of how similar it was to him. He looked the girl up and down, he thought for sure it was impossible because he was not born but created, but he started getting a strong gut feeling that they were... the same! The dilemma grew in his mind, surely there being no possible way for her to be like him, and yet the indescribable intuition that was his wolfish instincts screamed Hey! This is one of you! Cool!

Not knowing how to react to the strange occurrence, Everette began to speak softly, nicer than he had ever spoken to anyone.

"How did... where... Who are you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Guinevere O'Callaghan Character Portrait: William Cassidy Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia Character Portrait: Samuel Peterson
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Guinevere glanced over at the man as he asked if she was okay. She sat silent for a minute, taking a deep breath and forcing herself to calm down. Before she spoke she noticed another man there now. She immediately assumed he was the IT guy, but decided to answer the night guard first. "Yeah sorry, I just got frustrated at something." She tried to offer a reassuring smile as she did so and then turned to the other man.

"You must be the IT guy. I'm totally okay that you let yourself in. Here let me show you where-" She was cut off as she heard a loud crash sound which made her jump. "What the hell was that?!" She asked alarmed as she turned to head for the door. Before she could start moving, however, she felt something she wished to never feel again. The panic and fear of some one dying. This freaked her out and she could actually feel what this person was feeling.

"No! Stop this! She's dying!" She screamed as she grabbed her head. The pain grew worse and worse until Gwenny let out a scream and dropped to her knees, gripping her head tightly. Tears began to stream down her face as she realized whoever had these feeling's had died. She knew too well how death felt, she felt it when her mother died and now she was feeling it again. It didn't stop after the feeling of death past. Now there was fear, tremendous fear. "God please make it stop!" She pleaded with no one in particular and continued to hold her head and let the tears flow as she felt a panic attack coming on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia
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"I-i'm Melodyn, Melodyn Fresia." she replied trembling. She was perplexed at the soft voice he was now using. She looked at him looking her up and down. "W-what is a Variant?" she asked her words more hushed than before. The more she watched him the more she became calm. Slowly she approached him and touched his face softly in wonder. She couldn't help it something was drawing her to him. She thought it might be the wolf instinct. She trembled being this close to him, after seeing what he just did. "W-who are you?" she asked softly her voice barely a whisper as the wind decided to blow around her towards him. Her hair swirled around her and the new fur rippled. She marvled at it, her eyes round and full of wonder, she looked back up at him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Guinevere O'Callaghan Character Portrait: William Cassidy Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia Character Portrait: Samuel Peterson
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#, as written by Ditta24
It had suddenly clicked in Williams mind. After seeing the girl freak out over seemingly nothing he knew... She was like him. That had to be why he felt so at ease with her... He thought. He noticed then the IT guy talking to him

"Should we go check it out?" he asked, visibly panicked at the situation. William only looked at him, then walked past him and towards the conflict, as he did he quickly grasped at the darkness, grabbing it and forming it into a dagger... he felt it then, that primal bloodlust he once felt as a child... He hated it but... At the same time, he loved it. The look of life draining from a persons eyes; it made him laugh almost.

"it's been awhile hasn't it." the thought ran through his head.
"Been quiet some time since i've been able too show myself in YOUR life William" the thought continued.
"Shut up... Your only here to get this done." William silenced the thoughts. Years of control wouldn't be thrown away because of this one stupid night...

as William turned the corner he immediately saw the body laying on the ground along with the people surrounding it and stopped. gripping the shadow dagger tighter he soullessly asked.

"What... The hell... Is going on."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Guinevere O'Callaghan Character Portrait: William Cassidy Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia Character Portrait: Samuel Peterson Character Portrait: Shiloh Lee
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Isaac, lost in thought, is startled after the waitress with the golden eyes had walked up to him and asked him to follow her to his seat. She looked over her shoulder and asked him "I'm assuming you need a table for one"?

"Yes" Isaac replies in an awkward manner, following her to a table.

As he takes his seat and looks up to the waitress, he started to notice something different about the girl, well of course she was already different because of her eye color. But it was more than that, he couldn't tell what it was about her that was different, he just had this feeling. The waitress looked down at him with a smile, and asked "Would you like anything to drink to start you off with?

"Yes I would like"
he is quickly cut off as he started to speak by a loud crash several blocks down the road.

With everyone in the restaurant startled, Isaac immediately gets out his seat and rushes out the door! Thinking someone might have been hurt and, with him being qualified to help, he just acted...

Normally he would never do this, Isaac was never quick to take action this fast, but something was pushing him. Perhaps maybe he was still in that mental state he gets from working in a hospital? Or was it something else? He couldn't really tell.

Sprinting, Isaac sees the club down the street where the crash sound came from. He notices a person standing in the alleyway and hears him say "What the hell is going on?"
Rounding the corner, Isaac sees a group of people surrounding something he couldn't make out. he is however quick to realize it's a person unconscious on the ground and he quickly shoves everyone aside yelling "move I'm a nurse!" And attempts to help.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia Character Portrait: Isaac Redfield
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Everette could not fight the feeling of connection of the stranger, but crowds were forming around the other girl. Looking at the one who was.. like him... he was deciding on what to do, and he pondered the idea of how to get her out of the situation. Take her with me? What am I thinking? I should kill her!, and yet every time he thought that his instincts would flood back in and conquer his reason, telling him that they, however impossible, were in this together. He cursed himself for even thinking that, however he decided it would be easier than killing her in front of a crowd to just bring her with him. A hostage? Yes, he would call it a hostage.

"None of that matters. I have a contact within the city, a fellow agent, even though me and the regular agents do not tend to get along, but I swear if you run I will... I'll-" He attempted to resume his traditional coldness, although it was a faulty mask, but he was cut off by the thought of hurting her, almost as if there was a mental block from even the thought of hurting her.

Trying to play off his inability to finish, he glanced over his shoulder shoulder at the growing crowd, [i]Was I that good? Heh.
, and he knew no one would assume he could possibly do that by hand, but something he saw, or rather who he saw, stopped his thought cold and he felt the anger growing back to the surface. Sitting carefully and concernedly over his target, was someone who was obviously a medic, and he had never failed a mission, not even remotely so he would be damned if someone was brought back after he was done working. He thought of what he might have to do if he needed to finish the job. Anything.

"Blend with the crowd and do not say anything to anyone or I WILL-" Although his words did sound legitimately hard and stiff this time, the threat was still caught in his throat, and rather frustrated he walked towards the crowd to blend and wait, expecting the girl to follow, Melodyn was it, although he did not know what he would do if she diverged, and he grumbled annoyed words under his breathe.

"I never get a fucking break."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia Character Portrait: Isaac Redfield
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Melodyn jerked back her hand trembling at his sudden coldness. She nodded to say she understood and pulled on a jacket and pulled up her hood hiding the power she had copied off of him. She followed closely behind keeping her gaze down and her face hidden in her hood, her heart was beating fast and she wondered if he could feel her growing fear. When she caught sight of the body a lump formed in her throat and she quickly Averted her eyes.

"Where are we going? W-who are you?" she whispered knowing he could hear her as she could hear every beating heart, hear every shallow breath. She heard sirens in the distance and could smell the aroma of a burger joint nearby as they got closer to the back of the crowd and her stomach growled signifying that the small bowl of cereal she had this morning was not enough for the whole day.

She grabbed onto the wall as hunger overpowered her like never before. Her vision started to dim and she knew it was from using her power without having eaten. Her legs almost gave out on her and she stopped. Tears filled her eyes and she tugged on his jacket. "I-i can't, I-i'm too weak." she said sobs starting to fill her. "Please don't hurt me. Please?" she pleaded her eyes wide and round shining with tears as she looked up at him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia Character Portrait: Shiloh Lee Character Portrait: Isaac Redfield
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Everette was annoyed by her repeated questions and he rolled his eyes, not even looking back, but then he heard mention her weakness. Suddenly, as if almost hit by a train, which he happened to know what that felt like, he got the unfathomable urge to help, and he frantically, instinctively, looked for something to eat. Strangely he found himself looking for a deer to kill, but he finally rested his eyes on a burger joint down the street and decided that would be easier, even though he spent his cash on scotch. Sweeping his arm under her carefully, he helped her stand tall as if not to raise suspicion, and guided her through the crowd that was growing bigger by the minute, some cars were even parked outside. Out of the corner of his vision, he noticed the medic again, however this time he seemed unaffected by his intrusion on his mission. Would he really jeopardize his assignment for some punk that he just met, but as his legs continued to carry him away from the scene, he answered his own question.

Even if he brought her back, she would have no way of breathing without a windpipe, and she had been dead for over a few minutes now. He was seemingly trying to convince himself that he was justified.

Sitting her gently at the nearest outside table, he turned to the nearest waitress and gave a blazing glare that would have intimidated a charging elephant to retreat, and he harshly said, "Food. Now." However he cursed himself for acting so brash when he had just walked out of a crowd where a murder happened, so he took a forced and obviously fake tone as he grumbled.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia Character Portrait: Shiloh Lee
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A quick bundle of knocking signaled at the bathroom Shiloh was occupying at the moment, sending her in a quick rage. Although she wasn’t exactly using it for its intended purpose, Shiloh believed she should get some form of peace while in the restroom. She let down her long hair, ignoring the first ring of knocks and began to brush it out to redo the bun she had it up in beforehand. It didn’t take long for another sound of knocks echoed in the bathroom.

“Occupied!” She said with a tight voice. Her hands wrapped around her hair and she twirled it into a bun, tying it up so it was close to perfect minus the few monkey hairs she had at the base of her neck. Another couple of knocks sounded once more, causing Shiloh to get aggravated. “I will be out in a moment!” This wasn’t a tight voice. Shiloh began to wash her hands before the knocks continued. You’ve got to be kidding me. Her thoughts growled in her head.

“What?” She snarled, opening the door only to meet the watery eyes of Lily, a worker she barely spoke to and for a good reason- the girl was a damn baby who didn’t want to any job that was given to her; Shiloh often wondered if Lily was only hired because she was incredibly cute.
“T-There’s a guy seated at your area’s tables…” She sniffled, obviously intimidated to tears.
“So?” Shiloh said, in a now calming voice to try and not scare Lily even more; even Shiloh was sometimes weak against cute girls like her.
“He’s scary.” She closed her eyes as if to emphasize how frighten she was. Shiloh rolled her eyes and walked past her, drying her semi-damp hands on her shirt.
“Alright, it is my table. Just tend to your tables. I’m done with whatever I was doing in there anyways.” Shiloh grabbed the menus and her belt that held straws, her notepad and pens, tying around her waist. Of course she could feel Lily’s eyes on her which only caused Shiloh to turn around and stare at her. “What?” She said bluntly.

“He just asked for food and he wanted it now.” Alright, it wasn’t the fact that as she was saying this, Lily swayed her tiny body in circles, but more of the fact that a man could waltz his arrogant ass in and demand food like a king. All of this made Shiloh scuff, but none the less, she put on her waitress smile and walked into the kitchen.
“I need a plate of your cheapest food, Bernard.” With that, Shiloh was handed a bowl of tomato soup with crackers and a grilled cheese- all costing around twelve bucks, including the drink. Shiloh piled the food on the tray and headed her way out onto the patio.

There she was met with a man who looked rugged- someone who could easily intimidate anyone with a look; next to him was a girl who reminded Shiloh a lot of Lily right then and there- cute but childish and crying, lots of crying. Shiloh had gotten a horrible vibe and instantly knew that she just wanted him out of here- tip or not.
“I apologize about the confusion,” She said, setting down the food and avoiding his eyes. “The waitress earlier wasn’t use to serving out in the patio. She told me you where in urgent need of food so we fixed you up with the cheapest thing on the menu. I hope you don’t mind.” Shiloh’s voice was even and firm, as if she was flinging all of his intimidation back at him in an oddly polite way.

She rose and smiled, holding the now empty tray in her hands. “Is there anything else you’d like?” Shiloh’s golden eyes directly went towards the woman.
You know, water, some dessert… a phone call to the police- free of charge of course. Her thoughts where loud and seemed to be the only thing that came from her mind. Shiloh tried her best to focus these thoughts in her eyes and tried to silently tell the girl that yes, they do phone calls to the police here and yes, they will not ask questions as it is none of their business.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Guinevere O'Callaghan Character Portrait: William Cassidy Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia Character Portrait: Samuel Peterson Character Portrait: Isaac Redfield
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#, as written by Ditta24
William just stood and watched as the two mysterious figures shuffled off into the crowd. he lessened his grip on the shadow in his hand and felt it quietly disperse into nothing as a hand was placed on his shoulder, reflexively he shrugged the hand off and looked at the man.

"Whats going on? Did you see who did this?" The IT worker asked.

"I don't know, and I don't care." he he said unemotionally.

He shot a glance at the self proclaimed nurse attempting to help the dead girl before silently turning and walking back into the gallery.

Upon entering he noticed the artist... Gwenny, and had something that he needed to get off his chest.

"What did you do too me." He asked bluntly. truthfully not caring about the fact that she still had tears forming in her eyes.

"Tears... nobody cares about tears... Mother never cared about tears.... Father never cared about tears." The thoughts began to speak again.

"Your annoying." William shut down the thoughts again. appearing physically irked at the them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia Character Portrait: Shiloh Lee
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Melodyn trembled as her stomach growled loud enough for normal ears to hear. "Th-thank you." she said and began eating the food, trying to take her time with it so she didn't get an upset stomach. "I-i'm very weak and I haven't ate anything since 6 this morning, and sorry for my tears. I- I just lost my dog, can't find her anywhere." she added, seeing the meaning in the girls golden eyes. She didn't want to get her involved, she had seen enough death for one day.

The fur had finally dissipated and she pulled down her hood. "Can you apologize to your other waitress for me? My boyfriend just gets really worried about me as I was really sick a few months back. He can be a little gruff about it." She said, she felt sorry for the poor girl she saw crying inside. It wasn't her fault they were her. She hadn't ate that day and it made her weak.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia Character Portrait: Shiloh Lee
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Everette was glad when the food came, of course not caring for its zeal, and he waited for Melodyn to bein her meal, shooting glances at the snarky and rather sarcastic waitress. Everette finally turned to examine her, carefully judging her body language, deciding if she was a threat or not, and decided she was definitely no threat to him physically. Knowing that he could tear her limb from limb even more savagely and easily than the girl in the ally, he should have looked the girl over, but something kept his eyes on her, in an obviously pensive stare at her. Was it her beauty? No, she was not his type and he has had enough from woman tonight, from being smashed by one to being brainwashed, so something kept his suspicion about the girl. It was no doubt the intuition he knew well, his instinct, and he knew, he knew something was wrong about the waitress.

He heard the Melodyn lie, and a good lie too, in an attempt to send the waiter back, but Everette pulled out his phone, a new slight crack that was doubtlessly from the slab of concrete, and pulled up the suspected Variant database.

"Sorry miss, I never caught your name to think you. What was it again?" His voice was coarse and a fool's attempt at kind, and he slightly placed his hand on Melodyn's shoulder as to comfort her, although he did not know why, just in case her name matched. He knew it would.

His instinct never failed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia Character Portrait: Shiloh Lee
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Everette was glad when the food came, of course not caring for its zeal, and he waited for Melodyn to bein her meal, shooting glances at the snarky and rather sarcastic waitress. Everette finally turned to examine her, carefully judging her body language, deciding if she was a threat or not, and decided she was definitely no threat to him physically. Knowing that he could tear her limb from limb even more savagely and easily than the girl in the ally, he should have looked the girl over, but something kept his eyes on her, in an obviously pensive stare at her. Was it her beauty? No, she was not his type and he has had enough from woman tonight, from being smashed by one to being brainwashed, so something kept his suspicion about the girl. It was no doubt the intuition he knew well, his instinct, and he knew, he knew something was wrong about the waitress.

He heard the Melodyn lie, and a good lie too, in an attempt to send the waiter back, but Everette pulled out his phone, a new slight crack that was doubtlessly from the slab of concrete, and pulled up the suspected Variant database.

"Sorry miss, I never caught your name to thank you. What was it again?" His voice was coarse and a fool's attempt at kind, and he slightly placed his hand on Melodyn's shoulder as to comfort her, although he did not know why, just in case her name matched. He knew it would.

His instinct never failed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Everette Thorne Character Portrait: Melodyn Fresia Character Portrait: Shiloh Lee
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0.00 INK

Shiloh looked over the girl rather suspiciously and while the girl was quite timid, she seemed to refuse the fact that they could help her- that is, if she needed it.
"Th-thank you. I-i'm very weak and I haven't ate anything since 6 this morning, and sorry for my tears. I- I just lost my dog, can't find her anywhere." Shiloh didn’t believe it but it was now out of her control and frankly her concern. She didn’t want to get involved and to be completely honest the guy freaked her out; hell, if Shiloh had a boyfriend like him she couldn’t get rid of, she’d probably cry too. "Can you apologize to your other waitress for me? My boyfriend just gets really worried about me as I was really sick a few months back. He can be a little gruff about it."

Shiloh smiled and nodded, about to return back into the kitchen before the man grabbed her attention. "Sorry miss, I never caught your name to think you. What was it again?" Shiloh looked at him, her light honey eyes staring at him with suspicion.

“Carrie Uptill.” She smiled, laying out her prefect lie in front him. Shiloh had years to perfect her lying and this man was no exception; while it was only occasionally, Shiloh did lie about her name to customers that made her feel uncomfortable. “It was rude of me not to introduce myself beforehand,” She lowered her head apologetically, secretly praising Bernard for not including name tags on the uniform. “I will be waitress tonight so if you’d like anything else, just give me a call.”

It would easy to cover up the name-change thing; all she had to do was set a mild hallucination on those near her to make them believe her name really was Carrie Uptill- although she disliked the fact that it sometimes resorted to this, it was pretty useful. Shiloh of course, wouldn’t use her special ability until she absolutely needed too and this was not the time; not to mention that customers rarely spoke up about their waitresses changing names according to tables so she doubted she had anything to worry about.