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Gezel Ann Grimm

"One does not choose their life, only live it."

0 · 517 views · located in Aramnia

a character in “There's No Way Out”, as played by Avaria Moonwhisper


Gezel Ann Grimm



Full Name:Gezel Ann Grimm

Nicknames (Username): none

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Global Location:Alaska, Anchorage


Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Relationship Status: single

Likes: Reading games hiking

Dislikes: clutter and dirty air

Personality: Gezel is kind, hyper, and a person who carries the weight of the world on her shoulders though she shouldn't. When she cries she hides it, when she is angry the whole world knows.



Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 5'6

Weight: 148 lbs

Typical Clothing Style: she typically wears a hoodie and a pair of jeans. Her shoes she wears combat boots.

Distinct Markings:Gezel has a purple dragon tattoo on her left shoulder.


Champion Name: Analia

Hair Color:Red

Eye Color:Gold


Clothing:She wears armor given to her by her parents before she set out on her own. The armor consists of a chestplate and chainmail so closely knit that it looks like simple cloth until you get up close. Other than her armor he wears a fur lined cloak with yellow sleeves.

Class:Fighter (melee)

Choice of Weapon:Se carries the family broad sword named Killrune. Passed down from generation to generation. She also carries a dagger should she ever be caught unaware or be disarmed.


History: Analia is a warrior through and through. She grew up in a family of 5 being the youngest sibling and only daughter she was very protected as well as semi bullied by her brothers so she learned to defend herself. At the age of 10 she convinced her father to train her in the way of the sword as none of her brothers had taken an interest and all had land that could go ti them. She trained day and night until she flowed fluently and became better than him. So he got her a tutor who trained her to be better. Reaching her 18th birthday she set out on her own her father gifting her the family sword. Tears were shed and her mother tried to convince her to stay but nothing could change her mind. She wanted to explore, fall in love, go on adventures and such. Her oldest brother gifted her with his steed, a beautiful black horse with a white star on his forehead. And so she headed out into the world.


So begins...

Gezel Ann Grimm's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm Character Portrait: Tyrin
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8:32 p.m, Kuo Suites, New York City, U.S.

Marina laid her head on her desk, yawning. She had just finished another long meeting - her father had given her another presentation to create, forgetting how much she dreaded them, or remembering and deciding to keep her from going to her school again. "I'll start it soon… I promise. Can I just go?" She wasn't sure if she even wanted to go to school at that moment, she had been in at least three meetings throughout the morning and she was tired of it.

She just wanted something else to do with her days. She wanted more than all of these meetings, endlessly lining up in her schedule. Maybe, when she finally got home, she'd get to working on the dress that she had been wanti-

"Marina, go home and sleep, sweetie. They really put you through the ringer this morning." Her friend Anna put a cup of coffee on her desk, giving her friendly smile and a chocolate muffin before going to wander through the office once more. Marina gratefully grabbed her food and coffee, needing no excuse to stay any longer.

Her father saw her leaving, but even as he yelled at her to stay, she knew he wouldn't fire her. After all, Marina was her father's best worker, even if she was his daughter. She may not like business, but she had the unfortunate habit of being good at it.

The train ride home was uneventful, and as she took the steps out of the metro station, the night air filled her lungs. She smiled, breathing deep, and decidedly walked towards her apartment door. After work, it was always nice to get home and breathe the night air, and just…relax. It seemed she never had the time to relax anymore.

Opening the door slowly, she found her Eledise sitting just behind the door, barking happily. Marina pushed her way past the puppy and closed the door, leaning down to hug Eledise. She was sitting on a package, and had to be pushed off it so that Marina could read what it said.

"Marina Kathleen LaRousse… Huh. No one uses the full thing anymore." She stared at it, but put it on the counter so that she could give Eledise her dinner, before turning back to the package. "Haven't ordered anything. So what…?"

She tore off the white package, and found her beta disc of Aramnia, complete with a letter from the company which was immediately thrown away. Her computer - always running, even when she left - was in the living room, and she quickly loaded her game, excited that she had been chosen. However many betas she had signed up for, she was never actually chosen.

"Come on, come on…" Marina breezed through the character creation screen, as she always did, quickly picking whatever looked nice and going with it. What came out was Favorin d'Aegis, a celestial being who was taller than she could ever hope to be, happily standing in the battle arena with her golden staff. She watched quietly as Favorin moved around the screen, randomly practicing spells and smiling the whole time.

Marina looked down at Eledise, and gave her dog a loving pet. She knew that she would be too absorbed in this game for the next few hours at least, and the poor dog never got much attention anyways, when she wasn't home. Her boyfriend never gave outside of what was necessary to anyone. Her eyes flitted back to the screen, and she pressed 'Enter World' with a happy laugh, before seeing black all around her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm Character Portrait: Tyrin
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"Funny... I remember the Temple being on the left last time." Favorin stretched her arms above her head, yawning. The Arena was busy as usual - all of the new people, including herself, coming through only to find their way into the wilds - and she could see everyone's life path in front of them.

...Since when have I been able to do that? She thought for a while, and finding no logical explanation, decided to wander through the Arena herself. After all, what good was a shop without gold? There was nothing she could do for now, as she had spent all of her gold on a small snack earlier. "Celestial beings sure do get hungry...."

It was a glorious mess. She could see through the Arena's windows - layered in three levels, with windows like doors every three feet - the bright blue sky, waiting for her to reach up and return home. Though Favorin doubted that anyone would be waiting for her if she returned home. Everyone had left; they had let her alone, with her staff, and with a future before her.

Out of all the futures she had ever seen, the one she had never known was her own. No matter who in her clan shared her ability, they would never tell her the future that she held. None of them could have seen them. Whatever had she done, that no one else had, that could prevent her own life from being shown?

She was lost in her thoughts, stumbling around the townspeople, waiting for a purpose. Nothing had ever seemed right to her; she had always been waiting for someone to show her the path. And now, she had no one.

"I need something to get around faster." She would not be able to find anything, she knew, but couldn't a poor girl hope?

Favorin looked up just in time to stop herself from running into another woman. She stopped, staring at her hair, trying to puzzle what she was about. Her hair reminded her of a phoenix - long and running, with a fire-colored tint to it, Favorin felt a small envy come from the shade.

She looked closer, trying to see what she could not see. The halo around other people's heads - the one that showed their future, their past, their present - was gone. Missing, just as mine...

"Why are you here?" she whispered, leaning on her staff to get a closer look at Analia.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm Character Portrait: Tyrin
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Favorin didn't quite realize how rude she had sounded until Analia responded. She blushed, backing up slightly, though there was nothing to do - she had to finish the conversation she now started. Of course, if she did something rude enough, would the other walk away? She wouldn't know. Unless she tried. But should she try?...

"I... That's not what I meant. Forgive me. My manners have failed me, spending much time in solitude." She stared at Analia's hand, and once she determined what she was supposed to do, slowly shook the other woman's hand. What a curious custom.

"Perhaps we have set off on the wrong edge, my friend. I am Favorin d'Aegis, formerly of the Stars, but I find myself with mortals today." She pondered for a second, trying to look for something else to say. "You are setting on a journey, you say? What destination do you have in mind?"

If she was lucky, maybe she would find someone else who was destined to be in the Battle for the West. The concept seemed nice to her - after such a long time that she had wandered alone, if she could truly find someone else who would fight with her, and for her.... Someone who would walk besides her, laugh with her...

Someone she could trust.

Someone I could call a friend.

She shook her head softly. She wouldn't get her hopes up. She quietly reminded herself that her future was a mystery, and for all she knew, she could die by a wild goat stabbing the next morning.

But, just maybe...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm
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"Maybe you could join me? It might be fun even. You can pick where we go, I don't mind."

If she had a heart, it would have stopped at that moment. Truly? A mortal had requested the company of a celestial? She could think of nothing that would convince her, had she been Analia, to ask for her company. However, she was not going to say no, for she needed the company if she was to ever survive the battle.

She lifted her staff, and whispered an old phrase of her clan. It was meant to say something like "My wish is now yours," and was said when there was a promise which they were to make. Out of her staff, there was a silent shower of stars, falling through the air like glittering snow. She smiled, and looked back to Analia.

"I am going to fight in the final battle. The Battle for the West." She rested her staff against the ground, using it to help her walk for a few steps. "It has been long ago fore-told that we must win this Battle in order to maintain the realm in which we now live. We must win, or else we will loose all that we hold dear to us, and the realm will be fallen to shadow, if any of us remain standing."

Favorin took another few steps, turning around to face Analia. "If it is truly your desire to follow me, I will not say that you cannot. Know, however, that the road we will take will be long - and I fear there is no turning back, for it will be dangerous. And, of course, if you should so choose to follow me, we will need others to follow us as well."

She smiled softly, her eyes glimmering with the promise of adventure that she had always wanted. "Will you follow me, Analia, and find the adventure you have so longed for?" She held her hand out, smiling warmly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm Character Portrait: Tyrin
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It was slipping from him, whatever it was he knew it was important. The more he concentrated trying to recall it though the further it got away from. All he knew for certain was the feeling of everything being simply wrong. Tyrin's face visibly seemed to strain from the effort, but eventually the feeling had nearly dissipated completely to the point where Tyrin now wondered why he was standing in one spot for no apparent reason.

Wait, where was he standing anyway?

Tyrin looked around, seeing simple folk going about their business around a massive elliptical structure- the Arena- he remembered. That's right, he'd heard that this place boasted a great market of items such as spell tomes. No, that's not... he pondered. Why did that feel more like a justification than a reason? Like he was remembering something wrong. Yet again however this feeling subsided as he began to browse the area, though trying to be discreet of course. After all Daeflings weren't exactly welcome in most places.

After a while Tyrin found himself disappointed by the selection of wares most of the vendors had, nothing of interest to him. He did however two individuals that seemed to stand out from the crowd. One was a fiery haired woman that seemed particularly well armed for a simple patron, more likely she was an arena participant. The other with her though, seemed to hold herself much differently, like she was in alien surroundings yet had an odd eagerness about her.

They seemed to be holding a conversation, though Tyrin couldn't make out what was said. It was just as well he supposed, not really his business anyway . Rather deliberately he walked around them, as although he couldn't be sure, they seemed like adventuring types. And adventuring types were often curious of mysterious figures that took a full moment observing them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm
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"It's cold..."

"I may be resistance to the snow, But that doesn't make me unable to feel it" Arcedies studied his surroundings. He seemed to have forgotten something he shouldn't have. Arcedies looked to his right, faced with the katana lying beside him, He then looked up at the sky, Poorly covered with a blanket of white, The moon was barely visible. Arcedies reluctantly got up, "If I am going to meet new people, I might as well get rid of old habits". "Niveus!" called Arcedies as a blur of black knocked him back into the snow, he faced the hyperactive wolf and said "Time for breakfast!"

Chunk! "Bulls-eye!" yelled Arcedies as the deer was brought to the ground in one swift motion. Arcedies snapped his fingers and the beautiful silver longbow faded into particles, "I caught a big one!" pridefully exclaimed Arcedies as he triumphantly strolled over to his prize, picked it up and headed to his campsite. After cooking and cleaning the specimen, The meal was devoured in minutes by the help of The white haired man and Niveus. Arcedies, licking his fingers after the meal, Got up and threw the leftovers to his wolf, swung his pack over his back and headed down the mountain.

Arcedies watched in awe as sights he never seen before came into view, Bridges, Grass and people stunned The white haired man, Finally reaching the big city. Arcedies then climbed onto a nearby building, Niveus following closely behind, Arcedies was awe-struck at seeing all these exciting things, However a small group of people caught his eye, "Two knights...and a type of person I have never seen before, Wow the city does bring interesting people". His eyes drifted away to a large Colosseum. Curious, Arcedies jumped down from his hiding place, landing with a loud thud and pointed to the rocky structure, People that were walking back and forth glanced at him as he exclaimed
"I have found my destination, Large rock thing, Here I come!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm
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Liotche examined the items the merchant had displayed with a frown. He had finally reached the arena, and since this was his first time there Liotche had decided to check out the vendors before entering for training. He was curious to see what they were like, and he wondered if they were like the shops in his village. So far, it seemed like they were, but there were less wares to choose from, which was understandable. On the other hand, Liotche could find items which he was pretty sure he couldn't find in shops.

Such as this necklace, for instance. Liotche stared down at it, frowning even harder. It was a pendant in the shape of a spiral which seemed to be made out of sparkling dark blue rock, smooth and cool to the touch. It was attached to a large steel chain, and it was really pretty. Liotche was pretty sure that if he had found one at a shop in his village, he would've seen if he could've afford it and bought it to give to his brother as a birthday present, his bro always liked shiny things like this.

Wait. He didn't have a brother, he was an only child. If he did have one, Liotche wouldn't be here trying to improve his skills - he would've been back in the village staying with the guy. Dismissing that train of thought, Liotche straightened up and turned away, wandering away from the vendor into the crowd. He had no reason to buy a necklace, and it didn't suit his tastes anyway.

Liotche had onto taken a few steps away from the stall when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around, curious to see who it was. Maybe it's someone I know?

Nope, it was only two girls, one with a broadsword and the other with a staff. Liotche had never seen them in his life. Maybe they wanted to ask for directions to the arena? Well, he couldn't help them there, he was new to the place as well. When the girl with the broadsword smiled and asked whether they could have a word with him, Liotche blinked in surprise. "Um, sure." He said, wondering what they wanted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm Character Portrait: Tyrin
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"Come on, I think I found another we can recruit to your cause Favorin. Who better to help than someone who looks like a knight!"

Favorin let herself be dragged along, and as she followed Analia, she couldn't help but giggle. Such a care-free place to be; and to have friends, it was such a joyous place to be. It reminded her of a life that she used to have; one that she never truly had the chance to do what she wanted to do, and now she had the chance to do what she wanted to do.

Haven't I always been able to? I left the Heavens on my own whim... When have I ever not been able to? She shook her head softly, and continued to run after Analia with a smile on her face. When at last they met the knight, she couldn't help but giggle as his history flashed before her. She saw the small child running alongside his grandmother, and she bowed deeply to him, rising slowly.

"Um, sure."

"We have A quest that we are both destined to go on, one that I fear is crucial to this realm. For if we fail, the realm will surely fall." She looked to Analia for a moment, and back to Liotche. This was the reason that her clan never sent her on negotiations. "I look at you, and I see that you, as well as us, have no destiny set."

"We cannot do this quest alone. While I first thought I would be alone in the Battle, there are many in this arena, that would join us in our quest. I extend the peace to you, dear knight - our quest is to travel to the Battle of the West. This will set the destiny of the realm. While there will be many tribes who may join us in the fight, champions are required to do what they cannot."
She smiled at him, her head raising slowly with an old pride. "I can see that you, too, are also longing for an adventure. After all, who of us in this arena are not? And thus, I ask you, friend, will you join us in this Battle? I cannot promise you will walk away from it. I can, however, promise you that it will be an adventure worthy of the stars."

She did not mention that she had no wish for adventures anymore; a small part of her was longing for the home that she did not know of. One in which she led a different life...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm
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Liotche raised a sceptical eyebrow at the girl with the staff when she talked about a... Complete-Destruction-Of-The-World quest, but listened to her without a word and considered it seriously. His face gained a serious frown as thoughts about what she said ran quickly through his head, and he stood there, silent in thought.

What he was thinking was: Why me? I come here to train and then set out to get better at using swords and then some chick approaches me to recruit me for a quest to save the world. And what does she mean, 'I have no set destiny'? She can see destinies? What the hell? Maybe she's a scammer or something, Mrs Johnson always told me that the city has lots of conmen out for your money or worse. The whole "fight with me to save the world from evil" thing sounds fishy, but Staff Girl seems genuine...

And then he thought: ok, let's say it's true. That means that something evil is coming and that it's really powerful and that she wants me to join up with her to defeat it, since there're restrictions on the tribes or something so they can't do it. I'm just a guy with a sword as old as the times trying to get better at using it, so there's a higher possibility that I'll die if I do this, joy of joys. However, if I don't do it there's a higher chance that the world as I know it is gonna change for the worse. Hmm. Tough decision.

Well, she was asking for his help and if there was evil coming to destroy the place, his village would be affected too, which Liotche wouldn't stand for. And he was planning to travel (not searching for an adventure) to improve his swordsmanship anyway, so it would probably help him if he travelled in a group. And she did say that it would be exciting, which meant that there was a higher chance of increasing his skills...

Coming to a decision, Liotche looked up at the two girls with a sigh. "You really need to work on your sales pitch, but I'm in. You'll probably need more people, though. You want to try that guy next?" He asked, pointing at a person dressed in a robe. (Basically, Tyrin).


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm Character Portrait: Tyrin
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"You really need to work on your sales pitch, but I'm in." She blushed softly, knowing he was right. Again, the precise reason her clan never sent her on reconnaissance missions... "You'll probably need more people, though. You want to try that guy next?"

Her eyes had just found Tyrin, but Analia was faster. "It couldn't hurt." Favorin let herself be pulled along, not wanting to cause any problems, though she felt that Analia was much too energetic for her to handle. Perhaps when they were fighting down a river, against a horde of orcs, her enthusiasm would be appreciated... but she would rather find one of her elders sitting atop a pillar of reason at that point.

Beyond that, she watched Tyrin carefully, trying to see what he was watching. As far as she could tell, he had been watching them first, but she could make no such judgement yet. "Perhaps you may be of interest to this quest. For I can see that you have already taken a budding curiosity in us." If she had any chance at all, she would leave the talking to Analia.

The morning had already scared her well enough. She had found two people to join her quest in what seemed to be just short of a few minutes, and while they may all be there to search for an adventure, she had highly doubted the chance that so many people randomly join them. Then again, many things had been confusing her of late...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm Character Portrait: Tyrin
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Damn, Tyrin mentally cursed. He had been right of course they definitely had to be adventuring types, no other kind of person who looked like they do would bother. The man wasn't looking forward to turning around, for as soon as he did they would give him the “look” once they had an unobstructed view of his face. It didn't matter if it was a farmer, a priest, or a small child, the reaction was almost always the same. Tyrin just had that effect on people.

He turned, and the gaze of man with clearly inhuman eyes fell on his inquirer. His expression was that of expectancy. “Very well, what is it that you want?” he asked. He half expected them to “pardon” themselves before quickly finding something that was infinitely more intriguing that holding a conversation with a demon man. “And before you ask, no, I don't eat babies. That would be disgusting.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm Character Portrait: Tyrin
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She watched carefully as Tyrin turned around. Something about him told her that he was not interested in speaking with them, though she would hold her ground against him, knowing that while he may not join th-

Wait. He's...kind of like me.

"Forgive me, friend, I had not meant to offend you." Almost immediately after he had turned around, she dropped into a bow, her knees just about gracing the ground. She arose slowly, listening to him. "And before you ask, no, I don't eat babies. That would be disgusting."

Favorin hid a disgusted look herself, frowning. "That would be beyond disgusting. An inexcusable act for those of us who breathe and claim to stand for good." She blinked softly, watching him. His history made her suck in a sharp breath, the soft heart that her clan had claimed to have suddenly wounded.

"You have no reason to trust me... I see that you hold hatred. The stars have blessed you with the strength to carry through this. You will no doubt be of great help in our quest." She was whispering softly, barley aware that she was speaking. Her voice trailed off into a soft mumble as she lowered her eyes, speaking of the magics she had learned, while forgetting that she was to be working on recruiting.


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Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm Character Portrait: Tyrin
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(OOC: So sorry this is late! I had a really busy week-end with band. :c I wasn't really home too much to post this. Sorry again!)

Perhaps I have found more friends than I would have originally asked for. Ancestors bless me, I never would have thought...

Favorin gave a smile to him. She was more than happy that he was considering joining her, as she knew that she would need his help. Such powers would be invaluable to her, and while she did have such herself, she knew that above all she needed someone to be like her. She needed his help more than anyone else's.

"They call me Tyrin Raxius. No doubt you've gathered I'm a mage either wise you wouldn't approach me for a quest. You'll have o forgive my lack of manners, most people I meet offer me very little of that." She bowed her head in accordance, knowing many stories of the mortals who would walk over their own mother's corpse before lending aid to others.

"...Also, if I may be candid, what exactly are you?"

Favorin stiffled a giggle. She had certainly never heard anyone be so forward, let alone one who did not know of the celestial beings. Though, after such a long time in the heavens, is such a concept so bizarre? Certainly not. Humor me, Tyrin...

"My elders have blessed me with the name of Favorin d'Aegis. My race is known by many names; celestials, star-walkers, or simply spirits of another kind." She sighed softly, deciding to explain the quest herself, knowing how horrible that would be. "Forgive me for being indelicate with this, as I fear I was never meant to be the one to speak. I was not granted with such gracefulness.

"Our quest is one of great peril. I cannot say that you will make it alive; for not even I can see that future. It remains hidden to us all, as does the outcome of this Battle - The Battle for the West, the one that will mark all of our lives. For if we fail,"
she paused to gesture around at the Arena, "This will no longer be. The shadows will take this land and if there is a soul alive to see it there will be much peril.

"I cannot say that I know how to lead us. I cannot say that I know where this quest will take us; or when we will fight. All that I know is that we will fight alongside the many tribes who have sworn themselves to this quest, and that we will need all help we can get."
She looked at Tyrin. Truly looked at him - staring into his eyes, she bowed her head softly. "Will you join us? There will be no hatred should you decline; I daresay, I find myself want to return to the stars."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm Character Portrait: Tyrin
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Analia smiled and held out her hand to Tyrin. "Hi, I'm Analia. It's a pleasure to meet you! Even if you don't decide to help us." her golden eyes were warm and friendly as they always were. Her excitement was a contagious thing and she was practically exploding with it.

I'm making frends. Real friends, that I can call my own. she thought to herself, her smile never wavering. This is almost as good as my new camera I'm waiting on. wait, what is a camera? she thought to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm Character Portrait: Tyrin
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Liotche had been standing to the side while they talked; keeping half an ear out for the conversation while he looked around to study their surroundings. He had been wondering whether this place was the same as his village, but he hadn't seen enough to compare them properly. So far, it seemed to be pretty alike, only more items were sold. Maybe he should keep a notebook to record the places or something...

Liotche's face remained absolutely still when he head Favorin was a celestial. Inwardly, he raised an eyebrow in surprise. He hadn't heard of celestials before, only of beings such as elves and orcs and dragonics. That explained the whole 'I can read your destiny!' thing. Yup, definitely finding a notebook and pen now, this was too interesting to forget.

After Analia spoke up, Liotche neutrally introduced himself. "Liotche," he said dryly, a direct contrast of Analia. "It'll be exciting and it's more fun and safer to travel with a group instead of alone." he added, feeling like he should help Favorin out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm Character Portrait: Tyrin
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Why am I still here?..

Arcedies glanced down from the arena, Watching multiple people conversing, Arcedies, Of course, Wanted to fight more then anything, But he had a bad feeling about this Colosseum, He felt that he should probably enter with a group of people that he was well accustomed with.

"That would be fine...If I knew anyone here..." Arcedies grumbled, He would walk on top of the Colosseum walls, Thinking...I should probably start taking action, Instead of just doing nothing, Arcedies then stopped and then lied down, Positioning himself in front of a small crowd of people. "Heh Probably". And drifted off to sleep, With Nivues on one side and his katana on the other.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm Character Portrait: Tyrin
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Liotche scratched his head awkwardly, wondering where he could find something to write on. Maybe the shops would have one...

"Hey, There's something I need to get before we enter the Coliseum, so I'm going off first." He said to the group, jerking his thumb towards the direction of the shops. Turning around, Liotche strolled away from the group, mentally calculating how much he had. It wasn't much, but if the price of items here were the same as his village he could probably get a notebook and pen with cash to spare.

Then again, considering how things were the cost of paper in this area would probably be more than he could afford. Or the only paper they had were pink and covered in fluffy unicorns and looked as though it was designed for five year old girls with an obsession with all thing girly, or there was no pen (which was fine since he could use charcoal sticks) or they had just ran out of stock and needed to wait next month, or -

Ok, this was getting stupidly depressing. He hadn't even reached the store yet, why was he thinking like this? Frowning deeply, Liotche increased his pace in an effort to get the thoughts out of his head - and promptly stepped onto a puddle of soapy water.

This morning, Ken Shiner was tasked by his mother to throw the dirt bucket of soapy water used to clean the house. He was on his way to chuck the contents of the bucket into a drain when someone bumped into Ken, causing him to spill the dirty water onto the ground. His mission of emptying the bucket (she never asked where to empty it) accomplished, Ken shrugged and went home, unaware that he had created a death trap of epic proportions.

It had already claimed six lives this morning. Liotche was the seventh.

With a shout, Liotche skidded across the slippery floor, his arms waving like a windmill. People ducked out of the way as he tried to regain his footing, only to fail as his foot came in contact with the slippery patch on the floor (it was a really large puddle). Loosing his balance even more, Liotche slid forward, his arms frantically trying to find something to hold onto as his face came dangerously close to the ground. Desperately, he tried to regain his footing again and much to his relief, his foot found dry ground. Staggering forward, Liotche mentally cursed the person who made the puddle and tried to move back into an upright position.

Moving a few steps forward in a manner which resembles a drunken man, Liotche stepped on a katana sheath.

With a horrible certainty that nope, he wasn't going to be able to stop himself from falling this time; Liotche fell forward. In a way which almost seemed as though he was moving in slow motion but was actually pretty fast (like how a few seconds can seem to last forever when you see and realise what's going to happen but can't move quick enough to stop it), almost as though time had stopped to let his brain realise what was going to happen, Liotche could see the scene like his soul had gone out of his body and was watching like one of the crowd.

He was falling face forwards towards the ground, directly above a young man with white hair sleeping on the ground beside a wolf and the katana he had tripped over. If the white haired man stayed in the same position, Liotche's stomach area (the place where the abs were) would land on the man's torso. His chin would hit the ground like a brick from the sky and even more importantly, it would hurt. A lot.

Then time sped up, his soul went back into his body and Liotche was falling forwards, his arms spread out in an attempt to stop his fall. 'Oh bugger.' he thought, gritting his teeth and bracing for impact.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm
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"Wait!, let me go with you!" Analia shouted and took off after him. As they went around the different places she looked around in wonder. This really was a wondrous place, but not as beautiful as her home in Alaska...she thought then looked around in confusion. I'm not from some place called Alaska. she thought. Coming back to herself as she followed Liotche she looked up just in time to see him slip on some water. She took off and used the wall running against it and jumping from side to side to avoid the puddles and landed beside him and a white haired man.

Looking down she noticed the white wolf and crouched down. "Well aren't you just beautiful." she said smiling and then stood up again holding out her hand "Hello there friend, I'm Analia! I see you have met my friend Liotche. What brings you here?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm
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One minute, He was staring at the sky, Praying for life to move on faster, Until It would just leave him, And now, He is in front of two unusual people, A blonde man, With a large sword and a hyperactive female who also wields a large sword. Arcedies shook the hand of the strange female, "Are all woman like this?" Thought Arcedies as he brought his hand downwards after the greeting. Arcedies thought a bit and decided to put on a show before he went into the Arena. "You use a sword too?" asked the blonde man. Arcedies slowly unsheathed the blade, Showing a beautiful design printed on the blade, "But this is nothing" Arcedies exclaimed, "Arcedies sheathed the katana quickly, Making sure not to damage the blade, And took 2 steps back. "Argentum!" A snow white bow formed and fell into his hands, A arrow also appeared in his hands after the bow was called, Arcedies then pulled back the string and shot the arrow straight at the Colosseum, The arrow finding it's way onto the door, And piercing the area near the doorknob.

The white haired man then snapped the fingers in his right hand, And the bow melted into particles, A small gust of wind then swooping in, and leaving no trace behind. Arcedies then turned around and said, His hair and cape flowing in the wind,

"I should probably get going, It was fun, But I'm itching for some battle, Join me if you like, But in the Colosseum, Friend or Foe, I'll cut you down to size"

OOC:((Sorry, It took so long, I was finally acknowledged and I haven't said anything for a while, This post is also pretty short...My bad again, I'm also a band kid, And we had a 2 day trip to Victoria, And when I came back, I had a pile of Homework, Waiting to be done, Due tomorrow, So yeah, Sorry again))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm
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Analia smiled at Arcedies again. She unsheathed Killrune and held it up. "This is my baby. Meet Killrune! She's been in my family for generations and is still in great shape. If you ask me, I think she has a little magic in her. Anyway, before you head to the arena, I would like to ask you something." she said and waited for his response.