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There's No Way Out

There's No Way Out


(REVIVAL) Trapped in a new video game, a group of 5 adventurers from all over the world are forced to find their way through the video game, to the end, and to the life they left.

1,861 readers have visited There's No Way Out since CandyOrchird created it.




Greetings, Summoner... What name will you carry to the Battle for the West?

Welcome to the fields of death. Create your champion.

An excellent choice. Godspeed upon the grounds; your death may be more than you think.

A voice is what welcomes you to the fields - one that welcomes you, and allows you to begin your journey towards a final battle. Though not extremely popular, Aramnia has a history of more players than they ever expected to sign up. Pleased with their success, they added a new patch to the original game; one that they said would enhance the game play itself.

In a beta testing, 5 people were chosen to create a group in the game, in order to adventure towards the Final Battle and to see how well they performed within the patch. What they didn't know was that this wasn't the same game - they were, indeed, within the game itself.

Aramnia is an unforgiving territory; once the players leave the beginning stages, they will truly have to fight for their life every step of the way if they are to make their destination, and make it out of the game.

Will they succeed? Or will they be another Summoner lost in the woods, claimed by the grounds of Aramnia itself?

(OOC: Sorry there's not much to it! I'm trying to multi-task with some of my school-work, and I'm trying to focus on everything. So please ask any and all questions!)

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    [u]Choice of Weapon[/u]:


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[*] Caster/Healer - Favorin, summoned by Eledise (CandyOrchird)
[*] Caster/Healer - Tyrin, summoned by SoundWall (CyborgMerlin)
[*] Tank - Elliot Chen, summoned by Elche49 (Allle9009)
[*] Melee Fighter - Analia, summoned (Avaria Moonwhisper)
[*] Ranged Archer - Summoner in queue.


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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm Character Portrait: Tyrin
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0.00 INK

Liotche had been standing to the side while they talked; keeping half an ear out for the conversation while he looked around to study their surroundings. He had been wondering whether this place was the same as his village, but he hadn't seen enough to compare them properly. So far, it seemed to be pretty alike, only more items were sold. Maybe he should keep a notebook to record the places or something...

Liotche's face remained absolutely still when he head Favorin was a celestial. Inwardly, he raised an eyebrow in surprise. He hadn't heard of celestials before, only of beings such as elves and orcs and dragonics. That explained the whole 'I can read your destiny!' thing. Yup, definitely finding a notebook and pen now, this was too interesting to forget.

After Analia spoke up, Liotche neutrally introduced himself. "Liotche," he said dryly, a direct contrast of Analia. "It'll be exciting and it's more fun and safer to travel with a group instead of alone." he added, feeling like he should help Favorin out.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm Character Portrait: Tyrin
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0.00 INK

Why am I still here?..

Arcedies glanced down from the arena, Watching multiple people conversing, Arcedies, Of course, Wanted to fight more then anything, But he had a bad feeling about this Colosseum, He felt that he should probably enter with a group of people that he was well accustomed with.

"That would be fine...If I knew anyone here..." Arcedies grumbled, He would walk on top of the Colosseum walls, Thinking...I should probably start taking action, Instead of just doing nothing, Arcedies then stopped and then lied down, Positioning himself in front of a small crowd of people. "Heh Probably". And drifted off to sleep, With Nivues on one side and his katana on the other.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Favorin Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm Character Portrait: Tyrin
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0.00 INK

Liotche scratched his head awkwardly, wondering where he could find something to write on. Maybe the shops would have one...

"Hey, There's something I need to get before we enter the Coliseum, so I'm going off first." He said to the group, jerking his thumb towards the direction of the shops. Turning around, Liotche strolled away from the group, mentally calculating how much he had. It wasn't much, but if the price of items here were the same as his village he could probably get a notebook and pen with cash to spare.

Then again, considering how things were the cost of paper in this area would probably be more than he could afford. Or the only paper they had were pink and covered in fluffy unicorns and looked as though it was designed for five year old girls with an obsession with all thing girly, or there was no pen (which was fine since he could use charcoal sticks) or they had just ran out of stock and needed to wait next month, or -

Ok, this was getting stupidly depressing. He hadn't even reached the store yet, why was he thinking like this? Frowning deeply, Liotche increased his pace in an effort to get the thoughts out of his head - and promptly stepped onto a puddle of soapy water.

This morning, Ken Shiner was tasked by his mother to throw the dirt bucket of soapy water used to clean the house. He was on his way to chuck the contents of the bucket into a drain when someone bumped into Ken, causing him to spill the dirty water onto the ground. His mission of emptying the bucket (she never asked where to empty it) accomplished, Ken shrugged and went home, unaware that he had created a death trap of epic proportions.

It had already claimed six lives this morning. Liotche was the seventh.

With a shout, Liotche skidded across the slippery floor, his arms waving like a windmill. People ducked out of the way as he tried to regain his footing, only to fail as his foot came in contact with the slippery patch on the floor (it was a really large puddle). Loosing his balance even more, Liotche slid forward, his arms frantically trying to find something to hold onto as his face came dangerously close to the ground. Desperately, he tried to regain his footing again and much to his relief, his foot found dry ground. Staggering forward, Liotche mentally cursed the person who made the puddle and tried to move back into an upright position.

Moving a few steps forward in a manner which resembles a drunken man, Liotche stepped on a katana sheath.

With a horrible certainty that nope, he wasn't going to be able to stop himself from falling this time; Liotche fell forward. In a way which almost seemed as though he was moving in slow motion but was actually pretty fast (like how a few seconds can seem to last forever when you see and realise what's going to happen but can't move quick enough to stop it), almost as though time had stopped to let his brain realise what was going to happen, Liotche could see the scene like his soul had gone out of his body and was watching like one of the crowd.

He was falling face forwards towards the ground, directly above a young man with white hair sleeping on the ground beside a wolf and the katana he had tripped over. If the white haired man stayed in the same position, Liotche's stomach area (the place where the abs were) would land on the man's torso. His chin would hit the ground like a brick from the sky and even more importantly, it would hurt. A lot.

Then time sped up, his soul went back into his body and Liotche was falling forwards, his arms spread out in an attempt to stop his fall. 'Oh bugger.' he thought, gritting his teeth and bracing for impact.


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[Oops, Might have hit submit too much times, I'm dumb >_<]


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus
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0.00 INK

"What a rude awakening..."

Arcedies looked over at the man who has fallen on him, "You know...If you did that without the armor...That would have been better..for both of us" Arcedies said. Arcedies then slowly got up, clenching his chest "Oww..." Arcedies then observed the man's attire. A warrior, huh? he thought, He also has a interesting weapon. Well, If i'm going to make acquaintances, I might as well start now.

Nivues deeply growled at the stranger, Slowly walking towards the man on the floor, "Easy boy..."Arcedies soothed, As he pulled back the ferocious wolf, "He really is a friendly dog, I promise" Arcedies said as he smiled to the man, Arcedies then picked up his katana, and held out his hand to the unknown figure,

"The name is Arcedies, I would say Nice to meet you, But falling on someone is not the best idea for a first impression"


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[Notice me senpai] (>O_O)> FOOD<(O_O<)]


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus
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0.00 INK

(Gives a chicken sandwich)

Liotche landed on the white haired man with a loud thud, his arms covering his face to keep it from landing on the ground. Although his armor had decreased the impact, it still hurt and knocked the breath out of him, causing him to lie unmoving on top of the white haired man. The now awake white haired man wheezed out from underneath him "You know... If you did that without the armor...That would have been better..for both of us."

The only answer Liotche could get out was a small, winded "Nnngh." It sounded somewhat like an agreement.

He continue to lie face down on the ground as the white haired man slowly got up, catching his breath and doing a mental checkup on his body to see what damage it had sustained. Vital systems good, weapon and back unharmed, torso hurt like it had been hit with a hammer, chin was ok (thank goodness - the blow would've caused a huge bruise) arms were in pain too, but overall there was no lasting damage and geez could whoever was making that noise shut up -

Liotche looked up with a scowl and went very, very still. 'Great,' he thought sourly, staring at the angry growling white beast before him. Detachedly, he remembered seeing a white furry blur beside the guy as he fell; maybe it was his pet. Looked like Mrs Jerphri was right after all; the world was a dangerous place. Just his luck to trip over someone who owned a pet wolf-dog and wow it's teeth were really white and sharp...

Then the white haired man he had fallen on pulled it back and Liotche suddenly realized that he had been staring at its teeth. He teared his gaze away as the white haired man reassured him that his pet was actually pretty friendly. 'yeah right,' Liotche thought sarcastically, getting back onto his feet. 'As friendly as a cat is to mice, maybe.' Although now that it wasn't growling at him it actually looked pretty cute...

Nonono, what was he thinking, it had wanted to kill him just now. Turning to face the white hair - I mean, Arcedies, Liotche shoved any thoughts of cuteness out of his head and took his hand.

"My name's Liotche." He answered, giving Arcedies hand a brief shake. "I don't consider falling on someone as a greeting either, but some idiot left a soapy puddle on the ground and well..." Liotche trailed off darkly as he remembered what happened. How embarrassing; luckily his new team hadn't seen it. He would have to pay more attention to his surroundings next time.

"Anyway, sorry about that." He continued apologetically, wondering if anything had been damaged in the fall. Hopefully not, Liotche wasn't sure if he could afford to repair anything expensive. "You use a sword too?" He asked curiously, noticing the katana Arcedies was holding.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm
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0.00 INK

"Wait!, let me go with you!" Analia shouted and took off after him. As they went around the different places she looked around in wonder. This really was a wondrous place, but not as beautiful as her home in Alaska...she thought then looked around in confusion. I'm not from some place called Alaska. she thought. Coming back to herself as she followed Liotche she looked up just in time to see him slip on some water. She took off and used the wall running against it and jumping from side to side to avoid the puddles and landed beside him and a white haired man.

Looking down she noticed the white wolf and crouched down. "Well aren't you just beautiful." she said smiling and then stood up again holding out her hand "Hello there friend, I'm Analia! I see you have met my friend Liotche. What brings you here?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm
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0.00 INK


One minute, He was staring at the sky, Praying for life to move on faster, Until It would just leave him, And now, He is in front of two unusual people, A blonde man, With a large sword and a hyperactive female who also wields a large sword. Arcedies shook the hand of the strange female, "Are all woman like this?" Thought Arcedies as he brought his hand downwards after the greeting. Arcedies thought a bit and decided to put on a show before he went into the Arena. "You use a sword too?" asked the blonde man. Arcedies slowly unsheathed the blade, Showing a beautiful design printed on the blade, "But this is nothing" Arcedies exclaimed, "Arcedies sheathed the katana quickly, Making sure not to damage the blade, And took 2 steps back. "Argentum!" A snow white bow formed and fell into his hands, A arrow also appeared in his hands after the bow was called, Arcedies then pulled back the string and shot the arrow straight at the Colosseum, The arrow finding it's way onto the door, And piercing the area near the doorknob.

The white haired man then snapped the fingers in his right hand, And the bow melted into particles, A small gust of wind then swooping in, and leaving no trace behind. Arcedies then turned around and said, His hair and cape flowing in the wind,

"I should probably get going, It was fun, But I'm itching for some battle, Join me if you like, But in the Colosseum, Friend or Foe, I'll cut you down to size"

OOC:((Sorry, It took so long, I was finally acknowledged and I haven't said anything for a while, This post is also pretty short...My bad again, I'm also a band kid, And we had a 2 day trip to Victoria, And when I came back, I had a pile of Homework, Waiting to be done, Due tomorrow, So yeah, Sorry again))


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm
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0.00 INK

Analia smiled at Arcedies again. She unsheathed Killrune and held it up. "This is my baby. Meet Killrune! She's been in my family for generations and is still in great shape. If you ask me, I think she has a little magic in her. Anyway, before you head to the arena, I would like to ask you something." she said and waited for his response.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen Character Portrait: Maxwell Arcus Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm
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"Shoot" Arcedies said impatiently waiting for the question

(Shortest post of my career)

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Character Portrait: Tyrin
19 sightings Tyrin played by CyborgMerlin
"Really? No kidding."

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Favorin
Character Portrait: Elliot Chen
Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm


Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm
Gezel Ann Grimm

"One does not choose their life, only live it."

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen
Elliot Chen

"Good grief, what now?"

Character Portrait: Favorin

"Tell me, friend - do you want to die today?"


Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm
Gezel Ann Grimm

"One does not choose their life, only live it."

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen
Elliot Chen

"Good grief, what now?"

Character Portrait: Favorin

"Tell me, friend - do you want to die today?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Elliot Chen
Elliot Chen

"Good grief, what now?"

Character Portrait: Gezel Ann Grimm
Gezel Ann Grimm

"One does not choose their life, only live it."

Character Portrait: Favorin

"Tell me, friend - do you want to die today?"

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