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Eve Loraine

"_EvE_ was my first account. Kinda wish I could still use it."

0 · 472 views · located in Earth

a character in “The Ward Unit”, as played by TheShadow





Name: Eve Loraine

Nicknames: Everyone merely calls her Eve, unless you meet her online under one of her many accounts

Specialty: Hacking

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birth Date: May 17th

Origin: New York, NY

Hex code: DAA520 (goldenrod)

Faceclaim: Emma Watson

β€œI don't look like someone who can remove your entire existence, do I?”


Physical Appearance: Eve is likely one of the smallest people on the team, as her line of work doesn't require much physically. She likes to keep her hair longer to cover her face when she wants it to, but has been seen on rare occasions with it pulled up into a ponytail.

Attire: Eve prefers comfort over style, and frequently wears loose, baggy clothing.

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 117 lbs

Accessories: Eve always keeps a necklace on her person, either worn or in her pocket.

Tattoos, piercings, scars, etc: Eve doesn't have any tattoos, though she has considered it.

β€œNew deal, tell me what I want to know and I won't remove all of your funds from all of your accounts.”

Personality: Eve is a loner, preferring her own company to others'. But she is highly intelligent, especially when it comes to computers. She's very quiet, even under stress, but she's also very observant, and pays attention to the people around her, learning about them. She knows she can have any information she needs or wants at any point, and she shows a very controlled sense of being because of this.

Likes: Quiet rooms, computers, games, people who listen more than they talk, music

Dislikes: Excessive noises, people who think they know better

Computers: Building, working on, and hacking them. If it has circuitry, Eve can make it purr.
Connections: Eve's extensive contact list over the ExtraNet allows her to do or gain almost anything, almost anywhere.
Attentive: Eve watches, and listens to almost everything, catching on to things most would overlook.
Photographic Memory: Eve's mind retains every piece of information it's ever absorbed, and Eve has access to all of it.

Physicality: Eve is incapable of performing most physically-requiring tasks due to her small stature and lack of desire to change it.
Loner: Eve typically isn't a fan of other people. They provide too many variables, too many possible outcomes.

Specialty Description: Eve is a computer genius, capable of hacking into anything from a child's automated toy to highly classified (and highly secured) government files. She has amassed a large network of contacts, from ordinary people, to lawmakers who owe her a favor, to DarkNet contacts with black market connections and intel. Over her life, she's also handled very large sums of money, and keeps several accounts for her own use.

Habits: Eve cracks her knuckles whenever she begins a "project".

"Don't ask. Trust me, you don't wanna know.”


History: Eve's upbringing was a rough one, an abusive father and a drugged-out mother, it was a wonder she got to keep the computer her parents gave her. She spent most of her childhood on that computer, playing games, trying to distract herself from her life, when she came across a news article about a hacker who had cleaned out the NYCentral Bank. No one knew who he was, who he could be, or how they could trace him. That article told Eve the opposite of what her parents had told her her whole life. She knew that she could change her life with a keyboard. Ever since, she's been doing just that.

She practiced coding on her computer until it was second nature to her, browsed DeepNet files on hacking ideas, properties, and tactics, and learned everything she could. Eve wound up on the world's radar with her first successful hack. A warrant placed out for her parents' arrests, to which she called the police to lead them to her parents' whereabouts. With her parents facing numerous charges, Eve had her house all to herself at the age of 14. It was in the next several years of solitude that Eve honed her capabilities, and became one of the most feared and respected hackers on the planet.

But how did she wind up in the Ward? Long story short, because she wanted to. In one of her jobs, this one cracking into highly classified government files, she came across the file for this "elite spec ops unit", and read through it, along with the files of those currently in the unit. And she decided that they needed a hacker, they needed her. So she placed her name in the database, constructed a history for her "commission" and within the week began her new duties.

After the Ward, Eve's life went back to how it had always been. She was alone, hacking, in control, and with a new respect for the people she lived alongside.

So begins...

Eve Loraine's Story


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Specialty: Hacking || Dialogue: #DAA520

When Eve received the letter, it was her second time reading it.

"Miss Eve, your name has appeared in one secured databank," her AI, ION informed her. "What databank, ION?" she asked while still typing, hacking into something or other, it didn't matter now. "The databank belongs to an aliased username, which you've dete-" ION was interrupted, "-rmined to be a United States government agent. A very prominent one, and one of the few who know and have access to the records involving the Ward," Eve continued as she was looking through the databank. She found the file containing her name, and after a few moments of cutting through red tape, decrypting, and tricking the software, she was faced with the letter that was just sent to all previous members of the Ward, alongside their (updated) profiles.

She was not surprised when she received the letter, nor was she disturbed. She had no connections in the outside world, little property to hinder her, and at any point, she could simply not have existed in her location. Although, she was...torn about being brought out of retirement. While it was true that she enjoyed her work in the unit, the government never truly learned the full extent of her reach, or exactly who she was. Needless to say, various government agencies don't appreciate having partial information, but she imagined they would not like what they found should they discover the truth.

Regardless, she decided that hiding her tracks over the Net was easier than remaining a ghost in reality. And so, with a few key presses, she had never lived in her current apartment, which has been under maintenance for the past few months, and she had purchased a plane ticket to New York one week prior for a flight tonight.

At least, that's what the records showed.
